Wednesday 29th April 2020. World News. - a podcast by SEND7

from 2020-04-28T23:00

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Simple English News Daily in 7 minutes.World news in easy, clear language, for English learners and people with English as a second language.Wednesday 29th April 2020. Transcript- Note: The transcript may not be complete, because of a lack of space. Also, it may contain errors, and does not include external audio. -In the United States, one million people are confirmed to have COVID19. Confirmed cases have doubled in 18 days.President Trump has said that they will investigate the beginning of the disease in China. He believes that China did not do enough to stop the spread of the virus…China denied doing anything wrong, and accused Trump of trying to distract from his own poor performance.The US has seen a rise in the number of people ingesting dangerous chemicals. A reporter asked the president if it this could be  connected to his comments about injecting disinfectants…Medical experts say that ingesting disinfectant is incredibly dangerous. -In Indonesia medical experts say that the real death toll from COVID 19 may be much higher than is officially thought. Reuters news agency say that 2200 Indonesians have died with symptoms of COVID19, but their deaths did not reach official statistics. Indonesia has confirmed 9500 cases, however, it has one of the lowest testing rates in the world. In Syria at least 40 people have been killed by a   bomb blast. The explosion was in the town of Afrin, controlled by Syrian opposition groups, supported by Turkey.The United Nations have said that COVID19 might be circulating in Yemen. Three and a half million people are internally displaced in Yemen, and 100,000 people have been affected by recent floods. The civil war which started in 2015 has left 80% of the population relying on aid.-Argentina has banned all flights until September. Internal and external flights will not operate until then. Argentina’s football season was cancelled yesterday.Japan say that the Tokyo 2021 olympics can only go ahead if a COVID19 vaccine is ready. The Olympics were originally planned for this summer, but were postponed until next year.In the United Kingdom, the government will give £60,000 pounds to the families of health service staff who have died of the coronavirus. Health Minister Matt Hancock spoke to the country….How has the coronavirus pandemic affected you and your country? Send your whatsap message to +44 7307 872842, with your name and location. -Lots of news from Africa…In Libya, warlord Khalifa Haftar says that he should rule the country. Haftar’s army now controls most of the country, but not the capital Tripoli. Tripoli is under the control of the GNA, which is backed by the UN. Haftar says he will use force to take Tripoli. In Cote d’Ivore, Ex prime minister Guillaume Soro has received a 20 year jail term for misuse of public funds. Soro has denied the charge, and says that this was designed to stop him from being a presidential candidate in October.  In South Africa there have been protests around the country, and some shops have been looted. South Africa and Egypt have the most COVID19 cases confirmed in Africa, with 5000 each. The continent has 34000 confirmed cases, although the real number is expected to be much higher.The International Monetary Fund will give 3.4 billion dollars to Nigeria. The IMF say that this is to help the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Most of Nigeria is relaxing its lockdown. However, Kano state, in the North of the country will continue in quarantine. This is because of unexplained deaths which may be related to the coronavirus.Senegal has one of the best recovery rates in the world, for COVID19. A test that costs one dollar to make, is being produced on a huge scale, and a malaria dr

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