60: How I Chose My MLM... - a podcast by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

from 2018-02-22T04:39:35

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What's going on guys? Hey, been just flying a million miles a minute, which is always standard, so everything is normal for me anyway. It's been a while since I've taken any of your questions and tossed them on here. I've got a question here from Steve Peck. Thank you much, Steve. First of all, great name. Second of all, I love the question, so I thought I'd drop it in right here.

Steve Peck: Hey Steve. This is Steve Peck, and I have a question. How do you pick the MLM to get involved with? Thanks.

Steve Larsen: First off, thank you so much, Steve. Appreciate the question. Second of all, if you guys have a question you guys want to drop on here, I love answering questions like this. I think it's a lot of fun. Hey, great, great question. First off, I just want to just come out and tell everyone, look, if you like your MLM, awesome. Please don't get discouraged or think that I'm trying to influence you to do something else. Please also note, I'm not trying to say this kind of stuff to try and recruit people into my own or whatever it is. Anyway, it's fun, I just recruited a really big player yesterday, which was a lot of fun.
I want you to know what I look for and why I chose the MLM that I did. I'm still not going to tell you the one that I'm in. I tell people the MLM I'm in when they start applying to join my downline. You know what I mean? Anyway, so here's some things that I look at. First off, let's look at how other industries work. Now, what MLM should I join? First of all, let's ask the question, let's act like we're in a totally different industry. Let's say we're in a brick-and-mortar business, or a different kind of internet business, or whatever. The first thing that I would probably ask is, where is a hot market? Where is a hot market? Meaning, I'm not trying to come up with the idea of what to sell. I'm not trying to come up with an idea of, "Hey, let me go force all these people to try and buy my thing."
What I'm doing is I'm looking to see where the hot rabid buyers, the irrational buyers, the buyers that are fanatics, the ones that go nuts and like, "Hey, yes, I've got to ... " Do you know what I mean? It's the irrational. I'm trying to find those places in the market. Then, when I know that there is one, all I do is I ask them what they want and I give them what they ask for. Now, that's a very different approach than what a lot of people do inside of MLM, but it's what I did for my MLM. I started look around, and there's some criteria of things that I was looking for, and I'll walk through that criteria here real quick.
First off, what I do is, you've got to understand that most people go choose an MLM because of the product. Now, that's awesome. That's awesome, but first of all, I like to ask the question, "Who's going to be buying it? Are there a lot of them? Are they irrational about the thing that I'm selling?" If it's something that I have to walk around and convince a ton of people on, if it's something I have to walk around and there's a ton of education involved in the selling of the product, I tend to shy away from that kind of MLM. It doesn't matter really what the product is. What matters is that you are selling to rabid buyers.
I would take that above any number of massive email marketing list. I would take that over anything, you guys, a rabid group of buyers, a hot, hot, hot market. So, for that reason ... I mean, honestly, I don't really care what the product is a lot of time. I care that it sells. I care that it sells, and I care that people are rabid over it, I mean, irrational. Not just that they like it, not just that when you show the product they're like, "Oh, that's cool," meaning they have to have it, they are going crazy for it, and they cannot stand to be without it. Do you know what I mean? That kind of fanaticism.
What I do is I look around, and I look. I chose the MLM I chose for very specific reasons. I'm going to walk you through some of those reasons here, and I'll show you some of my criteria for choosing an MLM. Understand that it's just my own personal own, and yours might be a little bit different. That's fine. This is what I did though when I started looking for an MLM to join back in the day. I started looking around, and I was like, "Okay. First off, how would I treat this if I was not an MLM, if I was inside a big business that ... "
Why am I asking that? Because that's my history, that's my past, that's where I came from. I came from a spot of selling other people's products online, and there are patterns to the top sellers. There are patterns to the top buyers. There are patterns all throughout. So, why would I not try to choose an MLM that comes nearest to those patterns and choose that one? Does that make sense? That's what I did, and that's the MLM that I joined.
Here's some of the patterns that I looked for. Number one, the product has got to be somewhat high ticket. We're talking MLM here. This is very, very akin to affiliate marketing, meaning I go sell a product for somebody else and I get a little bit of a cut. Now, obviously you make more money if you own the entire product, but I love MLM because all of the fulfillment is done for me. There's a lot of things that are already done for me, that they take care of a lot of the business side of stuff. All I got to go do is to go sell the thing, and that's super easy.
That's why I love the MLM game so much. Obviously the possibility of additional sources of revenue, passive income, all that, obviously those are all huge benefits to being an MLM, building up a big team, building up a big network, helping others have success. Those are all big benefits of being in it. The industry that is very, very close ... I don't know if I want to say closest, but in my mind, it kind of is, is the affiliate marketing, the internet affiliate marketing industry meaning they sell other people's products and they get a little bit of a cut.
What I wanted to do is I wanted to choose something that was slightly more high ticket, meaning if I'm just selling a $20 thing, what do you get? In my MLM, the starting commission is 20%, which is awesome. That's the starting commission. It goes way higher from that. It's awesome. That's the reason I chose it is because the commissions were higher. If I'm getting paid peanuts, I have a huge issue with that. One of the other things that I chose as I chose an MLM where I was getting ... Let's say I sold a dollar worth of stuff, the full dollar is commissionable. I hate that game where they're like, "Well, only 60% of what you sell is commissionable volume." It's like, "Are you joking? I found you a customer. That's stupid."
I chose an MLM that was dollar for dollar commissionable volume, which is huge by the way. That's amazing. Not many MLMs do that. I chose an MLM that does that. I chose an MLM that's a supplement. Why? Because it's recurring. People buy it over and over and over. They stay on it month after month after month after month, meaning it's not just a one and done thing. I might sell something for 120 bucks or whatever price, but they stay on it for at least probably five to seven months. All I've got to do is continue to educate them to help them understand why they should stay on longer than that. That's why they expect follow-up sales. They expect to be buying it frequently. They expect, they expect.
I've given the analogy before, it's kind of like me going and buying milk and bread at the store. Those are no-duh buying experiences. You do not have to ... You don't see a salesman standing next to bread and eggs, you don't. Those are no-duh buying experiences. I wanted to choose an MLM that was a no-duh buying experience, like, "Oh, yeah. Obviously, I can see why I would spend money on this very easily." There's not a lot of sales copy that has to be written. There's not tons of sale ... Do you know what I mean? I chose an MLM that was like that. I chose a supplement for that very reason to go through and help people ... Again, please understand, put some thick skin on with this. If you're like, "Stephen, I love my MLM," that's great. Then stay in it. That's not what I'm saying.
What I'm saying is, this is the criteria that I went through to choose my MLM. After seeing what sells really hard on the internet, seeing what sells really, really easy on there, seeing what's selling, that's why I chose what I did. There was a lot of thought that went into it. This was not like a ... I don't know, "Let me just come up with something, let me just find some ... " I did do that one time. I was like, "Let me just find something." It was funny because I didn't have ... I loved the product, but I just didn't like selling it. Do you know what I mean? It's not just about the product. It isn't. It's not just about ... it's your ability to sell it. It is your ability to market it.
One of my favorite quotes ... If you guys have been on the Secret MLM Hacks web class, I go through this and we talk about this. One of my favorite quotes ever is, "There is no relationship between being good and getting paid. There's no relationship between being good and getting paid." You could have the absolute best product and make zero dollars. I'm sure you've experienced that. I have. We all have. You could have the absolute best product and make nothing. You could be the absolute best at your script and make nothing. You could be the absolute best at recruiting people and really make barely nothing. Why? Because there's no relationship between being good and getting paid.
As I started looking around at these different MLMs, I started looking around and seeing what was out there currently in the marketplace, it was very important for me to apply the second part of this quote, which was this, "There's no relationship between being good and getting paid. However, there is a huge relationship between being good at marketing and getting paid." So, I went around and I found an MLM. I dug, guys. I looked around. I did not choose an MLM for quite some time because I was looking actively at the MLM that would fit the model that I am in, that I love, that I know I can sell, that I know I can market.
