97: [Part 1] MLM Product Funnels: Assets... - a podcast by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

from 2019-06-19T20:01:11

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We have a very special four-part series that we're doing here...


And this is gonna be part ONE. It's gonna be dripped out over the episodes here.


VERY stoked for you guys to be here.


We're gonna dive into MLM product funnels.


One of the biggest questions I get asked is, "Stephen, you focus quite a bit on the recruiting side. Why don't you talk more about the product sales side?"


And the reason is that I've found is that if somebody is able to recruit, the same principles apply and they are transferable over to selling the product itself.


If I can get someone to be auto recruiting, selling the product, it's the same principle. It's very, very easy to go do it.


If they can only sell the product, though, a lot of times it's harder for them. I don't know why it seems that way. Maybe it's not true, but it seems that way.


If I can get them to recruit, the product side's pretty easy.


I wanted to do a four-part series teaching you guys how I do my MLM product funnels and how I would design that for yours.


How to design these MLM product funnels so that you can auto sell.


It's the same model I've used in other industries, as well, and it's the reason it's so powerful.




If you’re in Secret MLM Hacks, you saw me go into this a little bit. And it's one of the benefits of being in the Secret MLM Hacks program.


When I start seeing that there's a spot-check training needed, I wanna dive into that.


I'll create the program. Then, I step back to see what are they not understanding.


Okay, cool, let's go make training specifically on that. I decided to take this one piece out of it and say BOOM, here it is, because it makes me really, really sad... MAD that this is not mainstream.


And a lot of times people are super afraid of doing this.


I know why, and I'm gonna talk about it right during this very first session.


It's because they're afraid of Facebook and saying things like MLM or their product name or they can't say the name of their product online. That's fine.


I'm not saying to break that rule.


Or they're like, "Hey, I'm not allowed to drive traffic to my distributor checkout page." Then don't.


What I'm about to share with you and teach you is such a big deal.


Take the environment as it is. Accept it, and then, do something about it.


But most of the time, people were like, "I won't do it because I can't do x, y, z, online."


Then find another way!


That's what this series is about. It's four parts and this is part ONE of the series.


We're gonna go dive into a little bit about the environment scenario.


The reality that MLM's in, in regards to the Internet, and does it work, can it work, will it work, why will it work if it does?


I want you to see a lot of the realities that are in there.




Full disclaimer, full disclosure with this, I'm NOT a lawyer. I'm not a legal person. I'm not your MLM.


Hopefully, everyone feels disclaimed.


This is a  15-minute lesson that will really help you understand some of the scenarios and environments that we're really in and how I don't try to break the rules or be sneaky.


I just accept it and do something about it.


I think it's gonna be powerful for you to take notes on this.


There was a guy on the show a while ago. What was cool was that he's like, "Yeah, I took those "principles you were talking about," and he's like, "I took my team volume from $8,000 dollars a month "to $130,000 a month," or something like that.


I was like holy crap, I thought you doubled. You went from $8,000 to like $130,000 in team volume and it was only three or four months using these types of principles.


It's really powerful.


If you guys wanna learn how to do this stuff for real, full time, all out, go get the program at secretmlmhacks.com.


This should give you a taste, as well. So you can see what it will be about.


I'm gonna share with you guys the secrets on how, honestly, us Internet marketers play the MLM game.


I love MLM, obviously; otherwise, I would not have created this.


But we don't play it, probably, the way you've been taught.




How is it that traditional MLM teaches you to sell supplements?


If you're like, "Hey, Stephen, I still wanna talk to friends and family." That's fine, what I'm teaching you how to do here is not talk to them if you don't want to.


Once you run out of your warm market, what do you do?


Auto recruit.


Personally, I've had five, six people join us in the last two days.


I do what we're teaching you. I have a huge issue with people on the Internet when they're like, "I'm gonna teach you how to do x, y, and z," and then, you find out they're not actually building a downline.


I don't wanna learn from them; I wanna learn from the person who's doing it. Who's in the weeds with me and just further down the road.


That's why I'm going and doing this stuff, and that's why it's been so fun.


So how do you sell supplements in the traditional method?


The traditional method of doing that is friends and family…


If it works, I'm not saying it's bad, but…  




Have you ever been to one of those car races, like a drag race?


I grew up in Denver, Colorado in Littleton, and there's this really cool drag race, a famous course. It's probably about 15 minutes from where I grew up. It was right on the side of this mountain.


It's super cool. What was crazy is you could see in the evening times, as these drag cars would take off, the fireball coming out of the back of these cars.


You could see the glow of it just on the highway. I mean, you could see when stuff was going down on this drag race course; it was really cool.


So let me ask you a question real quick...


Let's say I have a drag race car verse a Prius.


Who's gonna win?


It's actually a matter of time, isn't it? To answer this question, technically, they're both gonna hit the finish line.


Who's going to win is a matter of TIME.


What I'm trying to tell you here is there's nothing wrong with selling the way that MLM traditionally teaches you to sell a product.


The issue comes in with TIME.  




There are three kinds of time and there are three kinds of costs.


#1 Actual money cost


#2 Time cost


#3 Repeatable time


I only focus on repeatable time activities. I only wanna spend that kind of cost.


What I go do is I build a funnel, and now, I don't have to do all the traditional ways that MLM teaches you to sell a product.


Can you sell a product like that? Yeah, and huge multimillion dollar people have gone in and they've made a lot of money that way.


How many, though? This is the other thing that I wanna share with you guys on this.


So there's speed. How fast does it take me to go and do it?


Will I actually get to the finish line? Yes, in a Prius, totally. I'm gonna get to it. But I'm gonna get dominated by the drag car.


There's one other major aspect to this…  


Think about this… Let's take artists, for example (just keep with me here in just a moment while I do this).


Let's say that I take an artist… It's one of my favorite examples ever on why I do it the way I do…




I have NEVER gotten on the phone to sell somebody, I have never.


I did two MLMs back in my old life before I ever really got good at the Internet part of it, and I did a few of these strategies.


But I haven't done these strategies or what traditional MLM teaches in five years.


I don't do:


  • Home meetings
  • Hotel meetings
  • Phone meetings


I don't do any of that stuff.


I'm not throwing rocks at it if you choose to do it. I'm just saying, weigh the costs on this.


I only want the highest leverage activities.


Those will be the things that I get good at: High leverage activities.


Stuff that is low on my time, high on duplicatable time, and stuff that I can at least break even on my ad costs.


That's what I want, that equals the very scenario that I'm going for.


Low time on my side to create. Duplicatable time, so it's really high leverage. But then I can at least recoup on ad costs, so then I can spend more money than most MLMs do on their ads.


I'm gonna teach you guys three very simple product funnels. I use this same thing in several other industries.


This is a super easy way to create funnels, product funnels specifically, and it might shock you.


The Secret MLM Hacks course goes in and teaches a lot about recruiting and it talks about products, as well.


A lot of things we talk about for recruiting actually apply to product funnels and product sales.


Which is why I focus so heavily on recruiting first.




Let's say we have an artist...


How talented to do you have to be get paid really any kinda money as an artist? What skill level do you have to have in order to get paid as an artist?


A LOT. You gotta be a four or a five in order to really start making money. And even then, it may not be that much money.


Now, let's do nothing else, but change the vehicle.


*This* is why this is such a big, big deal. Let's change the VEHICLE.


I'm not gonna add any more skill levels.


I know a lot of you guys like, "Man, this seems like a lot." It's not that hard, it's just new. So you just keep sticking with it.


Let's say I'm going to learn how to teach people about how to be an artist on the Internet. I'm gonna sell some information about HOW online.


What skill level do I need to have at this vehicle in order to make a good amount of money? It's the exact opposite! That's why it's such a big deal.


What skill level do I have to have in order to start making money teaching people how to be an artist? Not that high.


But what kind of revenue do I have the potential to earn? It's through the freaking roof!


It's gonna take like half a lifetime for me to get good at the artist thing, and then, get paid hardly anything.




Or what I could do is just change my vehicle and learn how to sell.


Let's take the traditional methods that MLM teaches about how to sell a product.


We have the family and friends thing, parties, there's a lot of methods.


Let's say I'm a new MLMer. What skill level do I have to have to start making a little bit of cash in this game? I gotta:


  • Overcome a ton of mental barriers
  • Learn the script
  • Learn about the product
  • Learn about how they can buy
  • Here's what the form looks like
  • If they do SmartShip or like a monthly auto-ship program versus a one-off
  • Learn about the promotions going on
  • Learn about some of the events that my MLM has going on


THAT’S A LOT. You gotta have a pretty good amount of skill level. And how much money do you honestly make for a while?


Let's just be completely honest about this. How much money do you actually make for a while?


There was a lady who reached out to us; she was so excited. My wife and I were in college and she was like, "Stephen, my gosh, guys, you have to come."


She was excited, she was on social media, and she goes, "Hey," so imagining that she's typing with her thumbs, "Guys, I'm so blessed to be in my MLM. We've been here for three years now, and now, we're making $50 a month. We paid for diapers through our opportunity."


I was like, $50 after three freaking years? That is a sucky vehicle. But if I change the vehicle, suddenly I flip the whole model.


This is why this is such a big deal.




Some people don't even make anything, but they've spent all this time. They've learned how to sell, but they're in a sucky vehicle.


What I'm trying to share with you guys here is there are way better ways.


I'm gonna teach you guys, specifically, three ways to build a very, very simple product sales funnel for your MLM.


I wanna teach you guys this, 'cause it's a model that I've used in lots of other industries, as well.




This first one here... I can go and I can execute it and not be amazing at it.


The amount of leverage between these two strategies is ridiculous.


Remember the drag car versus the Prius? We're talking about speed.


A million dollars is a million dollars. But a million dollars you gather in a day is very different than a million dollars you gather over 50 years.


Time is what measures wealth.


I don't wanna be hooked into this vehicle. This thing that everyone teaches in MLM. It's network marketing, therefore, I have to network face-to-face.




There are three different kinds of costs.


I'm not gonna spend my personal, one-off time to go sell somebody. I just refuse to do it.


I don't know how to code. What I'm teaching you here, anyone can pull it off.


This just is a very different way to think about MLM over all.




Hopefully, that's making sense to you so far. What we're doing here is so different. Not just from a recruiting standpoint, but from a product sales standpoint.


There are three different methods.


Leverage, leverage, leverage. The magic word: LEVERAGE.


I don't know that much about the MLM product that I sell. What I know is:


  1. It's awesome
  2. It helps a lot of people
  3. I get paid every time I sell it


I have not focused on the skill of understanding the science behind the product.


I don't care about what it is as long as it's ethical. As long as it's moral, as long as it truly helps people, as long as the company's awesome, I don't really care.


What I care about and what my focus and my obsessive focus is on is this piece...




Your job is not to become a mad scientist genius over the product. That is not what sells stuff, your job is to obsess over the HOW it sells.


You don't sell things by barfing technobabble about your product over people.


That's not how this game works. That's not how sales in general works, not just MLM.




I had a very stark, slap in the face realization with this. I was doing door-to-door sales and it was my second summer. I was selling pest control, and I loved it.


About halfway through the summer, I was the number two salesman who was a first-year.


I was doing really well, I was doing two to three sales a day. We were making more money than I've ever seen in my entire life.


About halfway through the summer, I started going and knocking in these neighborhoods. I started getting questions I had never had.


It was pest control, so they would ask questions like, "What's the chemical compound behind this?"


I don't know if I knocked on a neighborhood that was like just a group of mad scientists or whatever, but they wanted to know those kinds of things, and none of them bought.


What happened was I got distracted. Instead of studying my craft as a salesman, (you are in sales in MLM), you don't own the product, you don't own your position even, you own NOTHING.


You have no say, no rights, nothing legally, at all, in your MLM.


In one snap, they can take you out of it. I'm not saying that to freak you out, it's just a stark reality of network marketing, MLM, direct sales, whatever you call it.


What I shouldn't do is try to understand the product so deeply that I'm trying to affect it.


What I'm really trying to do is study the HOW on how it sells.




That's what Secret MLM Hacks is about. Why do people buy from you? Meeting the opportunity and the product, that's what Secret MLM Hacks is about.


It's not about like, let's go be a genius. It's about what makes things sell.


How do they sell and how does the sale actually happen, and how can you automate that with that third type of time?


That's really what this is about and why I wanted to do this stuff with you.


I don't want anyone to get uncomfortable. So I'm not gonna tell you the name of my MLM still, but you can reach out to me personally.


So what happened, though, in pest control, I went and I started learning about the pest control.


I started learning the chemical compounds that killed ants. I started learning the most random stats ever.


I remember thinking, “I can't wait for the next person on the door to tell me, "But does it do this?" Because now, I know enough to barf all over 'em, all these cool science facts. Then they'll buy from me.”


And you know what's funny? We almost went bankrupt. My sales went from two to three sales a day to two to three sales a week.


I wasn't selling anymore. I was just capturing the easy lay down sales.


I started going around and knocking these poor neighborhoods, just being honest. I hope no one gets offended by when I say that. They were poorer neighborhoods and lower income housing neighborhoods.


They would pay for the first or second service, and then after that, just cancel the contract on us.


I lost over half my accounts before four months had even gone by and it was one of those powerful, but painful lessons.




I wanna clearly understand the WHO. A dream who. I wanna understand the dream customer.


I don't want somebody who I have to hold their hand 24/7 inside my downline. You shouldn't either.


I'm not trying to sell somebody who needs the opportunity, "Oh, Mr. Jones across the street, he's having a rough time right now, he needs this opportunity,"


NO! I'm building a business, not a life coaching business.


The WHO that I'm trying to recruit, the WHO that I'm trying to sell my product to matters a ton. And so my funnels, both for the product and recruiting.


They don't just sell, they also filter. They are there to keep the wrong person out.


Once I know the WHO, I start studying HOW to sell them.


The MLM is gonna be the one delivering the product. My entire focus is the HOW.


How do I sell them?


I don't sell my stuff cheap, and I do that on purpose.


Can I be real with you guys for a moment here? I have your permission to be forward?


If someone can't even afford a $100 product in their life, it is a signal of the problems they have not solved in their lives.  


Is that some spiciness there?




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Hey, I know it's tough to find people to pitch after your warm market dries up, right?


That moment when you finally run out of family and friends to pitch.


I don't see many uplines teaching legitimate lead strategies today, though.


You see, after years of being a lead funnel builder online, I got sick of the garbage strategies most MLMs have been teaching their recruits for decades.


So whether you simply want more leads to pitch or an automated MLM funnel, head over to secretmlmhacks.com to join the next free training.


There, you're gonna learn the hidden revenue model that only the top MLMers have been using to get paid regardless if you join them.


You're also gonna learn the three-step system I use to auto recruit my downline of big producers without friends or family even knowing that I'm in MLM.


If you wanna do the same for yourself, head over to secretmlmhacks.com now.


Again, that's secretmlmhacks.com.


Further episodes of Secret MLM Hacks Radio

Further podcasts by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

Website of Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting