Camera and Inspiration #21 | PPN | Photo inspiration and projects for 2019 - Embrace where you live - with Scott Bourne - a podcast by Marco Larousse & Scott Bourne

from 2018-12-28T05:00

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Scott Bourne (PPN co-founder) returned for the traditional last PPN “Camera and Inspiration” episode of the year. Marco and Scott sit in front of their virtual fireplace to look back at the photography inspiration of 2018 and ahead at new projects for 2019. The advice that Scott gives for 2019 is to “embrace where you live and the people around you.”


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  • Scott Bourne (PPN co-founder) returned for the traditional last Camera and Inspiration show of the year. Marco and Scott sit in front of their virtual fireplace to look back at the photography inspiration of 2018 and ahead at new projects for 2019. The advice that Scott gives for 2019 is to “embrace where you live and the people around you.”


  • Marco picked the Armenian-Turkish photographer Ara Gueler (1928 - 2018) as the PPN inspirational photographer of the month. Ara was probably the most influential Turkish photographer so far. He started to work as a photojournalist for a local newspaper in Istanbul in 1950 and was soon sent out to work in the middle east, Asia, North America, and Europe. When Henri Cartier Bresson met Ara, he convinced him to join Magnum. While Ara traveled the world and captured many amazing images with his analog Leica camera on B&W film, most of his work - portraits his hometown Istanbul. His portfolio shows an amazing visual history of the city. And he did not only focus on the spectacular and newsworthy events, but rather the everyday life, the little details, and the normal people. Ara won many awards for his work and also captured famous people like Picasso, Dali, and Churchill. But have a look at his images from Istanbul as your personal motivation to be persistent in capturing everyday life in your own city. There is also a documentary movie about him called “The eye of Istanbul” that is worth checking out. You can see some of Ara’s work on the Magnum website:


  • In the main part of the show, Scott and Marco discuss some essential inspiration based on the past twelve PPN Camera and Inspiration shows of 2018. Here are the shows in chronological order:


January 2018

Camera and Inspiration #10 | PPN | Kevin Mullins on Inspiration and Documentary Style Wedding Photography


February 2018

Camera and Inspiration #11 | PPN | Bill Wadman - Take Portrait. Obsess. Repeat.



March 2018

Camera and Inspiration #12 | PPN | Beauty and still life photography inspiration with Zoë Noble

April 2018

Camera and Inspiration #13 | PPN | Jeff Widener - Iconic Tank Man Photographer and more 



May 2018

Camera and Inspiration #14 | PPN | Hands on inspiration with Olaf Sztaba - a visual poet and more 



June 2018

Camera and Inspiration #15 | PPN | Rocking photography with concert photographer Steve Brazill



July 2018

Camera and Inspiration #16 | PPN | Analog inspiration with Chris Marquardt



August 2018

Camera and Inspiration #17 | PPN | Stunning landscape photography with Nick Page



September 2018

Camera and Inspiration #18 | PPN | Selling your images in galleries and online with Jeffrey Stoner



October 2018

Camera and Inspiration #19 | PPN | How incidents in your life can turn into a creative photography project with Pia Parolin



November 2018

Camera and Inspiration #20 | PPN | Essential tips and inspiration for street photography with Valérie Jardin



December 2018 - this show

Camera and Inspiration #21 | PPN | Photo inspiration and projects for 2019 - Embrace where you live with Scott Bourne.

Inspirational Photo Book Pick of the Month:


“On this earth, a shadow falls” by Nick Brandt


Excerpt quote about the book from Amazon DE:

“In 2001, Nick Brandt embarked on an ambitious photographic project, a trilogy of books memorializing the fast-disappearing natural grandeur of East Africa. Focusing on some of the world's last great populations of large mammals--elephants, giraffes, lions, gorillas and their kin--he created two of the twenty-first century's most popular photographic books: the instant bestsellers On This Earth (2005) and A Shadow Falls (2009). Portraying East Africa's animals with a solemnity and empathy usually reserved for human subjects, Brandt's photographs "tell us, in a way that is beyond words, that we do not own this planet, and are not the only beings living on it who matter," as philosopher Peter Singer writes in an essay in this new volume.…”


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Links to Scott Bourne:






Links to Marco Larousse:


Twitter: @HamburgCam




Links to PPN:


Twitter: @Photopodcasts



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About this show:

On the monthly “Camera and Inspiration” podcast show of the PPN - Photo Podcast Network, Marco and usually a guest discuss the essence of photography and how to photograph with more intent. Determining the “why” before the “how” in photography is essential to understanding your subject better and create stronger images. In each episode, they introduce you to an inspirational photographer of the month and also share an inspirational photo book of the month.

Further episodes of - Photo Podcast Network

Further podcasts by Marco Larousse & Scott Bourne

Website of Marco Larousse & Scott Bourne