73: Publishing Your MLM Journey... - a podcast by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

from 2018-12-26T20:57:39

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This is how to be "followable" as you document your journey in MLM...


I get a lot of questions about publishing content. Most of them sound something like this.


Should I be publishing content about the MLM product or the business of building an MLM team/down line?


You should be publishing content about ALL OF IT.




I was mowing the lawn last summer. When I mow the lawn I usually listen to a podcast so it’s not completely wasted time. I love doing yard work, I find it so therapeutic. The podcast I was listening to was fascinating. They were describing a product that they hadn’t even created yet.


The podcast was about how they were creating their product. At the end of the podcast they dropped the release date. The next episode of the podcast was building on the last one. They were talking about more new features that they had added to the product. It STILL wasn’t even finished yet!


These guys were talking about stuff that was not even out yet!


As I listened to more episodes of the podcast, I started getting this massive urge. I wanted to have this products so badly but it wasn’t even built yet!


They were documenting their journey. That's it. The light bulbs in my head exploded.




You don't have to be miles ahead of the game to start publishing content. You only need to be two or three steps ahead of someone else.




Do you know the show Seinfeld? If you listen to the interviews of the producers, they laugh about how they successfully pulled off a show about nothing.


People like stories and they will tune in to them for no reason at all. All a story needs is:

  • A plot
  • A character
  • A conflict


That's it. That's what makes a story




If you want to do a podcast, do it. You’re not competing with me by publishing content on the same platform. I just want you  to document your journey, okay? Your attractive character will attract different types of people to you, than me.


I completely understand that I attract people and repel people at the same time. I do it on purpose!


Some people say "Oh man, I hate listening to guys that wear collared shirts and have oversized, gigantic eyeballs the size of the globes." I know that.


I say certain thing to repelled certain people. I get it. I'm not trying to push people away. I am trying to draw lines in the sand. I encourage you to start a podcast, anything, and document your journey. Just don't do a play off of my name, Secret MLM Hacks Radio! That always drives me nuts!


Be your own brand. You don’t want to look like a mini me.




Look at Mac versus PC. Do you see commercials for those products anymore?


Not many, right?




It’s because Mac, on a consumer level, has passed PC.


Russell and I stopped talking about Leadpages. Why? Because we passed them.


What I'm saying is, if you choose me as the brand that you're trying to pass, that’s fine. What’s weird is, as you pass me, you’ll ended up taking me with you.


You need to stop focusing on the brand as you pass them.


If you keep talking about them, you take them up with you. This is the reason that ClickFunnels stopped talking about Leadpages. Now they throws rocks and fight against Infusionsoft. Once they passed Infusionsoft, they're going to stop talking about them.




I took my content and pit myself directly against an ideal. The ideal that I pitched against, that I throw rocks at, is that you must talk to your friends and family in order to be successful in MLM.


I didn't pit against a person. I pit against what is widely accepted as the only strategy in the MLM game. Choose an ideal that you can challenge as you document your journey.


Just don't do it against another person. That's when it gets dirty. Don't pit against the person, pit against an ideal. Something that is commonly accepted. Something people are convinced they should be doing to get the result that they want.


We didn't cheat like the people who only talk to their family members and friends. That causes contention, but I do it on purpose.




You don’t need to have a finished product or reach a certain milestone before you start publishing content and documenting your journey. I released 50 episodes of my podcast before my product was finished! HOW!?


  • I documented the entire journey
  • I told people what I was doing to make the product
  • I spoke about my MLM origin story


There's no pitch. Your helping and giving value. You're playing off of one of the nine mental triggers. Reciprocity (which you go through inside the course).


Whatever platform you want to publish content on, marry your thing. Post content regularly. Once per week for the rest of your life and you will see a change. You could screw up 90% of the strategies that I teach you, as long as you're publishing content. Publish regularly and you'll come out the other side with more success than most people. It makes you an authority figure.




People want to follow an attractive character. You will develop as a storyteller and attractive character if you document your journey.


Superman's only interesting because kryptonite exists. Don't act like superman and not have any kryptonite. Flaws are what makes an attractive character more attractive.


Here's some flaws - get ready for this.


I was on stage last week. I've been speaking like crazy. I was onstage, I was getting excited and jumping around. As I was jumping, the pants I was wearing rode a little bit low on my waist. As I came down from the jump, I squatted... And I ripped my pants!


I didn't tell anybody. I didn't say anything. I didn't know how bad it was. The cameras are recording and there's all these people watching. I don't know what's going on back there.


I published that story. It was an actual podcast. Why? Because one of the ways that you develop an attractive character is by having rapport with people.


How do you build rapport?


  1. Be likable
  2. Be funny
  3. Be a victim
  4. Be in jeopardy


Have you seen Star Wars? I'm watched the new Star Wars and there are so many characters! I haven’t seen the old ones so I don't know their backstory. I have no rapport with them. Therefore I don't care about them.


Publishing content is the most crucial things that I teach you in this entire course. I know I've got awesome systems, funnels, strategies and other AWESOME things.


Oh my gosh, if you publish content, learn how to tell stories and become attractive character, your world will explode.

Further episodes of Secret MLM Hacks Radio

Further podcasts by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

Website of Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting