Podcasts by Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker

When was the last time you told someone you wanted to live an ‘average’ life? Exactly, but many people end up there. Resist Average Academy is for those who want to thrive, to grow and to ensure they are never stuck.

Featuring some of the world’s best entrepreneurs, artists, creatives, athletes and brands —you’ll not only be inspired, but ensure you create a life you can't wait to wake up for every single day.

Further podcasts by Tommy Baker: Host, Author, CEO

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #179: Hustlers&Seekers [Audiobook Chapter] from 2021-11-23T13:21:08

I’m thrilled to hold the first copies of Hustlers & Seekers in my hands.

And guess what?

This book is designed to do the *one* thing I’ve never seen done in the world of personal g...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #178: Want More Discipline? Do This. from 2021-11-19T17:00:58

“You’re so disciplined, Tommy —if I had that, then I would launch the business, take the bold step, get in the best shape…”

Oh, no...while I appreciate the triple scoop Hot Fudge sundae t...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 211 | Fill Your Work With Purpose&Happiness With Jenn Lim from 2021-11-13T13:53:16

These days, no one wants a "job".

Instead, we're looking for purpose, meaning, and fulfillment when it comes to their work life.

But there's a problem: over 70...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 210 | Key Questions For a Thriving Life With Marc Champagne from 2021-10-24T13:35:24


A mentor, Dr. John Demartini once told me —the quality of the questions you ask will determine the quality of our lives.

But there’s a problem: when we ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #177: Decoding Hustlers&Seekers from 2021-10-18T16:44:07

You’re told to be ambitious, work your f...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 209 | Find Work That Makes You Come Alive with Jonathan Fields from 2021-09-22T19:01:06

When was the last time you felt alive with the work you do?

Take a moment to answer that question and don't be afraid to be radically honest.

Because for a large part of m...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 208 | Live Louder Than You Talk with Josh Coats from 2021-09-16T16:41:29

We live in a world of talkers —people who talk a big game about their lives and businesses and yet:

The most successful people are not the ones who ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #176: 120 Days Left —How Will You Finish? from 2021-09-09T22:44:55

Most don’t remember their 2021 goals.

And guess what —there are only 120 days to:

  • Finish with focus.
  • Finish with purpose.
  • Finish w...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 207 | Do What You Love and Get Paid with Gretchen Rubin from 2021-08-23T18:09:05

How do you find work that makes you come alive —and get paid for it? It's the ultimate question for a thriving life from the insi...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #175: Dreams Versus Fantasies from 2021-08-19T17:41:07

Do you have a dream or a fantasy?

Now, let me explain with a dose of #RealTalk:

Most people have fantasies —thinking that ‘someday’ it’s all going to h...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 206 | Your Dream Will Humble You with Mateo Askaripour from 2021-08-14T13:38:59

I'm convinced we don't simply choose our dreams —our dreams choose us. They come during the quiet moments of life through nudges and whispers and desires...until they'r...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #174: The Courage Of Desire from 2021-08-10T16:21:02

It takes courage to own your desire, to put yourself on the line, to get radically honest about what you want.

Why? Because it's easy to "drift" through life instead of choosing what you ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #173: The Comfort Zone Of Possibility from 2021-07-22T18:37:18

Most people would rather live in the illusion of possibility —always dreaming and manifesting, yet avoiding what comes next: the real work, the courageous work, the transformative work.<...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 205 | The Secret To Unlocking Happiness with Tal Ben-Shahar from 2021-07-19T14:09:33

What are the keys to sustainable happiness —and what gets in the way of bringing that to life?

Let's face it:

Happiness can seem to escape us, especially if we bel...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #172: 10 Lessons For Exponential Growth from 2021-07-16T23:18:12

During the last 11 years, I've gone all-in on my personal and professional growth —and today I'm excited to share the biggest lessons along the way.

1. Growth is messy, chaotic, u...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 204 | Chase Impact Over Influence with Tommy Baker&Jay Nixon from 2021-07-12T17:50:56

Would you rather change 100 lives —or get 10,000 clicks and random followers? Sounds like a trick question...but it's not. 


Because we're living in a world where surface-area ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #171: Desire + Urgency = Discipline from 2021-07-05T18:34:29

Discipline is a result.
Discipline is a reaction.
Discipline is a consequence.

And guess what? It comes from two places:


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 203 | The Keys To Make Your Dream Real with Taylor Stone from 2021-07-01T23:36:10

On today’s Resist Average Academy episode, I get to welcome my wife Taylor —yes I get to say that now —back on the show for the third time.

We wanted to create this special episo...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #170: Where Are The Results? from 2021-06-10T16:00

It's not happening fast enough, Tommy —where are all the results and why can't I seem to get ahead?

If you've ever said these words, then this Quick Hit Episode is for you about ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #169: Stop Avoiding Accountability from 2021-06-04T16:00

Everyone loves the idea of accountability until they’re punched in the face with it —and the ego starts to come up with random excuses.

Here’s the deal:

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 202 | Less Effort, More Results with Greg McKeown from 2021-05-31T18:14:05

To experience success, you've got to grind yourself to the bone until the tank is empty —right?

No, thank you.

But how often do we do unnecessary work —simply because it fe...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #168: Hustlers&Seekers from 2021-05-29T13:23:08

You’re told to grind, 10X your goals, crush it —then you’re told to detach, create space and align with universal frequencies Deepak would foam the mouth for.

So the question becomes —who...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #167: 70% Alignment from 2021-05-22T20:28:27

If you're saying yes to things in your life that are 60, 70, or 80% in alignment —you may be missing out.

On what?

Well, let me be blunt here:

Alignment is ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 201 | Maximize Your Attributes with Navy SEAL Rich Diviney from 2021-04-13T16:21:56

There's a stark difference between peak performance and optimal performance.

What's the difference?

Peak performance is a tactical, measured approach to show up on one day and crus...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #166: A Wake Up Call From Seneca from 2021-04-07T16:58:59

On The Shortness Of Life by Seneca is one of my all-time essays, what I consider a “wake up” essential —and one I return to when I need a reminder to stop waiting.


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #165: 3 Ways To Level Up Your Circle from 2021-04-03T15:46:14

There is no chance of you bringing your dreams to life rolling ‘solo’ or surrounding yourself with energy vampires who tell you to “play it safe” —who are triggered by your growth. Listen

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #164: 7 Ways For The Best Week Of Your Year from 2021-03-28T16:00

This coming week is going to be the best one of your entire year, right?

Here's the deal:

Aiming at nothing equals distraction.
Aiming at nothing equals comparison.

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 200 | Your Growth Is The Best ROI with Vince Del Monte from 2021-03-27T14:25:48

When we think of ROI —we tend to think business, finances and even things like Gamestop and Bitcoin.

But what about:

  • The ROI of mindset?
  • The...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #163: Your Future Self Is Begging You from 2021-03-16T14:08:51

Your future self is begging you.

For what, you may ask?

  • To step into your vision.
  • To step into your growth.
  • To step into your dreams.<...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 199 | Achievement Is Not Enough with John Roa from 2021-03-13T18:42:18

Having a million dollars in your checking account will make you happy, right?

Not quite —unless you've done the inner work of fulfillment, letting go of the past and lovi...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 198 | Your Job Is Not Secure with Jay Samit from 2021-03-01T23:51:25

The future is already here —and we've experienced a decade of disruption in less than a year.

Work will never be the same and you can either sit around waiting for a government handout or...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 197 | Personal Growth Is Not A Hobby with Jay Nixon from 2021-02-22T13:33:59

Personal growth is not a hobby, yet how many people treat it like the latest video game, streaming show —and entertainment?

The reality is:

  • Personal growth is work.
  • ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #162: Why You’re Not Making More Money from 2021-02-18T14:00:48

We’re constantly told narratives around money that often hold us back from:

  • Desiring more money.
    Desiring more wealth.
    Desiring more options.

And when I wo...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 196 | Stop Playing Small with Mike Zeller from 2021-02-15T15:01:10

We tend to play small.

Sure, we have seasons of dreaming big, but then we lose the high and passion of starting, experience some failures —and diminish our goals.


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #161: Rejection Leads To Success from 2021-02-02T18:33:13

To the degree that you're willing to put yourself on the line, seek rejection —is to the degree you can expect to see results in your life.

In today's Quick Hit, I'm going to cover why re...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #160: The Worst Time To Have No Aim from 2021-01-27T16:59:49

This is the worst time in history to have no aim.
This is the worst time in history to have no focus.
This is the worst time in history to have no goals.


Because w...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 195 | Embrace Your Fear with Kristen Ulmer from 2020-12-28T17:13

Fear needs to be overcome, crushed and avoided at all costs, right? Not quite.

According to the latest Academy guest —this obsession with getting rid of fear is not only hampering our gro...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #159: Avoiding Your Vision from 2020-12-19T17:53:47

“Tommy, there’s no point in setting a vision for 2021 because the world is too chaotic, crazy, intense —and full of uncertai...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #158: Guaranteed Failure from 2020-12-10T13:18:20

You’ve got the clarity to know something must change in your life, that the time is now and there is no more ‘waiting’ —but the voice inside keeps telling you that you may fail.

And let’s...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 194 | Decoding Flow States with Steven Kotler from 2020-12-05T18:54:28

When was the last time you experienced flow —where time dissolved, you were more present than ever and you also performed at your best?

We've all been there —and today's episode is with o...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #157: Business Is Simple from 2020-11-29T15:49:02

Business is complicated, hard and full of 11-step systems to create value and convert clients, right?

Actually no —not at all.

In fact: business is simple and can be relegated to t...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #156: Stop Doing Fake Work from 2020-11-25T16:30:15

Fake work is the illusion of progress.
Fake work is the illusion of momentum.
Fake work is the illusion of productivity.

And ultimately, fake work i...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 193 | Free Your Energy with Sylvester McNutt III from 2020-11-20T18:24:57

How much energy do we waste on things that don't move the needle —especially when we're out of alignment?

  • We say one thing, and do another.
  • We create clarity —then procrast...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #155: Create Your Own Economy from 2020-11-12T16:53:42

In a world where there's zero company loyalty and rapid disruption of how we work —I believe we all need to create our own economy.

What does this mean?

It means we must:

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #154: Psychological Comeback Rate from 2020-11-08T15:56:49

You were having a productive and purposeful day when all of the sudden you experienced a challenge, emotional trigger —or unexpected adversity out of nowhere.

The random ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 192 | Tiny Habits For Transformation with BJ Fogg from 2020-11-03T18:04:44

To create change in our lives we need to burn the boats and change 19 habits at once, right?

Well, this may work for some —but for most of us, it's wishful thinking and leads to stress, c...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #153: How To Master Your Time from 2020-10-29T20:03:03

“They lose the day in expectation of the night, and the night in fear of the dawn.”

This quote from Seneca, from his brilliant essay, On The Shortness Of Life —h...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 191 | Break Patterns and Heal Yourself with Dr. Nicole LePera from 2020-10-25T19:30:05

Patterns of thinking, doing and being —we all have them.

The question, we must ask is: are these patterns serving your highest self or taking you away from them:

These can include:...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #152: Turning Pro from 2020-10-20T16:58:10

The sure sign of an amateur is he has a million plans and they all start tomorrow.

This is a brilliant quote from the one and only Steven Pressfield in his book, Turn...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 190 | How To Get What You Want with Michael Bernoff from 2020-10-17T17:39:29

We tend to lead one of two lives: there's the life we deeply and authentically desire —and the one we're living for other people's expectations.

Trust me, we've all been there.


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #151: 5 Truths Of Entrepreneurship from 2020-10-09T17:20:35

Entrepreneurship and running your own business sounds sexy when you're flush with momentum, but what about when the high wears off and it gets hard?

Enter the 5 Truths Of Entrepreneurship...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 189 | Decoding What Motivates You with Todd Henry from 2020-10-07T23:19:46

Motivation is erratic, unpredictable and ebbs and flows —which means relying on motivation for consistency can leave you more frustrated and stuck than ever.

Enter my latest guest on the ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #150: Navigating The Valleys Of Growth from 2020-10-05T16:47:53

You're in a valley of growth —where the resistance is higher, you're dealing with emotions and questioning your capability.

This is perfectly normal, and in fact, an expected part of a hi...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 188 | The 90 Day Primer with Tommy Baker from 2020-10-01T13:50:18

There are 90 days left in 2020 —think about that.

I Listen

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 187 | Why Not Creating Will Destroy You with Charlie Gilkey from 2020-09-24T13:53:04

You’re either going to create your dream life, or you’re going to destroy yourself through self-loathing and resentment.

Bold statement, I know. But this is exactly what I’ve seen during ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #149: 5 Ways To Overcome Indecision from 2020-09-21T20:44:13

Nothing will kill your momentum faster than the inability to make decisions —every single day —towards your vision, goals and dreams.


  • Indecision stops clarity.
  • ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 186 | Master Your Craft with Pulitzer Prize winner Ted Jackson from 2020-09-17T18:31:06

In 1990, while covering a story about homelessness for the New Orleans Times-Picayune, Ted Jackson encountered a half-naked drug addict sleeping under a bridge.

After snapping a photo, Ja...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #148: Comparison For Growth from 2020-09-14T16:08:43

Don't compare yourself to others, right? Well, actually —we are hard-wired to compare ourselves to others. It is embedded into our DNA and we can't "shut it off."

So, what's a better way?...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 185 | Stop Avoiding Tough Conversations with AmyK Hutchens from 2020-09-10T20:47:32

Right now, there’s one conversation you need to have —that’s robbing you of clarity, closure and momentum. Don’t worry —we all do.

But here’s the deal:

The life, business a...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #147: Is Entrepreneurship Required To Be Fulfilled? from 2020-09-02T17:52:14

"You seem to push entrepreneurship hard —is that required for a fulfilling life?”

Uh, no...of course not.

But I  believe the tools, mindsets and strategies that make a great entrep...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 184 | Gaining 75 Pounds On Purpose with Drew Manning from 2020-09-01T16:00

Don’t forget the problems you’ve already solved in your life —that you’re now solving for others with your brand, product or service.

My latest guest took that to the extreme by adding 75...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #146: Shiny Business Syndrome from 2020-08-28T16:46:04

Shiny business syndrome is a momentum killer —the belief that the ‘next’ business, idea or creative project is the “one” destined to be a success and you should quit what you’re doing.


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 183 | Peace Is The New Success with Sheri Riley from 2020-08-23T11:58:59

Success equals peace, right? For many people who are achievers —the more success they create, the less peace they have:

The busier they are.
The harder they work.
The more the...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #145: The Lie Of Comfort from 2020-08-19T16:30:03

Is a comfortable life really what you're seeking —or are you wanting to feel alive, and to brush up against life so as to arrive at the end of your days complete and whole?

When I think o...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 182 | Build a Thriving Content Business with Chandler Bolt from 2020-08-15T17:17:39

How do you create a thriving business and life when what you're doing isn't working —and you're losing faith? What are some of the key mistakes that hold people back from creating a business tha...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 181 | Live As a Modern Warrior with Firas Zahabi from 2020-08-12T12:45:24

What does it mean to live a life of virtue, principles —of a code?

During these times of uncertainty, it can be easy to fall into the abyss of paralysis analysis and misinformation when w...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #144: Everything Serves from 2020-08-10T16:52:53

Everything serves.

What do you mean, Tommy?

I mean —everything in your experience, the ups, downs, wins, challenges, questioning, emotional seasons —they all serve you. Listen

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 180 | Journal Your Way to Freedom with Ryder Carroll from 2020-08-07T04:00

Freedom —it's the endgame, right? It's why we seek goals, chase ambition and do the habits and rituals every single day.

But what if there was a way to experience tomorrow's freedom now? ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #143: Write Your Dreams a Check from 2020-08-04T16:21:37

The moment you put resources towards your dream, vision and future self —you're writing yourself a check.

When you invest in your growth and development, you send the world a message:


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 179 | Humanize Your Work with Dan Schawbel from 2020-08-01T16:00

We all work so hard —but for what? 

Our latest guess argues that we are working for the sake of working —and losing ourselves in the process as well as the most important part of our live...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 178 | Be The Leader You Want to Follow with Gerard Adams from 2020-07-28T21:02:47

"If you're not making mistakes, you're not moving forward. Period."

Those are the words of the latest Academy guest —Gerard Adams from Leaders Create Leaders...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #142 —Change At 40, Building a Platform, Making Clarity Real from 2020-07-25T17:34:03

Today's Quick Hit is a special edition where I answer five questions from our email, social media —and other avenues, including:

  • How to change during your mid-40's
  • When and...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 177 | Break The Rules with Majo Molfino from 2020-07-23T21:00:29

Follow the rules and you’ll be a success, right?


Because what if the “rules” we all tend to follow, the worn out paths that have been laid out in front of us —aren’t actuall...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #141: 5 Killers Of Your Momentum from 2020-07-16T19:38:57

Momentum is one of the most powerful forces in the world:

When we have it, we feel unstoppable even during tough tim...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #140: Hunt For Positivity (Or Else) from 2020-07-09T20:56:47

Optimism is a skill, it is trainable.

And if you're:

Looking for hate, you will find it.

Looking for distress, you will find it.

Looking for negativity, you will find...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 176 | 12 Months to $1 Million with Ryan Moran Pt. II from 2020-07-08T23:33:24

Welcome to Pt. II of my conversation with Ryan Moran.

Ryan Moran is the founder of Capitalism.com, where he teaches entrepreneurs to build b...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 175 | 12 Months to $1 Million with Ryan Moran Pt. I from 2020-07-08T14:09:23

This conversation is going to open your world.

Because of that —we split this conversation into two powerful parts that are a must listen with Ryan Moran.

Ryan Mor...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 174 | Catching Peyton Manning's Last Pass with Bennie Fowler from 2020-07-02T23:43:36

It's the biggest game of your career. The lights are on, the stage is set, it's Super Bowl 50 —and Peyton Manning's last game. You're in the huddle and you know it's coming to you.


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 173 | Q&A —Your Calling, Paralysis Analysis, Staying Motivated from 2020-06-22T16:00

On today's Academy podcast —we're back with another round of listener questions with Q+A.

Today's topics include cultivating your calling, where to start with a new business venture, how ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #139: End Procrastination Forever from 2020-06-19T19:09:54

You have clarity. You know what to do in business. You have a clear goal and next steps —but then what?

Procrastination knows no bounds, a mechanism of the ego d...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 172 | Personality Isn't Permanent with Benjamin Hardy from 2020-06-16T04:00

Do you believe your personality is permanent and fixed —or can be shifted and shaped in any way?

The truth is most people adopt labels of personality that come from other...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 171 | Your Business Is a Spiritual Quest with Yanik Silver from 2020-06-10T04:00

Your purpose, your business, your calling —is not only about ambition, abundance and financial resources. Rather, if you do it right, with intention —it becomes a...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 170 | Q&A With Tommy&Taylor —Boundaries, Self-Care, Lessons from 2020-06-06T12:36:33

Today’s episode is a completely new format and a very special guest —my incredible fiancee, Taylor Stone.

Since we’re both at home now and have our own podcasts, we decid...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 169 | Stop Networking, Start Connecting with David Burkus from 2020-05-31T14:04:41

Have you ever been to a "networking" event, collected tons of business cards —and then couldn't wait to take a shower?

We've all been there, and let's be real here:

90% of ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #138: An Unconventional Life&Business from 2020-05-28T19:44:44

You're not conventional, so why are you comparing yourself to those who are?

Here's the truth:

I may look put together but for most of my life I’ve been a misfit, a rebel, told I w...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 168 | Find Your Life's Task with Robert Greene from 2020-05-24T15:21:06


This is what comes up when I think of the latest guest on the Academy podcast —the one and only Robert Greene. 

This episode is a total pleasure for me, a...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 167 | Fulfillment Is An Inside Game with Gabby Reece from 2020-05-10T04:00

Success, identity, ego, achievement and ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 166 | Get Out Of Your Own Way with Dave Hollis from 2020-05-04T01:33:33

Your biggest obstacle in the way of your success, your next level of financial growth, the dreams, desires and ambitions you have is yourself.

(Catch the full video episode on Listen

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #137: Avoid These 4 Big Myths from 2020-04-23T14:36:31

There are 4 Big Myths people are believing right now during this season of COVID-19 that are holding you back from performance, fulfillment and success.

They are:


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 165 | Sell Yourself First with Brad Lea from 2020-04-21T14:53:29

Everyone sells.

Everyone is looking to influence someone else.

Even those who claim that they don't are actually doing it in a different way.

And the truth...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 164 | The Unconventional Life with Chris Guillebeau from 2020-04-14T18:59:04

In life, we're told to follow a predictable, safe, and predictable path: go to school, get good grades, land a "safe" job with a nice salary and then check off the boxes of society.


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #136: You Need Cash. Here's How. from 2020-04-13T01:34:48

Cash. Revenue. Income.

How do you create it if you have no business, or your business can't operate as it usually does?

Enter the FPC Formula [Fastest Path to Cash] Listen

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 163 | Creativity Is Not Optional with Chase Jarvis from 2020-04-07T14:33:54

Creativity is not optional, it's who you are. In the last 24 hours, you have been creative —in some shape, way or form. Because being creative is not about art, painting, drawing.

It’s a ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #135: 8 Non-Negotiable Steps For Working At Home from 2020-04-06T00:15:54

Progress = Freedom.

Momentum = Freedom.

Expansion = Freedom.

You're working from home. You have...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 162 | Unwind Anxiety&Create Calm with Dr. Judson Brewer from 2020-03-30T17:07:01

Where does anxiety come from and how do you and I release it to find peace, calm and clarity? Personally, I find a massive difference between stress and anxiety: usually, I can trace ba...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #134: Protect Your Mental Real Estate from 2020-03-27T17:48:43

Protect your mental real estate —otherwise, you're going to start your day off with scarcity, stress and overwhelm.

Right now, it has never been mo...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 161 | Turn Challenge Into Massive Growth with Jay Nixon from 2020-03-24T13:25:26

Challenge, adversity, crisis —can be a place to shrink down, to give up, and to ultimately quit on our dreams, being overcome with circumstance.

Or, we can use it as a tool and catalyst f...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 160 | Navigating Chaos&Uncertainty with COVID-19 from 2020-03-17T19:43:45

We're being challenged. Right now, everyone in the world is going through this together with COVID-19: stress, challenge, and a lot of questions.

We don't have all the answers, but we hav...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #133: What "All In" Really Means from 2020-03-10T16:59:25

All in. All in. All in.

We hear this all the time, or have even said it: we're all in with our business, our dreams, the goals and desires we have.

But the truth ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 159 | The Ultimate Skill for Success with Dr. Tasha Eurich from 2020-03-08T17:06:51

What is the number one skill for success in life, business, growth and relationships?

Take a moment to reflect on this —and see what comes...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #132: For Coaches, Experts&Biz Owners from 2020-03-03T17:28:21

Every single day, I get questions:

  • How do I build a successful coaching business?
  • What can I do to stand out in a crowded marketplace?
  • What did you do to build you...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 158 | Think Bold, Act Bold, Be Bold with Tommy Baker from 2020-03-02T00:24:08

In life, we make countless decisions and choices on a daily basis —when compounded over time, they lead to radically different places and results....

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #131: 5 Mistakes Online Biz Owners Make from 2020-02-27T00:16:57

There has never been a better time to be a coach, trainer, or thought leader and get paid to do so. With people scouring the internet to get their problem solved —if you do it right:

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #130: Lessons From Kobe Bryant from 2020-02-20T05:00

When I think of Kobe Bryant —one word comes to mind in a very intense way, a total and complete obsession, ruthless commitment to mastery:

Mastery of craft a...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 157 | One Million Followers with Brendan Kane from 2020-02-20T01:12:54

Is gaining one million followers in 30 days on social media possible? Well, it is —if you do it right: if you are unique, memorable, remarkable and willing to put in the work.

Enter the A...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #129: Value Doesn't Beg from 2020-02-11T01:27:15

Value doesn’t beg, convince, or discount.

In an entrepreneurial, service-based world —it’s easy to get desperate when you’re the one who is responsible for your income. Listen

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Your Fear Is Pointing At Your Purpose | 5 Minutes with Lori Harder from 2020-02-08T14:00:45

Nothing is for nothing —every part of your process and pursuit is part of your dream. Whether that's a challenge or a season of adversity, it all can fuel your biggest desires.


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 156 | Execute On What Matters with Curt Steinhorst from 2020-02-03T17:00:52

You got your vision. You got your goals. You got your belief, and now you’re all set —right? 

Well, not rea...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #128: Knowing-Doing-Being from 2020-02-02T05:00

It's not enough to intellectually know something —a lot of people know things. It's not even enough to do things —while valuable, many people don't last.

