85 - How To Find More Prospects... - a podcast by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

from 2019-03-20T20:00:55

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One of the topics I get asked about the most is, "Steven, how do I find more prospects?"


Obviously, this is one of the biggest questions that ALL MLMers have. It makes sense.


I remember the first MLM I ever joined. I went and I talked to friends and family… This was years ago. I literally walked down Main Street.


When I was done, the biggest question that I had was, “How on earth do I find more people to go and pitch? How do I find more people who are interested in this?”


Traditionally MLM says, “Go get your friends and family and get them on the phone call with me. When they come in, go get their friends and family.” We are all each others lead generation.


Here’s the problem.


You end up getting a lot of people who are not actually that interested.


I remember sitting on a couch in a cold apartment when I was in college. It was freezing. It was the middle of wintertime at 2AM.


I had this thought, "What if I was to combine a lot of what the info product model is on the internet with MLM? What if I was to use some of those to go and sift and pull people who are more likely interested in what I'm doing?"


And that's exactly what I did.




That's EXACTLY what Secret MLM Hacks is. It teaches those methods. I get this kind of question all the time from people in the course. They're asking, "Steven, how do I get more and more people?"


That's covered in depth in the course itself, but I took the time to go a little bit more in depth.


I want to walk you through a few specific strategies. If these sound like, "Whoa. Why would you do that?", understand the reason that my stuff's been doing so well is because I follow the info product model.


I attached MLM to the info product model.


A lot of what I encourage people to do is create. "I would create this, and I'd put this together, and I'd do this." They're not orthodox.


It's very unorthodox ways of pulling out leads and getting people to you.


I'm still getting three to four people asking to join my downline PER DAY that I've never met.


This has been WORKING, and we're about to hit nine hundred people. That's a lot of people, man!


I get to choose the people that I think will be good for the team, rather than me going to them and saying, "Please join my downline. Please, join my downline. I need the commission."


I don't have to do that crap any more, and I haven't had to for a long time now.




For those of you who don’t know, Secret MLM Hacks is a program for those of you guys who want to do more things on the internet and actually bring people to you. A lot of it involves building what we call a sales funnel. It shows you how to do that, how to put all the stuff together, how to position yourself in the market, how to actually do marketing in general. How to make yourself an authority figure in the MLM space.

There's a soft pitch for it. I'm just telling you in case you're interested. Go to


The way I generate leads for my MLM is by creating products that are a little bit more pricey. Not really high, but somewhere in the middle. People pay for it.


After that, I introduce them, "Hey, you want to join my downline?"


BOOM! That is what feeds the application funnel… mostly. The only other place that they learn about where to apply to join my downline is my podcast.


Some people are just like, "Man, I love this guy. I would listen to all 80 episodes of this dude. He's in my ears. This is incredible. Everything he says is awesome. I want more of his stuff. How do I join his team."


They'll just go right in and join. That's awesome.


I'm trying to do is two things:

  1. Get paid to prospect, okay.
  2. Pay more to acquire a customer then entire MLMs can…


Because MLMs don't know how to do this stuff!




They have no idea how to do any of this. I treat my MLM like a product. It’s a REAL business.


Not just like, "Yeah, come do a little hobby." NO. If I can tell it's a hobby for you, you're not in my downline.


I'm here to grow. I'm here to explode. I'm here for dominators. I want to take over. That's my mentality.


I'm vetting people out through the application itself. I'm reading their applications like, "Man, this guy seems lazy." Gone.

  1. I'm getting paid for my time by doing a paid prospecting product. That vets out customers. That gets rid of the time wasters and leaves the people that I want in my downline. The people who are going to kill it and treat this like a business, not a hobby.
  2. I want to be able to spend more to acquire customer than ENTIRE MLMs are able to. I'm already doing that and I'm only one guy. I'm spending more than whole MLMs to be in front of people. From a content and time perspective and an actual money cost to acquire ads perspective.


I have those people apply to join my downline. "Hey, go to the recruiting funnel." Awesome.


That's the strategy. I want to soak up hot market first. That's the easy money on the table.


Don't trip over dollars to pick up pennies.


There are people who love you, who want to be a part of your world already. Let them..

  • IN
  • Buy from you
  • Join your stuff
  • Understand who you are
  • Get close to you

That's awesome. Most of the time you're building your front line leadership.




But pretty soon… even the best marketers run out of people.


I have to figure out how to widen the pot a little bit and explore the warm market. That's when I start creating small front end offers.


PS - You’re going to start seeing me do that here in the next three months. I’m making a whole bunch of small front end products. They're not to make me money. It's to attract more people to me.


Some people are like, "This guy's awesome. Let me listen to his podcast, see if he really knows what is up." Some people are going to love you instantly.


Other people might be like, "Let's see what else he's got." And they might buy your other thing.


I'm providing multiple options for people to purchase and give cash as a way to raise their hand and say, "I'm serious about this."


When someone starts out at the bottom, that’s typically very detrimental. They can't spend any money, there's no leeway.


Don't start at the bottom. But also, please don't think that it's always set in stone. Some people are like, "Man, I'm going to make something mid-tier and then I'm going to go down straight to the bottom." That's fine, if that's what you really want to go do.


But honestly, what I like to do is think through and be like, "What would get people so freaking excited?”


What is sexy that I can hand people to and they're like, "Man, I want to be a part of that. I want more of this guy. This guy's awesome."


They go in and they buy that and THEN I'll introduce them. Typically in that order.




I want people to know what I'm about and what I'm NOT about.


I'm not going to be standing here teaching them, "When you're face-to-face with your friends and family, here's three phrases you can say to mind control somebody into your downline."


I HATE those books.


I have a bookshelf and one of the shelves is half-full of GARBAGE like that from ‘experts’ in this industry.


[I'm throwing a rock right now]




I don't believe in mind control BUT I do believe in persuasion. The way I bring somebody in determines what they're going to do afterwards.


If I make it easy for them to come in, I make it easy for them to fail.


If I make it harder for them to join my downline and there's all these little tiny obstacles that I'm like, "Hey, are you really a good fit? And if you're not, are you willing to be moldable quickly into a good fit?"

Remember, I'm building my business.




All these things that happen before you join my downline are there to set up a ramp.


I was in the army and I went to basic training. When I went to basic training I was 25. Okay?


I was already 25 years old, I was in college, I was married, I had a kid.


99% of everyone else who was there was 17 years old and a high school dropout.


The mentalities are 100% different. The way we came in mattered greatly on the outcome.


A lot of these guys would try and fight me as soon as the Drill Sergeants turned around. For real.


Papa Larsen's a big boy. I can take care of myself.


Because of the way I came in, the Drill Sergeants put me in charge of stuff for freaking ever because they trusted me. It's the exact same principle.


I do not want just anyone to come in my downline. I'm building rock stars.


There’s a reason I'm being stickler with the way people enter. It determines how successful they’re going to be.  


I don't want to cattle prod people to get them to take action.

Further episodes of Secret MLM Hacks Radio

Further podcasts by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

Website of Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting