#185 – ? Become Childlike To Learn Like A Child [PODCAST] - a podcast by PD Vander Westhuizen

from 2019-06-06T09:38:29

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Recently Christina and I put out a video on preparing for marriage. We were asked whether we don't think we are too "inexperienced" to teach on such a matter? This is a great question worth addressing. God desires us to be childlike to be fit for the Kingdom: That means being humble after the likeness of a child. Children don't care who they are learning from, they just want to learn. They learn from parents or even other children. Children aren't afraid of making mistakes. God wants us to be childlike because then we are humble enough to enter the Kingdom, for pride creates an unteachable spirit unable to be transformed into the likeness of Christ. But how can we learn from a child, or someone younger if they lack experience? We must be open to the fact that God often chooses the unqualified to deliver messages out of their own league, but they are empowered by the Holy Spirit. Think Moses. Think the prophets of old. Think Noah. If God can use someone the world would never expect, couldn't He also use a child? Of course! And we must ensure our hearts are humble enough to be able to receive instruction or wisdom even from a child when the Holy Spirit speaks through them.

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Website of PD Vander Westhuizen