If you want to ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Trust Your Process | 5 Minutes with Dan Millman from 2020-01-31T05:00

Your process of growth and living a powerful life is not linear —it is messy, sometimes hard, and often discouraging. But if you keep showing up, the magic starts...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #127: What Are You No Longer Tolerating in 2020? from 2020-01-28T15:31:16

There is something that you tolerated in your life, business, relationships or daily life experience in 2019 —that is no longer allowed to be part of your...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 155 | Leaders are Learners with Ryan Hawk from 2020-01-26T14:51:29

Leaders are learners.

You’ve heard this before, right? But not only are they leaders, but they are also obsessive learners, always curious, Listen

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Honor Your Desire For More | 5 Minutes with Mastin Kipp from 2020-01-23T18:17:59

“You should be grateful for what you have.”

We hear this often, and there is immense power in gratitude —bu...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #126: Why Only 2% Of Coaches Are Making 6 Figures from 2020-01-22T13:36:32

Only 2% of coaches are making six figures —and barely monetizing their expertise, knowledge, and tactics to create results.


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 154 | Find Your Hidden Potential and Endure with Alex Hutchinson from 2020-01-20T15:02:08

Think about the last time you thought yo...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Leave Space for The Magic | 5 Minutes with David Jack from 2020-01-17T05:00

Leave space for the magic, the unknown, the possibility, the right people, showing up, at the right times, for reasons you don't even know, and can't know —because we can't connect the d...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #125: You Asked For a Bigger Life, Remember? from 2020-01-14T05:00

You asked for a bigger life. 

You asked for a fuller bank account.

You asked for a deeper and bolder mission.

You asked for more love, intimac...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Choose What Keeps You Up At Night | 5 Minutes with Tom Bilyeu from 2020-01-12T17:00

You can make all the money in the world —but if you hate your life in the process, you will lose. At the same token, you can live with purpose, but if you're barely making ends meet —you'll be l...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 153 | Blending High Performance&Flow with Tommy Baker from 2020-01-10T13:53:02

They say you need to hustle, they say you need to “grind”, they say you need to pound the pavement and work 16 hour days, sacrificing your emotional sanity in the process.

They say you ne...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Everything Is Fuel | 5 Minutes with Lisa Nichols from 2020-01-05T16:08:36

Everything, and I mean everything can be used as fuel towards your dreams, vision and big ambitions —including:...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #124: How to Build a Content Business from 2019-12-28T19:38:42

Content, content, content. In 2019 and 2020 — there has never been a better time to build a content-based business, share your expertise and get paid to do so.

But with great fre...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #123: 10 Crucial Mistakes New Entrepreneurs Make from 2019-12-14T16:09:21

Starting a business is easy, cheap, and can be done in 24 hours or less —but lasting, growing, scaling and consistently increasing your growth and revenue is another story.

And here's som...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 152 | Unleash Your Soul Purpose and Wealth with Garrett Gunderson from 2019-12-12T14:57:03

What does your soul purpose have to do with extracting and creating wealth, prosperity and financial abundance? Well, in just one word: everything. Your ability to live in purpo...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #122: Don't Hire a Coach (Unless You Do This) from 2019-12-08T17:00

Don't hire a coach. I'm dead serious —and you may be thinking that as someone who is a coach, I'm crazy to say this. But here's the truth: unless you follow these steps, mindsets, and ways of sh...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 151 | The One Thing with Jay Papasan from 2019-12-06T00:28:51

We live in a world of more: more clutter, more tasks, more platforms, more email —does it ever end? One of the issues with productivity is that it operates under a false premise: the mo...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #121: The Myth Of Value from 2019-11-27T17:55:32

"If you simply provide enough value, value, and more value, you will be successful, right?"

Not quite —and often, I find this myth leaves people stuck and in a mode of on...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 150 | Your Ego Is Keeping You Stuck with Matt Gottesman from 2019-11-17T17:00

Entrepreneurship, transformation, spirituality, personal growth —it's all a beautiful, riveting ride. But it's not always easy, is it? Well, that's the point: growth isn't always Listen

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #120: "Tommy, it's not working." from 2019-11-13T16:30:20

“Tommy, I’m doing all of the things people tell me to do, listening to podcasts, reading the books, but it’s not working.”

Hmmmmmmm, really? Here’s the truth: I hear this all the...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 149 | Ditch Plan “B” and Go All In with Bo Eason from 2019-11-10T14:18:34

Are you living your true dream, or did you settle for Plan B, or worse, Plan C? Think about this for a moment: waking up at the end of your life realizing you ditched your real dream fo...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 148 | From Burn Victim to 4X Ironman with Shay Eskew from 2019-11-03T04:00

You have excuses on why you’re not where you want to be. You have reasons and beliefs about the past, or what happened, or how you’re not capable. But are these true —and furthermore, will you l...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 147 | The 3 Minute Rule with Brant Pinvidic from 2019-10-27T14:33:50

In a world of overwhelm and endless access to information, less is more: specifically when it comes to your business, sales and pitching what you do. 

Enter the latest Academy guest, Listen

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #119: You + Me + 7 Days = Momentum from 2019-10-25T16:02:16

Are you in momentum?

Momentum in your career or business looks like ever-increasing revenue, sales, opportunities, creative work, promotions…

Momentum in your relationships looks l...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #118: TRAINING | Make $1 to $5K More Per Month from 2019-10-23T17:22:17

What would you do with an extra $1K, $5K or $10,000 per month?

Maybe you would invest in yourself, take more time off, or increase your savings. Maybe you would launch a platform. Maybe y...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 146 | Reclaim Your Unique Greatness with Robin Sharma from 2019-10-14T18:38:54

Mastery. Greatness. Expansion. These are the words I think of when I reflect on my latest guest, a true mentor and influence on my growth as a leader, creator, trainer, author a...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #117: TRAINING | 90 Day Skill Gameplan from 2019-10-10T19:43:26

It's time to get serious —because 2020 is right around the corner and you're either going to wake up on fire with momentum and growth, or more stuck than ever.

Either way: it's your choic...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 145 | Your Dreams Will Require Relentless Faith with Howard Falco from 2019-10-01T18:27:46

The balance of desire and letting go, of intensity and nothingness, of intention and surrender, is a beautiful game and journey we are all on. Often, we want to operate from a place of force, of...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #116: Which Road Will You Take? from 2019-09-27T00:23:48

Will you take the safe path, the one that others have laid out for you, step by step —or will you take the jagged, unknown, sometimes unpredictable, yet brilliant path?

On today's Quick H...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 144 | What It Takes to Transform Pt. 2 with Preston Pugmire from 2019-09-24T07:30

The second part of my in-studio conversation with Preston is here, and you don't want to miss this one.

It’s a behind-the-scenes, no holds barred conversation with a client, friend, and b...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 143 | What It Takes to Transform Pt. 1 with Preston Pugmire from 2019-09-24T07:00

It’s time for a behind-the-scenes, no holds barred conversation with a client, friend, and brother in arms —Preston Pugmire. This is not your typical canned interview: ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 142 | Break The Habit of Being Yourself with Dr. Joe Dispenza from 2019-09-17T17:35:40

It's time to break the habit of being you. No, I'm dead serious, because right now there are habits, rituals, mindsets and ways of seeing the world (and your place in it) that a...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #115: Do You Really Want It? from 2019-09-10T15:19:34

Do you really want it? No, seriously, take a moment. Because there is nothing worse than talking big and not acting big. Not being big, not actually moving towards it.

Let me explain. In ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 141 | Awaken Your Inner Warrior with Anahata Ananda from 2019-09-08T04:00

Did you wake up today, or did you awaken?

They're not the same thing: not even close. To wake up means to go through the same routine, with the same limited mindset of wh...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #114: Commit First, Details Later from 2019-08-29T02:19:28

"I need to figure out the details." No, you don't: this is where dreams go to die. Because in life and business we must commit first and then the details will folllow.

In this Listen

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 140 | Master Your Life with Dr. John Demartini from 2019-08-25T04:00

You’re here to master your life. You’re here to take your bold dreams and make them real. You’re here to let go of what’s in the way, so you can step into your power.

Enter my latest Resi...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #113: 7 Ways to Take Control Back from 2019-08-21T17:16:50

"I don't have enough time."

"I'm soooooooo busy, Tommy."

"I have so much going on every day."

And guess what?

So does everyone else, at lea...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 139 | Master Skills Through Ultralearning with Scott Young from 2019-08-18T04:00

Passion is not enough. 

Purpose is not enough.

Enthusiasm is not enough.

These are great things to get started, but they are going to ebb and flow...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #112: Consistency>Intensity from 2019-08-14T09:00

What is more important: consistency or intensity?

While I love me some intensity, what matters much more in your ability to create results —is your commitment to being consistent...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 138 | The Greatest You with Trent Shelton from 2019-08-11T09:00

The greatest you. Take a moment to reflect on the moments of greatness in your life —when you chose abundance over scarcity, truth over excuses and courage over fear.

Now ask you...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #111: 5 Best Books Of 2019 (So Far) from 2019-08-09T15:04:43

We're past halfway on 2019, and what a ride it's been so far —full of growth, lessons and deep shifts. On this Quick Hit, I reveal my favorite 5 Books of 2019 (So Far) ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #110: The 14 Day Momentum Challenge from 2019-08-07T04:00

Momentum is a powerful force: when you have it, you feel as if anything is possible —when you don’t, you wonder if it’s EVER going to work out for you.

Here’s th...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 137 | Why You Must Be Obsessed with Evan Stewart from 2019-08-04T07:00

Obsessed. It’s a word most people use when they see someone who is pushing the needle on their lives with a certain intensity. Listen

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #109: Realistic or Required? from 2019-07-31T13:08:43

"That's not realistic."

"That doesn't make sense."

"That's never going to work."

How often do we let other people tell us what's realistic in rega...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 136 | Attract Your Tribe and Honor Your Season with Josh Trent from 2019-07-28T04:00

I’m so excited to welcome my good friend and brother, Josh Trent from Wellness Force —where we have an honest, real and free-flowing con...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #108: Why Free Isn't Free (And Why It Holds You Back) from 2019-07-24T04:00

Every week, I get messages on social media, direct message and email asking me for advice. And many times, I answer and give free coaching to people —but then realize 3 months later they haven't...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 135 | Why Generalists Win In a Specialized World with David Epstein from 2019-07-21T04:00

Specialize, specialize, specialize: we are pounded with why this matters. From 7-year-old kids committing to football to the world of entrepreneurship and skill acquisition —we're being told to ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #107: Why Your Business Isn't Growing from 2019-07-17T04:00

If your business isn't growing, expanding and creating more freedom and revenue —something is missing. And often, what I notice is people are not taking their business ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 134 | Escape Mediocrity and Use Pain for Power with Jay Nixon from 2019-07-14T16:00

Pain is part of life. Let's face it —the human experience is incredible, and pain is part of it. The avoidance of pain, however —causes immense suffering.

And furthermore: your pain can b...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #106: What Skill Amplifies Your Value? from 2019-07-10T04:00

Passion. Enthusiasm. Purpose.

They're all amazing and required when starting your dream and ambitions —but they don't last. And worst off: when you rely on them,...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 133 | Expand Your Human Potential with Gregg Braden from 2019-07-08T13:48:38

Human potential. You have it, I have it, we all have it —but why do some tap into it and others never access it? What are the core differences between those who are expanding and those ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #105: 2019 Mid Year Check In from 2019-07-03T16:22:36

We’re already 50% done with 2019.

I couldn’t believe it —and that’s precisely then I booked an appointment with myself for 3 hours titled 2019 Mid Year Check In.


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #104: If You Don't Love Sales, You Will Lose from 2019-06-18T16:00


Just the word triggers people —and creates weird energy where people get lost in "not trying to feel salesely."

The truth is:

Your ability t...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #103: It's Not Happening Fast Enough from 2019-06-11T04:00

"Tommy, it's not happening fast enough."

"I'm doing the work, but it's not coming to life."

"I don't know how much longer I can do this, Tommy."


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #102: Stop Feeding Your Fear and Doubt from 2019-06-04T04:00

I'm tired of something: people feeding their fears over and over and over.

People feeding their doubts, and their insecurities by paying attention to them.

It's not workin...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #101: 3 Big Myths Around Productivity, Focus and Results from 2019-05-30T23:10:50

Productivity, you're doing it wrong. Or, at least —thinking about it wrong.

