Biden's border crisis will permanently damage our democracy - a podcast by Radio America

from 2021-06-10T22:31:44

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Sara has just returned from Guatemala, where she interviewed President Alejandro Giammattei about the border crisis. She also spoke with locals in the mountains about what life is like there. She brings on Wisconsin Rep. Tom Tiffany, who just returned from a journey to the Darien Gap in Panama, to share his firsthand account of the dangerous journey many migrants make from faraway countries.

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Enemies Exploiting Border Crisis
Tiffany: The thing that is of the greatest concern to me is the national security and potential. Because when you see people coming here from Somalia, you're coming from Iran. They're coming from places around the world, people coming from China. And this is a real concern for us, where it's easy to melt into the the 10s of 1000s of people that are steadily coming up day after day, and be able to come into our country as a pre pass. And all people have to do is look back to 2015 with the mass migration that happened from the Middle East, into Europe, and all the terrorist bombings and things like that that happened after that. We're setting ourselves up to do the same thing in America.

You Can’t Have Mixed Messaging
Sara: What I can translate for you and adjust is that basically you have to have a strong message and you have to mean it. He said that, you know, Vice President Kamala Harris's do not come as a strong message, but basically was saying it has to end. I wish I could play the whole interview for you. But I know you don't want to hear the whole interview in Spanish. Some people do, some people do. But but I'm not going to play it here. Well, we'll post it online hopefully this week. But one of the things that he was saying is, you can have this mixed messaging. You can't say do not come and then have your borders wide open.

US Border Crisis Empowers China
Sara: And we're watching governments in those regions, as we've seen in the past, but even more so now, shift to the left. We've seen that in Bolivia, we're seeing that right now in Argentina. We're seeing it in places like Nicaragua, we are seeing the left, move in and I'm talking the communist left, and we are watching China. China's saying, Well, look, if the United States isn't going to be there for you, we're going to be there for you. You know, during COVID-19 and Latin America, China basically put its focus on the entire region. I know it's like hard for people to understand this. But they really did. They were looking at beef in Uruguay, they were looking at copper in Chile, oil in Colombia, soy in Brazil. They thought about what can we do for all of these countries that would make them more susceptible to us and to our government, and therefore against the US.

Is Border Sanity Coming Soon?
Tiffany: But I can tell you, my office will not rest. We are already looking at the next actions we're going to take. And maybe we'll be able to talk about that soon. And the next couple months when we take and we get a hint next things that we do that next things that we want to do. Well, I can just tell you, this is not an for us because it truly is, while the Biden administration is all about transforming America. I'm about saving America. And this is one of the key things that we can do to help save America is to have a sane immigration system in America. And we're not going to rest and we'll have more news in the months to come here as the additional actions that we want to take that I think are creative and deliver the message for the American people. But more importantly, get us to policies that actually work for immigration because this is one of the biggest failures of Congress over the last two decades is not coming up with a sane immigration policy.

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