54: Oldest Profession On Earth... - a podcast by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

from 2018-01-16T16:44:19

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Okay, you guys. Hope everyone's doing great. I am in Las Vegas right now, Las Vegas. I have been invited to speak at two different events. Funny enough, they were both in Vegas and, funny enough, they were literally back to back. I'm excited. This has been awesome. I jumped on a plane this afternoon. My wife and my two little kids dropped me off, and hopped on a plane and came on over and speaking literally back to back. Well, back to back days, but it actually in the same event room even also, which is kind of crazy. I'm pumped about it though. It'll be awesome. I'm a little bit nervous. There's been so much awesome stuff been going on with the Secret MLM Hacks product. We've had a bunch of people join in. We've had great people, some successes already with it. It's been a fun, fun program, and I've really enjoyed it, and a ton of work, massive amount, but it's been, oh, my gosh, it's been rewarding to see how many epiphanies people are having with it, and it's part of what's been so exciting for me.
This whole business, this whole game, for me, is about helping people just have better lives. I could have easily stayed at my job, which would be awesome. It was a cushy, plush job. It was amazing. I loved it. It was so fun. I was pretty much made for life with that job. I could have stayed there, and I know some things were going to happen there. We would have been set for life. I was excited about the whole thing, but I don't know. I looked at the MLM industry for so long, and I was like, "There's so much stuff I feel like we could go help and do," and it's been fun to see all that happen and come to fruition and come to reality. Anyway, anyway, been a lot of fun. All of you guys are in there right now, big ole shout-out to you guys. Appreciate it. If you don't know what you're talking about, go to SecretMLMHacks.com and love to just have you even take a look at it.
Got the Module One of the workbook done and published and we put it out there to everyone also, and people who are in the domestic United States, when they join the program, actually ship out the workbook to them and we push that all over the place. Anyway, it's been great, guys. I've really, really enjoyed the whole thing. The community, you guys are amazing, by the way. The community on Secret MLM Hacks Radio is amazing. I can't believe ... Anyway, I've run several groups before, and this is one of the most compassionate, but extremely motivated groups I've ever seen. People are really ... It's fun. I like hanging out more in this group, even on Facebook, on our Facebook group there and stuff like that. It's exclusive. It's just for those who bought it, but, man, it is so fun. Anyway, any time I post anything or I'm like, "Hey, let's [inaudible 00:03:43]," you guys crack me up. It is hilarious. Anyway, really, really have enjoyed it though.
I am sitting down right here, and I am writing my speeches. Both of them are pitching speeches, and one of them is to pitch a $10,000 product to a group of people, and then another one is to pitch a $1,000 product to a group of people. What's interesting about that is that I'm actually using the exact same pitching style and format for both speeches, and it's what I wanted to talk to you guys about. Wait a second, Stephen, you're pitching a $10,000 thing with the same script style, which is true. They're very, very similar, just some stories are different and the products are different, but the stories, the format and everything's ... And then you're also pitching a $1,000 thing, $1,000 thing, and the answer's yes, yes, absolutely.
That's part of what I wanted to talk about though is ... I don't know how your MLM works, but, in my MLM that I'm in, as long as we don't sell below a certain price, we can sell our products however we want to. I can put them on my ... I can put them on sales funnels, like eCommerce funnels and stuff like that. I can put my product, which is awesome, so I'm developing those things and putting them all together, and it's going to be a ton of fun, which is very, very exciting. I'm pumped to do it, but I can also sell it for as much as I want to, which is amazing.
It's interesting because I know not everyone has the ability or the sway to be able to do that stuff or things with their MLMs, and that's fine. Stick with whatever the constraints of your MLM say, obviously, but you got to understand that what I wanted to talk to you guys about real quick is that this kind of a mentality that I notice sometimes it happens that ... How should I say this?
On the flight over here, on the flight over here, there's a guy I was listening to by the name of Grant Cardone. If you guys have never heard of him, he's awesome, but I'm listening to one of his books called Sell or Be Sold, and when I was in college, I had the sudden realization ... I was in a marketing degree. I was in a business marketing degree, and that's what I got in college, and I realized though that I was literally a dime a dozen. Literally, there was nothing that was going to set me apart from all these other people.
As I started looking at the different classes throughout the remainder of my college, as I started looking throughout, I realized that there was literally going to be nothing that set me apart from anyone else and that I would leave college and have zero skill that I actually learned, and so I sat out on this path of self learning, and I learned how to teach myself and I learned how to love learning, and I learned how to identify a problem, come up with a solution on my own, whether or not it's right, and then just execute and then pivot as I was moving, and I did that over and over and over and over and over and over.
One of the things that I realized I needed to go do is I needed to learn how to sell and I needed to learn how to sell stuff well. It's well enough now that I'm going to be pitching a $10,000 package to a group of 20 people, you know what I mean, in two days, which I'm excited about, but what's funny about, and I ... Am I nervous? Not really. Why? Well, it's because I've had practice selling. I've had practice with the pitch, and I have complete confidence, complete confidence that it's worth way more than $10,000, what I'm offering them, way more than 10 grand. It's not about the money, and it's part of what I want to talk about with you guys today.
If you're struggling to sell your MLM's products, my guess is that, number one, you're probably not using it yourself. A person who has been using their MLM's products naturally come up with stories that sell. They naturally come up with convictions that help them sell. You know what I mean? It's natural. It's a byproduct of using your M ... If you're not using your MLM's products, number one, you got to start asking yourself, first of all, why? How come they're not getting you that motivated? Number two, though, are you in the right MLM then? If you're not ... Again, I'm not here to dissuade or persuade your ... Whatever it is, you got to understand, though, the basis of sales.
What is sales? Sales is merely a transfer of belief. That's all sales is. If I can get you to believe, and I'm not saying it like an evil way at all, but if I can get you to believe that the thing that I'm going to be selling you is worth more than $10,000 and it truly can change your problem, suddenly price is no longer really an objection. Suddenly, price really doesn't matter, and it's the same thing ... I've run into too many people in MLM, especially in MLM, where they're really, really scared to sell their MLM's products because they're afraid to ask for the money. Man, if you're afraid to ask for the money, number one, your convictions on your own product probably aren't deep enough. Number two, you might have some false beliefs about what it means to sell stuff. You might have some false beliefs. You might believe that selling or taking someone else's money in exchange for goods or services, that it might be wrong, and that's a false belief. That's not true at all.
Understand that when you sell somebody, when you transfer belief, you are literally changing the way they see the world. You're literally changing their outlook on all of humanity, the way they look at themselves, the way they look at their friends and family. It's the way they look at their family and themselves and the world and everything around them. You're changing that, and for you to walk away and not give them a product after you've just changed the way they look at everything is kind of selfish. I love selling stuff because it enables someone to change their life, and it might be a small change, but it's a change.
If I change the way someone looks at the world and I don't sell them, I am literally leaving them to their own devices. I'm telling them to go come up with the answer. I'm telling them to go come up with what they should be saying, what they should be doing, what they should be ... They have to come up with basically the product on their own or a substitute of it because if I really change the way that they look at the world and I don't offer them the thing that I know could help them now that they see the world differently, it's almost ... Russell Brunson calls that, "Your moral obligation to sell," in his book, Expert Secrets. That's why.
I'm creating these two sales scripts right now, and I'm creating these ... The stuff that I'm giving for the $10,000 one is definitely worth way more than 10 grand, but it's not about price. I know that when I help them see what they need to be doing and the next steps they need to be going on towards, I know, I know that they will look at the $10,000, and they will say, "Hmm, the outcome that Stephen was talking about with the potential to get that, it's worth way more than 10 grand. It's worth ... It's not a cost to me."
If I can get them to weigh in their mind the return, not the cost, I'll get the sale. You do that primarily by telling story, and there's a very specific way ... Telling story is one of the ... It's literally an entire module inside Secret MLM Hacks, how to do it, how to craft one. They're crafted. They're on purpose. There's a lot of ways to tell story, and there's a lot of ways to do it, and there's a lot of ways to figure out which stories to be telling, but I go through, and we walk through how to do that.
Anyway, I just wanted to talk about selling and the power of it and the purpose of it and, literally, salesman's or salesmanship is like ... It's the oldest ... It's the oldest profession on the planet. Funny enough, sales gets this bad rap sometimes, like, "Oh, he's just a salesman." What? You mean he's a salesman, not just a salesman. A salesman in my mind, that's the most prestigious profession on the planet because without sales, literally, tomorrow, the entire economy will stop. Everything will drop, which would ruin ... It would wreck everything. That's why salesmen get paid so much money. If there's no sales, there's no business. If there's no sales, people aren't getting salaries. If there's no sales ... You know what I mean? It's all about selling. It's all about selling.
If you are the chief seller of the product in your business, in your MLM, and if you can't do that, it's time for you to learn. It's time for you to understand how to sell. It's time for you to understand how to actually put together a message.
Then what I do is, once I help you do that, we also figure ... We also show you how to automate it so that you are pitching many people at once without actually being the one doing it. You have a tool that's doing that for you. That's exactly what you guys are going through right now. It's exactly all the stuff ... It's exactly what I teach everyone to do. Anyway, so start thinking through that. Start thinking through, do I love selling my thing? Selling it? Am I selling my thing? Am I selling my MLM's products? Do I have a hard time selling it? Do I have a hard time ... Do I have a hard time collecting people's money over my product?
If you do, it's time to take a hard look at the product, see if you really like it, I mean really like it. Do you honestly really enjoy the product? Do you honestly really ... Are you using it in a way where you can sit back and you're like, "Man, that's, like, awesome stuff, super, super cool," or is it kind of fluffy? You're like, "Oh, I'm just kind of here for the free breakfast." You know what I mean?
Anyway, I'm sitting in this hotel room, guys, and I have bronchitis, and I'm supposed to speak for four of the next four days. I'm literally speaking every day. Two of them are sales scripts and sales pitches, and I got to go figure out the actual scripts for them, which I'm writing now, and then two of them are off the cuff, which I'm super stoked about, too. I love those formats, also. I love speaking. I love going to events and speaking, and I've been invited to speak at at least eight events in the next year here, and I'm excited about it, and it's one of my favorite things ever is to go speak, but I am in this hotel room. I'm very tired. I have bronchitis, which is crazy. I'm sitting here. I've got cough suppressant medicine from the doctor, and the gave me a Z-Pak to nuke my body of anything else that's not good in there, but the cough suppressant makes me all drowsy and tired, so I'm just trying to stay focused. It's almost 11 o'clock at night. I'm trying to stay focused, trying to get this message done.
Last time I did this, I slept four hours. I went to bed at 4:00 AM, and I was on stage speaking at 8:30 AM. I'll get it done, but, gosh, dang it, I know it's coming, and I'm a little bit ... I got a little anxiety over it, little bit of nervousness, but it'll be [inaudible 00:15:56].
Anyway, you guys are awesome. Love the community we have here. Appreciate you listening. Get out there and crush it. Go make your MLM. Be the thing that makes your dreams happen. All right. Talk to you later. Bye.
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Further podcasts by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

Website of Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting