Episode #42: How Amazon's PR Team Handled Jeff Bezos'Departure as CEO, and What to do About Cyber-bullying - a podcast by Cam and Ewan

from 2021-02-08T22:08

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We touched on a couple of cyber-bullying cases during last week's show, with online harassers terrorizing victims for more than two decades and leaving many of them broken. This week, Ewan looks at a recent court case that provides some hope for those who've suffered from online harassment.

Then we turn our attention to Amazon and news that Chief Executive Jeff Bezos will step aside and focus on his new role as Executive Chairman. It's almost always big news when a founder moves on, leaving the company in the hands of his or her successor. It's also a challenge for in-house PR people, who need to understand the business and market sentiment well when planning how to announce the news. Cam looks at what Amazon did right.

Plus: we can't get enough of QAnon! Not the actual conspiracy per se, which is outlandish and almost comical if it wasn't so dangerous. Instead, we recommend some resources that look at how conspiracies take root with some ideas on how to stop them. Ewan also brings us his first record review of 2021: the latest from The Weather Station.

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