#083: 200k+ While Working a Full Time Job with Brooks Everline - a podcast by Gavin Timms

from 2022-02-22T06:00

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Brooks Everline started his real estate career while he was working a full-time job. While driving for work, he started listening to podcasts and audiobooks that motivated him to buy his first rental property. Brooks credits much of his success to getting in the right mindset. Procrastination is a big nemesis and if you let it in, it can overtake you. Choosing a strategy and sticking with it until it pays off takes a lot of focus and patience. People get frustrated and jump to a different strategy out of impatience and they don’t realize what they’re doing is starting over. If you set your business upright, working it consistently will eventually start bringing in the money you want, it just takes time.

Surrounding yourself with a solid support system and hiring the right people to make all the difference. A real estate business has so many moving parts, it’s tough to keep up with them all yourself. Everyone has tasks that they shy away from or just don’t like doing, and it’s OK to offshore them to someone who can do them well. If you’re diving in and taking action, you’re inevitably going to make mistakes. The important thing is to course-correct as quickly as possible and keeps moving.

What’s Inside:

  • How Brooks made over $200K in real estate while working a full-time job.
  • Tools Brooks uses to run his business.
  • Why having support and hiring the right people is the key to success.

Mentioned in this episode:


Further episodes of REI Network with Gavin Timms

Further podcasts by Gavin Timms

Website of Gavin Timms