SJP #018: Mary Demuth: Defining Your Worth - Debunking Lies with God's Truth - a podcast by Kristi Clover: Author, Speaker, Blogger, Podcaster, & Homeschool Mom of 5

from 2017-07-03T08:00

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Episode #018 with Mary DeMuth

Defining Your Worth: Debunking the Lies We Tell Ourselves with God's Truth


  • Head to to see all the Show Notes & Awesome Quotes that we collected for you!


This world is constantly bombarding us with lies. You aren't good enough, strong enough, smart enough, pretty enough — you are not enough. These lies come from the enemy…but also from ourselves. Defining our worth is difficult. It's our nature to want to fill our minds with lies like these, that we are not worthy.

In her new book, Living Worthy, Mary Demuth debunks the lies that we so often tell ourselves and replaces it with God's truth. She answers the question, “Am I enough?” There are so many standards we place on ourselves to live up to, yet, as her book reminds us, we are really only supposed to be living for God.

God loves us. Just as we are. It really is that simple. I can't wait for you to listen to this interview with Mary. This episode is going to be another fan favorite.



I love hearing from Titus 2 women about how they have learned to simplify. Their responses are so often just what my heart needs to hear. I think you'll enjoy hearing from Mary about how her secret to simplifying starts with contentment.


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In this episode, Mary and I talk about her new book Worth Living. Worth Living debunks all the lies we tell ourself while bringing the “audacious truths.” Mary is a full time writer and speaker who talks about God’s restoring process. She has three older kids and her family lives in the Dallas area. I know you will be so encouraged by this episode!


(Check out the SHOW NOTES to see all the great highlights, quotes, and links!)





My prayer is that this podcast would be a blessing to all who hear it. If you enjoy this podcast, it would be such a blessing to have you "Subscribe" to this podcast on iTunes or Stitcher and leave me a rating and review. This helps the podcast to rank in iTunes and be more "visible" for people searching for new podcasts to listen to. If you wanted to share this episode with friends or on social media, I've created several great images that are share-worthy.


Thank you so much for helping us get the word out about the Simply Joyful Podcast!


I hope you enjoyed this week's podcast! My prayer is always that you will be blessed and encouraged by each episode.


Live Simply. Be Joyful.




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Mary DeMuth is a former church planter in France and the author of more than thirty books, including The Day I Met Jesus. A sought-after speaker and longtime blogger, she has overcome (through Jesus's healing) a difficult past to become an authentic example of what it means to live a brand new story. She lives in Texas with her family. Learn more at

You can check out Mary's books HERE on Amazon! Be sure to visit her site as well at

 *And don't miss her awesome podcast:
Re-Story Show




**This post may contains a few affiliate links, both Amazon & others. Please see my disclosure page if you have any questions

Further episodes of Simply Joyful with Kristi Clover | Encouragement for your Faith and Family

Further podcasts by Kristi Clover: Author, Speaker, Blogger, Podcaster, & Homeschool Mom of 5

Website of Kristi Clover: Author, Speaker, Blogger, Podcaster, & Homeschool Mom of 5