Podcasts by Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad

Being a solo parent might have come to you unexpectedly or it may be what you have always planned. Even the most resourceful parent may find themselves in need of support, ideas, and resources. No matter the circumstances, this is the right place to find everything you need to be an outstanding solo parent. Dr. Robbin Rockett brings on a different guest each week to discuss all the aspects of being a single parent. You may be solo in your parenting role, but you are not alone. Listen to the show each week to find refreshing new ideas, hear stories of other solo parents, and connect with the community that is here to support you!

Further podcasts by Dr. Robbin Rockett

Podcast on the topic Kinder und Familie

All episodes

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
69: Using Conscious Parenting to Change Your Relationship with Your Children with Sandra Fazio from 2018-03-29T07:00

Since bringing in Conscious Parenting to my coaching practice and my personal life, I have seen a powerful positive change in how I relate to my children. This is why today’s interview with Sand...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
68: Building Connected Relationships with Your Kids Through Peaceful Parenting with Dr. Laura Markham from 2018-03-01T08:00

It can be difficult to find moments of peace in the middle of our crazy lives. Sometimes, we feel so overwhelmed and out of our depth, and we simply want to step away from it all. Unfortunately,...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
67: Create Nutritious Meals Your Child Will Love with Maria Quintana-Pilling from 2018-02-15T08:00

Busy Solo Parents often wonder how they are going to get food on the table, let alone make something jam-packed with nutrients that everyone will eat. Life is already chaotic enough! I am here t...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
66: Teaching Your Children Social Emotional Intelligence with Jennifer Miller from 2018-01-25T08:00

One of the biggest fears many parents face is the fear that we are not preparing our kids for the “Real World.” Life skills are difficult to teach, but they are so important for our children to ...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
65: Tips on Ways to Understand and Connect with Your Teenager with Vickie Vann from 2018-01-18T08:00

Parenting your pre-teens and teenagers has its own unique set of challenges. While there might not be any more diapers to change or tantrums to manage, older children still need a specific kind ...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
64: Balancing a Growing Business and Single Motherhood with Kelsey Baldwin from 2017-12-21T08:00

It is a busy time of year, isn’t it? With kids out of school, gifts to buy, and relatives to see, the pace of the holidays feels hectic, even more so for a single parent. There are some seasons ...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
63: Building Powerful Learning Environments with Arina Bokas from 2017-12-07T08:00

How can we all work together to build a community that supports our children? Our school-aged children spend most of their week at school, so our job as parents is to support and cooperate with ...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
62: Talking to Your Children About Sexual Boundaries and Consent with Mike Domitrz from 2017-11-30T08:00

Are you feeling a little anxious about The Dating Talk? My kids are still very young, but I am already beginning to think about how to have conversations about healthy relationships. So often we...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
61: Using Discipline and Behavior Modification as a Teaching Tool with Lori Petro from 2017-11-23T08:00

What can you do when your child is acting out? There is a lot of information out there about discipline, behavior modification, and diagnosing the root of your child’s behavior. Some of us have ...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
60: Using personal stories to build connections and personal legacy with Melanie Vetter from 2017-11-16T08:00

Have you given much thought to the legacy you want to leave behind? As Solo Parents, we have a great capacity to fill our children with memories of our lives and theirs to empower, inspire, and ...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
59: The Mindset of Abundance for Thriving Single Parents with Shawn Fink from 2017-11-09T08:00

Is there such a thing as a perfect parent? Absolutely not! Is there such a thing as a thriving parent? YES! As Solo Parents, the pressure feels like its been pushed up to 11 for us. It can be a ...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
58: Surviving Single Parenthood Through Self-Care with Deb Blum from 2017-11-02T07:00

We love to sing the praises of self-care on the Solo Parent Life Podcast, but for many parents, actually finding the time and space to practice can be a challenge. If they do manage to find the ...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
57: Reflections from a Year of Podcasting with Solo Parent Life from 2017-10-26T07:00

It’s been a year since I started Solo Parent Life, and I can hardly believe it! Thank you to all of you who have listened and offered feedback and support for me during this exciting journey. To...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
56: Mindful Parenting in the Midst of Chaos with Michelle Gale from 2017-10-19T07:00

Now that school is in full swing and the kids are (hopefully!) back in a routine, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to bring out this pre-recorded interview with Michelle Gale. Michelle i...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
55: Building Partnerships with Your Children Using Path Parenting with Scott Noelle from 2017-10-12T07:00

I think now is the perfect moment to pause. Pause for a moment, and be thankful for your kids, your support team, and community. From that heart of gratitude, I want to offer comfort and assista...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
54: Good Enough Parenting with Dr. Robbin Rockett from 2017-10-05T07:00

Welcome back, everyone! What a gift it is to see our Solo Parent Community grow and grow as we take this crazy journey together. I love that you have all been so honest with me about the triumph...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
53: Managing Your Back to School Schedule With Ease from 2017-09-29T07:00

School is back, and things are finally starting to settling in, aren’t they? As school routines, and all the busyness that comes with them, become the norm and not the exception, it is helpful t...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
52: Community Support and its Benefits to single parents with Robert Beeson from 2017-09-21T07:00

Welcome, everyone! It is such a good thing to have a community of support around you, and that is just what Solo Parent Life has become. Community support for a solo parent can mean the differen...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
51: Tips for Successful Co-Parenting with Dr. Robbin Rockett from 2017-09-14T07:00

Recently, I asked my community for topics that you most wanted me to cover on the show. You have spoken, and I have listened! So many of you in our Solo Parent Community have asked me about how ...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
50: Quick Healthy Eating Tips for Busy Solo Parents with Karrie Myers Taylor from 2017-09-07T07:00

Welcome back to another moment to join together with the Solo Parent Community. We’ve had some exciting times in my household with the addition of our new family dog, Marley! Having a new family...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
49: Your Money Matters, but Don't Let It Drive You Crazy with Jen Hemphill from 2017-08-31T07:00

Let’s talk money! You might hear that and get excited, or you might hear that and start to groan. Money can be a source of both security and anxiety. Which is it for you? Have you ever had a tim...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
48: How to Talk to Your Children About Sexuality and Gender Identity with Melissa DaSilva from 2017-08-24T07:00

Hello and welcome to another special and encouraging episode of Solo Parent Life. Today, my very informative guest is Melissa DaSilva, an LGTBQ+ community activist, and therapist. Melissa’s miss...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
47: How to Be Truly Happy as a Single Parent with Dr.Robert Puff from 2017-08-17T07:00

Welcome, everyone! I am so excited to share with you today the pearls of wisdom from fellow podcaster Dr. Robert Puff. Dr. Puff runs the show over at The Happiness Podcast, where he shows you ju...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
46: Regaining Balance Through Mindful Self-Care with Liz Salin and Ruth Jaeger from 2017-08-10T07:00

Today, I am delighted to sit down with Elizabeth Salin, MFT and Ruth Jaeger, LCSW two therapists in my local community that have worked for many years with families in transition. They created a...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
45: How to Cope with the Highs and Lows of Summertime from 2017-08-03T07:00

Hello, everyone! This week, I wanted to pause a moment to speak to you all directly about this wonderful (and sometimes exhausting) summer season. Summertime is filled with so many wonderful opp...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
44: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Difficult Circumstances Shamelessly with Sara Dean from 2017-07-27T07:00

Life can really get you down, can’t it? As a Solo Parent, there are already so many limitations that seem like they are well beyond our control. We all sometimes feel alone, scattered, or misund...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
43: Single Mothers, It's Time to Talk About Dating! with Nicole DiRocco from 2017-07-20T07:00

Hey there Solo Parents! This week is all about dating, with a fairly heavy emphasis on women and how they navigate relationships. For all our male listeners, we need your feedback too! There are...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
42: Successfully Co-Parenting After Divorce with Katrina and Sandra Abramek from 2017-07-13T07:00

This week, let’s sit down and do something a little different. I really wanted to share a co-parenting success story that is very near and dear to my heart. Kat was our beloved babysitter, and h...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
41: Self-Care When the Kids Are Away from 2017-07-06T07:00

One of the best things about this podcast is that we have such a fabulous community. I am thankful for all the comments and questions, and so this week I wanted to change the pace just a bit and...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
40: Divorce and Your Money with Shawn Leamon from 2017-06-29T07:00

When a marriage ends, the effects are far-reaching—from the emotional, psychological, logistical…and financial. I’m sure for so many of us, the last thing on our minds when we begin our...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
39: Re-defining Your Family in a Mindful Way with Theresé Connolly from 2017-06-22T07:00

Once you embark on the Solo Parent Life, there’s a period we all experience when we have to start making some mental shifts. Life as we understood it is changing. As daunting of a task as that m...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
38: Being Present During Seasons of Change with Amy Rice-Jones from 2017-06-15T07:00

The school is ending, and change feels imminent. For a single parent, these times can be both amazing and lovely, but difficult and trying at the same time. Given that season's ebb and flow with...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
37: How to Take Ownership of Your Financial Life with Tanya Steinhoffer from 2017-06-08T07:00

Are you struggling to figure out how to work your finances so that you can build a really solid financial future for yourself and your children? If so, you will really benefit from listening to ...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
36: Protecting Your Assets Through Your Divorce with Melanie Johnson from 2017-06-01T07:00