There is a massive difference between sales and marketing, a huge one. When I learned the difference between selling and marketing, my wallet got a lot fatter. Again, we go over this a little bit on the web class as well. By the way, if you have not joined us on the web class, I would love to have you guys, by the way. It's at secretmlmhacks.com. There's my soft pitch. There we go. I did it, the dirty. There it is. What we do is we go through, we talk a little bit about the difference between sales and marketing. Sales, that's what I was doing when I was a door-to-door salesman. I would walk up and I would knock on someone's door, and I was face-to-face with them, and I was pitching them, and I was selling them on buying my thing. That's selling. Selling is what happens face-to-face.
Marketing is how you get them to your face. Does that make sense? Selling is what happens face-to-face, door-to-door salesman, used car salesman. Marketing is how you get them to your face. That's the area that a lot of MLM does not go through, it does not talk about. I know that that is an upper hand that I have, that my team has, because I teach them how to market not just sell. The script that gets handed off to a lot of downlines, most the time, that is a sales script. The only piece of marketing that is traditionally taught in MLM is, "Give me a list of your contacts." That's why this podcast exists is because I am trying to help show other marketing tactics and strategies in the MLM space how I actually do what I do.
Guys, we're about to cross 150 people asking to join my downline with no ad spend. They're applying and asking. That's ridiculous. Tell me another industry where that ... tell me another MLM, tell me another guy that does that. I don't know of one. Maybe there are, but I literally turn people away. It's an actual application process. Why? What I'm looking for is, "Does this person, A, know how to market? B, are they willing to learn how to market?" That's the major thing I'm looking through when I look at their application. If I feel like the answer is no to one of those two, I say no to them. I say, "Sorry, I don't do this in the traditional method."
I wanted to be able to say that kind of stuff. So, as far as criteria that I use to pick my MLM, to actually choose my MLM, number one, I was telling you the product needed to be somewhat high ticket. That means I only needed to sell a couple of them to make a really big dent in my wallet each month. It needed to be a recurring ... there's potential for recurring payments, potential for recurring ... Anyway, I think that makes sense. There's potential to be able to spend more, and more, and more, and more, and more, and more money. Not just the first sale, beyond the first sale. There's recurring revenue, recurring payments, continuity behind it. So, high ticket, some continuity.
For me, that was easy to do that in the supplement space. Some of the things I do are supplement, but we also sell other things besides supplements though. It's really the fascinating MLM. Then the third thing that I looked for is that I wanted to be able to sell and market how I wanted to. I hate when MLMs put restrictions on how you can sell stuff. It's the dumbest thing on the planet. Someone reached out to me again the other day, and they were like, "Well, my MLM won't let me sell how I want to." I was like, "Seriously? Seriously? You love being a part of that?" Again, I'm not making fun of it. If you guys are all about it, that's awesome. Super cool. Great. I will not stand for that though. So, I was like, "You might need to find a different MLM."
Sales tactics, especially marketing, sales tactics don't change that often. Marketing tactics change a lot though. Selling on the internet, that's what I do. If I can't find an MLM that will let me do my strength, why would I ever join them? So, I got really passionate about that one topic. I got really passionate about finding an MLM that let me do that. Here's the problem. This is why I get passionate about this. This is why I get so fiery about this topic. Think about this, in the past ... I don't know if you guys have ever tried to sell your product online or ever on a Facebook ad.
A lot of MLMs freak out over that. They go nuts, like, "What? No, you can't sell it online." They try to control a lot of stuff. It's like you have to be a certain personality type to sell how they want you to sell. I was like, "I don't really want to sell how my MLM's telling me to sell. You're telling me that I would get kicked out for running a Facebook ad in your favor? That's stupid." I was flat-out like, "That's dumb. That's dumb. I hate that."
I was talking to the CEO of this MLM before I ever joined, and I had the very unique experience of doing that before I joined. I said, "I'll you why so many people who sell on the internet will not join an MLM." He goes, "Really? Why?" I said, "Because what ends up happening is, if I go build something like a sales funnel that's supposed to sell supplements ... Let's say I'm going to go sell your supplements, sir. I go sell your supplement on the internet, and I build a sales funnel. I know that this sales funnel is the sales funnel that pulls in 17 grand a day for one of my buddies. I know that this sales funnel is the supplement funnel that turns in $100,000 a day for these companies. You're saying that I can't go build that thing. Why on earth would you not want that kind of sales volume? That's the kind of stuff I do. I love to be able to build that and duplicate it for my team. In a single click, I'll give them the entire sales funnel after I prove that thing out. Then I'll give it to all of them, and they'll have that kind of marketing arm now also rather than just go talk to people on the street or in malls and hotel lobbies."
I'm not making fun of that if you're like crazy good at it, but man, things evolve. I said, "Here's the reason why though, I can go build those kinds of thing. I've built those things before. I've built them for many other big people, but I can't take your product and go put it on the internet because I'll get in trouble." He goes, "Here's what's different about my MLM, man, I've got this thing." I won't tell you the name of it, because I don't want you guys to go look it up. He's like, "I got this thing, and it's in writing. I don't care how my MLMers sell." I was like, "Really? You're like the first one I've heard that says that." He's like, "Yeah, I don't care how they sell. As long as they don't drop a certain price point and they're not lying, who cares? Why would I control that?" I was like, "Oh."
I think I saw a halo appear above his head, and there was a light in the room, and things around him got all dark, and I was like, "This is the guy." He goes, "I don't care how you sell, just represent it well. Who cares? I don't care if you sell it on the internet. I don't care if you sell it face-to-face. However you want to sell it, you sell it. It's still a commission." I was like, "Oh my gosh, thank you. First of all, breath of fresh air. Second of all ... " Again, I'm not pitching anybody that ... I understand some of you guys will reach out and ask after this. This is the reason, this very specific reason. I was very, very careful on how I chose an MLM and what criteria I used to choose an MLM.
I said, "Okay, well here's the other issue, here's the other issue is ... " Steve, thanks for bringing up this question, man, because this brings up some big topics inside the MLM space, some big technical issues in the MLM space that no one's really solved and we're the first ones to do it. I've been really, really proud of it. What I've been doing is, I told him, I said, "Here's the other major reason why a lot of people who know how to sell on the internet will not sell in MLM. They won't join an MLM." He goes, "Okay, I'm listening." I said, "Here's the reason. If I go run a Facebook ad and I have my own webpage up, let's say you guys have a store like you've built something in WordPress."
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, that's fine. That's fine. Let's say that somehow though, you're selling your product online. What you would have to do traditionally is after the sale gets sold, after you collect the sale, you'd have to turn back around and go buy it again on your corporate website in that person's name with that person's shipping address with that person's information, which sucks. It's terrible. It means every sale, there is so much touch. There's a lot of high touch that's done. There's so much that you have to do for that individual. It's an awful game.
I have buddies that would go and they'd build these sales funnels, and they'd be selling their products online. Then they'd just go take this massive Excel sheet, and they'd either have to go sell it and make this really special agreement with their ... They go take this Excel sheet and they'd have to go make this special agreement with their MLM or whatever, or they'd have to turn around and manually by hand, they'd go in and put in all of those orders in those people's names with their shipping addresses and they'd have to go re-buy it. Well, by that time, you've already paid for credit card processing twice. It cuts down how much money they actually make. Therefore, it really puts a massive damper in why you'd ever, ever do any kind of product sales with an MLM online.
I was explaining this to him and he was like, "Huh. How do we fix that?" It was funny, because I was sitting there in the room with him, I was sitting there in the room with him and I had this idea come to my head. I was like, "If we did this one thing," and I'm not going to tell what it is though, I said, "If we can fix this one thing, this one area ... All it would take a little bit of tech stuff on your side at the beginning, but what it would do is it would allow me to sell my product through my own funnels and it would go to you guys. The money would go to you guys. It would just credit my account with the sale, with the commission." We drew this out, and it was this cool plan. I hit my head, and I started drawing and I got in the zone and it was really, really awesome.
What ended up happening was, he goes, "Okay. This is cool." I'm really pumped because ... This is me just celebrating a big achievement, guys, because they just came out with the beta of that solution. Now what it means is I can go sell like these other massive supplement funnels, these massive guys I'd go build for. They'd be bringing in millions of dollars. In the past, I couldn't do that kind of thing in an MLM, because I'd have to do this two-step thing. I even knew guys who would hire VAs to buy again the product in that person's name on the corporate website after they got the purchase in their own funnel. Does this make sense?
I was like, "This is so stupid, you guys. Why has the MLM Industry not caught up with the fact of what a funnel is, and why does everyone care how it gets sold?" I know some people are not going to like the fact I'm saying that. I totally understand. I know some people are going to be really, really against what I just said. If you know something sells well, why on earth would you hinder that process and you know how it sells well? Here's really the two big issues. When I was choosing my MLM, I wanted to know, first of all, what was already selling in the market. I didn't give a crap about what the product was for a while. I wanted to know what is already selling in the market not including MLM products. What are people ferocious over?
Now, let me find an MLM with a product that is nearest to that so I know it sells well. I need to know what is selling and how it's selling. Those are the only two questions that I care about. What is currently selling in the marketplace with rampant buyers, irrational purchasers? Then how is it selling? How are they getting those people in front of them? Is it really just through friends and family? How is everyone else buying it who is not an MLM? Are they doing it through retail? Are they buying offline? If you know what those are, why would you ever hinder that process? I don't know. That's part of the issue. That's what I went through and I talked with about these guys.
I was like, "Look, fix this one problem right here, and I have an army of funnel builders who are wanting to sell this thing." Guys, I'm excited. It's the reason I'm so passionate about it. I think we're the first MLM ever in history to do this. We're the first team. My team is the one doing it. I'm the one beta testing it. If this works, I don't care if my team doesn't know how to build funnels, I will build it for them and I give it to them. Now, they have this whole sales arm. Now, I focus heavily on the recruiting side, and now we're also just cranking, killing, just crushing on the product sales side.
How exciting is that? It means I'm not walking around selling the product. One more story, one more story real quick. I know this is a long episode, but just bear with me. One more story to illustrate the point. When I was doing door-to-door sales, I was driving down the street and I was looking around. I was in a little bit of a sales slump. I was a good salesman. I was one of the top guys almost every time. Telemarketing, I was one of the leaders on the floor. I had a team behind me that I was training. When I was doing door-to-doors sales, I was very good. I was the number two first year seller. The reason I wasn't number one is because the guy came out two months ahead of me. He had such a ridiculous lead, but I did really well in sales.
I was in the middle of a slump though. We're driving out to our areas and we're on the highway. I remember the clear blue-sky day. There was some clouds in the sky. Temperature was warm. It was going to get hot that day. Clear, clear sky, and it was a beautiful day, guys, beautiful day. Mountain all around us, and I was selling pest control. We're driving out to this area, and what I was doing is I was complaining in my head. I was complaining. There's no other way to say it. I was ticked. I was like, "This is stupid." I was like, "Are you kidding me." I was trying to control my emotions, but I wasn't. I was in a little bit of a slump, and I was carrying that emotion with me on the doors and I wasn't doing well.
I learned a lot of lessons from that personally. I grew a lot from that personally. As we were driving out, I'm looking up and I'm seeing these billboards on the side of the road. These billboards are on the side of the road, and I had this thought. I will never forget where we were on the road. I will never forget where I was sitting. I will never forget this moment, because it was one the sparks that changed my life and how I approach MLM. I was sitting and I was looking. I wasn't in MLM at the time, and I was looking at these billboards. I looked up at the billboards, and I thought, "Gosh, this is so stupid. I'm waking up every single day as a door-to-door salesman trying to convince people to buy something who were not thinking about buying something today, but people who are calling these billboards are getting laydown sales. People who are calling these billboards are asking to be sold."
So, what I did is I started putting these classified on the internet. Have you heard of like Craigslist, things like that? I just started putting our service, our product on Craigslist. I put it on Craigslist, and I started getting all these phone sales, all these laydown sales. I think I've told you guys this story before, but I hope it really hits home with what I'm telling you about how I chose my MLM. I started getting all these phone sales and all these laydown sales, and these were individuals who wanted to be sold, who wanted my product, who wanted more information. I wasn't bugging him and bothering him in the middle of the day. Are you getting a little bit of the ah-ha?
What ended up happening is I started realizing, I said, "Wait a second. For every product, most products out there, for pretty much every product, there are people who are already trying to purchase this thing. They just don't know about my product. I'm going to stop walking up to random people in hotel lobbies." I wasn't doing that anyway but, "I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do ... " What I started doing is when ... Yes, the product matters, but what is more important is matching an MLM to whatever is currently exploding in the marketplace, meaning if you're trying to be in the Health Industry and you want to find a health MLM, you go find whatever supplement, or program, or whatever it is has the most rampant, ridiculous purchasers, then choose the MLM off that.
If you know how they're buying ... Now you know what they're buying, you've got to figure out how they're buying it now. Are they buying it on the internet? Are they buying it right off of TV ads? I don't know. Go figure that out. Then you match that way. So, I chose my MLM very, very strategically. I said no to a lot of MLMs. They all wanted my stuff. I understand why they wanted it, but I chose, first off ... I was like, "I'm going to do supplements so there's recurring billing. I'm going to do something more high ticket so that there's higher margins for me. I'm going to choose something so the starting commission is 20%. I'm going to choose something that will let me sell online the way that I know how to blow the gates open with funnels."
This is the first MLM, and I think I'm the first team, to really be able to do that and integrate directly into a corporate's software so that when we sell stuff ... We're still in the beta testing, but we're doing it. We know clearly where we're going with it. Now what's kind of cool is that when people join my team, what I do is I've got this members area that walks them through a lot of the training, how I would do stuff. Then it walks them through the actual funnel side. It's like, "Hey, if you don't know how to build them, that's okay. Click here. I have a pre-made one for you, and it sells this product in our MLM really well with these kind of ads, with this kind of average cart value typically. Usually, start with this kind of ... " Do you know what I mean?
What other MLM gives you that kind of upper hand? I don't know. That's the reason I get so ... I'm very, very proud of the MLM that I'm in. In order to protect the team, find the people who are most serious about it, I'm not just trying to get people who are like, "Oh, Stephen's got all these plans. Therefore, I'll make all this money faster." I'm not looking for get rich quick people. We are trying to get rich quick, make no mistake. Why would you ever try to get rich slowly? I was laughing like, "Is this a get rich quick scheme?" I was like, "Well, hopefully." It's not that I'm a capitalistic pig. Man, why would you do something where you make money slowly? "Don't worry, it's not a get rich quick scheme." It's like, "What? How slowly do you make cash?" That's a stupid saying.
What you're trying to say is, is it a scheme? Is it a plot? Is it a Ponzi Scheme? I get that. I understand what people are trying to say with that. So, I vet people out, and that's the reason that I do it. Steve Peck, I know that's a very long response to it, but that's how I chose my MLM is I did not first look at what my MLM's product was. First, I didn't even consider any MLM until I saw what was selling very, very hot in the health space, or wealth space, or relationship space. What is selling super hot, and now with an MLM that comes closest to selling that kind of thing, and do they care how I sell my stuff? That's it. That's how I did it.
I know that's kind of out of the box, but that's kind of what secret MLM Hacks is. Anyways, guys. Thanks so much. Hopefully that helped. I know it was kind of a long episode, but I hope that it helped you understand it doesn't matter how cool your product is if no one knows about it. It doesn't matter how cool your product is if there's no one currently buying something even similar in the marketplace. That is some scary crap to go into, because now you have to educate and sell, not just sell. They're already further down the belief path with my product. They already know. We're just selling a better version of it, and I know the best ways to sell it on the internet. That's why we're doing what we are.
Guys, thanks so much. Appreciate it. I know it's kind of a long episode, but hopefully you got some stuff from that. Again, I'm not trying to convince you to get out of your MLM or stay in it, whatever. It's your call, your choice to do what you do with this information. That's how I did what I did. That's why I'm doing what I am. It's your call. Do whatever you want to with it, and start asking. That's what I was trying to tell this person a few days ago. They're like, "My MLM won't let me sell stuff on the internet." I was like, "Oh my gosh. Get good at direct response. Get good at selling through mailboxes or something. Are you really going to go door-to-door? What's the preferred method?"
Now think of that method that they're trying to teach you at scale. Is that something you can do at scale? Once you know how the thing is selling, there's only three ways to grow a business, guys, only three ways. You can get more customers. You can get customers to pay you more money, or you can get customers to pay you money more frequently. That's it. So, what of those three can you do in your MLM? Yes, Steve, are you passionate about this topic? I'm very passionate about it, because I understand that people feel loyal about their company. Those are the only three ways. If you can't see one of those ways working at scale ... Okay, let's think through it.
Number one, get more customers. If they are so butt hurt on how you sell your thing, do you really think you're going to retire off it? Is it really going to help do your house payment? I mean, seriously. Start running some numbers. Figure out what that ... Are we all going to go to hotel lobbies? That's why I get passionate about it, guys. Obviously I am. You're like, "Well, maybe that's not the way I'm going to do it. Maybe I'm just going to get customers to pay me more frequently." Okay, cool. Let's start looking at the margins, start looking at the commission check that you get. Is your MLM giving you dollar per dollar commissionable volume? If not, that's some scary crap. Start running the numbers. I was in my MLM.
I recruited those 13 people in my first month. I got a $13 check. 13 bucks, guys. I was like, "Oh my gosh, that's a dollar a person. I don't totally understand what just happened here, but that sucks." So, more customers. Wait, but MLMs traditionally, a lot of them are really butt hurt on how you sell. So, more customers sell more frequently to them getting you to pay more money. Can you do upsales? Can you? Mine will let me. Can you toss your own thing in there? That's when you start looking at ... That's what I'm trying to help you understand. What's the marketing arm, the marketing mechanism? Because they help you with the sales scripts. They help you with that stuff, but not that many people help you get the marketing ironically, which is the area that actually makes you the money.
That was a long episode, but I'm passionate about it, guys. That's a very big deal how you choose your MLM. It's a very big deal. I don't actually really even know that much about what my comp plan says. I don't need to. I will. I know that's bad of me. I'll go study it. I'll get to know it really, really well, but frankly it's the marketing not the comp plan. It's the marketing not barely even the product. It's the marketing that will make you the cash and make your wallet fatter. If this was offensive of me saying this kind of stuff, I'm not sorry because it's truth. Please know that where I'm coming from, you've got to see there are better ways to do the game.
You've got to understand, let's look at the long haul, what really is going on. Yes, you may love the product. There is an MLM I love buying their product, but I will not be part of the MLM. I love the product. You have to start making those calls and start making those decisions as you understand, "Am I really learning how to market? Am I really learning how to ... " Anyway, it was a long episode, guys. I appreciate it. Thank you, Steve Peck, for asking the question. As soon as I saw the question, I was like, "Oh man. Steve just opened a can." So, that was a 30 minute episode. Hey guys, I hope you're having a good one. Appreciate you guys and appreciate the listens. Go get them. I'm very, very excited for this and love our community here.
Hey, thanks for listening. Please remember to subscribe and leave feedback for me. Do you have a question you want answered live on the show? Go to secretmlmhacksradio.com to submit your question and download your free MLM Masters Pack.

Further episodes of Secret MLM Hacks Radio

Further podcasts by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

Website of Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting