209 How to Communicate Value More Simply and Effectively - a podcast by Geraldine Carter

from 2022-09-28T02:00

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Do you wish you could communicate your value more effectively?

Today I cover how to communicate value in more simple terms and more effectively so that your buyers and clients have a better understanding of what they're buying and why, and to make it more compelling for them to buy from you.

If clients don't understand the terminology that you're using, they will have a very difficult time connecting the dots between the things that you're doing for them, the tasks that you're performing for them, the deliverables, the services, and how that is valuable to them in their businesses and in their lives.

Here are six terms – deliverable services – that accountants and CPAs regularly use, where you can communicate value in more simple terms and more effectively: 

Accounts payable - Make sure you're paying your vendors.

Accounts receivable - You need cash to run your business: make sure that you're getting paid on time by your clients.

Payroll - Avoid costly unforced errors - you don’t want to mess around with the IRS. Set this up right the first time. 

Cash flow, including forecasts and projections - Make sure you know how much money you have available to invest in the growth of your business. Running your bank accounts dry is a recipe for running yourself ragged.

Revenue recognition - Get a more accurate picture of your books and it will map more accurately and better represent how your business operations are running month-to-month.

KPIs (key performance indicators) -  Know when your business is on track or if it's deviating from the plan that we've set, sooner than you would have had we not been tracking KPIs.

Tie out your books, month-end-close - Make sure all your money is accounted for, at the end of every month. 

Those are seven different places you can communicate value more simply, more effectively to better help your buyer see the value in what you're selling so that they appreciate the value more. 

When they appreciate the value more, they're willing to pay more for it. And when they pay more for the very same thing, because you've communicated the value more effectively, it's one piece of you being able to earn more while working less.

Further episodes of Business Strategy for CPA's

Further podcasts by Geraldine Carter

Website of Geraldine Carter