Podcasts by OGN Podcast.

OGN Podcast.

It's OGNPODCAST with Obed Geraldo, my goal is to help you become the best person you want to be, with actionable strategies for personal growth, happiness, success, motivation, productivity and living the best of healthy life we want.

Further podcasts by Alatus Obed Geraldo

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

OGN Podcast.
How To Dignify Yourself. from 2020-07-20T11:36:03

Most people want to be honored but do not know that, everything we do determines a certain level of honor on us. If we want to be honored let put it to work. An honor that is not given to your abse...

OGN Podcast.
How To Criticize Well. from 2020-06-15T14:56:42

Let your criticism be constructive always. Don't criticize to hurt feelings of people but with constructive criticism people can easily accept there fault.

OGN Podcast.
Hangout With The Right People. from 2020-06-15T14:11:33

Who do you hangout with? In everyone's life, in one way or the other the people we associate with either affect us positively or negatively depending on how position ourselves. There's a say that "...

OGN Podcast.
OGN Podcast. (Trailer) from 2020-04-29T16:17:54
