72: My MLM Content Machine... - a podcast by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

from 2018-12-19T21:12:56

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Here's how I'm making all of my MLM content without personally spending all the time to be on all the platforms we publish to...


I know it's been a while since I've posted. I’ve had to take a step back so I could take two steps forward. I'm super pumped to show you why!

I am obsessed with a guy named Ryan Holiday. I love his books. He's got this great book called Trust Me, I'm Lying. The biggest thing I learned from Ryan Holiday is summed up in this one quote. He said….

The future belongs to those who understand content.

If you want to change an industry, all you have to do is change content. If you want to change someone’s beliefs, all you need to do is change the content they’re consuming.

I started listening to more of what Ryan Holiday was teaching. Where could I take a stand that would be the easiest, the best and the fastest to rise with my content strategy? I looked at the MLM industry which I already was selling into. I realized, "Oh, my gosh. Few people are publishing content inside of MLM.”


There's not that many active podcasters. Go to iTunes and type in MLM or network marketing. I'm not saying there aren't any, there are. Few people are actively publishing content inside of MLM compared to other industries.

I took a step back so that I could figure out my the content strategy. I try to be completely transparent with you guys. This is a video podcast. I'm actually on YouTube right now. The video podcast gets syndicated out to about 20 platforms by the time we're done.

I want to teach you guys what I've been doing and what you can expect from Secret MLM Hacks Radio. This what I do in my other show, Sales Funnel Radio. It worked so well that I'm putting it over here on this side of the show. It's a huge content machine. That's what I call it.

I am aggressively passionate about the MLM industry. I am aware of that. I do it to rattle the chains a little bit.

I am SICK AND TIRED of the way MLM is done today by the mainstream MLM-er.

I am SICK AND TIRED of the big MLM corporations not letting MLM strategy change.

I am SICK AND TIRED of people sitting back and getting taken by big companies because MLM strategy is not being allowed to change with the times.

I am throwing rocks hard and unapologetically. I am not throwing them at people. I'm not throwing them at the general MLM-er. I'm not throwing rocks at somebody because they're brand new and don't know the things I’m going to teach. The purpose of this blog is to teach the MLM strategies that I'm using. I'm teaching all the MLM and content strategies I'm using to grow my downline.

I love what I'm doing right now. We've been putting the systems and processes back in place. We are still getting three to four people who I've never met, asking to join my downline every day! It’s so much fun.

I am compelled to teach you the strategies that I’ve been using in the MLM industry. You're not going learn it from your uplines! That’s the reason I took a stand in this space. I'm unapologetic about it.

I'm calling my shot, right here, right now. This is going to be some of the top content in MLM. It's gonna be very hard for MLMs to ignore what I'm doing right here. I am SO TIRED that MLM has not changed, and won't let it change. It's been 30 years. What is the deal?

The purpose of the content I publish is to rock the boat. And I'm going to rock it hard. 

Every single belief that you have, or have ever had, or ever will have, is upheld by a story. Even if it’s a false belief! Even if it's a false story! It could be a story that's been handed down from generation to generation. Even though it's not true, it’s what is upholding your false belief. If I change the story that somebody is hearing, they are in a better position to change their beliefs. Do you understand how powerful this is?

I'm teaching you is the closest thing to X-Men mind control right now. This is true marketing. Marketing at its core.

Marketing is not:

Freaking Facebook ads
Marketing is not logos
It’s not slogans
It most certainly is not a freaking business card!
There's a great book called Rework. It talks about some great concepts like the core of a business.

Can you have a hot dog stand without relish? Yeah you can.

Can you have a hot dog stand without a bun? It'd be a little weird, but yeah, you can.

Can you have a hot dog stand without a hot dog? No.


MLM might stand for multi-level marketing, but it is completely misnamed. No one teaches marketing in MLM. Marketing is not face-to-face interaction, that's advertising or selling, NOT marketing.

I want you to understand what the core of marketing is. I want to show you my content machine and why it's built the way it is. It's going to help you guys understand what the heck I’m doing. Feel free to hack it, as people say, and do the same in your own biz, I don't care.

The whole point of this blog episode, my show and the company Secret MLM Hacks, is to rock the MLM industry, and it's working.

Marketing is the act of changing beliefs with the intent of a sale.

That is it. Let me repeat that to really bring it home. Marketing is the act of changing beliefs with the intent to sell something.

How do you change beliefs? You tell stories. Few people in the MLM industry know how to publish content.


I listened to a guy talk about the top three ways to market in the MLM industry to recruit people into your downline. Now I don't care what MLM you're in. I'm trying to change MLM as a whole. The best bit of advice this guy had, his golden nugget of wisdom, was to go leave business cards on people's car windshields. WHAT!? Those are the MLM strategies that are still being taught now. No wonder people think MLM is a freaking scam. I'm sick of it. Drives me nuts. I've got a sword in my backpack right now, and I'm going to town on the MLM industry.

Another guys brilliant strategy was to go and sit next to people he saw sitting alone in restaurants. That’s how he built his MLM empire. Not only am I astounded at how insane that is, but I would never do that. I don't do that kind of crap. You will never see me in front of a hotel lobby, inside of a mall or on freaking three-way calls. I'm not trying to offend anybody, but I am trying to jar you.

The internet became publicly available in 1991.

It was being used by the military before then. It's been here for a while, but the MLM strategies have not changed for decades. If the secret sauce is business cards and sitting next to people while they eat, WOW. The ocean is so blue. No wonder we've been doing well. 

I come armed with my flamethrower on this blog because what is happening inside the MLM industry is driving me nuts! My MLM backs me in what I'm doing - they're very excited for what’s to come.

I'm using three things that no one teaches in MLM:   

I'm using all the top strategies in every other area of the internet! I’m applying those strategies to MLM!


We run the whole content machine system using a tool called Trello.

We've been adding in and streamlining a whole bunch of new systems and processes to make this content machine run like clockwork.

I'm going to teach you what I'm doing with my content machine.

Step 1: I record a video, I upload the video.

Step 2: I upload the MP3 as well. We rip the MP3 out of the video.

Step 3: The MP3 gets turned into text.

That’s just the basics. A lot of stuff happens to it from that point on.


Our video expert goes in and chops out all these cool 15 second clips that we can use on Instagram. We take one minute long clips to use on Facebook. Just ONE piece of content gets repurposed for five platforms.

If you like to read, great. If you like to go into iTunes, great. If you like to watch on YouTube, great. Pinterest, great.

Whatever platform you like to consume content on, I do my best to make sure you don't have to leave that platform. You’re never going to miss out.

We take thumbnails from the video to put on Pinterest and other visual platforms such as Instagram.

The MP3 file gets transcribed into a text so we can put it on a blog for you to read. blog.secretMLMhacksradio.com is now launched!

There’s a huge team behind this, which frankly costs a lot of money. I want to be transparent with you. I spend anywhere from $10 to $20 thousand a month making the content for this show alone.

We're republishing to many platforms. iTunes, iHeartRadio, SoundCloud, Spotify. Name a platform and we’re more than likely repurposing and publishing content to it.

We use keywords that are specific that work well for each individual platform. This blog, YouTube, iTunes. Each one is different and we’re making it awesome regardless of the platform.



I feel so strongly about what I'm doing here. An injustice has been happening inside of the MLM industry. I'm tired of it. We are going to get loud and I'm very unapologetic about it.

I'm plugging in to about nine agencies. This is huge. These nine agencies on the front end all have their own people in the back as well. It's a big team that's involved. Our Facebook agency team looks at each one of the episodes to see what the market enjoyed the most. Then they running ads over to Secret MLM Hacks.

If you want to be a part of Secret MLM Hacks, you are more than welcome to. It is a program that teaches you how to automate your lead gen, and sales of your products on the internet. It teaches you how to recruit like crazy.

Put in the hard work and you're going to make a lot of money with it.

MLM is fun when you do it, in my opinion, the right way.

Follow my journey, because I'm about to get real loud.

No one publishes content that well. No one knows how to do marketing. The stuff I'm doing is cutting edge. I’ve taken successful strategies that work for other businesses outside of MLM and applied it to the MLM industry. It's killing it.

Welcome to the future of Secret MLM Hacks Radio. I'm very excited. I love being in the MLM industry again because of the strategies I'm going to share with you guys.


Further episodes of Secret MLM Hacks Radio

Further podcasts by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

Website of Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting