Podcasts by Sims Podcast

Sim's Podcast

Covering given topics

Further podcasts by Simarpreet Singh Ghai

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Sim's Podcast
Political Podcast - Climate Change from 2021-05-29T23:40:39

This podcast includes climate change issues Inuit communities are facing in Nain, and how Natan Obed is resolving them.

Sim's Podcast
My Identity Podcast from 2020-07-26T00:37:32

I will be talking about my life experiences and how my background has not only changed me as a student but also as a person.

Sim's Podcast
Why E-books are Better than Paper Books from 2020-07-09T16:58

I will be talking about advantages E-books have over paper books and why you should make the switch.

Sim's Podcast
Mini Podcast #4 - What are your favourite movies and why do you reference them over and over? from 2020-07-07T19:57:08

Today I will be Interviewing Karan about his favourite movies and why he references them over and over?

Sim's Podcast
My Favourite Field Trip from 2020-07-06T17:47:55

I will be talking about my amazing grade 6 bowling field trip!

Sim's Podcast
What I wish I knew in grade 9 from 2020-07-03T15:02:44

I talk about Hingis I wish I knew in grade 9, and how I managed them without having too much knowledge about it.
