Punisher Body Count: Episode 53 - a podcast by punisherbodycount@gmail.com

from 2013-12-11T06:34:08

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There are 14 days until Christmas. Luckily, being an internet podcasting overlord allows me to ignore that fact and procrastinate another 13 days before I do any gift shopping. 

Introduction - Jake and I talk about home ownership, racism, and steaks.

News - Since there's not much Punisher news, Jake and I just promote ourselves.

Mail Call - We hash out the Punisher's wardrobe and a possible future for the Punisher MAX line.

Bullet Points - We have the Thunderbolts #18 to talk about. Whatever, man.

Flashbacks - We review Mike Baron's Punisher v. 2 #15-18, where Frank Castle has an iconic battle of wills against the Kingpin.

Discharge Papers - Jake and I discussed Europa Report, Thor 2, and the current state of anime.

Further episodes of Punisher: Body Count

Further podcasts by punisherbodycount@gmail.com

Website of punisherbodycount@gmail.com