Camera and Inspiration #16 | PPN | Analog inspiration with Chris Marquardt - a podcast by Marco Larousse & Scott Bourne

from 2018-07-31T04:00

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Analog inspiration and how shooting film can make you a better photographer - with Chris Marquardt.

This is episode #16 of the Camera and Inspiration show at “PPN - Photo Podcast Network” for July 2018.

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  • Chris is a well known photographer and educator from Germany. He is also an author and has published some very interesting and educational photography books. He teaches photo workshops in some pretty remote places in the world. And his “Tips from the Top Floor” podcast is the oldest and longest running photography podcast in the world.


  • Chris picked Henri Cartier-Bresson as the PPN inspirational photographer of the month. Henri was a French photographer and considered a master of candid photography. His book “The Decisive Moment” coined the term in photography where the right timing is essential in order to get a perfect photo. His work has influenced many photographers. He is also one of the founders of Magnum Photos. You can find out more about Henri Cartier-Bresson's work on his Magnum website:


  • In the main part of the show, Chris and Marco discuss why they still shoot analog on the side of digital, what some of the unique features of shooting film vs. digital are, and what simple steps you can take in order to shoot a roll of film for yourself. And spoiler alert! They both come to the conclusion, that shooting film can make you a better and more creative photographer.

Here are the links to Chris work and social media accounts:




Twitter: @chrismarquardt  

“The Film Photography Handbook” Rediscovering Photography in 35mm, medium and large format - by Monika Andrae and Chris Marquardt.

English version:

German version at Amazon Germany: (Absolut Analog)

The book is a go-to reference for analog photography for the beginners, advanced and returning film photographers. It takes analog photography into the 21st century and describes all of the fundamental technical details for analog photography and gives advice on buying a used film camera. The explanation of the physical differences between analog and digital photography help the reader to understand why film has to be shot differently and what film types are good for which look and purpose. How to self-develop and scan your film is also well explained with many useful hands-on photos. Pick up this useful reference guide on shooting analog photography.

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For more information on Marco Larousse follow him on Twitter: @HamburgCam

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Further podcasts by Marco Larousse & Scott Bourne

Website of Marco Larousse & Scott Bourne