Do you feel like your lawyer can give you the best financial advice during your divorce? Today’s guest thought so too and ended up making some very costly mistakes. Her mistakes motivated her to...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
35: How to Parent Through Tantrums While Staying Present and Connected with Your Child with Taylor Ross from 2017-05-25T07:00

Have you ever felt like you are a bad parent? Maybe you’ve felt this way because your child is having a meltdown in the store and you just won’t give them what they want. There are lots of other...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
34: How to Manage a Bully with Jax Anderson from 2017-05-18T07:00

My guest today is Jax Anderson, of Psykotherapist.com. We are in a Facebook group for therapists together that focuses primarily on marketing, especially through videos. Jax’s work is primarily ...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
33: How to Help Your Teenager with Anxiety and Stress with Lorraine Platt, MA, LMFT from 2017-05-11T07:00

Does your teenager have anxiety? Being a teenager is hard enough, but add to that peer pressure, social media, school testing and relationships, and it’s no wonder that many of today’s teens are...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
32: Creating a Non-Profit to Help Single Parents in Need from 2017-05-04T14:21:50

My guest today is Cindy Witteman, from San Antonio, Texas. She’s a former single mom of three girls who has created a non-profit called Driving Single Parents, Inc. She finds and donate...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
31: Getting Your Life and Your Space Organized, with Laura Harrison from 2017-04-27T07:00

My guest today is Laura Harrison, owner of Less Mess, More Life. Laura has helped make some awesome changes to my home and helped me be motivated to purge things that needed to GO. I’ve...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
30: Removing the Barriers so You Can Grow Closer to Your Children with Robin Setchko from 2017-04-20T07:00

If you enjoyed learning about the Hand In Hand approach to connecting with your children and you would like to know more, you will really gain a lot from today's show, with Robin Setchko as gues...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
29: How to Use "Special Time" to Create a Lasting Connection with Your Children with Patty Wipfler from 2017-04-13T07:00

If you would like to find a new and effective way to really connect with your children, you will gain a lot from Robbin's guest on today's show, Patty Wipfler. Listen in today, to find out about...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
28: Keeping the Faith Through the Transitions in Life with Tricia Wiig from 2017-04-06T07:00

If you're a parent going through a difficult transition in your life and you could really use some support, listen in to today's show, with Robbin's guest, Tricia Wiig, and find out how she assi...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
27: Help! I'm Co-Parenting with a Narcissist with Wendy Behary from 2017-03-30T07:00

Are you co-parenting with someone who you suspect to be a narcissist? If you would like to find out if this is actually so and what you can do in that case,  listen in to today's show, with Robb...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
26: How to Discuss Difficult Topics with Your Kids with Anya Manes from 2017-03-23T07:00

My guest today is Anya Manes, whose work I’ve followed for a while. She educates parents about talking to their kids about sex, holding workshops and webinars especially for parents of tweens. A...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
25: Temperament and How it Affects Your Relationships with Stacey Horn from 2017-03-16T07:00

Would you like to know more about the concept of temperament and how it can give you a clearer picture of who you are? Or would you simply like to be able to appreciate others more than...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
24: More Effective Parenting with Julie King from 2017-03-09T08:00

If you would love to really connect with your kids on a deeper level, but you're battling to keep your head above water with the daily demands of life as a single mom or dad, listen in today and...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
23: Parenting Through Connection from 2017-03-02T08:00

We’ve all had moments where we felt negative space between ourselves and our children.  It’s important to find ways to connect with them in those times, in the happy times, and in the sad times....

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
22: Single and Supportive Co-Parenting with Your New Partner with Nettie Reynolds from 2017-02-23T08:00

If you're unsure about dating as a single parent, or how to introduce a new partner to your kids, listen in and find out from today's guest, Nettie Reynolds, how single, yet supportive co- paren...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
21: Dating as a Single Mother with Katy Olds from 2017-02-16T08:00

When it comes to navigating life, we could all use a little assistance. Being a single parent is difficult, and it’s reassuring to know you’re not the only one making monumental decisions for yo...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
20: The Single Parent's Guide to Online Dating from 2017-02-09T08:00

Parenting is difficult no matter the situation and transitioning into being a single parent can be scary. You have to completely reestablish and build not only your life and social circle but yo...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
19: Dating After Divorce with Dr. Jill Gross from 2017-02-02T21:44:18

If you're a recently divorced parent and unsure if you're ready to begin dating, or if you'd like to find out how to know when the time is right, listen in to today's show and find out from the ...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
18: Managing Stress as a Single Parent with Dr. Melanie Greenberg from 2017-01-26T15:14:08

Would you like to learn to deal with stress on demand, in the moment? Or to be an example to your kids of how they can cope with challenging times? Then listen in to today's guest, Dr. Melanie G...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
17: Diary of a Single Dad with Nick Bender of the Single Parent Podcast from 2017-01-19T08:00

