#139: 7 Reasons Why You Should Write A Book [Podcast] - a podcast by Ray Edwards

from 2014-11-12T11:00:02

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You've probably heard it so much that you may even tune it out: writing and publishing a book is a good thing. But do you know why?


In today's episode, I'll give you 7 good reasons why you should write a book, even if you think you're “not a writer”.

Tip of the Week:

Speed up video to save time

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  • Works for lectures, seminars, training, speeches and even Google Voice messages

Slow down video to learn or take notes

  • Slow down video as much as 3 times slower than original
  • Perfect for foreign language learning, complex material, dance steps, guitar chords or more

Try Enounce MySpeed video accelerator.

Spiritual Foundations: How to Live Freely and Lightly

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Matthew 11:28–30, THE MESSAGE

“Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.” Following Jesus is not heavy or difficult. Anyone or anything that makes you tired, worn out, or beaten down by man-made religious rules… that didn't come from Jesus.

Stop trying to be perfect. You can't. God doesn't require us to be Christ-like, but invites us into the Christ-life.

God will never cause you to be sick, or worried, or stressed out. He is good, and will always stand ready to heal, to soothe, and to bring peace.

Look for the goodness of God that is already in your life, and then watch that goodness increase.

Feature Presentation: 7 Reasons Why You Should Write a Book

Here are 7 great reasons why you should consider writing and publishing a book:

  1. Books help people.
  2. Writing a book clarifies your own best ideas.
  3. A book helps you get clients.
  4. Being a published author gives you author-ity in your field.
  5. It's easier to get speaking engagements if you have a book.
  6. Your book can be the hub of an entire business.
  7. A book is the business card nobody throws away.

Next Week:  The Master Skill of Business Success

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Question: Have you written a book (feel free to plug your book in these comments) – and if not, what's holding you back? Click here to leave your comments.

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