064 - Mom Guilt, Pelvic Floor Health&How to Stop Peeing Your Pants with Victoria Dosen - a podcast by Emily Gough

from 2019-02-01T03:00

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Whether you're pregnant, a new mom, a seasoned mom of many years, or even think you *might* want to have kids one day, you need to hear what today's guest has to say.  

We're talking to Victoria Dosen, a fitness and wellness coach from Naples, Florida who helps moms to prepare their bodies for pregnancy, labor, and delivery, heal their bodies postpartum, ditch the mom guilt, and reconnect with themselves so they can live a more authentic, vibrant, and happier life.

She's absolutely loves working with her mom clients, and it all started when she began working with expecting, new, and more "seasoned" moms while completing her graduate degree.  Her desire to work with this population grew even more after the birth of her first child in 2010.

Victoria has a Master's Degree in Exercise and Sports Sciences, is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the NSCA, a USAW Sports Performance Coach, a Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach, and is also certified as a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer.  She has also completed multiple continuing education courses in the women’s health and fitness realm, and has been in the fitness industry for over 16 years.

Victoria's a mom of 3 and understands that ”momming” ain’t easy. Instead of feeling like you’re floating on the cloud of motherly bliss, most days you feel like you’re just trying to survive.  That's why she wants every mom to know that it’s so important to make time for herself,  and that she should never lose sight of her own health and happiness because they are inextricably intertwined.

What's covered in this episode:

  • Potential issues that women may experience postpartum including peeing your pants and painful sex and why there’s always something you can do to rehabilitate
  • Even if you haven’t had children yet and are years away from deciding if you want to go that route, there are things you can do now to improve the health of your pelvic floor
  • Difference between how you can handle rehabilitative exercises after C-section versus vaginal delivery
  • Best exercises women can do for their core/pelvic floor
  • Mom guilt and losing yourself post-baby


I'm not a mom, and I already had all kinds of respect for all the hard-working mamas out there.  After this episode I'm even more amazed at what women's bodies can do to support a pregnancy and learned so much from Victoria about how we can work to heal some of the biggest and potentially painful issues that can come as a result of pregnancy.

One of the biggest things that amazed me is that even if you had children years ago, it's never too late to rehabilitate and fully heal from leftover issues from pregnancy, and that there are exercises you can to to support healthy pelvic health long before any potential pregnancy too!




Facebook: Victoria Dosen

Instagram: @victoriadosen



Emily Gough Coaching

Room to Grow Podcast


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Want to chat more and do a deeper dive into this topic and get access to live videos, exclusive guest appearances and discussions?  The Room to Grow Podcast Facebook group is a judgement-free safe space to open up, and I’d love to welcome you in with the other amazing women in the group.  It’s the best place to go for a little extra support.  See you over there!

You can also email me at info@emilygoughcoaching.com, or DM me over on Instagram @emilygoughcoach with any questions, comments, or takeaways!  Plus, I would absolutely love to connect with you and thank you for listening in real life.  It makes me day to see you listening to the podcast and fills me up with pure joy. Seriously.  See you on the ‘gram!

Questions?  Comments?  If Instagram and Facebook aren’t your jam, send me a good old fashioned email!  info@emilygoughcoaching.com


Find full show notes including all resources mentioned in the episode at emilygoughcoaching.com/064



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