Punisher Body Count: Episode 57 - a podcast by punisherbodycount@gmail.com

from 2014-02-28T20:40:08

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Introduction - Jake brags about his sweet HSA plan and I talk about a traffic altercation. Jake also talks about some bonding time with his daughter by preparing for the apocalypse.

News  - I give a minor update on the letter writing campaign the listeners and I have been doing to get us recognition in the new Punisher comic. Remember, their email address is mheroes@marvel.com, and you need to say it's fit to print to see it in the comic.

I also talk about upcoming Punisher comics and appearances.

We also plugged Blackstone's original story, "The Sentencer: Detroit Deathtrap." He's written some acclaimed Punisher and Executioner fanfiction, so give it a look. This bit of news gave us an idea to do a future show on Punisher fanfiction and fan art. We want the good, the bad, and the straight up weird, so please email us or post on the facebook fan page to contribute! 

We wrap things up with a dialogue on the newly announced Fantastic Four reboot. Fascinating stuff.

Big Announcement - We got t-shirts now! Click here for more information. The design is pretty great.

Mail Call - We answer questions about drugs, thugs, and personality shifts. 

Bullet Points - We cover Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #10 and Punisher #2. Here's that Newsarma interview I was talking about. Newsarama interview for bullet points

Flashbacks - We cover the "Mother Russia" arc from Punisher MAX, in honor of the Winter Olympics!

Discharge Papers - Jake is watching a little known anime called Trigun, perhaps you've heard of it? I wrap things up with me hyping up Charles Soule's She-Hulk because it is wonderful.

Further episodes of Punisher: Body Count

Further podcasts by punisherbodycount@gmail.com

Website of punisherbodycount@gmail.com