Because there are 3 big myths standing in the way of understanding how to manage, create and own our time, sche...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #100: The 7-12 Formula: One Week's Worth Of Results Before Noon from 2019-05-28T01:24:37

Imagine if you could create one week's worth of results in your life and business before Noon.

I'm not kidding: simply imagine what your life would look and feel like with this level of r...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #99: What Season of Life and Business Are You In? from 2019-05-23T00:35:42

In life and business, we don't escape operating in nature with the seasons of spring, summer, fall, and winter.

Understanding what season you're in and doubling down to find your breakthr...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 132 | Turn Up The Volume of Your Dreams with Tim Storey from 2019-05-19T23:10:30

Your dreams will require you to have a level of faith that right now may seem impossible. They will require you to have undeniable trust, resilience, and belief —and will be tested time and time...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 131 | The Courage of Truth with Najwa Zebian from 2019-05-13T17:34:38

What is your truth? What is your soul wanting to share? What are you willing to do to impact others? How vulnerable and real are you willing to get?

When I ask these questions, I can only...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #98: Why Your Personal Growth Isn't "Working" from 2019-05-01T15:48:08

"Tommy...this isn't working. I'm reading books, listening to podcasts and I'm not seeing the results."

Here's the truth:

Most people are not taking their personal ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #97: You are 100% RESPONSIBLE For Your Emotional States from 2019-04-26T13:51:28

All transformation, all change, all leaving your comfort zone is 100% emotional. When you and I leave our comfort zones, we are being brushed up against our emotional edge.


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #96: 1>0 (How to Create REAL Impact and Results) from 2019-04-23T15:17:03

1>0. On this Quick Hit, I want to remind you of something that we've lost sight of in a world of followers, numbers, and an obsession with hitting the masses.

I ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #95: Make Q2 of 2019 an Undeniable Success from 2019-04-19T04:00

We're already in the middle of April —where are you today in regards to your goals, targets and big rocks you set back in January?

Are you on pace physically, mentally, emotionall...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #94: Seek Rejection (Or Reject Yourself) from 2019-04-18T18:38:21

We're back with another Quick Hit Episode and today is about one topic and one topic only: seek rejection every single day —or reject yourself.

Because here's th...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 130 | From 23 Year Career to Entrepreneur with Jeanette Schneider from 2019-04-07T04:00

What if you could transition out of a 23-year corporate career with grace, peace, and ease? That's exactly what the latest Academy guest has done, featuring Jeanette Schneider. Listen

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #93: Are You Surviving, Comfortable or THRIVING? from 2019-04-05T18:34:26

Life, to me —can be split into three stages or phases we can find ourselves in:

Survival. In this state, you can't even think big. You're always on edge, and there's alwa...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
The Leap Of Your Life Part IV: Coming Home from 2019-04-04T12:56:59

It's here, it's here, it's here. This is one of the most exciting moments for the Academy, and something we've been waiting for you to experience: The Leap of Your Life: How to Redef...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
The Leap Of Your Life Part III: The Leap of Your Life from 2019-04-04T12:53:46

It's here, it's here, it's here. This is one of the most exciting moments for the Academy, and something we've been waiting for you to experience: The Leap of Your Life: How to Redef...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
The Leap Of Your Life Part II: Before Your Journey from 2019-04-01T16:22:33

It's here, it's here, it's here. This is one of the most exciting moments for the Academy, and something we've been waiting for you to experience: The Leap of Your Life: How to Redef...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
The Leap Of Your Life Part I: Leaning On the Edge from 2019-03-28T14:03:38

It's here, it's here, it's here. This is one of the most exciting moments for the Academy, and something we've been waiting for you to experience: The Leap of Your Life: How to Redef...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 129 | Break Through Six Figures and Beyond with Mike Zeller from 2019-03-27T13:57:52

Have you been stuck in your business, "trying" to break through the six-figure mark —and yet none of the tactics, strategies, and tools are work...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 128 | From Super Bowl to Letting Go with Steve Weatherford from 2019-03-25T16:41:05

The latest Academy episode features a friend of mine, someone who I’ve developed a relationship for the last couple years —Steve Weatherford.

Steve is a Super Bowl-winnin...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #92: Choose Growth...Or It Chooses YOU from 2019-03-21T04:00

Choose Growth...Or It Chooses YOU.

What does this mean? In my decade of experience in this game of intense growth, I've noticed two main models of growth:

Conscious Growth....

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 127 | From Idea to $21 Million with Aaron Hinde from 2019-03-19T21:14:45

Everyone has ideas, they're a dime a dozen. Everyone has dreams and ambitions, and they do nothing with them. Everyone wants a million dollar business —until it gets hard. Until you fall on your...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #91: Life, Unlived from 2019-03-15T13:36:59

Who am I? What happened to me? Where did my life go? Where did my dreams go? Why didn't I step into it? What happened to the fun loving, energetic person?

There is a cost to a life unlive...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 126 | Revealing the Truth Of Who You Are with Jon Boles from 2019-03-10T16:00

Who are you? Seriously —do you ever take a moment to ask yourself the deepest question(s) of life, and most importantly answer them with truth and courage.

This is what the Academy is all...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #90: 21 Ways to Create TIME Abundance from 2019-03-07T20:14:58

Do you ever feel like you never have enough time —and you're constantly scattered?

Today, I introduce the concept of Time Abundance...because abundance isn't onl...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Nothing To Hide, Nothing To Prove | 5 Minutes with Jesse Elder from 2019-03-06T15:48:14

Nothing to hide, nothing to prove.

The latest 5 Minutes episode features Jesse Elder, where he deep dives into tapping into a state of presence, flow and abundan...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 125 | Beat Procrastination and Own Your Focus with Chris Bailey from 2019-03-04T18:59:54

We can have dreams. We can have skills. We can have powerful beliefs, mindsets, and approaches to bring these to life —but if we're missing focus...

Nothing will come to ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #89: One Bold Decision from 2019-03-03T13:26:03

What if?

What if you weren't 19 decisions away —and instead were one bold decision away?

On this latest Quick Hit, I announce my upcoming book, The Leap Of Your Li...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #88: When You Know It's Time For RADICAL Change from 2019-02-28T18:47:19

There's a time in our lives when we know.

We know it's time —the only option is to burn the boats, go all in and create radical change.

In this Quick Hit, I share ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Own Your Story | 5 Minutes with Dan Millman from 2019-02-27T13:31:55

The latest 5 Minutes with episode features the one and only —Dan Millman. Dan is the author of 17+ books, including the Way of The Peaceful Warrior.

In this clip...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 124 | From Broke to Six Figures with Preston Pugmire from 2019-02-24T16:14:47

"My life is utterly unrecognizable."

Today is a special episode where I deep dive with one of my former clients, Preston Pugmire.

I wanted to bring Presto...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #87: Should You Be an Entrepreneur? from 2019-02-21T17:22:47

Should you be an entrepreneur?

The magic question...and in this episode, I wanted to distill why I believe you should, and why you shouldn't. The truth is: it's not Listen

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
The Power Of Space | 5 Minutes with Anahata Ananda from 2019-02-20T05:00

What do you do when someone close to you is going through a challenge, and you've tried everything?

Sometimes...you simply have to give them space with empathy and compassion.

In t...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 123 | Calm the F*ck Down with Sarah Knight from 2019-02-17T17:00

The latest Academy episode features a New York Times Bestselling author and owner of the "No F*cks Given" guides —Sarah Knight.

There is no doubt you've likely heard of S...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #86: How To Journal for Self Mastery from 2019-02-15T15:55:18

Journaling. We've all heard of it, but are you ready to take it to the next level of your growth, release emotional stress and re-wire your subconscious?

The latest Acade...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
The Energy of Your Future | 5 Minutes with Dr. Joe Dispenza from 2019-02-13T05:00

The unknown is where the magic happens.

And yet, for so many of us:

It's where we find ourselves feeling stuck and playing small.

On the latest 5 Minutes Podcast, Dr. Joe Di...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 122 | Build Your Champion's Mindset with Jason Khalipa from 2019-02-10T23:36:56

CrossFit Games Champion.

Make no mistake, this is one of the most difficult physical and mental events in the world —and today we have a champion with Listen

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #85: If Not Now, When? from 2019-02-08T05:00

What are you waiting for?

I'm serious: I want you to authentically answer this question if you've been waiting on stepping forward with your life and dreams. Because too often, I'm having...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Feel The Fear and Lean In | 5 Minutes with Lori Harder from 2019-02-06T02:01:07

Fear, we all have it and experience it at least once a day. However, when it comes to our bold dreams, it's often the number one obstacle in the way.

In the latest 5 Minutes episode, Listen

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 121 | Millionaire Success Habits with Dean Graziosi from 2019-02-03T19:00

The latest Academy Podcast guest is a serial entrepreneur, real estate mogul and one of the most successful marketers of all time —Dean Graziosi.

If you're in the entrepr...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #84: You Can't Build An A+ Life with C- Players from 2019-02-01T13:37:59

Who's in your circle? 

Who's in your text messages?

Who's there when you need them?

Today's Quick Hit is all about one thi...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
This Is Your Fuel | 5 Minutes with Lisa Nichols from 2019-01-30T05:00

Everything is fuel. This is what today's 5 Minute Episode with Lisa Nichols is all about —the hard moments, the critics, the moments of questioning:

This is your fuel. Listen

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 120 | Create Unstoppable Momentum with Alex Charfen from 2019-01-27T17:00

Momentum. We either have it working for us as a catalyst —or an anchor. When we have it, we feel on fire. And when we don't: we wonder if it's ever going to work out fo...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Lean Into Your Edge | 5 Minutes with Mastin Kipp from 2019-01-23T05:00

On the latest 5 Minute episode, we welcome Mastin Kipp back for a powerful clip about leaning into our discomfort and pain to create a new reality.

Because too often, gra...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 119 | From Zero to $350 Million with Brian Scudamore from 2019-01-18T17:40:42

The latest Academy guest is none other than Brian Scudamore —entrepreneur, visionary and owner of 1-800-GOT-JUNK. Brian’s story of starting out with one truck and $700 to build ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #83: 5 Things To Let Go Of This Year from 2019-01-18T13:34:06

Transformation is more about letting go —and less about adding more stuff on an overwhelmed foundation. Why? Because when you and I let go, we create space to tap into ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Your Time Is Now | 5 Minutes with Tommy Baker from 2019-01-16T12:00

It's your time. There is no more waiting, hoping, praying or wishing —this is it. 2019 is the year everything changes. Don't say it...I want you to liv...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 118 | Create For an Audience of One with Srinivas Rao from 2019-01-13T17:00

Srini Rao is the host of the Unmistakable Creative podcast where he’s interviewed 600+ creatives, entrepreneurs, thought leaders and people from all walks of life as well as the...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #82: Make 2019 The Year Everything Changes from 2019-01-10T20:09:33

It's here, it's here...it's here! 2019 is here and it's time to make it an undeniable success. 

But here's the question I want you to ask:

  • Do you have a clear vision for ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 117 | Lessons From 2018 with Seth Mattison from 2018-12-25T22:09:40

I'm so pumped to welcome back the one and only Seth Mattison for a special 2018 and Holiday edition of the Resist Average Academy podcast.

Every December, I take...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #81: 21 Reasons Why You're Stuck (And Will Stay There In 2019) from 2018-12-13T00:42:08

There is nothing worse than having a big goal and vision —and then waking up months later with nothing to show for it.

But why does this happen? Over the course of the last decade, I've c...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 116 | Make Your Mission Bigger Than Your Fear with Mike Sherbakov from 2018-12-10T00:49:47


What is it to you —and why can it feel so hard to tap into every single day?

Our latest guest on the Academy is entrepreneur, philanthropist and all around rock...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #80: Own Your "NO" For a Bolder "YES!" from 2018-12-06T02:10:02

Why is it so hard to say no? In this Quick Hit episode, I go deep into the power of saying "no" to accumulate bigger and better opportunities.

So often, we say yes to thi...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 115 | One Last Talk with Philip McKernan from 2018-12-03T00:23:23

If you had one last talk to share with the world, what would you say?

Sit with that for a moment, because the answer you share can be what you need to live today's life w...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 114 | Light Your Life and Business On Fire with Jesse Itzler from 2018-11-24T15:48:43

Fire, desire, passion and purpose.

What are these things and how can we harness them in our lives —and what gets in the way?

Today I bring on someone who takes the...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #79: The Power I See In You from 2018-11-15T15:23:04

The Power I See In You Is...

During today's Quick Hit, I go through an exercise I do in all of my programs designed to help you level up your self appreciation.

Often, people get s...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 113 | Think Like a Billionaire with Naveen Jain from 2018-11-11T19:00

Billionaires. What really separates them from you and I? Today I’ll have you consider it has very little to do with talent, skill or experience.

Sure, those matt...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #78: The Cost Of Not Chasing Your Dreams from 2018-11-08T13:51:48

The greatest risk of all is not taking one.

Although we tend to think we're in control and we can fall prey to being sold the safe path —risk is about one thing and one thing onl...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 112 | How To Transform Your Life with Chris and Heidi Powell from 2018-11-05T14:37:43


One of my favorite words in the world, because it means one thing and one thing only:

Radical change that Listen

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #77: The #1 Tool For Making a Committed Decision from 2018-11-01T15:53:38



You've heard of this by now, right?

Visualize your success, your dreams and your vision —and they'll come true.

And while this is a powerful...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #76: 5 Unconventional Ways To Achieve Clarity from 2018-10-26T15:23:17



We hear about this every day and yet we've never been in a world where we have less.

In this episode, I flip the script and show you 5 u...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 111 | How to Deal with an Expectation Hangover with Christine Hassler from 2018-10-21T20:16:22

An expectation hangover.

We've all experienced one —and they test our resilience, emotional fortitude and (true) desire for the life we want to create.

That's exactly why ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #75: I Want You To Know (You're Worthy) from 2018-10-18T04:00

I want you to know.

I want you to know.

I want you to know.

You're worthy. 

No matter what has happened.

No ma...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 110 | What It Really Takes To Succeed with Cody Jefferson from 2018-10-16T00:53:34

What does it really take to succeed?

What does the process really look and feel like?

What are the behind the scenes of people in the middle of the game?...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #74: The Power Of Contrast (And Storms) from 2018-10-10T17:29:25

Contrast is powerful.

Without contrast, you and I would not be able to appreciate the sweet nectar that comes on the other side.

During this episode, I share why the storm...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #73: Stop Creating Problems You Haven't Earned from 2018-10-03T16:00

"But Tommy...what if this happens?"

A common trend I've seen recently is people creating problems they haven't earned the right to deal with.

And the worst part? This keep...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 109 | Make Your Success Non-Negotiable with JJ Virgin from 2018-09-30T18:00


When I think of the next Academy guest, that's one word that comes to mind immediately.

Digging into her story, I was even more impressed by her courage, audac...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #72: Act As If (Why Excellence Matters) from 2018-09-26T19:26:09

Act as if.

This is not what you normally think it is: this is about striving for excellence in everything you do.

Especially in the world of entrepreneurship and wanting t...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 108 | Turn Your Breakdown into Your Breakthrough with Donny Starkins from 2018-09-23T21:32:05

Are you willing to make your breakdown, your breakthrough?

Donny Starkins, international yoga instructor, mindfulness teacher and personal development coach did exactly that and ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #71: Lessons From Thrive 2018 from 2018-09-20T13:49:50


One of my favorite events of the year, and Taylor and I just got back from this awesome gathering of inspiring entrepreneurs and people with a mission. Listen

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 107 | Commit To Excellence and Master Your Craft with James Patrick from 2018-09-12T13:14:13

Mastering your craft, becoming the best in the world, and doing what you love.

That's the dream, right?

When I first moved to Arizona, I would see photography from the same person ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #70: The Most Important 30 Minutes Of Your Week from 2018-09-07T04:00


Rarely in a world of hustle and grind does this word come up, yet when speaking with the world's top performers, it's an essential practice.

And let's face it: for most...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 106 | The Biology Of Belief with Dr. Bruce Lipton from 2018-09-03T13:17:55


It's everything, right? We now accept this for our lives, but what about in the realm of science and disease?

Enter Dr. Bruce Lipton, PHD. Years a...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #69: Lacking Clarity = Excuse from 2018-08-30T15:08:30

"I'm lacking clarity, so I can't get started."

Facepalm. I hear this often from people, and they use lack of clarity as an excuse to not do anything.


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 105 | Love Your Life and Vibe Higher with Taylor Stone from 2018-08-27T14:11:40

Today's a special one.

I get the pleasure of speaking to the most important person in my my life, my soul mate and fiancee, Taylor Stone.

Taylor is an incredible c...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #68: Raise Your Discomfort to Create Fulfillment from 2018-08-23T04:00


If I had to sum up what I provide for people through my coaching and content — that's it.


Perspective in life is everything. 


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 104 | The Pursuit of Joyful Work with Seth Mattison from 2018-08-19T22:38:37


That's what to expect from this real conversation with my man Seth where we tackle some of the key reflections we've been experiencing in the realm of purpose, the pursuit...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #67: Shift Your Perspective, Shift Your Life from 2018-08-15T15:18:16


If I had to sum up what I provide for people through my coaching and content — that's it.


Perspective in life is everything. 


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 103 | WILD Habits and Living Your Truth with Tara Mackey from 2018-08-02T16:00


When I started digging deep into Tara — I was stunned at the adversity she'd experienced as a young child.

Being born to a parent addicted to ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #66: An Unexpected Lesson from 2018-08-01T00:14:48


"All I know is that I know nothing." - Socrates

I recently attended an event here in Arizona, and I learned a massive lesson.

The only thing is the lesso...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 102 | Redefine Failure and Unleash Your Impact with Lisa Bilyeu from 2018-07-24T15:28:02

Failure, purpose, growth.

All of these are common speak these days, but how do we use them as leverage? How do we get to a place where our vision is so bold —even in the face of ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #65: The Biggest Regret from 2018-07-19T16:28:18

Regret. We've all felt it, and it's a sinking feeling of what could have been.

We had our chance, and we knew what we had to do...

But we didn't.

In this Academy Qu...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 101 | Become a Go Giver In Life and Business with Bob Burg from 2018-07-09T15:08:27

The little red book that changed my life. That's exactly what the Go Giver book did for me when I was a young and naive entrepreneur trying to figure things out. Ultima...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #64: Your Inner Hero from 2018-07-04T15:10:52

There's a power inside of you. A power you may have forgotten, or ignored — your Inner Hero.

On the latest Academy Quick Hit, you and I will be going on a powerf...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #63: 33 Things They Won't Tell You On Your Path from 2018-06-29T13:18:35

Lessons. That's what we're here for, right? On this Quick Hit episode, I go through a recent set of lessons I shared online.

Specifically, I share 33 Things They...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 100 | Chase Your Dreams and Choose The Third Door Alex Banayan from 2018-06-25T13:03:34

Reality is negotiable. That’s what I got after reading the book from my latest guest — Alex Banayan.

Alex is an entrepreneur, speaker and author of The Third Door: Th...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #62: It's Time To Let Go from 2018-06-22T15:38:33

It's time to let go. You know what I'm talking about...the burden, the weight, and all of what holds you back.

On the latest Academy Quit Hit, I go deep into hel...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #61: Do You Have a Hobby or Business? from 2018-06-15T13:04:50

On the latest Academy Quit Hit, I go deep into the following question for you:

Do you have a business, or do you have a hobby?

Specifically, in a high...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 99 | Work Hard and Play Hard with Rob Murgatroyd from 2018-05-30T14:45:58

On the latest Academy episode, I’m pumped to be joined by an entrepreneur, world traveler, and podcaster — Rob Murgatroyd.

Rob currently runs several businesses ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #60: How To Create A Power Couple Relationship from 2018-05-18T15:02:23


Welcome to another edition of Quick Hit, now episode #60 during this experience.

Today's episode is all about the following concept:

If you want to cultivate a...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #59: You're Already Successful from 2018-05-07T02:32:15

The latest Academy Quick Hit is here, and I'm pumped for today's episode as I address a common theme that can either make or break your success.

When I work with people, we always find wi...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #58: I Know You, I See You, I Feel You from 2018-04-27T15:34:30

The latest Academy Quick Hit is here, and #58 is all about one thing and one thing only — I know. I know your doubt, I know your pain, I know how much you question what you're doing.


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #57: There's No Hack, There's No Shortcut... from 2018-04-12T17:13:32

The latest Academy Quick Hit is here, and #57 is all about one thing and one thing only — there is no hack, there is no shortcut, there's only one way:


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 98 | The Keys To Abundance and Prosperity with Lisa Nichols from 2018-04-09T13:09:17

The latest Resist Average Academy episode features none other than Lisa Nichols.

Lisa is one of the world’s most-requested motivational speakers, as well as a me...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #56: Your Critics Are Your Gift! from 2018-04-06T15:36:50

On the latest Academy Quick Hit Episode, I discuss how I got a couple 1-star reviews...

...and I couldn't be more excited! Here's why: when you're on your path of growth, people around yo...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #55: The Death Spiral Of Scarcity from 2018-03-29T16:00

On the latest Academy Quick Hit Episode, I deep dive into what I call the "Death Spiral Of Scarcity" we all experience from time to time.

I'll argue this happens...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 97 | Open Wide with Melissa Ambrosini from 2018-03-26T01:00

On the latest Academy episode, I’m super pumped to welcome Melissa Ambrosini to the show. Melissa is the bestselling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl, host of 'The Melissa Ambrosini S...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #54: Are You Addicted To Breakthrough Or Integration? from 2018-03-22T13:54:06

The latest Academy Quick Hit is all about a simple, yet crucial concept in your life:

The further along you are on the path of mastery, success and growth, the less breakthroughs...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 96 | How To Make the Impossible Possible with Rich Litvin from 2018-03-19T13:21:37

The latest Academy episode features high performance coach and author, Rich Litvin. Rich is a total rockstar and someone I’ve wanted to have on the show for a while and...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #53: The 1% Rule from 2018-03-07T14:13:01

The latest Academy Quick Hit is all about a very special moment for us over here at Resist Average Academy:


During this Quick Hit, ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 95 | Claim Your Power with Mastin Kipp from 2018-03-05T02:57:03

The latest Academy episode features none other than Mastin Kipp.

Mastin is a number one best-selling author, speaker and Creator of Function Life Coaching™ for people who are seeking rapi...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #52: Don't Miss Your Window from 2018-03-01T11:30:34

The latest Academy Quick Hit is all about a simple, yet crucial concept in your life:

The window of your transformation. Technically, you can choose to change at any moment, that...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #51: How Will You Live Your Dash? from 2018-02-22T12:34:10

The latest Academy Quick Hit is all about the concept of maximizing the Dash in your life. The dash is the two inches of space between the day you were born, and the day you will leave this expe...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 94 | Master Your Craft and Embrace Deep Work with Cal Newport from 2018-02-11T21:00

The latest Academy episode features one of my favorite authors, researchers, and bloggers — Cal Newport.

Cal is the author of five books and runs the popular advice blog,...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
What Would You Do Even If You Failed? | 5 Minutes with Tom Bilyeu from 2018-02-08T12:37:33

Today I'm excited to announce a new initiative for the Academy Podcast — these are 5-7 minute clips from some of the best moments throughout all our interviews.

These will be released on ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 93 | The Quest for Sovereignty with Ryan Michler from 2018-02-05T13:17:35

On the latest Academy episode, we welcome back Ryan Michler to the show. Ryan is a husband, father, Iraqi Combat Veteran, and the Founder of Order of Man.Growing up wit...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
One Message, One Day, One Life | 5 Minutes with Dr. John Demartini from 2018-02-01T05:00

Today I'm excited to announce a new initiative for the Academy Podcast — these are 5-7 minute clips from some of the best moments throughout all our interviews.

These will be released on ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #50: Don't Waste Your Pain from 2018-01-26T15:57:11

The latest Academy Quick Hit is all about the powerful principle of not wasting the pain that comes in life — and instead, using it wisely. Pain is a part of life, suffering is optional.


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 92 | 7 Steps For Success in 2018 with Anahata Ananda from 2018-01-22T03:38:37

The latest Academy episode features a return guest, none other than Anahata Ananda who came on last year with a deep, riveting episode on our spiritual path.


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Walk Your Journey | 5 Minutes with David Jack from 2018-01-18T22:51:20

Today I'm excited to announce a new initiative for the Academy Podcast — these are 5-7 minute clips from some of the best moments throughout all our interviews.

These will be released on ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 91 | UnF*ck Yourself with Gary John Bishop from 2018-01-15T11:30:20

The latest episode of the Academy features personal development coach, consultant, author and speaker — Gary John Bishop.

