Podcasts by SRS Speaks

SRS Speaks

Everything I’ve been through or have felt around me in the form of a podcast for people going through the same or just want to hear another experience or story!

Further podcasts by Srishti R. Shukla

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

SRS Speaks
Another year flew. from 2022-12-30T16:59:08

Another year flew and I'm still here.

SRS Speaks
Not a wrap yet xD from 2022-10-12T10:00:39

If you know me personally you know how bad my college life has been. Specially 2nd & 3rd year.

There were days I'd dread to go college only because my department teachers ...

SRS Speaks
And it's a wrap. from 2022-03-30T15:44:53

I started the podcast sharing my college experience and here I am ending the college experience/rants. 

Until next time!

SRS Speaks
Cancer Sucks from 2021-11-10T16:40:52

Do not joke about it. Pray, Donate and get your checkups done regularly.

SRS Speaks
From KT to Engineer - I did it! from 2021-11-10T16:34:16

I started sharing my thoughts after I managed to clear my ATKTs and now when I look back I realize I've come a long way. Thank You God!

SRS Speaks
Are we in the endgame? from 2021-05-03T19:02:08

The month of April has been horrible. Hope the months ahead aren't this bad.

SRS Speaks
Am I really the outgoing kid? from 2021-05-03T19:01:07

I wasn't an extrovert kid, over the years I had to build myself. 

SRS Speaks
Your body is not a canvas. from 2021-03-02T17:50:22

Why does one self harm? Everyone has their own reasons and I had mine too. 

SRS Speaks
What Mumbai taught me. from 2021-03-01T11:21:13

I will soon be completing 6 years in Mumbai and I decided to share 6 things that I learnt over my time here.

SRS Speaks
Sometimes you can't Help. from 2021-02-18T17:22:53

Hear how a rainy day taught me a lesson I should've learned a while back.

SRS Speaks
Who is a true friend? from 2021-02-18T17:22:04

Me realizing who a true friend is.

SRS Speaks
Being good comes with a price. from 2021-02-01T18:09:33

It sucks being a good person because all you get is ............. 

SRS Speaks
Why I honestly left social media. from 2021-01-09T19:05:38

My reason behind leaving social media and still being away. 

SRS Speaks
What I learned in 2020. from 2021-01-02T18:22:26

I started off with sharing my "learning" and ended up with manifesting a good year for myself and others. Life has it's own way and all we gotta do is trust it & believe in ourselves. Much l...

SRS Speaks
Honest feelings on turning 21. from 2020-12-14T13:55:11

I read out a paragraph I've written on my honest emotions on turning 21. Tune in and see if you've felt the same ever!

SRS Speaks
Body shaming and why it needs to be stopped. from 2020-11-01T06:56:10

We're in the 21st century and we are still dealing with issues like body shaming? Will it ever stop?

SRS Speaks
Some love your way. from 2020-11-01T06:52:09

The audio version of an article I wrote a few years back.

SRS Speaks
What I wish my teen self knew. from 2020-11-01T06:46:37

Certain things I wished I knew as a teenager. But it's never too late!

SRS Speaks
21 things I learned before turning 21. from 2020-10-30T16:46:07

All opinions are only based on my understanding, you may have different opinions and that's totally fine :D

SRS Speaks
My first KT - M2 from 2020-09-17T09:12:41

Hear my story of the first backlog I got in my engineering life and how I overcame it with a lot of other problems thrown at me one by one.
