Say It Skillfully® – Dr. Aaron Smith uplifts GenZs’ love to learn - a podcast by Molly Tschang

from 2021-06-01T07:00

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Say It Skillfully® is a show that helps you to benefit from Molly Tschang’s expert guidance on the best possible ways to speak your mind at work in a positive and productive manner. In Episode 82, innovative speaker, educator and artist, Dr. Aaron Smith, beloved as the “rapping professor” to students at Temple University, shares why he’s a racial optimist. This episode will help you to be a part of the solution—and look at humanity in a way where you see yourself in other people.

As a youth, when Aaron witnessed racism, his response was feeling that people were being cheated… cheated by not having the interest or tolerance to appreciate other people—because they lacked skill set, language & courage to step out of “boxes” and consider people on individual merit. And he saw this could be remedied by education and exposure to the full humanity of other people.

His African-American and Asian studies equipped him to see how systemic oppression and unequal justice were the enemies, not the communities who seemed different. He shares how a teacher’s single statement changed his life trajectory, and taught him to “weigh his words.” He implores all to understand the chronology of human history as a starting point (see his reading list!)

“Race is not a zero sum game about winners and losers—racism is.”

“Underlying issues, challenges and problems related to xenophobia and intolerance along racial lines could be resolved with greater empathy.”

And he talks of the extraordinary energy and appetite of young people today to take on the messes previous generations have not—racially, environmentally and more—and how the skeptical are some of his best students. HOPE!

Then Yen calls in for a thought-provoking discussion around the “felt sense” of interacting with others and how to tap into this to deepen our relationships. We also talk family, and the “roles” we play, not always so consciously. Lastly, Roger shares a major win—turning a job losing situation into an unexpected promotion, not only by saying it skillfully, but by “being” it skillfully. Molly's thought for the week – Wise words from the rapping professor:
When met with adversity, it’s preparing you to learn—look at it with joy and embrace.
Tune in and learn how to navigate work, and life, while being invaluable and true to yourself. And check out Dr. Aaron Smith’s recommended reading – be a racial optimist.
Caste by Isabel Wilkerson, The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander, Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi, African Pyramids of Knowledge by Molefi Kete Asantev (or any of his work!). More about Dr. Smith:

Further episodes of Say It Skillfully®

Further podcasts by Molly Tschang

Website of Molly Tschang