Barrels, Beers, Buddies, and Burgers [Season 1, Episode 8] - a podcast by Sheila Dee & Evo Terra - Third World Survivors

from 2015-02-21T16:30

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Full Show Script

  • [intern]
  • EVO: Fair warning: This episode will be all over the place. Our last week on our own in Denmark was... well, it's hard to label. I mean, how many people get to experience craft beer, innovation, random kindness of strangers, and beating a cat out of a barrel as they travel the world?
  • SHE: What about you, dude.
  • EVO: Even the cat and barrel thing?
  • SHE: OK, that is a little random, even for you. And it's as good a place as any to start this episode. Denmark celebrates the most awesome holiday you've never heard of. It's called Fastelavn, and it's a little like Halloween mixed with Christmas mixed with a Mexican birthday party. Seriously. The kids dress up in costumes (Halloween), go door to door singing songs (Christmas) and get candy for their efforts (Halloween again). And it ends, rumor has it, when someone beats on a wooden barrel until a cat jumps out. 
  • EVO: We don't have first-hand knowledge of that last part. But we did witness an awards ceremony-slash-celebration of sorts, for the person who, allegedly, did the best barrel beating. That's what you're hearing under this track. A horse-drawn brass band and a few dozen girls also on horses, parading around and celebrating the achievement. Here's our buddy Alex Berger again, laying down some local knowledge on the holiday.
  • [Fastelavn]
  • SHE: Danes, man. Danes. As crazy as their traditions are, they make a mighty fine beer. No, I don't mean Carlsburg. And I mean more than just Mikkeller and To Øl. Hidden away, on a street with at least seven syllables, we stumbled upon this little gem.
  • [best craft beer bar in Denmark]
  • EVO: The name I couldn't remember was Ølsnedkaren. Which I'm probably not pronouncing right, but that goes well with my horrid attempt at deducing the meaning of the word.
  • [beers with Karen]
  • SHE: No, it doesn't. It means "beer carpenter", but that's a literal translation. It more like "beer crafter". And they know their craft quite well. They are also quite helpful dealing with idiot Americans who can't count change. No, not Evo this time.
  • [coins]
  • EVO: But in your defense, Lover, coins are a pain in the ass. The paper money is easy, with the denomination clearly marked, and the bills getting bigger as the face value gets bigger. But coins? Coins suck everywhere. Rumor has it there's a pattern to the coins in Denmark, but we couldn't figure it out in the 2 weeks we were there. It's easier to hold it all in your hand and let the cashier just take what they need. 
  • SHE: Copenhagen was also where Evo's business brain kickstarted once again. We had a great time hanging out with Zenia, Helena, Stephen, Yesper, and the rest of the crew at Founders House, a great coworking space for tech startups. They invited us to attend HackBeat one night, where we saw some really cool demos that blended music and technology. And they fed us, too! We're looking forward to going back.
  • EVO: And it's almost assured that we are going back, as I think I'm going to get involved with the Innovation Embassy, headquartered in Copenhagen with offices in Noho, another coworking space. We spent a

    Further episodes of ShEvo vs. The First World | A Skeptical Look at Western Culture

    Further podcasts by Sheila Dee & Evo Terra - Third World Survivors

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