Q&A #10 | PPN | Watermarks on Photos, Real Portrait Lenses, and Variable ND-Filters - a podcast by Marco Larousse & Scott Bourne

from 2018-03-08T05:00

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Q&A about square filters, real portrait lenses, and watermarks


This is the PPN - Q&A podcast episode #10 for March 2018.


Please submit your photography related questions to us here: http://www.photopodcasts.com/contact.html


This episode is sponsored by PhotoShelter - Please use this link for a 14 day free trial and use our PPN listener discount code “PHOTOPODCASTS” to save 20% at checkout for new members signing up for a regular or pro account.

Here are the questions that Marco answers in this episode:


  1. Hi Marco, I really love the 4 different photography shows and enjoy your diverse selection of photographer guests. I have a question regarding the online presentation of my images. I think that I have heard you say, that you are a fan of putting a watermark on your photos when you share them online. Other photographers say that they don’t put a watermark on their images because it destroys the optical esthetics and the copyright info is in the metadata of the image already. I’m really in between two fences here and would like to get your take on it. Thank you!

Question from: Danielle, Sydney, Australia

  1. Hi PPN Team, my project for 2018 is to start to become a serious portrait photographer. I use a Fuji X-T2 and have the XF 14mm f2.8, XF 23mm f2, and XF 35mm f1.4 lens so far. I’m looking at buying a real portrait lens and I’m in between the XF 56mm f1.2 and the XF 90mm f2. I’ve heard that both are optically very good, but which focal length would be better? Thanks for all the shows!

Question from: Sandro, Toronto, Canada


  1. You’ve talked about the advantages and disadvantages of variable ND filters in your last Q&A show #9. This has convinced me to go with standard ND filters for my purpose (mainly landscape and long exposure Photography). But now I would like to piggyback on the question and ask if I should buy round screw on filters or rather the large square sliding filters?

Question from: Michelle, San Diego, California


Haida Filter System as discussed in the show:

Haida 100mm Filter Holder:

Amazon DE: http://amzn.to/2FvMDo6

B&H: https://bhpho.to/2Fkxvuo


Haida 100mm NanoPro MC Circular Polarizer

Amazon DE: http://amzn.to/2oWCV3D

B&H: https://bhpho.to/2oRrivT


Haida 100mm Solid Neutral Density 3.0 Filter (10-Stop)

Amazon DE: http://amzn.to/2Fr7gyx

B&H: https://bhpho.to/2tooLOn


Haida 100mm NanoPro MC Soft Edge Graduated ND 0.9 (3-Stop)

Amazon DE: http://amzn.to/2p119do

B&H: https://bhpho.to/2Fj87oL

Please support our show by using our B&H affiliate link (click here) that will not cost you a penny more than when you are buying at B&H without our link. And the more this link will be used to buy at B&H, the more giveaways we’ll be able to give back to our listeners through B&H. It really is a “win-win” situation :)

You can download a free trial of Skylum’s Luminar 2018 or Aurora HDR 2018 software.


And if you decide to buy Skylum’s Luminar or Aurora HDR 2018 software, you can use the discount code “PHOTOPODCASTS” for extra savings at checkout.


And please share this podcast with your friends and subscribe via iTunes. We would also love to get your feedback. Is there anything that you want us to cover on the show in the future? And we would appreciate if you could take a short moment to rate or post a quick review about our shows on iTunes.

For more information on Marco Larousse follow him on Twitter: @HamburgCam, Instagram, or Facebook.

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Further podcasts by Marco Larousse & Scott Bourne

Website of Marco Larousse & Scott Bourne