Profit vs. Growth - a podcast by Jos Willard

from 2020-12-24T10:00

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Did you know unicorns are real? They are. In fact, there are about 600 hundred of them making billions of dollars in the world and they go by some big names: Facebook, Uber, Airbnb, and Space X to name a few (of the few.) While we look up at those mythical horned startups as they gallop through the market with their manes of money flowing out behind them, we tend to ignore the battlefield on which they trample. For the battleground of business is littered with the corpses of the failures. The startups that puttered out. It is an unpleasant fact that 90% of businesses using the startup model fail. Have mercy on their startup souls.


In today’s episode I discuss the madness of basing your business model on a startup culture proving only around a 10% success rate. I explain why coaching practices in particular are not suited to the startup model anyway and why that’s good thing for you and the future of your business. I discuss the reasons Profit First IS built for scale no matter what the bros and gurus say. Also I remind you to access the FREE Four Must Haves for a Profitable Coaching Practice eBook today to really get the full value out of this podcast.


“Only 30% of startups breakeven at any point” – Jos Willard

“My suggestion: build for profit now, not endless growth and maybe a buyout someday” Jos Willard

“These gurus - these bros - who say that profit first isn't built for scale or that the philosophy isn't built for scale don't know what they're talking about” – Jos Willard

“Coaching practices will never become unicorns. They'll never get to that buyout stage. They never go IPO, which means there's no massive payday, which means that a venture capitalist is not going to be interested in investing in you” – Jos Willard

“I deliver profit. For coaches. That's it” – Jos Willard

This week on Profit For Coaches:

  • Why you should resist the ‘plow back’ theory to a certain extent
  • Why the startup model isn’t a viable model for a coaching practice
  • The disappointing percentage of startups that break even`
  • Why constant endless growth should not be the point of your practice
  • Why you should ask yourself what you want to achieve as a coach and as a lifestyle
  • The FREE eBook you can access today

Resources Mentioned:

  • Book: Profit First

Connect with Jos Willard:


The Four Must Haves

for a Profitable Coaching Practice


I want to make sure that the time you invest here is profitable. And the best way to do that is to make sure you grab a copy of the free eBook The Four Must Haves for a Profitable Coaching Practice.


It’s absolutely free, it’s worth every penny. It outlines the four areas that every profitable coaching practice on the planet has in common.  And thus, they’re the four things that you must have nailed down in your coaching practice if you want it to be consistently profitable.


So if you want an easy to understand very specific tool that makes it crystal clear where to be focusing your attention in your practice, and what you can safely ignore to ensure that your practice is consistently profitable and supports the life that you want to be living go to: and download your copy of

The Four Must Haves for a Profitable Coaching Practice







Further episodes of Profit For Coaches

Further podcasts by Jos Willard

Website of Jos Willard