Nick Bender, the guest on today's show, is the twenty-seven-year-old single dad of a gorgeous five and a half-year-old son. He also has a podcast, called Single Parent Podcast, a nitty gritty ba...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
16: Being a Mindful and Productive Single Parent Entrepreneur with Dr. Elizabeth Bonet from 2017-01-12T08:00

Welcome to January and our theme of dealing with stress and anxiety! My guest today is Elizabeth Bonet, who hosts the podcast Hypnotize Me. She’s fast becoming a friend, sounding board,...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
15: Organize Your Life for Greater Fulfillment with Heather Sontag from 2017-01-05T08:00

My guest today is Heather Sontag, who created the company called Serene Space. She goes into people’s homes to help them organize spaces, de-clutter, and manage their time. Her work goe...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
14: End of Year Reflections 2016 from 2016-12-29T08:00

Join Dr. Robbin Rockett, a psychologist, consultant and host of Solo Parent Life, on the last episode of the show for 2016. 

Solo Parent Life currently has more than twelve hundred listen...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
13: Creating Space for Teenage Expression with Lorraine Platt, MA, LMFT from 2016-12-22T08:00

Today’s guest is Lorraine Platt. She and her husband co-own Teen Solutions and they focus on lots of different issues that teenagers deal with. Admittedly, Lorraine started out being afraid of t...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
12: Creating a Win-Win with Collaborative Divorce with Suzan Aiken from 2016-12-15T08:00

My guest today is Suzan Aiken, a family law attorney who works with families going through divorce. She raised her son as a single mother and then helped raise three stepchildren in her blended ...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
11: Understanding Collaborative Divorce with Ann Buscho from 2016-12-08T08:00

Welcome to an enlightening conversation with my guest, Ann Buscho. Ann is Psychotherapist practicing in CA, who is the mother of three and stepmother of three. We’ll learn more today about the t...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
10: Career Counseling for Solo Parents with Lisa Trustin from 2016-12-01T08:00

New widows and stay-at-home moms who suddenly find themselves alone after the loss of a spouse or a divorce will need all the support they can get. If you are a widow or a divorced mom, the proc...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
09: What to Tell Your Children About Divorce with Drew Lamden, LCSW from 2016-11-24T08:00

Drew Lamden, LCSW, has been in private psychotherapy practice for so many years and works  with families, adults, adolescents, children, Family Courts, and Family Attorneys. He is a Collaborativ...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
08: Tips for Coping with the Holidays as a Single Parent from 2016-11-17T08:00

In today’s episode, Dr. Robbin Rockett discusses the upcoming holiday season and how to move through this season successfully. This time of year can bring up many emotions - loneliness, loss and...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
07: Erotic Integrity and the Single Parent with Dr. Claudia Six from 2016-11-10T08:00

Today on the show Dr. Robbin Rockett has a very special guest. We’re talking about a topic every single parent will have to deal with at some point. We’re talking today about erotic integrity! Listen

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
06: Single Dad, Under Construction with Dave Taylor from 2016-11-03T16:07:06

Dave Taylor is a blogger and writer who focuses on being a single Dad. He and his ex-wife actually began a parenting blog together while they were still married, and he kept it up through his di...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
05: Connecting and Communicating with Teen Boys - Richard Platt, MA, LMFT from 2016-10-27T07:00

Stress levels can be high in the household of a single parent with a teenage son or daughter. In this episode, we will focus on how to connect and communicate with teenage boys.  I have invited ...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
04: Providing Emotional Resolutions through Mediation with Attorney Turned Therapist Rebecca Picard from 2016-10-20T07:00

Children of divorced parents deal with the difficulties in navigating challenging circumstances that morph from their original family situations. Our guest, Rebecca Picard, J.D., L.L.M, and a ne...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
03: Support Groups Are Essential with Susan Pease Gadoua, LCSW from 2016-10-14T15:57

This week’s guest is a licensed therapist based in San Francisco Bay Area, Therapist Susan Gadoua, L.C.S.W.  She counsels clients via phone or Skype all over the world. She is the author of ...

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
02: Four Helpful Tips for Single Parents from 2016-10-14T15:40:32

Dr. Robbin Rockett conducts a virtual therapy session and provides 4 ways to get help. Please share it with a friend. 


What you will hear in this episode 

Solo Parent Life | Single Parent | Divorce | Single Mom | Single Dad
01: How the Solo Parent Life Podcast Can Help the Single Parent from 2016-10-12T15:39:31

Here’s help for you, the single parent – the single mom, single dad, divorced parent, widowed parent, a single parent who isn’t married yet or a single parent by choice. Dr. Robbin Rockett, who ...
