Podcasts by MindVs.Action


MindVs.Action is a blog, vlog and podcast that brings you the very best thought process, techniques and education on how to empower your mind.

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Further podcasts by MVs.A

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

#52 It’s not about forgiveness. It’s about letting go that sets you free. from 2021-09-03T01:00

There is power, great power in letting go of experiences that do not serve us any good. But that power is only in each one of us, not in the people that hurt us, not in the people that c...

#51 Freedom comes when we let go of trying to control the uncontrollable. from 2021-08-27T01:00

Life is truly a fine balance of doing what we must, doing what is the right thing to do, doing what we love, sacrificing a bit and living a whole lot.

Welcome to the Mind...

#50 I can give you the world or take it from you. Sincerely, your mind. from 2021-08-20T01:00

I am speaking to the people who willingly live unhappy lives, simply because they do not want to change how their minds operate. I am speaking to the people that know that by taking cert...

#49 In a world filled with entitlement, choose to live by one simple rule: GRATITUDE. Life changes when you do. from 2021-08-13T01:00

What does it mean to live by the rule of gratitude, for me to live with gratitude means recognizing everything we have that is good. All these things that are truly blessings that bring ...

#48 Winners Do Quit! from 2021-08-06T01:00

WINNERS DO QUIT! They quit all the time; they pivot all the time. They don’t marry an idea simply because they started on a particular journey or because they have already committed incr...

#47 Sometimes finding perfect symmetry in our lives is truly not necessary to find our happiness. from 2021-07-30T01:00

The illusion that perfection exists is probably one of the greatest detriments that plagues us as humans.

Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will sha...

#46 Negative thoughts work insidiously, operating in a slow & stealth like fashion, and that is why they are dangerous. You must tame them! from 2021-07-23T01:00

We all have them. And the truth is that it does not matter what level of success you achieve, they will always be there. In fact, the more successful you are the more they will show up. ...

#45 You must cut ties with those that live in a constant state of negative feelings towards your dreams. If you are to attain them. from 2021-07-16T00:00

The whole idea of family needs to be redefined in my opinion. For me, family should be made up of those who support you, cheer for you, those that help you see things you don't see. Thos...

#44 Our hunger for absolute certainty is rarely satisfied. Learn to be OK with uncertainty, that is where the magic happens. from 2021-07-09T00:00

If we look at all life events, within our control and out of our control, nothing is guaranteed, nothing. We can have the best plan in place and mother nature can very well come in and d...

#43 Life is truly lived in those micro moments that most take for granted in search of the macro moments that never come. from 2021-07-02T02:00

Every day we are blessed with another day of life. Another shot at it. The saying says that we live once and to make the most of it. But I say that we die once, and we get the opportunit...

#42 Where the mind goes, the body follows. from 2021-06-25T02:00

For me it is really all about: Owning your thoughts. Owning your actions. Owning your process. Owning your results. Owning your life!

Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey...

#41 It all starts with two simple questions. Where are you and where do you want to go. from 2021-06-18T01:00

Make today the day where you ask yourself these two questions; Where am I and Where do I want to go. Most importantly, take action on the second one. Take inventory of what can stay and ...

#40 I'm a different breed of human being I'm told. Because I don't do or give; excuses, pity, or care what others think of me. from 2021-06-11T01:00

If different means not giving excuses, not giving pity, or caring what others think of me. Then, guilty as charged. Lock me up in the jailhouse of happiness, I'm in! And I hope you are t...

#39 Some will simply not understand your journey. It's OK, it's yours not theirs. from 2021-06-04T01:00

The happiest people truly have a less crowded journey, not one that is crowded by people that are only seeking their self-interest. The happiest people don't have the most friends or fam...

#38 Everything is hard, so why not go for the hard that brings you what you want. from 2021-05-28T01:00

Being poor is hard. Being rich is hard. Not having health is hard. Staying healthy is hard. Being unhappy is hard. Learning to be happy is hard. See the trend? Life is hard, period. It b...

#37 There is a sweetness in surrendering right now because it's easy. No one would blame you. But the consequence of doing so is not one you will want to face later. from 2021-05-21T01:00

As a society I believe we are stuck in this rat race because of the fact that we are wired to give up easily the moment we face some type of resistance. We are told since we are little b...

#36 My parents, they gave me a hard life but because of that it forced me to be who I am today. from 2021-05-14T01:00

“If you don't like where you are, move. You are not a tree.”

Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how yo...

#35 Suffering is a choice. Happiness is a choice. from 2021-05-07T01:00

I believe that the easiest way to live a happy life is to live it from a standpoint of gratitude. To be grateful every day for the things we all have whatever they are.


#34 One small adjustment can make your reality completely different. from 2021-04-30T01:00

Every day you are sometimes one decision away from transforming your life forever. Whether it is to eat better, to spend more time with your loved ones, to learning something new that wi...

#33 You don't lack discipline. You lack a strong desired end result. from 2021-04-23T02:00

When we are pinned between life and death we do whatever we have to in order to secure life. A bit extreme here I know, but it really is this way in many things that shape our lives. Thi...

#32 I plant seeds for what I want years from now. What I am living today is what came from fruition from what I planted years ago. from 2021-04-16T01:00

I truly believe in the notion of living in the present and enjoying what is in front of me now. But I also believe that it is possible to do just that while keeping the future in mind an...

#31 I believe that people behave in congruence with how they feel inside of themselves. from 2021-04-09T02:00

I believe in my optimist crazy mind that even with all these people living in a state of pessimism, we still have more good people than bad. We still have more good people that are truly...

#30 The dilemma has always been that we focus too much on who we wish we were versus who we are and our innate capacities. And acting based on this reality on what we can and cannot do. from 2021-04-02T02:00

We all have some type of talent, some have more than one. The quicker you can identify this by simply trying different things and seeing what you naturally are good at and enjoy doing th...

#29 Tame that voice that holds you back. The rest will always follow. from 2021-03-26T02:00

Taming this voice that is in your head is by far the one thing that will truly shape the course of where your life will be headed to as this voice is what dictates your thoughts and ulti...

#28 The thing about freedom is that you have no one to answer to. And that to many, is a scary thing. from 2021-03-19T02:00

Freedom means not having anyone to answer for your actions, owning everything that happens to you. Owning every thought that crosses your mind. Not waiting for someone to dictate what yo...

#27 We start life trusting oneself. We must never allow ourselves to lose that trust. from 2021-03-12T03:00

I don't believe that we gain confidence, I believe that we lose confidence as we get older. If life were built from gaining confidence we would never learn to crawl or walk. We are born ...

#26 New definition of insanity: Listening to those that have not accomplished what you want. from 2021-03-05T03:00

What boggles my mind are the people that follow people that are clearly wrong. That takes advice from people that don't have what they want or have not accomplished what they wish to acc...

#25 I don't have dreams. I have wants with deadlines. from 2021-02-26T03:00

What is the difference of a dream and a want? For me, a dream is just that a dream while a want is something I must have, something I will have. Many of us spend our whole lives in the d...

#24 We either do or we don't. We are not victims of nature's randomness. We are victims of our own actions. I choose to do. from 2021-02-19T03:00

If we all take a step back and truly analyze our lives and are honest with ourselves, we will see that everything that has happened to us is because of our own responses, actions, or ina...

#23 Nothing happens when we sleep. We must always be doing. from 2021-02-12T03:00

There are only 24 hours in a day no more and we are ALL given those 24 hours. There is nothing we can do to stretch them, time runs regardless of what we want or what we are doing, time ...

#22 You define your own physical & mental limitations. No one else. Just because someone thinks you can’t, it does not mean you can’t. It means they can’t. from 2021-02-05T03:00

Limitations are very real, and everyone has them, from people, animals, companies to mother nature. But what those limitations are is not for someone to decide or define for another some...

#21 You say I’m moving slow. I’m not in a hurry. I’ll get what I want. I play the long game. from 2021-01-29T03:00

How many times have you been told that you are not moving fast enough on your goals, even though you are making progress each and every day? How many times have you compared yourself to ...

#20 Sure, you can play it safe, just don’t expect the life of those who don’t. from 2021-01-22T03:00

How many experiences have you missed out on because you seek safety more than you do a good challenge, one that comes with growth? Where can your life be six months from now if you excha...

#19 It doesn't matter how many goals and resolutions we set. If we don't decide to own our story. Nothing changes. Let's own it. Life happens when we do. from 2021-01-15T03:00

What are your resolutions for this year? What are those desires or goals that you have been starting and then putting off over and over again every month, every year. What are they? What...

#18 Opinions of others do not have to EVER become your reality unless you accept them. from 2021-01-08T03:00

Someone’s opinion is not your reality or is grounded on the laws of physics. Listen to them, analyze them but in the end do what is right for you.

Welcome to the MindVs.A...

#17 Some make you better. Some hold you back. You decide who you keep around. Own your circle of influence. from 2020-12-30T15:00

When a person achieves tremendous success, by society standards, did they do so because they are genetically predisposed to have the brains needed to be successful or is it a result of a...

#16 My thoughts on Christmas... from 2020-12-24T16:00

My thoughts on Christmas...

Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mi...

#15 The power of owning your story, is nothing less than complete transformation. You get what you write. from 2020-12-17T02:00

Are you writing and narrating your story now? Or are you allowing for these beliefs, society, fear of judgement or the ideas of what success is imposed by others to write and narrate wha...

#14 Life is random. Not the one WE deliberately chose to live, rather the events outside of our control. Sometimes bad luck strikes, we must live on anyway. from 2020-12-10T02:00

Life is random. Not the one WE deliberately chose to live, rather the events outside of our control. Sometimes bad luck strikes, we must live on anyway. Pivot if we have to, find a diffe...

#13 They say all there is, is the present. True. But the present was once the future, so I say; Be fully immersed in the present but ALWAYS keep the future in mind. from 2020-12-04T03:00

Immerse yourself in the present, live it, cherish it but never at the cost of your tomorrow as tomorrow more often than not will come so in essence we are always living a duality of pres...

#12 We don’t always get what we want when we want it. It doesn’t mean give up. It simply means find a way, stay the course. from 2020-11-27T18:00

What is that one thing that you once had a burning desire for but for one reason or another you had to hang up your life boxing gloves? What is it?

Welcome to the MindVs....

#11 I’ve made mistakes and that is why I continue to succeed. I learn from them, not live with them. One mistake does not define me, it builds me. from 2020-11-20T02:00

What is your mindset towards mistakes? Are you ashamed of them? Are you handicapped because of them? Do you try to avoid them at all costs? Or do you not take more shots at life because ...

#10 My physical pain only reminds me that I am human. It does not stop me, it fuels me. from 2020-11-13T02:00

To you reading this or hearing this I ask; what physical or mental limitation is holding you back? Is it really holding you back or is it you holding you back because you have decided th...

#9 Always give the best version of yourself no matter what you are doing. You might not be doing what you want now, but if you give less than your best, you will NEVER become YOUR BEST! from 2020-11-06T02:00

Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by...

#8 Your circle can make or break you. Want to be better, surround yourself with better. from 2020-10-29T14:18:04

Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by ju...

#7 Thinking, wishing, and believing simply isn’t enough! from 2020-10-22T04:06:42

Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by...

#6 When I say I have never failed I do not say it out of arrogance. I have just never given up on something I want till I get it. from 2020-10-16T04:05:14

Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by...

#5 Life changes when you decide to own it, your story. from 2020-10-08T13:27:25

Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by...

#4 How do I always get what I want? I just go after it and figure out the how in the process. from 2020-10-01T14:00

Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by...

#3 If something is important to you, you will be willing to put everything on the line for it. from 2020-09-24T23:58:57

Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by...

#2 My Weakness Has Always Been, I Don’t Quit. from 2020-09-18T12:39:35

Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by...

#1 Intro: I just want to share my thoughts on the mind and what it has done for me. from 2020-09-14T01:35:26

Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not f...

MindVs.Action (Trailer) from 2020-09-13T01:35:26
