Podcasts by Memory Gamma

Memory Gamma

(A Star Trek 'True Crime' Fan Project) Earth may be a paradise, but crime still exists in the universe. Some are mundane, some committed on a galactic scale. This is a journal of the most memorable, most important crimes in the Milky Way, and the complex beings who commit them.

Further podcasts by Skip Harvey

Podcast on the topic Kunst

All episodes

Memory Gamma
The Khitomer Conspiracy Trailer from 2020-11-06T11:00

Captain James T. Kirk and the mycelium, fan out into infinity across the universe t...

Memory Gamma
Flint, The Immortal Man from 2020-06-06T17:00

Akharin would spill more blood than most who would ever walk the Earth. But one man’s butcher can be another man’s hero, and he would spend the rest of his life trying to find meaning in eith...

Memory Gamma
Flint Trailer from 2020-04-20T10:00

Flint was born as Akharin in 3834 BC in Mesopotamia, where he grew up to become "a soldier, a bully, and a fool."  Akharin had seen a hundred billion fall, and had tossed enemie...

Memory Gamma
Trek Things You Should Know: Androids from 2020-04-05T12:00

Obviously, synthetic beings are not unique to earth the android is.
Here's a short history of automata from Earth's history.

Memory Gamma
Col. Green, Terra Prime and Hate in the Future from 2020-03-20T10:00

One of the most infamous figures in Human history is Colonel Phillip Green - a key player in the build-up to war and the literal fallout to follow. He’s viewed - rightfully - as one of the bi...

Memory Gamma
Shinzon of Remus from 2020-02-21T15:00

What would happen if you met your doppelganger? What if - outside the Mirror Universe - another you existed? Without your experiences and tribulations would they be the same person? What if t...

Memory Gamma
Gull Dukat Full from 2020-01-22T09:00

A bonus, long form version of our Dukat series, condensing all three episodes into a single shot. 

Memory Gamma
Gul Dukat, Part 3 from 2020-01-14T06:00

Dukat’s dream had been fulfilled: he was finally the end-all, be-all force of power on Cardassia. His enemies vanquished. His wisdom; supreme. 

Memory Gamma
Gul Dukat, Part 2 from 2019-12-25T19:00

Gul Dukat was a survivor. Even when he lost everything he knew his path back to the top. 

Memory Gamma
Gul Dukat, Part 1 from 2019-12-09T09:00

Gul Dukat was never compassionate, or empathetic, no matter the narrative he sold even to himself. He was a narcissist. His were equal parts playing a role to get results for his superiors, exer...

Memory Gamma
Coming Soon: Gul Dukat from 2019-12-02T05:00

He was a cruel, brutal oppressor who walked a complicated path all the way to madness. 

Memory Gamma
Trek Things You Should Know: Phasers and Disruptors from 2019-11-27T10:00

Phased Energy Rectification weapons - or Phasers - are remarkably versatile and effective devices for the Federation, even though they often give the impression that other cultures’ weapons coul...

Memory Gamma
Kodos The Executioner from 2019-11-12T05:00

Even though almost no one even knew Governor Kodos’s face, the fates of 8,000 Tarsus IV colonists were now in his hands. 
The murder of 4,000 people would forever label Kodos 'The Execu...

Memory Gamma
Trek Things You Should Know: Transporters/Replicators from 2019-10-20T09:00

A bonus episode explaining the physics behind one of the Federation's most important technologies. 

Memory Gamma
Q Part 2 from 2019-10-10T12:00

Part 2 of our dive into the enigma that is Q. Agent of Chaos or Guiding Hand? Also, more on those zany Voyager adventures.

Memory Gamma
Q: Part 1 from 2019-09-03T09:00

'21st Century Borg' is my favorite T-Rex song.

Memory Gamma
The Crystalline Entity from 2019-08-19T11:00

To the few who survived their encounters with it, The Crystalline Entity seemed wondrous and mysterious, a near mythical figure in its behavior and physicality. On a visceral level, seeing it de...

Memory Gamma
Trek Things You Should Know: How Warp Works from 2019-08-13T04:00

In our first mini-episode we give a short explainer on how Warp Drive does its thing. 

Memory Gamma
Harry Mudd from 2019-07-25T13:00

Scoundrel... delight... conniver... hustler... and much, much more... half the classic Scaramouch... half the classic almost everything else. Harry Mudd, in a word, was style... and all his own ...

Memory Gamma
Dr. Tolian Soran from 2019-07-24T16:00

Villain, murderer, tragedy? Nothing about Dr. Tolian Soran’s life was black and white and by learning who he was and what he did we will all undoubtedly be forced to ask ourselves ‘ what would w...

Memory Gamma
Coming Soon: Memory Gamma from 2019-07-24T11:00

Memory Gamma is a Star Trek Fan Production satirizing 'True Crime'. 

James Atoz is your Holographic A.I. Host to the Federation's Memory Gamma Library. These archived  Au...

Memory Gamma
Coming Soon: Memory Gamma from 2019-07-24T11:00

Memory Gamma is a Star Trek Fan Production satirizing 'True Crime'. 

James Atoz is your Holographic A.I. Host to the Federation's Memory Gamma Library. These archived  Au...

Memory Gamma
Coming Soon: Memory Gamma from 2019-07-24T11:00

Memory Gamma is a Star Trek Fan Production satirizing 'True Crime'. 

James Atoz is your Holographic A.I. Host to the Federation's Memory Gamma Library. These archived  Au...
