Podcasts by Shit You Don

Shit You Don

Formal schooling does a terrible job of preparing you to thrive as an adult. The Shit You Don't Learn in School podcast exists to make up for this societal failure. In this show, Calvin Rosser and Steph Smith share stories, insights, and resources designed to help you improve the quality of your personal and professional life. If all works out, you'll be at least 1% better at navigating the waters.

Further podcasts by Calvin Rosser

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Shit You Don
48. It's Time to Leave the Casino from 2022-02-11T14:00

The allure of getting rich quick is intoxicating.

It's even more intoxicating when you're trapped inside and it seems like all your friends have cashed in big.

In thi...

Shit You Don
47. What Can Happen in 300 Years? from 2022-02-05T17:00

"The only constant is change", they say.

In this episode, Cal and Steph discuss just how drastically the world has changed and will continue to change.

From the iPhon...

Shit You Don
46. The Life Lessons You Shouldn't Ignore from 2022-01-24T16:00

There's an endless sea of advice online.

Whether it's from a vague Twitter thread or a clickbait blog post, the advice sounds catchy, but if we're honest... often holds l...

Shit You Don
45. Are You Playing Russian Roulette With Life? from 2022-01-15T10:00

In this episode, Cal and Steph discuss the hidden side of risk: the infrequent, often unpredictable events that make the biggest differences in our lives.

If you look around, rare, high-im...

Shit You Don
44. The Best Sh*t We Learned in 2021 from 2022-01-08T14:00

In this episode, Steph and Cal break down the best of 2021. You'll find out the...

  1. Best New Idea
  2. Best New Skill
  3. Best New Life Hack
  4. Best New Experience Listen
Shit You Don
43. Technology that People Feared from 2021-12-28T11:00

What do airplanes, railroads, and jazz music have in common? They were all innovations that people feared.

In fact, if you look into any key technology shift from the past, you'll ...

Shit You Don
42. Special Episode: Finding Meaning in Sudden Death from 2021-11-29T10:00

Death is universal part of the human experience. During our lives, we often must confront the painful reality of death around us, and eventually, we face that reality ourselves.


Shit You Don
41. The Future of Work: What Comes Next? (Part 2) from 2021-11-16T09:00

In the second part of this series on the future of work, Steph and Cal dive into new products and services, alongside macro trends that they predict are in full flux.

These include mass...

Shit You Don
40. The Future of Work: What Comes Next? (Part 1) from 2021-11-09T17:00

People say that COVID was an accelerator, forcing trends that may have taken decades to develop, to instead take hold in much less time. Remote work was one of those trends. But we're not d...

Shit You Don
39. 80/20 Habits, Beliefs, and Products from 2021-10-14T17:00

The information age gives us access to so much advice that it can be hard to see through the noise.

4AM morning routines that don't make sense for you. Productivity hacks that hard...

Shit You Don
38. Open Salaries and Solving for an Equitable Workforce from 2021-09-30T11:00

With the exception of a few companies like Buffer and GitLab, 99.99%+ of companies opt to keep their salaries closed. This closed nature creates information asymmetry and at times, inequity in t...

Shit You Don
37. Should Billionaires Exist? from 2021-09-19T06:00

Wealth inequality has been increasing for decades, and recently, there has been a heightened focus on billionaires as we debate what to do about the concentration of large swaths of wealth in a ...

Shit You Don
36. The Psychology of Pricing from 2021-09-12T14:00

In this episode, Cal and Steph discuss the subjective nature of pricing. They explore how a value extends beyond utility or the physical nature of an asset (think luxury items, NFTs, etc) and us...

Shit You Don
35. Does Marriage, Retirement, or the 40-Hour Work Week Still Make Sense? from 2021-09-04T09:00

In this episode, Steph and Cal dive deep into traditions, the societal defaults that shape how we think and act in the world. They start by exploring the origins of the 40-hour work week, modern...

Shit You Don
34. Rethinking Productivity&How You Spend Your Time from 2021-08-07T16:00

The big failure of most productivity advice is the focus on efficiency – getting things done more quickly. We should be focused on effectiveness – making sure we're doing the right things. ...

Shit You Don
33. Digital Security – Are You Safe? from 2021-07-05T19:00

We're all familiar with how to increase physical security – locking our doors, paying attention to our surroundings, putting valuables in a safe, etc. – but what about our digital security?...

Shit You Don
32. Are We in a Bubble? from 2021-06-28T10:00

At a time where several asset classes are at all-time highs, there's a lot of talk about whether we're in a bubble. That, coupled with crypto assets falling to ~half of their highs, pr...

Shit You Don
31. Surprising Travel Hacks From Visiting 70+ Countries from 2021-06-17T17:00

Travel is fun, but it becomes even more enjoyable once you know how to do it well. Collectively, Steph and Cal have visited over 70 countries while working remotely, learning a bunch of useful t...

Shit You Don
30. Was 30 Pods in 30 Days Worth It? from 2021-06-09T22:00

30 days ago, Calvin and Steph set out to record 30 pods in 30 days. Today was the final episode of their challenge, where they reflect on what went well, what didn't go so well, and if they...

Shit You Don
29. Grappling with Unintended Consequences from 2021-06-08T23:00

The world is run by incentives, but what happens when those incentives go wrong? In this episode, Calvin and Steph talk through the Cobra Effect, a phenomena incentives designed to improve socie...

Shit You Don
28. How to Quit Drinking Alcohol and Still Be Happy from 2021-06-07T20:00

Drinking alcohol is embedded within the social fabric of society, but how do we take control of our relationship with alcohol? For all of the fun it supports, alcohol is a poison that causes unn...

Shit You Don
27. Earning the Trust of Your Team from 2021-06-06T23:00

Whether we'd like to believe it or not, age is a signal that people judge others by. In a professional setting, it can signal your level of experience and for that reason, it can be difficu...

Shit You Don
26. The 3X Rule and When You Should Splurge from 2021-06-05T21:00

In recent episodes, Calvin and Steph have discussed lifestyle creep and how when you make more, you have the tendency to spend more. In this episode, they brought on a friend and colleague Ethan...

Shit You Don
25. How to Make Your Stuff Work For You, Not Against You from 2021-06-04T16:00

We all accumulate possessions throughout our lives, but how often do we evaluate whether or not all that stuff is helping or hurting us? In this episode, Steph and Calvin talk about what they le...

Shit You Don
24. Overcoming Imposter Syndrome from 2021-06-03T17:00

No matter how talented you are, you'll inevitably be a victim of imposter syndrome. But, there's a flipside to every coin and for imposter syndrome, it's the compulsion to always ...

Shit You Don
23. Is the World Actually Getting Worse? from 2021-06-02T13:00

Most of us walk around thinking that the world is getting worse. But is this actually true? In this episode, Steph and I walk through a quiz that shows us just how wrong our instincts are about ...

Shit You Don
22. The Importance of Tech Literacy from 2021-06-01T23:00

As technology becomes more ingrained in our daily lives, the question must be posed: how important is it for people to “keep up” technologically. In this episode, Steph makes a case for the impo...

Shit You Don
21. What is Financial Freedom and Are You There Yet? from 2021-05-31T22:00

Whether we'd like to admit it or not, finances have such a significant impact in our lives, both in micro and macro decision making. We also can't ignore how people have different rela...

Shit You Don
20. Will FAANG Be the Dominant Companies Forever? from 2021-05-30T11:00

Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix & Google (FAANG) have dominated and become integrated parts of all of our lives in the software era. But if you look at history, time and time again, the lea...

Shit You Don
19. How the Fundamental Attribution Error Impacts Your Relationships from 2021-05-29T11:00

Among the many biases that we can fall prey to, one of Calvin's favorites is the fundamental attribution error. The bias, sometimes known as the "correspondence bias", is your ten...

Shit You Don
18. What Does it Take to Become World Class at Something? from 2021-05-28T08:00

With 7 billion people on Earth, it's incredibly hard to be at the absolute top of any field. In this episode, Steph and Calvin discuss what they learned from their brief stints of being &qu...

Shit You Don
17. The Individual Contributor vs the Manager from 2021-05-27T20:00

In most companies, there are two major role types: individual contributors and managers. The career track goes one way and not the other; IC upleveling to a manager. But is that the best way? Ca...

Shit You Don
16. Will People Rush Back to the Office? from 2021-05-26T20:00

As a follow up from episode 14, Calvin and Steph debate what work life will be like post-pandemic. Will people rush back to the office? Or will they bask in their newfound flexibility?


Shit You Don
15. What is Integrity&Why Does it Matter? from 2021-05-25T12:00

Codifying and living by your values is one of the most important skills of adulthood. Values are the guideposts that help you make decisions that align with who you want to be, especially when y...

Shit You Don
14. Lessons from Years of Location Independence from 2021-05-24T21:00

The pandemic resulted in hundreds of millions — if not billions — of people moving their work online. These rapid changes mean that so many people now have the freedom to work and live from wher...

Shit You Don
13. How to Say No More Often from 2021-05-23T20:00

Even if we’d like to wish otherwise, our time is finite and zero sum. If we spend time on one thing, we’re not spending time on another. But even though it’s our most scarce resource, we often d...

Shit You Don
12. When is it Okay to be Late? from 2021-05-22T14:00

Some people are never late. Others are late consistently. Why is there such a difference in people’s relationship with time?

In this episode, Steph and Calvin talk about chronically late i...

Shit You Don
11. The Pitfalls of Zeroism from 2021-05-21T12:00

The pandemic has been a fascinating case study in problem solving, yet remains a topic that parts of the world is deeply divided on. Just like other controversial topics, understanding that th...

Shit You Don
10. How Your Relationship with Money Influences Your Investing Decisions&Strategy from 2021-05-20T10:00

We all need money, but formal schooling fails to teach us how to make decisions based on our unique relationship with money and investing. In this episode, Steph and I openly explore the chall...

Shit You Don
9. Navigating the Complexities of the Modern Era from 2021-05-19T20:00

We have access to more data and opportunities than ever before, but it's hard to separate the signal from the noise. In this episode, Steph and Calvin discuss navigating information overl...

Shit You Don
8. Staying in Touch with Friends and Family in Adulthood from 2021-05-18T13:00

Friendship, family, and community are indispensable to living a good life. But as we get older, it becomes more difficult to stay in touch with the people we care about. Life seems to always g...

Shit You Don
7. How to Build a Rewarding Career&Minimize Regret from 2021-05-17T18:00

It's hard to make career decisions. What industry should you work in? What should you optimize for? When should you quit your job? In this episode, Steph and Calvin talk about how they&ap...

Shit You Don
6. Learning How to Give Back in Ways That Resonate from 2021-05-16T18:00

Like everything in life, giving back is a skill and a habit that takes time to learn. In this episode, Steph and I talk about how we define giving, the ways in which we've experimented wi...

Shit You Don
5. Mastering the Art of Learning New Skills from 2021-05-15T10:00

We all want to learn new things, whether it's how to cook, speak Spanish, write, code, or surf. But how often do you follow through and actually make progress on learning the skill you sa...

Shit You Don
4. Should Remote Companies Pay People Based on Location? from 2021-05-14T18:00

With more companies going partially and fully remote in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, Steph Smith and I tackle the difficult question: Should companies pay everyone the same salary, indep...

Shit You Don
3. How to Think About Improving the Quality of Your Sleep from 2021-05-13T12:00

We all know sleep is important, but how should you think about sleep and investing in improving the quality of your sleep? In this episode, we explore how we're approaching sleep, thinkin...

Shit You Don
2. How to Deal with Comparing Yourself to Others from 2021-05-12T20:00

We all compare ourselves to others, but when you compare, you despair. In this episode, we explore the origins of comparing yourself with others, the specific ways in which it can manifest in ...

Shit You Don
How to Retain and Apply Lessons from Nonfiction Books from 2020-05-30T12:00

In this episode, I discuss a system you can use to better understand, retain, and apply the information you read in nonfiction books. If you want to expand your knowledge, solve problems, or dee...

Shit You Don
Costly Investing Biases & How to Avoid Them from 2020-05-23T06:00

A rational investor maximizes his wealth within the constraints of his risk tolerance. Most investors are not rational - they're driven by greed, hope, fear. That is, they're human. Listen

Shit You Don
6. Costly Investing Biases & How to Avoid Them from 2020-05-23T06:00

A rational investor maximizes his wealth within the constraints of his risk tolerance. Most investors are not rational - they're driven by greed, hope, fear. That is, they're human. Listen

Shit You Don
Crush Your Next Job Interview - 6 Insider Tips from a Hiring Manager from 2020-04-25T15:00

In the last 5 weeks, 26 million people have filed for unemployment. As someone who regularly interview candidates for jobs, I wanted to share 6 insider tips to help you crush your next interview...

Shit You Don
Crush Your Next Job Interview - 6 Insider Tips from a Hiring Manager from 2020-04-25T15:00

In the last 5 weeks, 26 million people have filed for unemployment. As someone who regularly interview candidates for jobs, I wanted to share 6 insider tips to help you crush your next interview...

Shit You Don
Crush Your Next Job Interview - 6 Insider Tips from a Hiring Manager from 2020-04-25T15:00

In the last 5 weeks, 26 million people have filed for unemployment. As someone who regularly interview candidates for jobs, I wanted to share 6 insider tips to help you crush your next interview...

Shit You Don
What the hell is going on with COVID-19? from 2020-04-14T00:00

In this episode, I speak with Steph Smith (@stephsmithio), the Senior Analyst for the popular tech and business newsletter, the Hustle. In our wide-ranging c...

Shit You Don
Black Beans, Seneca, and Practicing Poverty from 2020-04-11T19:00

In this episode, you'll learn about what eating black beans out of a can has to do with your life. Whether you feel like you're living in abundance or you're just "getting ...

Shit You Don
3. Black Beans, Seneca, and Practicing Poverty from 2020-04-11T19:00

In this episode, you'll learn about what eating black beans out of a can has to do with your life. Whether you feel like you're living in abundance or you're just "getting by...

Shit You Don
Coping with the Uncertainty & Helplessness of a Pandemic from 2020-04-10T14:00

In this episode, you'll learn about two drivers of the heightened fear, stress, and anxiety during the current pandemic - uncertainty and helplessness. You'll also learn about how you ...

Shit You Don
Coping with the Uncertainty&Helplessness of a Pandemic from 2020-04-10T14:00

In this episode, you'll learn about two drivers of the heightened fear, stress, and anxiety during the current pandemic - uncertainty and helplessness. You'll also learn about how you ...

Shit You Don
Coping with the Uncertainty&Helplessness of a Pandemic from 2020-04-10T14:00

In this episode, you'll learn about two drivers of the heightened fear, stress, and anxiety during the current pandemic - uncertainty and helplessness. You'll also learn about how you ...

Shit You Don
Quarantine Morning Routine - Reduce Anxiety and Increase Energy in Uncertain Times from 2020-04-08T12:00

In this episode, you'll learn about a short and simple morning routine that will help you increase your energy, reduce your anxiety, and feel more relaxed during uncertain and difficult tim...

Shit You Don
Quarantine Morning Routine - Reduce Anxiety and Increase Energy in Uncertain Times from 2020-04-08T12:00

In this episode, you'll learn about a short and simple morning routine that will help you increase your energy, reduce your anxiety, and feel more relaxed during uncertain and difficult tim...

Shit You Don
Quarantine Morning Routine - Reduce Anxiety and Increase Energy in Uncertain Times from 2020-04-08T12:00

In this episode, you'll learn about a short and simple morning routine that will help you increase your energy, reduce your anxiety, and feel more relaxed during uncertain and difficult tim...
