43: Fuel For My Auto-Closing Script... - a podcast by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

from 2017-12-11T23:18:54

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Hey what's up guys, I just wanted to reach out real quick and kind of actually follow up on something that I've talked about recently in an earlier podcast. I can't believe I'm on episode 42 or something that like. Time's hauling, and I can't believe how much has already been done. This podcast has only been up for ... I don't even know. Two or three months and there's already 8,000 downloads, which is crazy so thank you to all of you guys that are out there, to everyone who's listening. I know that you guys are all ... just so you know, there's a lot of others that are also listening besides you. Lots of people reaching back out, lots of people asking questions. Been a lot of fun, really enjoyed it. If you do have a question you want me to answer on the podcast, I actually really like doing that it's actually a lot of fun. Just go to Secret MLM Hacks Radio.com. It'll have the opt in, but on the second page there there's actually a green button you can click and you can record a question to me straight off of your browser. I'll take that question, your voice straight. I'll put it right in to the actual podcast itself and go ahead and answer, which is kinda fun.
Anyway, hey a lot of you guys know that I was a door to door salesman, I was a telemarketer, I did a lot of sales you know. There's this interesting phenomemon that happens when you're in sales. It's kind of funny because there's a huge thrill, right with making the sale but what's funny is that there's some aspects of it that get a little bit monotonous and boring. I had to become patient, I had to learn to be even more patient.
For example, let's say I was talking to somebody on the phone and I was selling B2B. I was selling software to business owners. What I would do is I would practice getting passed the gate keeper, you know. Which was usually the receptionist or the assistant. They'd be the first one to answer the phone and I had to convince them to hand the phone to their boss so I was pitching the right person. That was you know, a bit of a piece of art itself but just like in door to door sales, the exact same thing would happen. Within the first three weeks of any sales job I ever had, I felt like I knew every single objection that I would ever hear again ever. Because the receptionists or the assistant would hand the phone to the boss, and I'd start talking and I would start selling and I would start doing well, and then they would ask a question that the previous guy had asked you know cause it was a logical question. Well, how much is it? Well, is there a contract? Well, do I need to hire more staff for it? You know, stuff like that. These questions happened over and over and over and over. They repeated, right. They repeated over and over and over and over.
This was true for door to door sales, true obviously for you know, for telemarketing. It's true for anything. True for any sales involved, including MLM sales. Now, I guarantee if you think back ... there's probably two different types of people who are listening to this podcast right now. Type one, you might be the kind of person who's brand new in MLM and you haven't talked to that many people yet so you're not sure what those patterns are. You're not sure what those patterns of objection are, right. Where you're starting to see hey, everyone's asking one of these three questions every time I bring it up. You know what I mean? Then the second kind of person is the person who does know that. Where you've been in it long enough and maybe you have, maybe you haven't but you know, you notice what those objections are over and over and over and over and over.
Here's kind of my challenge to you, is to go and figure out how to effectively resolve that concern. Every one of them. In fact I would write it out. I've actually done that. I've got a huge list of them on my whiteboards here, of different beliefs that people have about the MLM industry. What I did is I went through and I figured out how to answer each one of those questions, then I put a close immediately afterwards just like you would in any kind of sales environment. What's funny about that is you resolve the concern and immediately go back to the close again, but it could be a soft close. We're not talking hard closing somebody or making them feel uncomfortable or whatever but what I encourage you to do ... this is a neat step of duplication by the way ... is if you know what the top three or even ten objections are, it's nice as the sales guy to get to those before they do. Okay, so that they feel like there's no more ammo left for them to fight against you. Okay.
Again, I'm not talking about being a hunter here where you track and trap and you trick somebody in to joining your down line, but in any environment where there's a sale or transaction happening someone is going to have to convince somebody else that their beliefs are wrong and they need to get new beliefs which means come join your down line. You know what I mean? That's true for any kind of sales environment.
Here's what I recommend you do and this is what I've been doing too, is that as I've given the same presentation over and over and over and over and over and you know, I see what those patterns are, I'm literally creating my own presentation from just me, just my own head. I'm creating my own presentation that does the presentation, but also resolves all of the top concerns that I see. Okay, that I'm constantly seeing. That way when somebody says hey, you know what ... you know, last episode I talked about ... I think it was last episode, I talked about lead-gen and how to create good lead-gen. Maybe that was two episodes ago, I can't remember but good lead-gen right. How to actually get people to become attracted to you, right.
Let's say someone comes over to you now and they're like oh my gosh, what are you doing that's so cool. I love that you're doing a down line, could we chat or is there a call or is there something like that that I can get more information on? This is a very easy, very natural place for you to start handing out the link to your own presentation. You're giving that presentation and resolving the major concerns and continually afterwards just closing them and being assumptive about it saying hey, well you know do you want to you know, do you want to join? Is there ... you know what I mean? Whatever your closes are. This very, very easy way to do that.
What I've been doing lately, is I'm actually putting together an auto closing funnel. [inaudible 00:07:07] a lot of internet sales funnels, basically just a series of webpages that are tied together, but there's a lot of automation behind them. On the first page, they go through and they can register to go and actually check out yesterdays replay of the presentation. You know, or they can schedule a future one as well. Well, what I'm doing is I'm just writing a webinar script for ... you know, there's a lot of ways to do it and it's one of the major things I teach.
