Podcasts by Meditação Plena Presença MDB

Meditação Plena Presença MDB

This is a series to practice and understand the principles of Full Presence Meditation. By listening to the sensorial body we reestablish the relationship to ourselves and others. Full Presence Meditation is a practical and easily applicable tool from the Danis Bois Method, which suggests pedagogies to learn from our lived embodied experience.

Further podcasts by Calendering

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Meditação Plena Presença MDB
Meditação Plena Presença- Método Danis Bois from 2020-02-20T19:00:51

Este é uma meditação de nivel avançado

Meditação Plena Presença MDB
Full Presence Meditation from 2019-12-01T00:07:14

Basic instructions
