The Key To Creating A Business You Love - a podcast by Christie Ressel: Personal Stylist, Entrepreneur, Media Style Expert

from 2021-01-04T05:00

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Creating a business you love is something that so many hear of, and few actually acquire. We start off as passionate entrepreneurs with a calling on our hearts and then often end up feeling stressed out all of the time, lose our fire in our grind, and question on sanity as it can often feel like we are spinning our wheels.

I felt that way for YEARS.

I remember beginning my styling career, pouring my heart into a website I could barely afford at the time and then sitting in front of my laptop and thinking, “now what?”

It’s hard not knowing what information to follow, or how to not feel overwhelmed in business. There are so many resources and marketing strategies out there that it’s mind boggling. I was stressed to the max when I started – and felt like I had no one to turn to advice.

Fast forward to now, I’ve built a multi six figure brand that serves women world-wide, allows others to rise and allows me to-do what I love in style while helping others. And the best part is that is feels fun, flowing, and aligned to who I am.

But, I definitely didn’t always feel that way, and my road to success was lined with many learning opportunities. So, I’m sharing my top 3 things to keep in mind in creating a business you love.

  1. Drop the “should’s” and focus on what makes you feel good. Part of creating a business you love is doing things you LOVE doing. Easy, right? Yet, so many entrepreneurs get stuck in doing things they see others are doing, or that they think they should do in order to be successful. I was one of them. Corporate vs. Style. When I dropped the stuff I didn’t want to and allowed myself to only do the things that lite me up – that passion spilled out and others became excited to work with me.
  2. Know your worth. For many creatives and entrepreneurs – we undercharge. This is so dangerous because we not only end up being underpaid and barely able to manage bills, but that in turn makes us resentful of our clients and our work! You may end up questioning whether it’s worth continuing. It’s know your worth and the value you are providing – and charge for it. You get to be divinely compensated for what you do, have clients that appreciate you and are willing to pay. End of story.
  3. Put yourself out there. This is really scary, I know, but necessary. If you don’t put yourself out there for people to learn about your business, it can’t make money. Plain and simple. People need to be able to find you and connect with you in order to pay you and have you serve them.

Want to deep dive about this further? I’m talking about this on today’s podcast episode.

If you are ready to build your own Aligned Empire and jump into a feel good business that lights you up everyday, I’d love to have you in my 6 week program! We’re going to deep dive into how to create a successful business you love and how I did this very thing without the need for ads or doing things I didn’t want to do. Would love you have you join.

Further episodes of Woman On The Rise

Further podcasts by Christie Ressel: Personal Stylist, Entrepreneur, Media Style Expert

Website of Christie Ressel: Personal Stylist, Entrepreneur, Media Style Expert