"Rent" Actor Rodney Hicks ON: Being the Best Version of Yourself, EMDR Therapy, Healing from Trauma, Meditation, and How to Truly Love Yourself - a podcast by Liz Carlile

from 2020-09-07T04:00

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Healing from Trauma and Becoming the Best Version of Yourself - In today's episode with Broadway and film actor Rodney Hicks, we discuss how to transform your life and heal from trauma through science-based therapies like EMDR, tapping and meditation. We also discuss the very real power of love, kindness and compassion in healing old wounds and stepping into your best life possible.  Catch his new movie "Mighty Oak" is out now on Amazon Prime and Apple TV. 

Connect on Instagram @rodneyhickshere and Facebook Rodney Hicks


"Rent" Composer and Playwright Jon Larson

Actor Anthony Rapp

Cognitive Behavior Therapy  

EMDR Therapy -Rapid Eye Therapy

Pema Chodron

Thích Nhất Hạnh- "How to Love" "Often we cant love ourselves or others when we're stuck in our own complexes..."

Tapping Therapy


Romans 12:2 "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will."

Abraham-Hicks "We"re all deliberate creators"

"Man's Eternal Quest" Book by Paramahansa Yogananda


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