SMHR 115: Why They Didn't Buy Your Product - a podcast by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

from 2019-10-23T20:00:14

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Today I wanna talk to you about why they didn’t buy your product… 


I'm excited about today's episode. I just got off a webinar and I've done this webinar three-ish times now. 


Two of those times have been in the last few days… Come to think of it, it’s probably my fourth time doing it. 


But what's interesting about it is… When you do a pitch over and over and over again, you start to notice things that make it more or less effective. 


So I’ve been able to see what things make this pitch MORE effective. 


And I've been changing things like crazy over the last four tries


When I did the webinar two days ago, we generated $10,000. I wouldn’t be shocked if this next one does $30 or $40 grand. 




One of the keys to understanding why they didn’t buy your product is knowing how frequently you’re pitching. 


Some people like, "Well, my pitch is not amazing" Because they've only done their MLM pitch twice… It doesn't quite work like that. 


You need to be doing A LOT of these. 




… Especially when it comes to pitching. You get better at it the more you do it. 


That’s just ONE lesson I wanted to toss your way today. 


But I have an even BIGGER one for you ;) 


So let me tell you another story (you know I'm obsessed with old school marketing stories)... 


Whether you’re:  





To this right now… You may have seen the movie The Greatest Showman


That was a good movie. 


The Greatest Showman is about P.T. Barnum's life. The issue is that the movie is that it’s largely made up. 


It's a great movie. I still recommend watching it if you've never seen it. 


But Hollywood portrays P.T. Barnum as being this young father trying to provide for a young family by buying a circus. 




The Circus was his retirement project much later on in life.


What P.T. Barnum was really known for (and what his entire career was based around) was his museum. 


Tons of people came to his museum. It was a Museum of random and rare artifacts. 


So the name of the game for Barnum was… “How can I get people to physically show up to my museum on a consistent basis?” 


One of the strategies that Barnum used to get more people to come to his museum is actually shown in the movie. 




In the movie, Greatest Showman, P.T. Barnum meets a lady named Jenny Lind


Jenny Lind is this AMAZING, famous opera singer from Europe. She has a massive following. 


Everyone in Europe is like, "Oh my gosh, I love Jenny Lind. Jenny Lind is incredible."


So P.T. Barnum has an idea, "Let's bring her to America… And maybe she'll help me fill my museum." 


And so that's exactly what he does.


He reaches out to Jenny Lind and says, "Hey, would you come over to America and sing your amazing opera songs over in there?" 


They don’t show this part in the movie


P.T. Barnum is walking down the street and he starts talking to people about the fact that he's bringing the famous European opera singer, Jenny Lind, to America. 


But no one knows who she is… 


He finally gets to a doorman who opens the door for him and he goes, "I'm bringing Jenny Lind to America." 


And the doorman goes, "Who's Jenny Lind?" 


And Barnum freaks out!


He’s gone into DEBT just to bring Lind to America and he realizes that nobody knows who she is. 




So what does Barnum do? He has to do is create a STORY A campaign around Lind so that people know who she is when he brings her to America.


Barnum hires 46 reporters. Those 46 reporters start feeding the media stories about Jenny Lind. Stories are about Jenny Lind's:


  • Likes


  • Dislikes


  • What she loves


  • Her personal opinions on social matters


… They create an entire character around Jenny Lind in the press and she's not even there yet. 


It’s all for the purpose of educating the media on who she is. 


Barnum even goes so far as to have Jenny give a farewell speech in Europe so that he can make another story about her in the American press. 


Barnum had also created so Jenny Lind swag: 


  • Clothing


  • Bakery items


… This was a big deal. 


By the time Lind showed up… There were 30,000 people waiting for her at the docks.




 Now… This is where the story gets interesting


20,000 people follow her to her hotel. 


There's so much buzz! 


P.T. Barnum keeps selling out all these stages. "Come hear the amazing Jenny Lind sing." 


He had all these AMAZING campaigns and they're making so much money. It's awesome. 


But Jenny Lind gets a little bit greedy. 


She believes that it's her voice that's getting all these people to come see her. So she does one fateful thing. 


She talks to P.T. Barnum and says, "Barnum, I'm gonna go out on my own. I'm going to fill stages and stadiums on my own. I don't need you." 


And she left.


She thought that her voice was the reason that people followed her. But what happened was, she went off on her own and couldn't fill a single auditorium. 


Time, after time, after time, she tried to fill these auditoriums, and NOBODY came. 


Some people would come… But not enough to sustain it. Eventually, it all died because there wasn’t any BUZZ anymore. 


P.T. Barnum wasn’t saying anything because he's no longer part of the action. 


This is very fascinating… Because Lind ended up leaving. 


Her business had dropped sooo fast. Not that much earlier, 30,000 people greeted her on the docks as she comes in… But almost nobody noticed when she got back on the ship and ent back to Europe.




QUESTION: Why do I tell you the story? 


ANSWER: Not just because this is an amazing, very fascinating and powerful story. 


What you have to understand is that MOST people in MLM do the same thing. "My product is the reason that people are showing up."


No, it's not.


Why they didn’t buy your product has NOTHING to do with the product itself. 