Gary’s lifelong commitment to shifting people's ability to exert ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #49: Talk In The Clouds, Live In The Dirt from 2018-01-12T00:01:54

The latest Academy Quick Hit is all about how talking in the clouds is amazing, powerful inspiring — but change happens in the dirt.

On this podcast, we discuss powerful principles that w...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 90 | Eradicating Entrepreneurial Poverty with Mike Michalowicz from 2018-01-08T03:03:15

The latest Academy episode features Mike Michalowicz — author of several books, including Profit First, Surge and The Pumpkin Plan.

By his 35th birthday, Mike had founded and sol...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #48: Don't Let Yourself Off The Hook By Disqualifying Success from 2018-01-05T05:00

The latest Academy Quick Hit is all about these narratives and stories we create around other's success...and how they let us off the hook from doing the work.

It's crucial to become hype...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 89 | Double Your Business and Unleash Your Impact with Michael Zeller from 2018-01-02T00:54:48

The first Academy episode of the year is a return of a former guest — entrepreneur, consultant and all around gamechanger, Michael Zeller.

Michael runs several successful busines...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #47: Your Intuition Is Whispering (And How To Listen) from 2017-12-29T03:05:07

The latest Academy Quick Hit is all about one of my favorite concepts in the world, and a skill I have worked extremely hard to cultivate and can be life-changing — listening to your int...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 88 | Lessons Learned From 2017 with Jim Steg from 2017-12-26T14:24:35

The last Academy episode of the year is an unconventional and special one with my good friend, brother and three-time Academy alumni — Jim Steg.

Jim is a business owner, ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #46: Why Clarity Needs To Be a Daily Practice from 2017-12-22T01:13:54

The latest Academy Quick Hit is all about one of my favorite words on the planet: clarity. In this episode, I break down a common misconception around clarity and why it's not enough to...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 87 | How To Be Spiritual AF with JP Sears from 2017-12-18T00:39:40

The latest Academy episode features none other than my man, JP Sears. JP is an emotional healing coach, international teacher, world traveler, and curious student of life. His w...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #45: Are You Living From Abundance or Scarcity? from 2017-12-14T23:09:54

The latest Academy Quick Hit is all about the difference between living from an abundant versus a scarcity mindset. Although it's easily applied to business — this concept is truly a way you see...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 86 | Becoming Supernatural with Dr. Joe Dispenza from 2017-12-11T00:42:46

The latest Academy episode features someone who I have studied under for years — Dr. Joe Dispenza. He is an international lecturer, researcher, corporate consultant, author, and educator who has...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 85 | Shatter the Illusion of Perfect and Maximize Success with Sue Hawkes from 2017-12-04T01:25:01

The latest Academy episode features a best-selling author, Certified EOS Implementer, Certified Management Effectiveness Coach, and internationally recognized sem...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #44: Seek The Challenge and Level Up Your Life from 2017-12-01T14:18:32

Welcome back to another Resist Average Podcast Friday Quick Hit Episode — where we finish our week on absolute fire with momentum, energy, and inspiration.

Don’t miss out on any episodes,...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 84 | Living the Peaceful Warrior’s Way with Dan Millman from 2017-11-27T05:16:04

Dan Millman is a former world champion athlete, university coach, martial arts instructor, and college professor. After an intensive, twenty-year spiritual quest, Dan’s teaching found its form a...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #43: Do You Really Want It? (Plato and Socrates) from 2017-11-24T14:00:59

Welcome back to another Resist Average Podcast Friday Quick Hit Episode — where we finish our week on absolute fire with momentum, energy, and inspiration.

Don’t miss out on any episodes,...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 83 | How To Make Anything Happen with Steve Sims from 2017-11-20T12:08:25

Steve Sims is the founder of Bluefish, an exclusive luxury concierge service for the elite. His daily life includes helping clients craft experiences the have included: a live underwater tour of...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #42: 32 Lessons From 32 Years from 2017-11-16T23:28:52

Welcome back to another Resist Average Podcast Friday Quick Hit Episode — where we finish our week on absolute fire with momentum, energy, and inspiration.

Don’t miss out on any episodes,...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #41: The Power Of Rolling With a Like Minded Tribe from 2017-11-09T13:09:45

Welcome back to another Resist Average Podcast Friday Quick Hit Episode — where we finish our week on absolute fire with momentum, energy, and inspiration.

Don’t miss out on any episodes,...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 82 | The Art and Science Of Finishing with Jon Acuff from 2017-11-06T01:28:46

The latest Academy episode features a rockstar writer, speaker, entrepreneur and all around finisher — Jon Acuff. Jon is the New York Times Bestselling author of six books including his most rec...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #40: Deal With It Today To Achieve The Freedom Of Tomorrow from 2017-11-02T23:52:53

Welcome back to another Resist Average Podcast Friday Quick Hit Episode — where we finish our week on absolute fire with momentum, energy, and inspiration.

Don’t miss out on any episodes,...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 81 | The Mask Of Masculinity with Lewis Howes from 2017-10-30T00:29:37

Lewis Howes — lifestyle entrepreneur, high-performance business coach, and keynote speaker joins the latest episode of the Resist Average Academy.


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #39: Don't Coast Into 2018 from 2017-10-26T23:53:40

Welcome back to another Resist Average Podcast Friday Quick Hit Episode — where we finish our week on absolute fire with momentum, energy, and inspiration.

Don’t miss out on any episodes,...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 80 | Find Your Fire and Ignite Your Inspiration with Scott Mautz from 2017-10-25T12:59:15

Welcome back to another episode of the Resist Average Academy — today we are joined by award-winning keynote speaker, and the author of "Find the Fire: Ignite Your Inspiration and Ma...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #38: Beer Or Hiking? (A Lesson For What You Want) from 2017-10-20T04:00

Welcome back to another Resist Average Podcast Friday Quick Hit Episode — where we finish our week on absolute fire with momentum, energy, and inspiration.

Don’t miss out on any episodes,...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 79 | Earn Your Happy and Level Up Your Life with Lori Harder from 2017-10-16T02:53:53

The latest episode of the Resist Average Academy features author, podcaster, cover model, fitness champion and self-love coach — Lori Harder.

Lori’s message, energy and passion shine thro...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #37: Why Your Lack Of Emotional Intelligence Is Crushing You from 2017-10-13T04:00

Welcome back to another Resist Average Podcast Friday Quick Hit Episode — where we finish our week on absolute fire with momentum, energy, and inspiration....

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #36: Your Reality Is Based Off Your Decisions from 2017-10-06T04:00

Welcome back to another Resist Average Podcast Friday Quick Hit Episode — where we finish our week on absolute fire with momentum, energy, and inspiration.

Don’t miss out on any episodes,...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 78 | The Art and Science of Disruption with Jay Samit from 2017-10-02T20:24:40

The latest Academy episode features Jay Samit — a dynamic entrepreneur who is widely recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on disruption and innovation. He launches billion dollar bus...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #35: Don't Live In An Information Vacuum from 2017-09-29T04:00

Welcome back to another Resist Average Podcast Friday Quick Hit Episode — where we finish our week on absolute fire with momentum, energy, and inspiration.

Don’t miss out on any episodes,...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #34: The New Law Of Attraction from 2017-09-22T04:00

Welcome back to another Resist Average Podcast Friday Quick Hit Episode — where we finish our week on absolute fire with momentum, energy, and inspiration.

Don’t miss out on any episodes,...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 77 | Simplify Your Business and Life For Exponential Results with Scott Duffy from 2017-09-18T04:00

The latest Academy episode features Scott Duffy — TV/Online host, keynote speaker, and business growth expert. He has been listed as a “Top Keynote Speaker” by Entrepreneur and Forbes. He has sp...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #33: Is Your Definition Of Success Truly Yours? from 2017-09-15T04:00

The latest Academy Quick Hit episode is here, and we're back in full force. Every Friday, we release an 8-15 minute episode designed to help you end your week on absolute fire.

Today's se...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 76 | Awaken The Hero Within with Wes Chapman from 2017-09-11T04:00

The latest Academy episode is sure to rock your world — featuring entrepreneur, speaker, co-founder of A Human Project, a 501c3 with a mission to create a community of empowered youth.


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 75 | Negotiate Like Your Life Depends On It with Chris Voss from 2017-09-04T16:33:51

The latest Academy episode is a special one — with former FBI Hostage Negotiator and author of “Never Split The Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It”,...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 74 | Become Profitably Unemployable with Michael O’Neal from 2017-08-28T02:42:18

The latest Academy episode features podcast host, solopreneur, performer and speaker — Michael O' Neal. Michael is the host of a hyper successful podcast four years running called The Solopreneu...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #32: Let The Feelings Pass Through You from 2017-08-26T14:09:05

On this latest Academy Quick Hit episode, I invite you to understand when you're going through a challenge, a hardship to let the feelings pass through you.

Let's face it: 

It's ea...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 73 | Disrupt a Market and Scale Your Business with Yemeni Mesa from 2017-08-15T03:22:25

The latest Resist Average Academy episode features entrepreneur, health and nutrition enthusiast, former Quest Nutrition executive and president of Know Foods — Yemeni Mesa.

Yemeni's deep...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 72 | The Integration Experience with Tommy Baker from 2017-08-10T01:20:12

The latest Resist Average Academy episode is a special edition — one where I personally take you through one of my core training in all my paid programs:

The Integration Experience — or h...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 71 | Negotiating Reality to Create Anything You Want with Jesse Elder from 2017-07-31T03:20:20

The latest Resist Average Academy episode features mentor, Improv philosopher, speaker, entrepreneur and martial artist — Jesse Elder.

Jesse’s lifelong experience of learning, hacking rea...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #31: Kill The "Someday" Mentality! from 2017-07-27T04:00

On this latest Academy Quick Hit episode, I invite you to delete and get rid of the word and mindset around "someday."

Let's face it: 

Seeing the world this way is a surefire way t...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #30: Lessons From the Meltdown from 2017-07-21T17:19:31

On our latest Academy Quick Hit, I discuss my top lessons from an amazing event this Summer, the Meltdown In The Desert.

LESSON 1: It’s Going To Be a Bumpy...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
7 Minute Book Review | The Last Lecture from 2017-07-19T12:16:26

Welcome to another 7 Minute Book Review Wednesdays from the Resist Average Academy! Every Wednesday, we will be featuring a Book review where we'll deep dive and extract the biggest lessons from...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 70 | Be Your Own Guru with Chris Tai Melodista from 2017-07-18T02:26:31

The latest Academy episode features martial artist, spiritual teacher, NLP practitioner and one of the only Wim Hof certified teachers on the planet, Chris Tai Melodista.

In this no-holds...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
7 Minute Book Review | The Code of the Extraordinary Mind from 2017-07-12T14:24:45

Welcome to another 7 Minute Book Review Wednesdays from the Resist Average Academy! Every Wednesday, we will be featuring a Book review where we'll deep dive and extract the biggest lessons from...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 69 | Stop Waiting and Close The Gap From Idea To Execution with Brandon T Adams from 2017-07-10T03:35:15

The latest Academy episode features a young entrepreneur, inventor, podcast host and crowdfunding expert, Brandon T Adams. I was introduced to Brandon through a mutual friend and prior Academy A...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #29: 5 Things You're Doing Holding You Back From Success from 2017-06-30T04:00

On our latest Academy Quick Hit, I discuss the 5 Things In The Way Of Your Success right now.

These are the most common ones I see done over and over that leave people scattered, stuck an...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 68 | Turn Adversity Into Triumph and Thrive with Cole Hatter from 2017-06-27T12:20:25

The latest Academy episode features Cole Hatter — author, investor, speaker, and entrepreneur. Cole is passionate about tr...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #28: The 3 C's Of Success from 2017-06-23T04:00

On our latest Academy Quick Hit, I discuss the 3 C's of Success I've discovered after years and years of studying human behavior, success, psychology and everything in between.

They are:<...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 67 | Build a Tribe and Monetize Your Passion with Amanda Bucci from 2017-06-20T13:36:55

The latest Academy episode features entrepreneur, YouTube star, podcast host and social media expert, Amanda Bucci.

You can find Amanda everywhere online — using social media to build a l...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 66 | Mastering the Art and Science of Influence with Manny Wolfe from 2017-06-12T14:12:28

The latest Academy episode features Manny Wolfe, a public speaking Coach, author, and entrepreneur and founder of 1000 Speakers Academy, where he teaches visionaries how to deliver their message...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #27: The Integration Framework from 2017-06-09T14:09:55

On our latest Academy Quick Hit, I discuss one of the key problems I see in the personal development, growth and spiritual spaces:

Lack of integration, or how do we actually change the wa...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
7 Minute Book Review | The War of Art by Steven Pressfield from 2017-06-07T12:15:25

Welcome to another 7 Minute Book Review Wednesdays from the Resist Average Academy! Every Wednesday, we will be featuring a Book review where we'll deep dive and extract the biggest lessons from...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quit Hit Friday #26: Play The Long Game from 2017-06-02T13:11:10

On our latest Academy Quick Hit, I discuss the importance of playing the long game, patience, consistency and endurance in any endeavor you create.

This mindset is crucial for long-term s...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 65 | The Overweight Mind with Jay Nixon from 2017-05-30T15:00:48

Jay Nixon is a speaker, author, mentor and coach whose mission is to help each and every person achieve their “absolute best self.” He is the owner of the Thrive Fitness Studio in Palm Desert, C...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 64 | Become Unapologetically Successful and Give Back with Chris Harder from 2017-05-22T02:38:05

On the latest Academy episode, I’m excited to welcome entrepreneur and podcast host of For The Love Of Money Chris Harder on the show.

Chris believes that when good people make good money...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
7 Minute Book Review | The Way Of The Superior Man by David Deida from 2017-05-10T17:33:27

Welcome to another 7 Minute Book Review Wednesdays from the Resist Average Academy! Every Wednesday, we will be featuring a Book review where we'll deep dive and extract the biggest lessons from...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 63 | Achieve Radical Results and Live An Abundant Life With Sterling Alexander Griffin from 2017-05-08T02:31:57

Sterling Alexander Griffin is an entrepreneur, coach and founder of the Wealthy Coach Academy which is a 7 step process to help online fitness and health coaches master lead generation, sales, a...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #25: Power Of Patience from 2017-05-05T04:00

Welcome to another edition of Quick Hit Fridays from the Resist Average Academy!

We now have 3 weekly episodes of the Academy, including a 45-75 minute full length, in-depth episode on Mo...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
7 Minute Book Review | The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen from 2017-05-03T06:00

Welcome to another 7 Minute Book Review Wednesdays from the Resist Average Academy! Every Wednesday, we will be featuring a Book review where we'll deep dive and extract the biggest lessons from...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit #24: Is Your Environment Your Dream Enhancer Or Killer? from 2017-04-28T16:26:22

Welcome to another Quick Hit episode of the Resist Average Academy podcast. Just as a reminder, we now have 3 episodes per week with a full length on Mondays, a 7-minute book review on Wednesday...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 62 | The Spiritual Journey Of Awakening with Anahata Ananda from 2017-04-24T02:02:10

On my latest episode of the Academy, I bring on a special guest in one of our deepest and most expansive episodes to date about personal growth, spirituality and ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #23: You Are Incredible from 2017-04-21T04:00

Welcome to another edition of Quick Hit Fridays from the Resist Average Academy!

We now have 3 weekly episodes of the Academy, including a 45-75 minute full length, in-depth episode on Mo...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
7 Minute Book Review | Deep Work by Cal Newport from 2017-04-19T12:38:45

Welcome to another 7 Minute Book Review Wednesdays from the Resist Average Academy! Every Wednesday, we will be featuring a Book review where we'll deep dive and extract the biggest lessons from...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 61 | Take The Leap and Elevate Your Life with Angie Lee from 2017-04-17T16:01:18

Angie Lee is an entrepreneur, podcast host of Hungry For More and co-founder of the Wellpreneur Business Academy where she helps health and fitness coaches create success and design the life of ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #22: Become World Class At Your Craft from 2017-04-14T04:00

Welcome to another edition of Quick Hit Fridays from the Resist Average Academy!

In this latest Quick Hit Episode, I wanted to go through the powerful concept of intention and striving to...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
7 Minute Book Review | Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson from 2017-04-12T11:44:38

Welcome to another 7 Minute Book Review Wednesdays from the Resist Average Academy!

Starting twice a month, we will be featuring a Book review on Wednesdays where we'll deep dive an...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 60 | Raise Your Standards And Dominate The Game With Niyi Sobo from 2017-04-10T13:04:03

Niyi Sobo is a former NFL player, father of 5 and host of Sports Motivation Podcast and the founder of I’m Not You where he is dedicated to teaching athletes and other top performers the mindset...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #21: 7 Things To Do When You're Overwhelmed from 2017-04-07T04:00

Welcome to another edition of Quick Hit Fridays from the Resist Average Academy!

In this latest Quick Hit Episode, I wanted to go through 7 action steps and ways of being you can use when...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 59 | How Floating Can Change Your Life with Shane Stott from 2017-04-03T03:40:30

Shane Stott is CEO of Walker Tape Co, and the co-founder of Zen Float Co as well as best -selling Author of the Float Tank Cure.He's an inventor at heart and has revolutionized both of his indus...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
7 Minute Book Review | The Dip by Seth Godin from 2017-03-29T14:25:05

Welcome to another 7 Minute Book Review Wednesdays from the Resist Average Academy! 
Starting twice a month, we will be featuring a Book review on Wednesdays where we'l...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 58 | How To Build A Million Dollar Business In 12 Months With James Swanwick from 2017-03-27T04:00

The latest episode of the Academy features James Swanwick, an Australian-American entrepreneur, former SportsCenter anchor on ESPN and host of The James Swanwick Show podcast. He is the creator ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #20: 5 Key Lessons From UnResolution! from 2017-03-17T12:52:07

Welcome to another edition of Quick Hit Fridays from the Resist Average Academy!

In this latest Quick Hit Episode, I reveal 5 lessons from UnResolution, my first book launching on 3.21.20...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
7 Minute Book Review | Stealing Fire by Steven Kotler from 2017-03-15T06:00

Welcome to a brand new episode format for the Resist Average Academy! Starting twice a month, we will be featuring a Book review on Wednesdays where we'll deep dive and extract the biggest les...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 57 I Unleash Your Inner Leader And Become The Master Of Your Life With Dom Faussette from 2017-03-13T04:00

The latest episode of the Academy features Dom Faussette from Leaders 4 Leaders.

With over a decade of leadership training, interview coac...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #19: After 60 Days Of 2017, Are You On Track With Your Goals? from 2017-03-10T05:00

Welcome to another edition of Quick Hit Fridays from the Resist Average Academy!

In this episode, I take you through specific questions and phases to see if you're on track with your goal...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 56 I How A Major Accident Launched A Thriving Business With Andy Hnilo from 2017-03-06T05:00

The latest episode of the Academy features a former professional athlete, actor and now thriving entrepreneur and owner of Alitura Naturals, Andy Hnilo. 

Andy was involved in a major, lif...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #18: What Does Your Big Vision Mean You Do Today? from 2017-02-24T05:00

Welcome to another edition of Quick Hit Fridays from the Resist Average Academy!

In this episode, I discuss how to take your grand vision and how that dictates what you do tomorrow mornin...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 55 | How To Create A Memorable, Disruptive And Badass Brand with Kevin Stimpson from 2017-02-20T05:00

The latest Academy episode features Kevin Stimpson. Kevin is the Founder of Strive & Grind, a lifestyle brand that empowers the dreamers and go-getters to unleash their inner greatness...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #17: 7 Ways To Sharpen Your Communication from 2017-02-17T12:50:29

Welcome to another edition of Quick Hit Fridays from the Resist Average Academy!

In this episode, I discuss one of the most important skills you can sharpen -- the way you communica...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 54 | Discovering The Power Of Who You Really Are With Howard Falco from 2017-02-13T05:00

On the latest Academy episode, it is my honor and pleasure to welcome Howard Falco, a peak performance coach, mindfulness expert and spiritual teacher. 

He is the auth...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 53 | Developing An Unbreakable Mind And Body With Bobby Maximus from 2017-02-05T22:33:51

On the latest Academy episode, I’m honored and grateful to have Robert MacDonald, better known as Bobby Maximus from Gym Jones. Gym Jones is a performance training facility in Salt Lake City tha...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 52 | How To Make Six Figures Doing What You Love With Andrew Ferebee from 2017-02-01T20:54:36

In this powerful, engaging and riveting episode of the Resist Average Academy, we welcome none other than Andrew Ferebee from the awesome platform and podcast, Knowledge For Men.


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 51 | The Power Of Letting Your Purpose Evolve With Felicia Romero from 2017-02-01T20:54:10

In this powerful and engaging episode, the Academy brings fitness entrepreneur, speaker, 7X cover model, and owner of FitMethod, celebrity trainer, Felicia Romero.

Felicia bring...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #16: How To Unleash Your Inner Leader! from 2017-01-27T05:00

Welcome to another edition of Quick Hit Fridays from the Resist Average Academy!
In this episode, I discuss how to unleash the leader within you. Too many times, we pla...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #15: Leap Off Your Edge from 2017-01-20T10:00

Welcome to another edition of Quick Hit Fridays from the Resist Average Academy!
In this episode, I discuss the key distinction between defaulting to positive and...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #14: How To 10X Your Learning Instantly from 2017-01-13T11:00

Welcome to another edition of Quick Hit Fridays!
In this episode, I discuss how to completely transform your learning by teaching others around you the concepts ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 49: Lessons From A Spanish Teacher Turned UFC Fighter With Charlie Brenneman from 2017-01-09T11:00

Imagine one day you’re teaching Spanish to middle school students and then you’re in an octagon fighting for your life and getting punched in the face.

Sounds pretty insane, right?

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #13: Ignite Your Momentum And Never Look Back! from 2017-01-06T11:00

Welcome to another edition of Quick Hit Fridays!
In this episode, I discuss how to set a firestorm of momentum in your life by raising all boats of life -- toget...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 48: Choose Love And Lead From The Heart With Preston Smiles from 2017-01-02T02:34:22

In this engaging and riveting episode, I welcome none other than Preston Smiles -- author, speaker, coach and content wizard whose message is to empower, inspire and ignite a multi-gen...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 47: How To Find Your Niche And Build A Winning Culture With Mike Arce from 2016-12-28T16:04:40

Mike Arce is a digital marketing expert, consultant, speaker and owner of Loud Rumor based in Scottsdale, Arizona. Loud Rumor helps fitness studios dramatically i...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #12: You Are Choosing Everything from 2016-12-16T11:00

Welcome to another edition of Quick Hit Fridays!
In this episode, I discuss how we create our own reality and we choose every level of results we have created (o...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 46: Secrets Of A Serial Entrepreneur With John Spencer Ellis from 2016-12-12T17:13:56

John Spencer Ellis is the CEO of the National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association, Spencer Institute for Life Coaching, International Triathlon Coaching Associ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #11: Productivity Hacks To Change Your Life from 2016-12-09T13:49:29

Welcome to another edition of Quick Hit Fridays!
In this episode, I discuss how I've noticed that no matter what happens I am always hearing people lacking focus...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 45: The Future Of Men With Jack Myers from 2016-12-05T13:43:51

Jack Myers, founder of MediaVillage.com and author of Hooked Up: A New Generation’s Surprising Take on Sex, Politics and Saving the World, and several other books...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #10: Drop Resolutions Forever And Achieve Your Dreams from 2016-12-02T11:00

Welcome to another edition of Quick Hit Fridays!
In this episode, I discuss why resolutions are intentionally set up to let ourselves off the hook and ultimately...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #9: How To Build An Unquenchable Thirst For Knowledge from 2016-11-25T11:00

Welcome to another edition of Quick Hit Fridays!
In this episode, I discuss how to train your mind to become an unquenchable seeker of knowledge to 10X success i...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 44: Live A Life On Fire, Follow Your Faith And Keep Your Eyes Up To Rise Up With David Jack from 2016-11-22T05:00

David Jack is one of the world's most recognized sports performance and conditioning coaches, he is an industry leader and consultant for major brands & publications such as Reebok, Ro...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #8: How To Find An Amazing Mentor from 2016-11-14T17:00

Welcome to another edition of Quick Hit Fridays!
In this episode, I discuss how to align your life with the power of coaching, mentorship and a tribe to help you...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #7: Through Which Lens Do You See The Word? from 2016-11-04T10:00

Welcome to another edition of Quick Hit Fridays!
Do you see life as positive or negative?
Do you see the world with abundance or scarcity?

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 43: Developing A Backbone For Modern Life With David Harshada Wagner from 2016-10-31T04:00

David Harshada Wagner has been teaching meditation and self-empowerment to people all over the world in all kinds of venues for more than 20 years. Classically trained in the...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #6: The Power Of Examining The Quality Of Our Information from 2016-10-28T10:00

Welcome to another edition of Quick Hit Fridays!
In this episode, I discuss why the quality of information we consume is as important as the nutrition and environ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 42: Build A Billion Dollar Body With Nicholas and Amanda Bayerle from 2016-10-24T04:00

Nicholas and Amanda Bayerle are two young entrepreneurs, business owners, a power couple and owners of The Billion Dollar Body.

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #5: The Key To More Energy, Vitality And Daily Focus! from 2016-10-21T10:00

In a new Friday Quick Hit Episode, I address the power of an evening ritual to set yourself up for massive success with the most important tool in your arsenal...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 41: How To Create Unbreakable Mental Toughness with Chris Dorris from 2016-10-17T04:00

Since 1994, Chris Dorris has served as an advisor, consultant and Mental Toughness Trainer and Personal Transformation Coach to elite athletes, executives, entrepreneurs and individual...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 40: How To Live Life As A Modern Day Warrior With Legendary MMA Coach, Firas Zahabi from 2016-10-10T04:00

Firas Zahabi is one of the most sought out and respected coaches in MMA and UFC, coaching the likes of Georges St. Pierre, Rory McDonald an...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 39: How To Observe, Connect And Influence With Shari Alexander from 2016-10-03T04:00

Shari Alexander is a persuasiveness coach known for bringing the "dark arts" of influence into the light. She has built her career as a speaker, writer, trainer and coach ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #4: How You Live Is How You Love from 2016-09-30T10:00

I’m excited to introduce a weekly Friday episode called a Resist Average Quick Hit. These episodes wi...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 38: How To Live A Fearless Life With Peter Scott IV from 2016-09-26T04:00

Peter Scott IV is the Founder of the Listen
Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Quick Hit Friday #3: Live Your Life As If Everything Is A Miracle from 2016-09-23T10:00

I’m excited to introduce a weekly Friday episode called a Resist Average Quick Hit. These episodes wi...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 37: The Power Of Intuition And Leading From The Heart With Connie Chapman from 2016-09-19T04:00

Connie Chapman is a life coach, speaker, and writer empowering big dreamers and soul seekers to create lives they love (from the inside out). Through her international 1:1 coaching practis...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Friday Quick Hit #2: If You’re On Mile 3, Don’t Focus On Mile 26 from 2016-09-16T10:00

I’m excited to introduce a weekly Friday episode called a Resist Average Quick Hit. These episodes will a...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 36: Steal The Show And Own The Performance Of Your Life with Michael Port from 2016-09-12T04:00

Michael Port has written six books, including Book Yourself Solid and Steal the Show, the latter which—according to the former President of Starbucks—“might be the most unique and prac...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Friday Quick Hit #1: Are You Committed For 10 Years? from 2016-09-09T10:00

This week I’m excited to introduce a weekly Friday episode called a Resist Average Quick Hit. These ep...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 35: Lessons From A Crucible: What We Learned During Kokoro with Jim Steg and Brandon James Duncan from 2016-08-23T04:00

Jim Steg and Brandon James Duncan, two former guests join us on this special episode of the Resist Average Academy to reveal the lessons learned coming fresh from...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 34: How To Wake Up On Fire With An Inspiring Mission with AJ Richards from 2016-08-15T04:00

AJ Richards served in the Utah National Guard and started a few businesses over the years. AJ is also an entrepreneur and the CEO of  Listen
Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 33: How To Forge An Unbeatable Mind, Body and Spirit with SEALFIT Founder Mark Divine from 2016-08-01T04:00

Mark Divine is from upstate New York and did his formal undergraduate education at Colgate University. His years at Colgate University were focu...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 32: How To 10X Your Marriage and Relationships With Jayson Gaddis from 2016-07-25T04:00

Jayson Gaddis, host of The Smart Couple Podcast, is the breakthrough marriage and relationship coach for smart, successful, people. He’s on the planet to help people learn and master intimacy ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 31: Why I Teach My Kids To Fail With Executive Leadership Coach, Jim Harshaw, Jr. from 2016-07-19T04:00

Jim Harshaw, Jr. is an entrepreneur, father, former Division I athlete and executive leadership coach who runs the Wrestling With Success Podcast.
Failure, struggle and...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 30: Expressing Your Inner Creativity and The Voice Of Your Dreams with Aaron Anastasi from 2016-07-11T08:37:59

Aaron Anastasi is a Southern California native who graduated with a master's degree from Princeton Theological Seminary, where he studied philosophy, psychology and theology. Listen
Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 29: Harnessing The Power Of Truth and Being Who You Are with Danny Page from 2016-07-05T14:42:31

Danny Page has taken social media by storm in the last 9 months. Leveraging video to share the power of venerability he has sparked a movement that has over 100,00...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 28: How To Use The Resist Average Blueprint To Level Up Your Life with Tommy Baker from 2016-06-29T04:00

In this short and special edition episode of the Academy, I announce the official release of a free resource that can change your life, help you achieve mass...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 27: Writing Your Life's Story and Discovering Yourself with Bestselling Author Karan Bajaj from 2016-06-27T14:17:45

Karan is a #1 bestselling Indian novelist with more than 200,000 copies of his novels in print, both optioned ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 26: The Art Of The Pivot And How To Take Nonstop Action with Kolby Kolibas from 2016-06-20T04:00

Kolby Kolibas is an entrepreneur, author, revolutionary, teacher, student, husband and father as well as host of the Healthy Primate podcast. He spent over 15 years in corporate America as an ex...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 25: The Evolution Of Fitness, Coaching and Life With CrossFit Games Champion James FitzGerald from 2016-06-13T13:12:45

The latest episode of Resist Average Academy features fitness entrepreneur, athlete, CrossFit Games Champion and owner of OPEX (formerly OPT) b...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 24: Everything You Know About Nutrition Is Wrong With Tyson James Lee from 2016-06-07T04:00

Tyson James Lee, AKA the "Action Boss" has been training clients for over 7 years and has a bachelor’s degree in sports medicine, launching his company, TyFit.

TyFit is a...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 23: Escape The Matrix, Live An Inspired Life And Become A Real Life Jedi with Quest CEO Tom Bilyeu from 2016-05-31T03:46:39

Tom Bilyeu is the co-founder and president of Quest Nutrition and the host of the weekly thought leadership talk show, Inside Quest.
Tom and his business partners...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 22: Feed Your Mind, Train Your Body&Live A Legendary Life with Ted Ryce from 2016-05-23T04:00

In Episode 22 of Resist Average Academy, we welcome personal trainer, peak performance coach, podcaster and speaker, Ted Ryce. 
Ted Ryce has overcome a tremendous amoun...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 21: Harness Your Body's Superhuman Abilities With Dr. Matthew Accurso from 2016-05-16T14:53:15

In this latest episode of Resist Average Academy, we have Dr. Matthew Accurso in
which we discuss ways to level up your vitality, energy, focus, get better sleep
and start your path ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 20: Connection, Attraction And How To Level Up Your Love Life with Giordana Toccaceli from 2016-05-09T14:25:38

In this latest episode of Resist Average Academy, we have Giordana Toccaceli in which we delve deep into relationships and how to maximize them for unlimited fulfillment in life.


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 19: Learning, Living, Connecting and Doing What You Love With Luka Hocevar from 2016-05-02T04:00

In this latest episode of Resist Average Academy, our guest is Luka Hocevar, a fitness entrepreneur, speaker, writer and seeker of knowledge who currently runs Vigor Ground & Performance, a trai...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 18: Making Success Mandatory with Jeremy Scott from 2016-04-26T02:42:04

In this latest episode of Resist Average Academy, we have Jeremy Scott from Jeremy Scott Fitness on to discuss the importance of making success mandatory in every area of life...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 17: Awaken Your Genius and Live Inspired with Dr. John Demartini from 2016-04-18T03:00:18

Dr. John Demartini is considered one of the world's leading authorities on human behavior and personal development. He is the founder of the Demartini Institute, a...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 16: 11 Principles For Success And A Kick Ass Life with Tommy Baker from 2016-04-11T04:00

Ep 16: 11 Principles For Success And A Kick Ass Life with Tommy Baker

In this latest episode of Resist Average Academy...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 15: Train Your Body, Master Your Mind And Become Superhuman With Jason Ferruggia from 2016-04-04T04:00

Jason Ferruggia has earned the reputation as one of the top trainers in the world for those seeking to gain size and strength without the usual fluff of the fitn...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 14: Life Lessons For Success From Super Bowl Champion, Setema Gali from 2016-03-28T04:00

In this powerful episode, we discuss the lessons from growing up in the world of athletics to the power of coaching and everything in between with a former Super B...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 13: Lessons From Training Gary Vaynerchuk&Simplifying The Game with Mike Vacanti from 2016-03-22T03:20:12

Mike Vacanti is a online fitness coach and entrepreneur who trains one of the highest profile clients in the world today, Gary Vaynerchuk.


Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 12: The Perfect Day Formula with Craig Ballantyne from Early To Rise from 2016-03-14T04:00

Craig Ballantyne is a fitness and personal development guru from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and the author of The Perfect Day Formula: How to O...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 11: Essential Skill Sets to Master In The Pursuit of Self Mastery with Ryan Michler from 2016-03-07T05:00

Ryan Michler is a military veteran, financial planner, entrepreneur and runs the Order Of Man blog and podcast.
Order of Man is an online platform dedicated to helping ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 10: Choosing Your Reality&Leveling Up Your Self Worth for Success with Shannon Graham from 2016-02-29T04:42:18

For more than 10 years, motivational speaker, self-help author and success mentor Shannon Graham has helped countless individuals and businesses reach their goals through a wide range of effec...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 9: Reinventing Your Life's Story with James Butler from 2016-02-22T05:00

James Butler is an executive leadership coach, former military veteran and mindset expert who focuses on reinventing his client's life story by getting radically honest, shifting perspective and...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep.8: Rules Of Success&Law Of Attraction with Bryce Prescott from 2016-02-15T05:00

Welcome back to another episode of the Resist Average Academy!

In Episode 8, we sit down with Bryce Prescott from the Rules Of Success podcast and blog, real estate entrepreneur and all a...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 7: Purpose, Love&Awakening The Conscious Man with Brandon James Duncan from 2016-02-08T05:00

In this deep, powerful episode we are joined with entrepreneur, lifestyle coach and teacher, Brandon James Duncan.
Brandon works with Men around the world to re-awaken ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 6: Live Your Dreams, Create Space&Dress To Impress with Mike Zeller from Trim from 2016-02-01T05:00

Mike Zeller is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for creating extraordinary businesses that serve people exceptionally well. Mike recently launched a Men's lifestyle clothing brand targeted...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 5: How To Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life Through Mindfulness with Jason Sani from 2016-01-25T05:00

Jason Sani is a nutrition and fitness expert, authority, coach and ambassador who works with people to truly tune in to a way of eating, training and being healthy that works around people's l...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 4: The No B.S. Guide to Getting Things Done with Joshua Smith from 2016-01-17T17:00

Joshua Smith is a real estate entrepreneur, software company owner, speaker, coach and all around badass dude committed to two things: action and results!
In this episo...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 3: Creating A Lasting Legacy with Luke Kayyem from SICFIT from 2016-01-10T17:26:15

Luke Kayemm is a lifestyle coach, fearless leader, speaker and owner of SICFIT who leads by example on a daily basis to inspire his tribe and countless others.
In this ...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 2: Training The Physical, Mental and Spiritual For Maximum Growth with Jim Steg from 2016-01-10T17:25:45

Jim Steg is a father, husband, entrepreneur and one of the fittest 50 year olds I've ever met with an energy and enthusiasm that matches anyone.
During this episode, we...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep 1: Cultivating The Entrepreneur's Mindset with Jeff Dyment from 2016-01-10T17:24:26

Jeff Dyment is a serial entrepreneur, extreme sports enthusiast, speaker and current CEO of social media fitness portal, Fitmoo.
In this episode, Jeff explores his neve...

Resist Average Academy | Tommy Baker
Ep. 0 | Welcome To Resist Average Academy! from 2016-01-10T17:24:04

In this short inaugural episode, I go through the mission, values and what to expect with the Resist Average Academy.
I share parts of my story and "why" -- growing up ...
