TERRIFYING: Supreme Court Attacks Real Estate Investors | Episode 90 - a podcast by Bryan Ellis - SelfDirected.org

from 2015-06-26T16:02:55

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The SUPREME COURT leveled a massive attack against REAL ESTATE INVESTORS in a huge ruling from yesterday.  This one is big, folks.  I’m Bryan Ellis, and I’ll tell you how they’re stealing your rights again right now in Episode #90


It’s a somber time as a real estate investor, and a somber time as an American.


Yesterday, the US Supreme Court issued major rulings that make it imminently clear that the plain language of a law is not the standard by which the court will rule.  Rather, they’ve ruled egregiously in favor of the expansion of federal power, and against YOUR RIGHTS as a citizen of our once great country.

You may think I’m referring to the ruling about Obamacare, the law which is already a disaster from any perspective.  And yes, that case was CERTAINLY an example of ignoring the language of the law in order to expand federal power.  There’s simply no arguing that point.

But the case I’m referring to, which is so huge and so distinctly NEGATIVE for real estate investors, was between the Texas Department of Housing and the “Inclusive Communities Project”.

So here’s what the case was about… and why it’s terrifying for real estate investors.  The question that the court had to decide was this:  Are you guilty of racial discrimination if you have no policies that have racial discrimination as an objective?

Yes, that’s a convoluted notion… as is the entire case… but I’ll give you an example to clarify it:

Let’s just say you live in a neighborhood and you also own a rental property in that neighborhood.  You’ve got kids, and you want to keep them safe.  And let’s say that you have a real conviction that you will not serve certain types of people with your rental property, in order to keep your family, and your neighborhood, safe.  The standard you’re using to filter out dangerous people… well, it’s completely objective.  And it’s not random.  You see, the group of people you refuse to service is convicted sex offenders.  You refuse, in principle, to serve such egregious scum.

Fair enough, right?  Your property, your decision, right?

Of course, there is the issue of the 1968 Fair Housing Act, a law that makes it illegal to discriminate in housing matters on the basis of race and a few other issues.

But that’s not an issue for you.  You’re not a racist to begin with.  You’re happy for any qualified party to rent your property, regardless of their race… so long as they’re not a baby rapist.

Guess what?  You’re quite certainly guilty of racial discrimination.

Yep, that’s right.  And the lawsuit that results from it is going to be very expensive and will likely crush your financial objectives.

So, how are you guilty of racial discrimination, when the parties you’re actually filtering from your rental property are baby rapists?

Well, here’s the thing:  If the universe of people who are convicted baby rapists in your area happen to be mostly of a racial minority, then you are – according to this absolutely STUPID, INSULTING and TERRIFYING ruling – YOU are guilty of racial discrimination.

Yep, you heard that right.

Because you’re trying to protect your family and your neighborhood from baby rapists…

Because you’re unwilling to provide housing to people who sexually assault children…

Because you have standards of behavior which say that you won’t allow your business to benefit people who would rather RAPE your children rather than say hello to them…

Well, you’re a racist.

That’s right.  That’s what this decision from the Supreme Court effectively means for you.

The judges who decided this are:  Anthony Kennedy, Ruth Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonya Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.

To each one of those justices, I say:  GO TO HELL.  Making bad decisions as judges is one thing.  Making it ILLEGAL for Americans to protect their families is entirely another.  Making it illegal for people to live out their values in their business is REPUGNANT.  Each one of you judges are horrible human beings.

A child rapist… no matter what his skin color… doesn’t deserve one ounce of respect or consideration.  But you people are DEMANDING that the one factor that trumps EVERY OTHER CONSIDERATION is race.  Each one of you is a race bigot.

Of course, I’m assuming that there isn’t a law that protects baby rapists from discrimination.  In our screwed up society, there probably is.  But I’m going to continue on the assumption that there’s not.

Let’s look back to the immortal words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr:  “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

I agree with Dr. King.  I’ll bet you do, too.  But the Supreme Court has just ruled – ostensibly to “protect” minority rights – that the one thing that MUST be ignored about a person is the content of their character, and the one thing that MUST be considered about a person is the color of their skin.

Justices Kennedy, Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan:  You’ve just crushed the dream of Dr. King… and of everyone who believes that skin color has nothing to do with the value of a human being.  I’d like to repeat:  You’re all HORRIBLE people.

But… that’s not the end of the bad news, my friends.

The real problem is WHO can take legal action against you.  You see, it’s NOT likely that a baby rapist will sue you based on this particular issue, which is called “disparate impact” in legal parlance.  No, it’s worse than that.

You see, this ruling opens the door for supposed community groups – who have not been damaged by your policies in any way, and who exist solely to pick race-based legal fights – to sue you in order to make their vision of the world – the one where the content of one’s character MUST be IGNORED, and where the color of one’s skin MUST be considered above all other factors.

Here’s the next objective for our government:  They’re going to try to make it illegal for you to sell your real estate to the highest bidder.  Why?  There’s a disparate impact against racial minorities who may not have enough money to buy where your property is located.  The time is coming, folks.

None of this is helpful to racial minorities, or to any other people… but it’s wildly valuable for the government.  Why?  It increases the government’s role in your life… and with every additional hint of government involvement in your daily life, your business and your family, the government’s power grows… and yours shrinks.

My friends, I love America.  But we’re getting what we deserve.  By putting politicians in office who nominate Supreme Court justices like Kennedy, Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan… we’re getting exactly what we’ve asked for.

I would also criticize our choices of Congress members and Presidents as well because it is they who create these laws to begin with.  But, as this case, and the yesterday’s ruling from the Obamacare case makes clear… the language of those laws don’t really matter anyway.  What matters in today’s America is the pronouncements from on high at the Supreme Court… and in every way, the Supreme Court is showing itself to be a friend of the huge federal government, and the enemy of individual citizens who love liberty and justice for all.

It’s a sad day in America, my friends.


Thanks to the Supreme Court – and to the liberal philosophy they’re pushing – it’s just become much harder to invest wisely toda … and to live well forever.

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Further episodes of Self Directed Investor Talk: Alternative Asset Investing through Self-Directed IRA's & Solo 401k's

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