108: Fortune IS The Follow-Up - a podcast by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

from 2019-09-04T20:00:53

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Today I wanna talk to you guys about HOW you follow up with the leads and the people that are actually interested in either your downline or purchasing your product.


We're gonna talk about FOLLOW-UP. 


This is something I've talked about quite a bit in other places that I publish… But the follow-up is EVERYTHING. 


Whenever I'm at an event, this is one of the BIGGEST questions I get asked. This is one of those repeat questions that I hear. 


About three days ago, I was at an event doing some spot coaching with people who were workshopping when somebody said this question…  


"Steven, how many times should I be emailing? Is there a certain amount of follow-up I should be doing? Is there such a thing as too much follow-up?" 


My response was, "When I am creating a follow-up sequence, I want them to opt-out of me because I am being too aggressive in their eyes." 


Do you know what I mean? 


That has hardly ever happened… I have never had anybody reach out to me and say, "Enough already." 


We've sent over 2 MILLION emails in the last three or four years… 


I made a mistake ONE TIME in sending the same email to someone five times… 


Quite rightly he reached out and said, "ENOUGH!" 




That was only one time out of two million emails. 


In a typical month, I send 


  • 200,000 emails on one email account


  • Another 200,000 on a second email account 


… I send a lot of emails, alright? 




When I was a door-to-door salesman, one of the biggest things I was taught was FOLLOW-UP. 


They trained us really, really well on: 


  • What you'll find


  • What you'll learn


DID YOU KNOW: Most people don't even follow up once!? 


47%-48% of people will follow up ONE time


TYPICALLY, you need to follow-up 5-8 times before somebody says, “Yes”. 


Some people have said to me, "You’re following-up five times because you're being aggressive and people finally give in" 


No, no, no, it's not that at all.


One of the guys I like to follow online is Frank Kern


(You've likely heard of his name.) 


I saw Frank Kern online recently, and what he did this... 


He was sitting at a coffee table with a big bowl of mints. 


He took out a small handful of mints and said, "Let's say this represents the people that are ready to buy from you right NOW." 


Then he took a BIG amount of mints and he put it in a pile next to the small pile and said, “ This represents the people that will buy from you in the next 60-90 days." 


And then he grabbed the rest of them and dumped them in this massive pile


He said, "These are the ones that are in the far distant future. It's not that you can't sell those that are ready to buy right NOW, but you need to focus on the 60-90 day group. 


It's a much LARGER category and you're gonna get a lot more sales for it. If you just focus on the people who want to buy NOW, the issue is that a lot of people are not ready to buy. 


It's not that they won't, it's that it takes a few rounds and a few pieces of follow-up." 




There are two ways to follow up: 


  • An annoying way to follow up 
  • A very value-based way to follow up


When you follow up with VALUE, it's a lot easier for people to say YES. 


You're not annoying and people are actually looking forward to the interaction with you. 


First of all, I want to walk you through a few stats - A case study of how we’re doing this and what it’s meant for us. 


I read an article recently that said, “You should only STOP following up in a few scenarios… 



  • They die




  • They buy




  • They send you a cease and desist letter."



… The whole point and premise of this is, I want you to know that the follow-up is truly where the money comes in. 


IN FACT, I know a lot of people that are the exact same way. 


We make money from every dollar we collect on the front… But what we’re really waiting for is the backend


The BACKEND is where we'll pull another $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10 per dollar that we bring in in the front. 




I want to share with you, the most recent month's stats. 


If you're not on YouTube, that's okay, I'm gonna talk through the numbers here. 


These are still warm, okay? I screenshotted and printed stats from two MLM funnels that I have. 


And I wanna share the stats with you so you can see how we're doing it and why this matters so much when it comes to the follow-up


I’m going to be talking about stats from The MLM Funnel - If you go look at themlmfunnel.com, that’s where these stats are coming from. 


In the last month, the last 30 days, we sold 520 books


Go to themlmfunnel.com and look at the book that it's promoting… We've sold 520 of those in the last MONTH. 


It has generated, including upsells and stuff like that, $2484. 


Now, you might look at that and be like, "Oh, that's awesome." 


BUT I'm running an actual business with actual business expenses


That's not that amazing


If we just stopped there at $2,400, that's gonna be a MAJOR issue. 


ONE thing that we now that they're on our list is FOLLOW UP with them. 


There are a few ways that we follow up… 


  1. Facebook ads


  1. Email campaigns


When you get my emails, there's a footer at the bottom that says, "Hey, where should you get started?" And it shows you the different places you can go to and the different products that I offer.


There's significant cash that comes from that. 




It's one of the EASIEST ways for you to make money on the follow-up. 


Here are the actual stats from The MLM Funnel. Let me walk through them real fast here:


  • 3,000 people hit the first page 


  • 950 actually opted in


  • From the 950 that opted in, we sold 520 books


… It's not bad. A little over half of the people who opt in are buying the book which is not bad at all. 


That's actually REALLY good. 


Now check this out… 


We ALWAYS have a follow-up sequence after someone opts-in. 


Quite a lot of people go to the first and second training and it kinda neat to see is how many people are watching each of the FREE trainings that keep pushing them back to the buy.


I know that there's a correlation between how many people are watching the follow-up sequence and those who go purchase the book


Follow-up is what has saved this funnel. 


We only made $2400, which is not tons of cash. 


SIDE NOTE: If it feels like a lot of cash, I beg you to re-evaluate your relationship with cash… Because that's not that much money. 


If it feels like a lot of money, it's gonna be very hard for you to make that amount of money. 


I had somebody tell me once, "If a million dollars feels like a lot of cash, you're gonna have a hard time making a million dollars." 


And I was like, "Oh." It wasn't until I started changing some of those beliefs that a million dollars came a lot faster.




Please stick with me because I'm gonna go full circle on this and give you some cool answers on how much we should follow up with people. 


The Secret MLM Hacks is a webinar that sells the program Secret MLM Hacks. In the last 30 days, it has made $58,000. 


We've sold 51 Secret MLM Hacks, and it's a $997 course


AND we've sold 133 of these chatbot programs… Which is awesome stuff. 


133 of these chatbot programs generated an additional $7500. 


In total, it made $58,000.


What's crazy about this is, if you look at The MLM Funnel (go to themlmfunnel.com), once they're on the list, I'm delivering A LOT of value to them for FREE


Stuff that’s sooo valuable they should be paying for it.


It's under that premise I’m contributing to the relationship where I am allowed to follow-up with them and they don't get mad about it. 


That relationship causes a feeling of reciprocity because I'm giving them FREE stuff and answers that are so good they, should be paying for it. 


Then what I go do is follow up through stuff in the email footers and an email sequence. 


We're retargeting them with Facebook ads. 


Our sales have definitely gone up in the last month. I know A LOT of it is because we're spending more on ads. 


But it’s also because we’re following up with people.




I've been looking back at some of the affiliate things that I promote… 


I've set up so many systems now that we'll do $30,000 to $40,000 to $50,000 a month in affiliate cash. 


That's usually the norm - $30,000 to $40,000 a month in affiliate cash.


If I did not follow up with a lot of these people and if we did not turn back and run ads to those look-alike lists… It would stop there. 


$30,000 to $50,000 a month is pretty awesome… But we usually do around $150,000 to $200,000.  


I KNOW that a lot of it is because of the follow-up.


Back to Frank Kern… I was watching him say, "Hey guys, here's real-life today. I made $11,000 on the front… But if I had not followed up, I wouldn't have made the other $60,000 that we made today."


That's the reality.


Here's the point I’m trying to make… 


Just because somebody buys your MLM product doesn't mean they're NOT ready to buy ANOTHER MLM product faster than the autoship ships. 


Go reach back out to them


If they bought a product and they're saying, "Hey, thanks for buying the product," reach back out and say, "Hey, if you like that, other people also like this. Do you want it?" 


They've already said YES once. 


The second YES is always easier than the first yes. 




Make a follow-up process and start testing it. Don't just do it willy-nilly


Sit back and say, "Okay, when somebody buys my MLM's product from me… 



  • I'm gonna reach out to him and ask about this. 




  • I'll give them some value. 




  • I'll reach back out and hit him with this again and ask him if they wanna buy."



Then go test it. 


Even if you do it badly, simply by asking, you're gonna make more money.


Most MLMers don't have any kind of follow-up process for their products or once somebody joins their downline. 


There's just not a lot of follow-up process to help you get the next sale. 


To answer the question, “How much is too much follow-up”...  


Stop when they either:  


  • Die 


  • Buy 


  • Send you a cease and desist


… That's the joke. 


But in all reality… You can email or send a Facebook message every day. 


You should be doing SOMETHING on Facebook or somewhere on social media EVERY DAY


You gotta talk and you've gotta make noise. 


You gotta be loud about this stuff. 


It's not JUST gonna happen. It's very hard


Quite literally, for every $1 we make on the front, we male $4 - $7 on the backend BECAUSE we follow-up! 


And that number's about to go waaay up. I'm very excited about that because we've got more stuff that we're dropping out there. 


I want you to start getting your brain turning on how you can follow-up. You may not even have a follow-up sequence!


I have a follow-up sequence for when someone: 


  • Buys my product 


  • Joins my downline


Make an actual process and start testing it so you can make those adjustments and  improvements. 


It's significantly easier to get that second YES and for more money as well. 




Just because it's an MLM doesn’t make it different from a normal business.


Follow up with buyers and resell them something else. 


Depending on the price point, I will immediately follow up with two other things after someone buys. 


For anything that’s lower than $200, I'm gonna offer them five separate products in a row: 


  • The first thing
  • Two other things 
  • A downsell 
  • A bump


… And you can do it WITHOUT being annoying. 


You can do it while adding VALUE


That's how I run it




If you DON’T have a sequence, go make one


Don't do it willy-nilly - I just want you to be able to track the results from it. 


Then guess what? Hand it off to those people in your downline. 




Increased all your team volumes. 


If you've not yet, go to secretmlmhacks.com and join the program there.




I know it's tough to find people to pitch after your warm market dries up, right? 


That moment when you finally run out of family and friends to pitch. I don't see many up lines teaching legitimate lead strategies today. 


After years of being a lead funnel builder online I got sick of the garbage strategies most MLMs have been teaching their recruits for decades. 


Whether you simply want more leads to pitch or an automated MLM funnel, head over to secretmlmhacks.com and join the next FREE training. 


There you're gonna learn the hidden revenue model that only the top MLMers have been using to get paid regardless if you join them. 


Learn the 3-step system I use to auto recruit my downline of big producers WITHOUT friends or family even knowing that I'm in MLM. 


If you want to do the same for yourself, head over to secretmlmhacks.com


Again that’s secretmlmhacks.com

Further episodes of Secret MLM Hacks Radio

Further podcasts by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

Website of Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting