Mikael KI/Marwyn BHANDERI cura personalis: when a chiropractor heals you physically and spiritually! - a podcast by Mikael Kerleau

from 2020-08-20T18:15:36

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Dr. Marwyn is a teacher of the philosophy of life and inspires people to reach their inborn potential. He has spent the last 7 years studying the human brain and nervous system in order to learn how we can integrate our life experiences so that we may perform at a higher level. He has travelled around the world seeking out mentorship from some of the most fascinating minds in natural healing, spirituality, and business. He has spoken on stages in front of hundreds in the USA, Mexico, South Africa, and Europe. He has travelled on six service trips to Haiti, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Peru, and Colombia. He currently serves people through the art of chiropractic in Ecuador, and empowers people worldwide to adjust their own consciousness.. Teaching people to see how life is on the way, and not in the way.. He is also on the airways with his podcast called Back 2 Being...   I have played football all of my life, been a great fan of the game… Football allowed me to connect with and meet people from all over the world and help me learn different cultures, as well as the geography of the world. For me football is a universal language that unites us.. I remember when I came to America people would make fun of me, play a real sport and look how much it’s grown now… The same happened with electronic music, people used to make fun of me, and now it’s mainstream.. And my current growth project is bringing chiropractic to it’s place as an art to help people connect their mind, body, and soul in order to express their life’s potential to the maximum… I’m not bragging, but everything I’ve invested my time in has grown to the masses… Just like chiropractic, I have discovered many healing arts from all over the planet that have a same or similar philosophy, and it’s really the philosophy of life that I champion and want to see expand in the world. It is happening as we speak. Not all this ‘woke’ shit, but true awakening is when we remember who are and become connected ADIO - Above down Inside Out.. Creating a connection to the universal intelligence that gives rise to all living things. I know will involved with football with my work… I know I can help anyone from a new born baby, pregnant mothers, children, to professional athletes, stay at homes mums, to entrepreneurs take their life to the next level.. If you have a pulse I can help you... This is beauty when you operate multidimensionally...

Further episodes of Mikael KI Cura Personalis Podcast Football clubs, nations & stars performances

Further podcasts by Mikael Kerleau

Website of Mikael Kerleau