194 Low-Priced Thoughts - a podcast by Geraldine Carter

from 2022-06-15T02:00

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In episode 193, I introduced a tool called The Model, which you can use to understand how your thoughts, feelings, and actions create your results. 

Pricing, and especially raising prices, tends to elicit fear-based thoughts. 

In this episode, I give you specific examples around the thoughts CPAs have about pricing, so you can see how your own thoughts about pricing might be inadvertently affecting your prices.


Here are three sample thoughts about pricing, that could play out as follows:

— When an accountant thinks, “They might say no,” she might feel hesitant, and want to think about her new prices some more, and meanwhile not list her new prices. The result is that buyers cannot say yes to her higher price because that higher price doesn't officially exist anywhere. Buyers are effectively saying no to her higher price.

— When a CPA thinks, “I've got to step up and deliver, I better perform,” he feels pressured and doesn’t think his processes all the way through. The quality and delivery are not as good. The result is that he doesn't perform when he feels under pressure about performing.

— When a CPA thinks, “What if they don't think my service is worth it?” she shows up apprehensive and holds back on delivering direct but valuable advice. When she wonders if her service is worth it, she doesn't make it worth it. And then she proves to herself and her prospect that her service is not worth it.

Thoughts show up in results.

And, it can help to remember that this is just the brain doing its normal brain-thing. (After all, it was designed to keep people safe from tigers and inside the tribe, so that they could live to tell another day.)  

There is nothing wrong with thinking these thoughts. But it helps to be aware of them, in order to choose a new set of thoughts that line up with the results you desire to create.

Low-priced thoughts, create low prices.


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Episode Mentioned:

193 Create the Exact Business You Want: Introducing The Model



Further episodes of Business Strategy for CPA's

Further podcasts by Geraldine Carter

Website of Geraldine Carter