I'm what's called a 2 Comma Club Coach. 2 commas meet at a million dollars and helps create the program with Russell Brunson and ClickFunnels but it's 2 Comma Club Coaching meaning you know, the purpose of the program is for me to take you from zero to a million dollars. What we do though, is a lot of webinars. A lot of webinars. They teach a lot of webinars to people. There's a lot of ways to do it, there's a ton of ways to screw it up. There's a lot of ways to do it right, or I should say there's fewer ways to do it right just like anything in life. A lot of ways to screw things up, you got to do it the right way though.
But what I do though, is I basically write pretty much a webinar funnel, addressing all the major concerns and pitching them at the same time so that the only conversation I really need to have with that individual is any last minute questions before they join so that I'm not redoing the presentation every single time. I don't know about you, I need more variety in my life than that. Oh my gosh, there's been times where I've done the presentation every night like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. It's fine and I get it, you know it's good. I mean it works, I'm recruiting like crazy and it's awesome but I mean I want my evenings. You know what I mean?
What I've been doing is I've been putting together a ... going through those top three objections again so that the presentation is there, all the same things that I need to have are in there. It's not done yet and I'll update you guys when it is done but that's what I've been building and putting together lately so that I get replicated again. You know what's cool about that? How powerful of an asset is that for everyone else in my down line? I just started thinking about that for years. You start thinking about all the people in your down line, start thinking about what it is that you actually offer and teach and do and you know, start thinking through what could I create to help duplicate my time? Okay. Again, it's not to remove the human element. I wouldn't try to do that. Don't remove the human element, you know it's not like they're going to join your MLM and never talk to you. Of course you're going to have to talk to them, but you'll be able to sift out you know, just to the great people. People that are going to be amazing, the people that are dying to be a part of your thing. You've already resolved the major concerns, you know. Or at least addressed them, or at least let them know that you know that those are major concerns.
Anyway, I hope that you're seeing what I'm talking about with this. It was funny, I had to practice a lot of patients on the doors when I was a door to door sales guy or as a telemarketer because I could already tell ... I know that you guys are all the same way too ... I could tell what question they were going to ask before they asked it, you know. If you don't know what those things are yet, you are not selling hard enough frankly. Go start selling harder. Start trying to figure out what it is that people actually want to join and do and be a part of and ask those questions. When someone doesn't join, that's fine. You can still get data from them. Go to them and say look, I'm not offended that you didn't join, that's totally okay. What I just want to know is, why so I can improve it in the future. I have done that so many times to people. What's funny is that there's actually been a lot of times I've said that very phrase to people, and they'll come back and actually join the down line because I went through those things with them and I didn't realize that there were three other things that I wasn't thinking of and they needed more clarity on or something like that.
Anyway, that's all I'm trying to say with this, is start thinking through what you can do to automate the presentation. You're MLM might already have automated presentation stuff, that's great. If they already have automated presentation things, or they've given you videos which most of them probably have. You know, if they've got all that kind of stuff already for you, that's fine but guess what? They still have a huge knee jerk reaction objections to what it is they just watched. Figure out what those are. Maybe that's where you create your follow up piece and you actually send it to them afterwards. Hey, watch this. As soon as you do, now watch this. It'll go through and show your ... man, I've closed so many more people by being real and being myself after the President gets off ... you know, the President of the MLM gets off with me pitching to my friends or family or just awesome people or something like that. You know what I mean? I've closed a lot more people just afterwards, just chit chatting it up talking about those different things. Way more than when it's just me and the President.
Anyway, anyway. I'm super thankful for this community guys, I just want you to know that. This very rare community I feel like there's not many MLM communities on the internet where I feel like you know ... We're actually involved with each other a little bit. I appreciate the involvement, I appreciate the feedback from you to these episodes. I appreciate each one of you guys taking the time to listen and I hope that it's being helpful. I really want this to be helpful to you. I want this to actually solve real issues and hopefully spark your mind on what you can be doing to get your MLM to the next level. To get you to the next rank, to get your team to the next rank, to get more you know down line volume in your sales and such. I haven't even talked that much about product sales yet, I am so excited to do so. I am very versed in that as far as you know, selling on the internet and things but I will definitely go through that probably here shortly as well. In fact I should go write that on my whiteboards here, but anyway, appreciate it.
You guys are all awesome and I am very passionate about trying to fix the MLM industry. I believe that it is a little bit broken out of the box right now. When you get it, it's very similar products with extremely old tactics that are just incredibly annoying because things have evolved, technology. A lot of the tactics you know, shouldn't be using the same ones. We certainly aren't using Civil War strategies in the army anymore, you know what I mean? It's okay to evolve but a lot of times people just don't know what to do or they don't have any kind of guidance on it, or frankly ... I buy a lot of books, you know so I can see what other MLMers and other MLM leaders in the industry are doing. There's really only like one or two MLMers out there that I kind of know of that are kind of doing something similar to Secret MLM Hacks Radio. I'm not patting my own back you guys, I just want you to know that I'm very passionate about it because I see that there is a serious need for the kind of stuff that this goes through, and I love your questions. I love the involvement back and forth and I'm very, very thankful and humbled at what this has become in just a very short two or three months.
Anyways, you guys are all awesome and I just ... anyway. I appreciate it. Let me know if there's anything else extra I can be doing for you, or that would add value to this or whatever. Excited for the launch of Secret MLM Hacks, January 4th. That's it guys and I'll talk to you later. Bye.
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Further episodes of Secret MLM Hacks Radio

Further podcasts by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

Website of Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting