3 Tips for Rental Property Owners (The Government Isn't Your Friend!) | Episode 206 - a podcast by Bryan Ellis - SelfDirected.org

from 2016-06-22T16:25:43

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Rental Property Owners face a huge enemy today:  The Federal Government, which delights in creating new rules, regulations and rulings that take power FROM property owners like you and me, and redistributes that power to tenants, “housing advocates”, and of course, to the government itself.  How do YOU shield yourself from this onslaught against your rights as a property owner?  I’m Bryan Ellis.  I’ll tell you RIGHT NOW in Episode #206.

Hello, SDI Nation!  Welcome to the podcast of recover for savvy self-directed investors like you, where you learn, in bite-sized chunks every day, how to find, understand and PROFIT from exceptional investments.

My friends, here in America, a prevailing attitudes that has been taught by our public education system and reinforced by the media to the very large group of Americans I call the “oblivious lowbrows”– these are the people who have practically zero worthwhile knowledge, skills or experience, even though some of them have some or even substantial formal education – what these people have been programmed to believe is that the true EVILDOERS of the world are those awful RICH PEOPLE whose gain is undoubtedly ill-gotten and achieved on the backs of the “working man”… These folks – the unaware lowbrows – they are convinced that those RICH PEOPLE should be punished and that property and wealth should rightfully be owned by SOCIETY rather than those conniving, manipulative rich people.

The result?

An explosion in rules, regulations and rulings that virtually never favor property owners like you and me.  A good way to know that you’re dealing with a rule, regulation or ruling that does not favor you as the property owner is this:  Does the word “Fair” appear in the name?  You can always bet that the word “Fair” in a law means that the government is shifting the balance of power AWAY from the “RICH”, and towards the millions of oblivious lowbrows in our society.

You might think this doesn’t apply to you since you don’t see yourself as “rich”.  But whose perspective determines the definition of “Rich”?  Again, it’s the oblivious lowbrows.  Take as an example of this group, a woman named Jane.  Jane doesn’t have a job, but she’s not really “unemployed” in a conventional sense… she’s got income and her basic needs are provided for.  She’s compensated – by the government – to do absolutely nothing.

Most or all of Jane’s housing, her food, and her medical care are paid for by the government.  The same for her children… in fact, the more children Jane has, the more she’s paid by the government.  And Jane knows how to work the system, too… because she’s a product of it.  Jane knows that she’s eligible for even more stipends and pay from the government if her children fail to reach a certain standard of academic or intellectual performance… and thus, she’s unmotivated to emphasize education… because it certainly wasn’t emphasized to her.

Jane is unmotivated to change anything about her life because her basic needs are being provided without her doing anything whatsoever.

Why’d I take so much time describing Jane to you?  Jane is relevant to you as a rental property owner because the rules, regulations and rulings I mentioned at the top of the show are written to motivate Jane to vote for the politicians who support the programs that support Jane.

The educational system, the media and Hollywood are willing accomplices in this process, feeding Jane and her ilk an incessant flow of propaganda that the problem is NOT Jane, it’s NOT her unwillingness to work, it’s not that she and tens of millions of others like her are happy to subsist simply by sucking at the tit of the federal government… no, what Jane is taught, and is happy to believe, is that the problem is the RICH PEOPLE who took all her money.

Yes, Jane believes that the money should be hers, and that it was somehow taken from her.

And it’s from JANE’S PERSPECTIVE that the word “rich” is defined.  You see, to me and you, “RICH” means Bill Gates.  It means Warren Buffett.  It means Donald Trump.  It means Mark Cuban or Elon Musk.

But to Jane… RICH means the person living in that nice neighborhood on the other side of town.  And guess what?  That’s YOU.  YOU are the dirty, stinking, rotten, filthy, conniving RICH PERSON that Jane despises… and YOU are target of every law that has the word “FAIR” in it… YOU are who Jane perceives as having gotten what you have by taking advantage of others… and Jane believes it whole heartedly.

My friends… are you aware of this?  My description to you just now is harsh, but dead on accurate.  If you don’t believe me, I dare you to go into a part of town that you don’t normally frequent – you know where I’m talking about – and just ask a few random people how the rich people got their money.  Then ask them this question:  “Where do the rich people live around here?”  It’s very, very likely that they’ll describe YOUR side of town.

In today’s society, YOU are the rich person that’s being targeted.  So what do you to protect yourself from the fact that your preferred method of wealth building – real estate ownership – is one of the primary vehicles under attack by Uncle Sam?

There are 3 simple suggestions I have for you:

First, make sure that your property management company is legally savvy, and that they make a concerted effort to stay abreast of the changing legal environment for property owners.  Too many of them just don’t do this at all.

Second, for those of you who buy turnkey rental properties, respect your own capital enough to ONLY work with companies that take an active interest in helping you stay up to date on developments that are profoundly relevant to you as a property owner.  Two great examples of what I mean are Episodes #90 and #205 of this show, where a year ago I gave you notice and a prediction about the disparate impact ruling from the Supreme Court, and then a year later – in yesterday’s Episode #205 – I showed you how my prediction is coming true, almost to the letter.  So if your turnkey rental property provider isn’t taking an interest in how your properties are affected, then you’ve got to question whether their motivation runs any deeper than just selling you a house.

And my third and final suggestion:  This November, vote with your brain, not your emotions.  Good lord, people… when you were 20 years old, it was fine to vote for the candidate that made you feel warm and fuzzy and idealistic.  But you’re an adult now with responsibilities.  Don’t give away your vote just because that’s how you were brought up, or because that’s how people in your area vote, or because that’s how people of your particular ethnicity vote.  Vote based on YOUR INTERESTS... and remember:  When politicians talk about taxing the rich and making new rules and regulations to benefit the common man, they’re not talking about the “common man” as you and I know him.  They’re talking about Jane… they’re talking about the oblivious lowbrows who are wholly dependent on the government… they’re talking about making our country a subsistence society… and that’s COMPLETELY OPPOSITE YOUR INTERESTS… it’s completely opposite what is necessary to make America great again.

I said I had only 3 suggestions, but I’ve got a bonus suggestion for you.  Here it is:  Consider diversifying your next real estate capital deployment AWAY from property ownership into something that’s a bit easier, more predictable… and dare I say… SMARTER than outright property ownership?  I’ll tell you more about that TOMORROW in Episode #207.

Until then, my friends, remember this: Invest wisely today, and live well forever!

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Further episodes of Self Directed Investor Talk: Alternative Asset Investing through Self-Directed IRA's & Solo 401k's

Further podcasts by Bryan Ellis - SelfDirected.org

Website of Bryan Ellis - SelfDirected.org