When you hear your corporate headquarter say something like, "The product is so good, all you have to do is get it in front of people." 


That is the BIGGEST pile of steaming crap I have ever heard in my life!


The first time I heard that I wanted to hit somebody. 


Products DON’T sell like that.  


Jenny Lind was an amazing opera singer. One of the most famous opera singers in all of the world at the time. She was huge. 


P.T. Barnum made her huge. 


Lind thought she was the product and that people wanted to see her. 


But what did she forget to do


  • She didn't do any campaigns


  • There were no sales messages


  • She didn't feed the press anything


… She literally stopped marketing. 


*THAT* is why her business died.


This is one of the most powerful lessons I can teach you. 




This is the reason why people can't sell their stuff AND the reason why they didn’t buy your product. 


People are like, "Well, I can't use the Internet to sell my product." [chuckle] 


Neither could P.T. Barnum! There are A LOT of other ways. 


Most of the time, MLM’s say you can’t use the internet as a scare tactic


ANYONE can use the internet… Just don't say your MLM's name. 


You can still generate leads. That's what I do all the time. 


Then I sell products on the back end and it works great. 


Today, someone automatically joined my downline. Someone I’ve NEVER… 


1. Met

2. Seen before

3. Pitched

4. Talked to


And that’s what I help a lot of people do. I automate HUGE portions of their business.


And I automated me automating it!


The internet sooo powerful, it's ridiculous.




What I want you to understand, and what I want you to take away from this whole episode is knowing why they didn’t buy your product. 


I want you to look at your MLM's products, whether it's physical, digital, whatever it might be. 


If you're like "I'm selling a service, not a product." That's STILL a product! 


Whatever your offer is, look at it, and ask yourself, “Am I relying on the product to sell itself?” 


Understand that this game DOES NOT work very well for an individual who has no idea how to:  


  • Sell


  • Create campaigns


  • Create products


  • Generate a buzz like P.T. Barnum did for Jenny Lind


Your product is NOT why anybody buys. Why they didn’t buy your product comes down to the sales message. They buy because of the campaign. 


The offer is what fulfills the promise that your sales message made. 


When you understand the role of the offer and the sales message, MLM gets really easy. 




There are FOUR lessons I want you to take away from this. 


#1 Stop relying on your product to sell itself. 


#2 Create a campaign for your product.


#3 Perfect your sales messages and get good at telling them to people. 


#4 Create noise around your product. Generate a positive buzz just like Barnum did. 


REMEMBER: A campaign is nothing more than orchestrated noise. It’s exactly like what P.T. Barnum was doing with the news reporters. 


He's built up all this pressure by using the newspaper to tell everyone when Jenny Lind was coming. 


QUESTION: What does that do? 


ANSWER: It gets people to show up on that date.


It’s no different because the internet exists today. Most of the time, the people who think it’s different, don't sell anything. THAT’S why they didn’t buy your product. 


One of my favorite things to do is look back in history and see some of the ways people were forced to sell before the internet existed. 


If you can understand the patterns they used to generate a buzz, and then add the internet… The internet stops being a distraction.




I want you to be able to sit back and say,  "The reason I’m not selling the way I want is that I've never planned a sales message or a campaign with intent."


Someone who once interviewed me asked, "Stephen, what should people consider when they start trying to find an MLM to join?" 


And I was like, "Man, I don't even think about the product that much. As long as it's good, does what it says, the company is ethical and moral, who cares what it is?" 


Yes, I want it to:


  • Be amazing


  • Deliver on what they say 


  • And I want the company to over-deliver and have a serving culture 


But besides that, I'm looking to see if it’s… 


  • Campaign-able


  • Marketable


  • Can I create noise around it


… Who cares how good it is if I can't sell it? 


Anyway, if you enjoyed this and you wanna learn how to do those kinds of things, go to and grab the course. I would love to have you in it. 


We’re creating a really cool thing for you soon. It's not done yet… But we have spent over a quarter-million dollars in Facebook ads to generate leads for the MLM that I'm in, profitably. 


We put a dollar in and we get three to five back out… Which is crazy. All the stuff that I do has almost made a million bucks and then we spent a quarter-million generating that. 


We’ve decided to make a book about all the MLM ads that we've run on Facebook so we can show you why they work, how we’re able to run them, why Facebook didn't shut me down, and why my MLM didn't shut me down. 


It's gonna be called 




I know it's tough to find people to pitch after your warm market dries up, right? 


That moment when you finally run out of family and friends to pitch. I don't see many up lines teaching legitimate lead strategies today. 


After years of being a lead funnel builder online I got sick of the garbage strategies most MLMs have been teaching their recruits for decades. 


Whether you simply want more leads to pitch or an automated MLM funnel, head over to and join the next FREE training. 


There you're gonna learn the hidden revenue model that only the top MLMers have been using to get paid regardless if you join them. 


Learn the 3-step system I use to auto recruit my downline of big producers WITHOUT friends or family even knowing that I'm in MLM. 


If you want to do the same for yourself, head over to


Again that’s

Further episodes of Secret MLM Hacks Radio

Further podcasts by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

Website of Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting