67: Leverage Negative Reactions... - a podcast by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

from 2018-04-23T23:56:32

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Speaker 1: What's going on everyone. This is Steve Larsen and you're listening to Secret MLM Hacks Radio. So here's the real mystery. How do real MLMers like us who didn't cheat and only bug family members and friends, who want to grow a profitable home business, how do we recruit A-players into our down lines and create extra incomes, yet still have plenty of time for the rest of our lives? That's the blaring question and this podcast will give you the answer.
My name is Steve Larsen, and welcome to Secret MLM Hacks Radio. What's up guys? Hopefully you're doing well. I haven't been publishing as much recently, but anyways, I'm excited to get this episode out to you. We've been out and about. We were just on vacation at Disney World for a while, or Disneyland sorry, for a while. It was a bunch of fun. Man. It was just really, really fun. And my wife and I couldn't help but stop many times throughout every day that we were there and just comment how interesting it was that we had a chance to go do that.
Because you guys know my story. A couple years ago, right, we had nothing, and the thought of spending what we did was ridiculous. The amount of money that we spent was how much we would live on for three months. And it's crazy. It's just very, very fascinating to see how fast worlds can change. And I don't say that to be showboaty, or high and mighty. I love that I get to do what I get to do, and I love that ... I really like the MLM game guys. It's fascinating, the power that it brings and the ability to love the life that you want to is true.
And you know, I used to listen to other guys, like me, saying that kind of stuff and I'd be like, "Oh yeah. Okay. Whatever." And I'd dismiss it a little bit. But it's really true. I mean, you can do amazing stuff with the MLM space mixed with building these internet sales funnels and doing that kind of thing. So anyways, been a lot of fun. Hey, this is a topic I just want to touch on real quick here, and I touched on it a little bit in one of my other shows, but one of the things I've been doing lately ... you guys know I have a program called Secret MLM Hacks and it's going really, really well.
It's been mentioned now in several platforms, meaning not just by me. Got mentioned at, I said Grant Cardone's 10X event, which was awesome. It's now officially a part of Russell Brunson's product, Funnel Builder Secrets, meaning he mentions it in that webinar, which is crazy cool, can't even believe it. Anyway, it works. It's the real deal. It's the bees knees, cat's meow. And I love it. It's been a lot of fun. We've had a lot of success and a lot of success stories coming from a lot of cool people out there just killing it. And very honored.
I am actively trying to change the MLM industry. And it's not easy. You know, it's going well. We got a lot of people watching. So anyways, what I've been doing is I wanted to think through, and with you real quick, I want you to know where I am in this whole process. So what I did, like I said, it's probably about a ... I mean, really, it was about four years ago that I had the first idea for Secret MLM Hacks, four years ago. I validated the idea about two years ago when I launched the first version of it, and it was okay. I definitely saw where the flaws were, and where people were not having enough understanding how to run it, or things like that.
So I took it off the market, and then this last January, I launched the full, the actual full version and course and it's been a lot of fun. But first what I did is I made sure that I knew how to sell it. Before I ever created it, I made sure I knew how to sell it. And the way I did that was, number one, one of the ways, was by this podcast, actually. This podcast, the show, okay, just follow along and put your MLM in my shoes. I'm sorry, put my product in your shoes. Think through with me, how you're selling the MLM. Work through this process with me. The first thing I had to do before I said yes to doing it, I had to make sure that it would sell.
Too many people go out and they choose their MLM based on if they like the product. That is the wrong way to do it. Too many people go out and say, "Well, I'm going to choose my ... If I like the product, or how's the comp plan?" It's like, okay, nobody cares if it can't sell. And I learned that painfully through the school of hard knocks, just over the last four or five years as I've been doing this stuff. And going around and realizing, like, oh my gosh, yes, cool doesn't sell. Yes, cool, hard to sell. Yes, cool, when I sell I really don't get that much from it. My cut's really small.
And I had to go through, I got really nitpicky on how to choose it. So the first thing I did is number one, I had to figure out, will this sell if I go do it? I believe in free market capitalism, of course I have to make sure sell, of course it's to make money. But really it's doing other things. What it does is it allows me to take all that money and put it back into ads, to increase the speed of the product. So number one, I ask, does this sell well? Is it easy to sell?
Number two, is there opportunity for me to put ad dollars behind it, because that ... I used to get all excited ... You know the first time I ever launched one of my products I was so excited, I was like, "Oh my gosh, I'm not spending any money on ads." That was the most terrible thing to celebrate. An actual marketer will want to spend money on ads. An actual marketer will want ... Guys, as much as you can, my goal is to outspend every single competitor that I have, including entire MLM's who have no idea what they're doing on social media. It's a pretty blue ocean. That's why I teach in my products what I do so you guys can do the same.
Anyway, very, very powerful. Increases speed like crazy, gets you out there very, very fast, and the money follows, which is awesome. So number one, right, does it sell? Number two, can I spend money on ads? And then what I started doing was I went and actually started putting together a really, really amazing offer. So there's a course they're purchasing that they get, but then also they're getting a whole bunch of prebuilt sales funnels. And I was the lead funnel builder at ClickFunnels headquarters for almost two years. Sat next to Russell Brunson for that entire time, in the same room, and it was a bunch of fun. Learned a lot, learned a ton of stuff, built almost 500 funnels next to him. I don't build just your ordinary funnels.
And so I include those inside of the program. And then there was a whole bunch of ... There was a few other things that I tossed in there, and that was kind of it. And I went through and I started selling it and it sold well. And it is selling well. And it's gone really, really well. "Stephen, why are you telling us this? It sounds like you're showboating." I'm not. I'm bringing you up to where I am now. So what I do now is I take a step back. I'm taking a step back and I'm looking again at how people have interacted with the original sales message that I put out there.
How are they interacting with it? What are all the reasons people are not purchasing? What are their excuses? What problems did I create for people when they bought my product? I created a lot of solutions. I delivered a lot of solutions, but I also created problems. That's the nature of purchasing. You, your own product, you give people problems as much as you give them solutions, which is awesome because if you can figure out how to solve those fallout problems you make a lot of extra money, especially when you bundle it with the original thing.
So that's what I'm doing, taking a step back and I'm like, "Cool, how's the sales message?" And I'm doing a deep dive. Guys, I'm rewriting the entire web class, literally. It's a completely ... If you saw the old one and you were like "Uh," It's totally different. It's not ready yet. It's about to be though. And it's amazing though. And I made it reacting to what the market's been telling me through the form of complaints, through the form of people not purchasing it and telling me why they didn't, through the form of people buying and then saying, "Oh man. I wish I had X, Y, and Z." I'm taking note of all of that.
The market is telling me how to adjust, and I am being cognizant of how it's telling me to move. Too many times in our MLM's what we'll do is we'll go around and be like, "Hey." First of all we'll say, "I'm going to join an MLM based on if I like the product." Like okay, that's a rough way to go. Rather than, does it sell well. Don't kid yourself. You're here to make money. You want to help and bless other people's lives also, which is great, and you should, and I believe that that's a very important part of it, but being real here, you want to make money, so let's make sure that it does.
And then what they do is, a lot of people will go out and they'll ... Here's how most MLM pitches happen. Tell me if I'm wrong. Tell me if I'm wrong. Most MLM pitches, the stereotypical pitch to sell a product to somebody else, they take the product, they walk over, and they show it to the other person, and they'll either give it away as a sample, or they'll sell if for crazy cheap, and they expect that the experience somebody has as they have the product is what will sell them on it. Okay, that is a method, not THE method, it is a method. And it is really like step two or three or five hundred.
That is such a wrong way to do the game. First, create a sales message for the thing. There should be so much desire. Here's the biggest thing you could ever take from this episode. Number one, how can I take my MLM product and change it from a need to a want? Needs don't sell well. Wants sell very well at a premium. And most people will take their MLM product and they'll walk on out and they say, "Here you go." And they expect that the experience is what sells them, that the product experience ... That's important, but that's not a step number one kind of activity. Step number one activity is to be able to develop a sales message and a story that gives context as to why they want the product.
Otherwise, man you end up giving away a lot of samples. Tell me I'm wrong. I've done it the other way, and you've just got tons of samples going out the door, like sample, sample ... "How come I'm only getting like a few people for every multiple hundreds to actually get on this thing. Why am I losing money on this?" It's because they don't see the value in it. Value is not created in a product. Value is not created in an offer. It's not. Value is created in a sign in a sales message. It's delivered through the product and offer, but it's not created in the product or offer.
And if people can't see the value in what it is you're doing, it's because you're trying to sell a product. You're not selling a sales message yet. Stop doing that. Turn around and figure out how to develop a sales message. You're like, "Stephen, I don't know how to do that." That is exactly the reason why I created Secret MLM Hacks, okay. Go get the program if you haven't. The goal, you could say the subheadline of the whole product is to teach you how to be a marketer. Marketing, marketing is stereotypically something that is not taught in MLM.
It is a misnamed industry. It should be called multi level selling, because that's what people learn how to do. They learn how to get a script, and go say it in front of somebody else. That's not wrong. The problem is that the scripts sell products, meaning as the focal point. The script does not create value. That's like the hugest most massive issue with them. And you can't blame the big MLM's. They're trying to create MLM messages and sales messages that apply to the masses, that are generic, that apply to such a wide spectrum of people that are out there. You can't blame them. I don't blame them.
If I was an MLM, I would initially do the same thing, but then step number two, what I would do is go see who does purchase, and tailor a sales message, and specifically marketing, to the people who are most likely to purchase rather than this broad paintbrush. Anyway, if you guys don't know the difference between sales and marketing, go check out the free web class at SecretMLMHacks.com because I've got in there the difference between sales and marketing. And it's incredibly powerful. Oh. Anyways, misnamed industry to the massive amount.
I don't care if you call it network marketing. I don't care if you call it direct selling. It's all the same thing. You get a commission for selling somebody else's product, and there's opportunity to get commission on people that you brought into the opportunity as well. Call it what you want to. Most people shy away from the term MLM simply because they feel embarrassed over the tactic they're approaching you with. And I know that I'm saying some pretty forward things right now. But I am passionate enough to leave my job over it with two kids and a pregnant wife. And you should be too.
I'm ticked off enough about it to let people know that this is something that is not done correctly in the industry. Anyway, so what I'm doing right now, total side tangent, but what I'm doing right now is I'm going back and I'm creating a sales message and marketing, reacting to how people interacted with my sales message and marketing. I'm reacting to what the market is telling me. And I'm tweaking heavily an entirely brand new sales message based on what people are saying, and then also back down to the offer.
So people, right ... The offer used to be they'd get this course, and they'd get some prebuilt funnels, they'd get this. But really, people are like, "Man, how do we get traffic?" So I went in and what I've done is I've found one of the top Facebook strategists, she's incredible. She is incredible. I could say some of the names of people that she does traffic for on Facebook and you would know them. She's very good. She's very expensive, but I hired her. She's the one that does mine. And I asked her, begged her, pleaded with her, that she would do a mini course for you guys inside of Secret MLM Hacks, and she said yes. So I'm excited.
So I'm solving the fallout problem. People were like, "How do we get traffic?" Well, I'm already teaching three ways, but here's another awesome way from one of the best sources that's out there, her own courses alone are a lot of money. Anyway, she's teaching how to do that. [inaudible 00:14:13] screen shares and goes through and walks through the whole process how to set that stuff up. Because guess what, I don't even know how to do that. I don't want to know how to do that. I want other people to know how to do that and I want to hire them. That's exactly what I did and I did that for you guys.
I also get other people to come in and teach how to sell more face-to-face. I am a millennial. I sell a lot with automation because I don't want to talk to people face-to-face. I don't. And so I solved my own problem. And I don't. I don't talk to people face-to-face. But a lot of you guys want to know that as well, or some of you guys do. And so I went in and I grabbed one of the best ... He helps Robert Kiyosaki develop his sales messages on his sales floor. He's that good. And he came in and anyway ... You guys who have Secret MLM Hacks, and those guys who decide to join us as well, you guys get access to that as well.
He taught a course teaching that stuff, how to actually approach people face-to-face and sell this in a way that is not with coercion, and how to develop a cool engagement with people where they're actually asking how to purchase from you, which is actually really, really cool. So hopefully it's helpful. That's all I'm trying to say to you guys. It's number one, be careful how you chose your industry. Be careful how you chose your MLM. And if it's the wrong one, have the gumption, the cahones, if you will to get out of it it you need to. You can leave it. That's okay.
One of the reasons I left my job is because I sat down and I was like ... I asked myself this question, and it was a hard question because I really loved my job. I asked myself, "Okay, let's say that I have level 10 skills. Am I sitting inside of a level 10 opportunity?" As far as the network, yeah. As far as what my current roles were, though, no. I wasn't. And I wouldn't go as far as to say it was opportunity a level two opportunity. It was still really high. But I knew that I could go further faster in a different style opportunity, and a different set of problems to go find solutions for.
And so that's all I'm trying to help you guys understand too is that ... This is a very multi-faceted episode here, okay, but I have a lot of thoughts going through my head right now as I see people react to the course, as I see people react to the sales message, as I see people react to and go put stuff outside their MLM. And I don't care what MLM you're in, just whatever it is that they're doing, whatever they're putting out there, that's all I'm trying to do is I'm trying to help people understand like, look, learn how to be a marketer, learn how to get a base sales message out the door, and then adjust based on what the market's telling you.
When you get enough people, big enough sample size, you can look back at the highest average things that people are saying, as far as reasons why they bought, maybe reasons why they bought but they didn't like it, maybe the reasons why they didn't buy and they were very vocal about it, or maybe someone got mad. That's fine. Rejection's amazing. It tells you what the market is liking and not liking. It tells you if your approach worked or didn't. Don't get offended about those rejections. Instead, be appropriately reactionary to them and adjust your message based on that.
And that's what I'm doing right now. I am reacting to what the market is telling me to do, and I am beefing up like crazy, both the offer. I am changing the sales message and the web class like crazy. I am talking about these whole areas I haven't talked about before and teaching those other spaces I haven't been able to teach yet. Anyways, it's really, really fascinating and really cool. So anyways, that's all this episode was about. I guess that's the whole thing. I just want you to learn how to be appropriately reactionary to the market.
And if you're getting a huge ... I mean rejection's normal in sales. And it's one of the reasons why salesmen get paid so much because a lot of people don't like to feel the rejection. But if you can hack it, and if you are able to go through and actually create something the adjusts to a lot of people, they get paid a lot of money. It's such an important task in the market that commissions for selling stuff, usually salesmen get paid a lot of money. To sell is very, very prestigious in my mind. It is one of the greatest assets, one of the greatest things that you can ever learn to go do, and one of the greatest contributions to society that I can think of.
It's what makes economies go round. And if you're like, "I'm an MLM because I want to help people." Yes, that's great, but you're also in it to make money and be clear about that. Anyways guys, go be reactionary. Appropriately. I mean in a good sense. And adjust based on what people are telling you. If they're your target market, if they're the people who are most likely to be purchasing and they're giving you feedback, listen to that feedback. All right guys, thank you so much, hopefully this has been helpful to you.
And go check out SecretMLMHacks.com. There's my blatant pitch, and hopefully this will help you in your MLM or network marketing, or direct selling, whatever it is you choose to call it, and that you can go out and achieve life that you'd like to. Hey, thanks for listening. Please remember to rate and subscribe. Whether you just want more leads or automated MLM funnels, or if you just want to learn to get paid more for your product, head over to SecretMLMHacks.com to join the next free training today.

Further episodes of Secret MLM Hacks Radio

Further podcasts by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

Website of Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting