80: When Your MLM Won't Let You Promote Online... - a podcast by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

from 2019-02-13T21:05:20

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What can you do when your MLM does not allow you to sell online or recruit online. They’re practically forbidding you to be on the internet, say their name online or drive ads to your MLM products.




This is probably one of the biggest questions I get about MLM. People are shocked when I tell that my MLM lets me sell online.


The truth is, sometimes MLMs WILL let you say their name on the Internet.


But what do you do when:


  1. Your MLM doesn't like it when you say their name on the Internet
  2. They say that you can't directly recruit online
  3. You can’t drive ads to your MLM product or sell online


I’m about to tell you the answer to that question…


This is the way that I've been able to leverage the Internet to increase my speed and the quality of my leads, without fighting against the rules of my MLM.


You might have to go over this a few times if it’s the first time you ever heard of some of these concepts - that's okay.


THIS is how I've been able to automate the systems in my MLM. We get two or three leads per day. People I’ve never met before, asking to join my downline.


THIS is how I do it online without being shady or weird. Without having to find some secret small little loophole that might close some day. This is how I do it.


If your MLM is telling you that you can't sell online or recruit online at all, that’s okay. JUST DON’T DO IT.


The answer is…




That way you're not directly recruiting or selling online. All you have to do is close them in the back. That's one of the things that I do.




I've been very, very careful to choose an MLM that lets me sell and recruit online. I can put their name on ads without getting in trouble.


Let's say you're a part of an MLM like that but you love it - that’s great.


I'm not encouraging you to leave it.


You can still create value for people in the MLM space if you can’t sell or recruit online. Have them COME TO YOU through front end offers. Then you close them afterwards. That's totally okay.


If you're openly like, "Hey, come join my downline." your MLM is probably going to have a problem with that.


"Hey, come buy my MLM products." They probably won’t be okay with that. I'm not saying that’s what you should do.


Do I ever mention the name of my MLM? NEVER!


The moment I start talking about the MLM I'm in, it taints all of this. People think that I'm just here to recruit them.


I'm telling you right now... If you LOVE what you're in, you stay in it!


You still use the internet to help you in your MLM without selling or recruiting online. What you do is, you create a paid prospecting product. You don't even have to say the name of your MLM.


I don't say the name of my MLM. You can still qualify people as subscribers and buyers by getting them to pay for something related to MLM.


Then BAM, you can go in and talk to that person afterwards. You got HOT leads!


You’re not saying, "Come join my MLM downline." MLM is not a fan of that. That's why I don't do it. That's not what I teach here.




How do you recruit and sell online then? PAID PROSPECTING.


It's not challenging. It doesn't need to be crazy at all. There are some really easy products you can create that have a high value.


High value, low impact products for you. High value to them, low impact for you.


Those are fantastic ways to bring people to you. It helps you sift out the people who are the cheapos. The people that are never going to pay for anything. I don't want those people in my downline.


I want only those joining at the very top of the MLM. It shows me their mentality and how much they're going to work. It shows me that they're hungry and they actually want this.


If someone joins at the very bottom level, I don't even give them the bonuses that are in my offer. There have been multiple times I've reached out to people who have joined at the very bottom level. I've reached out to them and said, "Hey, out of respect for those who joined at the top, I cannot give you the bonuses unless you turn back around and join at the highest level."


You don't even need to create your paid prospecting products. Just assemble them. Go to YouTube, type in "How to succeed in MLM." Anything that pops up on YouTube is public domain. Grab the videos, put them in a members area and charge a few bucks.


You just seen to sift people out. That's the principle behind it. You’re pre-qualifying individuals.


Because they’re paying you and there's money coming in, you can afford to spend on ads. Which means your speed increases beyond anyone in your upline or downline. Whoever can spend the most to acquire a customer, wins.




So you can’t use:


  • A website
  • Any broadcast communication method
  • Mass mailing
  • Telemarketing
  • Anything of that nature


That's fine. Stop promoting your MLM.


If your MLM is yelling at you for that or they're telling you not to do that, DON’T DO IT.


Follow their rules. You still can make a podcast to do with MLM. Just don't say the name of your MLM. Talk about what you're learning and people will start reaching out to you.


"I'm learning a lot of stuff here. What MLM are you in?" That’s been happening to me for three years now.


This is Secret MLM Hacks, so how do you HACK the industry? You create offers in front so you don't have to talk about your MLM.


I had to do this in my old MLM. I was able to recruit online like crazy even through the MLM siad, "Don't talk about our product on the internet." and "Don't talk about recruiting on the internet."


If that's their viewpoint, that's okay. Work with what you've got. All you have to do is create one extra little offer. A paid prospecting funnel. Once you’ve pulled somebody in, talk to them afterwards.


You're not driving ads to something that says, "Join my MLM." That'll get you shut down.


Pull people in with paid prospecting then you can say to them, "Oh, by the way, I don't know if you want any soap or whatever." If they say, "Yeah, sure." Send them to your product funnel.





Paid prospecting is an incredibly effective way of bringing people in the door. You get paid whether they join your downline or not. It gives you money for ads so that increases your speed.


You’ll outrun so many people in your upline and downline because they don't understand any of these principles.


You need to make your front end offer super sexy. Don't think about your limitations. Come up with a sexy offer then find a way to make it. It doesn’t need to take a lot of time. Time is not equivalent to value.


It would be really awesome if everyone in this group created ONE THING and shared it with everyone else. That way you’ll all have a cool front end offer but you only had to make one thing. That’s called crowd creating.

Crowd creating products is a great way to do it. I crowd create products like an animal. I find a bunch of experts and say, "Hey, would you teach for 10-15 minutes how to use your expertise?"


A lot of them grabbed their phones and said, "This is how I do it." I got 15 people to do that, packaged it up. BAM, product. Real easy.


If somebody knows that what they're about to say is going to be used inside of a product, that’s a huge status increase for them. They usually do it for free because they’re getting to promote themselves to your audience.


Further episodes of Secret MLM Hacks Radio

Further podcasts by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

Website of Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting