Podcasts by Search for a Cure

Search for a Cure

More than one hundred years ago, Alois Alzheimer described for the first time the disease that now bears his name. In spite of intense research, there is still no medication that can cure Alzheimer's. But the biochemists working with LMU Munich Professor Haass are hot on the tracks of the disease—with the help of the zebra fish. As en embryo, this fish is transparent, thereby allowing researchers to observe developments and changes in a living organism. Will the zebra fish help scientists to understand Alzheimer's? In their video diary, Christian Haass and his team present unusual insights into their daily lives as researchers. Footage for the videos has been recorded by the biologists themselves. The video diary was produced within the scope of "DFG Science TV", the Internet TV Project of the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Further podcasts by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Podcast on the topic Kurse

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Search for a Cure
Coloured Fish from 2009-11-17T16:15:13

Success! Dominik’s fish are carrying the Alzheimer’s gene. But will they also develop the characteristic symptoms?

Search for a Cure
Larvae-Lights from 2009-11-10T16:15:13

How do you make an Alzheimer's fish? First, human DNA must be injected into the fish larvae—no easy task…

Search for a Cure
More than just pretty from 2009-11-03T16:15:13

Only the best for the little one: what do zebra fish need in order to lay as many of the much sought-after eggs as possible?

Search for a Cure
The nerve killer from 2009-10-27T16:15:13

Amyloid – a protein which plays a key role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. Everyone has it in their body, but not everyone develops the disease. But why?

Search for a Cure
A look into the brain from 2009-10-20T17:15:13

Alzheimer's: no longer knowing where you are, who you are or what you were going to do... To find an agent that counters this most frequent form of dementia, the researchers have bred thousands of ...

Search for a Cure
A look into the brain from 2009-10-20T17:15:13

Alzheimer's: no longer knowing where you are, who you are or what you were going to do... To find an agent that counters this most frequent form of dementia, the researchers have bred thousands of ...
