Podcasts by MCAT Modules - Review

MCAT Modules - Review

A concise review of the Khan Academy MCAT Videos.

Ok this is really random but I just hit a thousand plays or this, so could you hmu with any critique? Email mcatstudyone@gmail.com (takes 20 seconds!)

Created by Hamza Taj

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MCAT Modules - Review
8:3. DNA Libraries and Generating cDNA from 2020-08-15T19:31:10

Prot —> mRNA —> cDNA —> dsDNA. (Step 2 via reverse transcriptase and step 3 via DNA Polymerase). Now the dsDNA is injected into a virus which infects bacteria to make lots of the DNA.

MCAT Modules - Review
8:2. Polymerase Chain Reaction from 2020-08-15T19:18:12

Denaturation (Heat to high temp), Primer Annealing (Cool slightly), Primer Extension via polymerase (Heat but not as much as step 1).

MCAT Modules - Review
8:1. Gel Electrophoresis from 2020-08-15T19:03:46

GE find us the length of a DNA Strand (how many base pairs long).

MCAT Modules - Review
7:5. Applying the HP Equation from 2020-08-10T21:15:58

Not really sure why I did a module on this - basically you know they’re homo recessive because they have blue eyes (the recessive trait), and you know to use q BECAUSE we’re dealing with the recess...

MCAT Modules - Review
7:4. The Hardy-Weinberg Equation from 2020-08-10T21:11:48

HP Equation gives P(allele frequencies). P^2 is probability of homo dominant, Q^2 is probability of homo recessive, 2pq is probability of heterozygous allele combo. P = frequency of dom allele, Q =...

MCAT Modules - Review
7:3. Worked Example: Punnett Squares from 2020-08-10T21:00:29

Discusses Dihybrid Crosses and the Law of Independent Assortment.

MCAT Modules - Review
7:2. Co-dominance and Incomplete Dominance from 2020-08-10T20:44:20

Don’t let the title fool you. This is short. Discusses complete, incomplete, and co-dominance.

MCAT Modules - Review
7:1. An Introduction to Mendelian Genetics from 2020-08-10T20:38:49

Discuss genes, alleles, geno/phenotypes, and punnet squares. The Khan Academy video discusses the history (Gregor Mendel) but let’s be real, who cares.

MCAT Modules - Review
6:5. The Effects of Mutations from 2020-08-10T20:18:34

Mutations can be good, bad, or both.

MCAT Modules - Review
6:4. Mutagens and Carcinogens from 2020-08-10T20:10:32

Define mutagens and then discuss endogenous and exogenous mutagens. (Endo: ROS); (Exo: intercalators, base analogues, carcinogens)

MCAT Modules - Review
6:3. The Causes of Genetic Mutations from 2020-08-04T01:08:20

Small scale mutations (point: TTM; frame-shift: ID) and Large-scale mutations (translocation, inversion).

MCAT Modules - Review
6:2. The Different Types of Mutations from 2020-08-04T00:44:06

Point, Frame Shift, and Nonsense vs. Missense. Further divided Missense to Silent, Conservative, and Non-Conservative.

MCAT Modules - Review
6:1. Introduction to Genetic Mutations from 2020-08-03T20:45:01

Clarifies that mutations arise at the DNA level, and from where mutations originate.

MCAT Modules - Review
5:7. Tumor Suppressors from 2020-08-03T20:00:08

Discusses categories of tumor suppressors and then 2 examples: pRb and p53, both proteins.

MCAT Modules - Review
5:6. Oncogenes from 2020-08-03T01:30:59

Discusses the 3 mechanisms through which oncogenes are formed from proto-oncogenes, and types of oncogenes with examples.

MCAT Modules - Review
5:5. Non-Coding RNA from 2020-07-26T23:52:04

I discuss ncRNAs (RNA that’s ready to perform tasks w/o becoming protein) and then move onto rRNA, tRNA, miRNA, snRNA, and snoRNA. Have fun with all these acronyms lol

MCAT Modules - Review
5:4. Post-Transcriptional Regulation from 2020-07-20T03:36:58

Not really an important module but skip to 6:18 for new stuff (RNA Editing via the ADAR and CDAR Enzymes)

MCAT Modules - Review
5:3. Regulation of Transcription from 2020-07-19T00:07:55

Discusses GTFs, then discusses activators/repressors and enhancers/silencers. Finally distinguishes between regulation of transcriptional euk and prok organisms.

MCAT Modules - Review
5:2. DNA and Chromatin Regulation from 2020-07-18T03:03:49

Discusses HAT and HDAC enzymes to uncoil/coil DNA (uncoil = activate for transcription) then transitioned into DNA methylation as it relates to CpG Islands and MBB’s.

MCAT Modules - Review
5:1. The Lac Operon - Part 2 from 2020-06-30T19:10:52

More terminology of the Lac Operon mechanism, refined ideas from the first part.

MCAT Modules - Review
4:16. DNA Structure and Function (Random Info) from 2020-06-30T16:57:25

End of chapter random info (as I’ve done before). Although pay attention to end where I discuss donor:acceptor ratios of nucleobases.

MCAT Modules - Review
4:15. The Jacob Monod Lac Operon from 2020-06-29T22:00:17

Discusses why gene expression regulation occurs @ transcription level. Discusses the Jacob Monod Lac Operon’s structure (ZYA) and function (lactose metabolism) and how the repressor (@operator site...

MCAT Modules - Review
4:14. Protein Modification from 2020-06-27T18:28:16

LISTEN @ 2x speed (on Apple podcasts). Discusses co- and post-translational modifications (GLUMPP) which occur for those proteins that aren’t fully ready to work even after translation finishes.

MCAT Modules - Review
4:13. Semi-Conservative Replication from 2020-06-26T02:10:36

Discusses the conservative (Incorrect), dispersive(Incorrect), and Semi-Conservative (Correct) theories of replication.

MCAT Modules - Review
4:12. DNA Repair 2 (response to Dimers) + Summary of BOTH DNA Repairs from 2020-06-26T02:04:32

Discuss endo- and exogenous factors that damage DNA, the process of Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER), and what happens when NER fails.

MCAT Modules - Review
4:11. DNA Repair 1 (response to Mutations) from 2020-06-24T20:46:04

(This is where the modules get longer/content heavy). Discusses exo- and endonucleases as well as the Mismatch Repair Mechanism as a physiological fail safe.

MCAT Modules - Review
4:10. Differences in translation between prokaryotes and eukaryotes from 2020-06-22T01:28:13

Strand structure, protection factors (proks have none), and starting A2 (proks = fmet // euks = met)

MCAT Modules - Review
4:9. Translation from 2020-06-21T22:13:47

Discusses the process using the APE Sites.

MCAT Modules - Review
4:8. Speed and Precision of DNA Replication from 2020-06-21T21:50:23

USELESS MODULE // I didn’t think I’d actually get it to 45 seconds LOL

MCAT Modules - Review
4:7. Transcription and mRNA Processing from 2020-06-21T21:47:53

I know we talked about this in 4:1 but this has more detail. Distinguishes between eukaryotic and prokaryotic transcription and reviews eukaryotic transcription in detail (with processing).

MCAT Modules - Review
4:6. The DNA Replication Process from 2020-06-20T23:44:49

(Yes it has a different name). The 8-step process.

MCAT Modules - Review
4:5. Telomeres and Single Copy DNA vs. Repetitive DNA from 2020-06-19T21:52:31

Introduce telomeres as “protective caps” to ensure protection and quality replication of DNA sequences. Also discuss single copy DNA (important for genetic info) vs repetitive DNA (telomeres are an...

MCAT Modules - Review
4:4. Antiparallel Structure of DNA Strands from 2020-06-19T21:27:23

The strands (each of the 2 sugar phosphate backbones) run in opposite directions. That is all.

MCAT Modules - Review
4:3. Molecular Structure of DNA from 2020-06-19T21:08:39

Really just a recap of the previous module + the types of bonding that forms the Double Helix

MCAT Modules - Review
4:2. DNA (Overview) from 2020-06-19T20:55:47

Discuss DNA’s basic structure as well as the nitrogenous base pairs.

MCAT Modules - Review
4:1. Eukaryotic gene transcription (DNA —> RNA) from 2020-06-16T22:47:56

(Content heavy!) Transcription, Structural Differences of Nucleic Acids, mRNA Processing, and RNA Interference

MCAT Modules - Review
3:7. The Lineweaver-Burke Plot from 2020-06-15T22:29:59

Search up the Lineweaver-Burke Plot on your own.

MCAT Modules - Review
3:6. Covalent Modifications to Enzynes from 2020-06-15T22:26:14

Covalent Modifications are changes made to a protein to accomplish a variety of tasks (activate, deactivate, etc). I discuss Small Post-translational Modifications, Zymogens, and Suicide Inhibitors.

MCAT Modules - Review
3:5. Non-enzymatic Protein Function from 2020-06-15T21:41:35

MARTI (Motor, Antibodies, Receptors, Transport, and Ion Channel) Proteins. Don’t forget LITHOL for types of enzymes.

MCAT Modules - Review
3:4. Allosteric Regulation and Feedback Loops from 2020-06-14T18:45:28

Discuss allostery, feedback loops, and the phosphofructokinase enzyme and it how it is involved in a feedback loop. (Pretty long module)

MCAT Modules - Review
3:3. Cooperativity (or Cooperative Binding) from 2020-06-11T18:16:56

Details positive, negative, and noncooperation binding.

MCAT Modules - Review
3:2. Steady States and the Michaelis-Mentin Equation from 2020-06-11T17:26:35

Discusses the steady state assumption and its equation, the MM Equation, and the catalytic efficiency equation. Also notes Kcat and Km and their interpretations.

MCAT Modules - Review
3:1. An Introduction to Enzymes Kinetics from 2020-06-11T04:04:46

I discuss the 3 assumptions that allow for the (many) conclusions we will reach later in this season.

MCAT Modules - Review
2:7. Enzymes and their Local Environment from 2020-06-11T02:16:23

The effects of the pH and Temperature factors on catalysis.

MCAT Modules - Review
2:6. Cofactors, Coenzymes, and Vitamins from 2020-06-11T02:04:50

What they are and some examples. Discuss his minerals as well.

MCAT Modules - Review
2:5. Six Types of Enzymes from 2020-06-11T01:11:01

LITHOL // Transferase, ligase, oxidoreductase, isomerase, hydroplane, lyase

MCAT Modules - Review
2:4. Induced Fit Model of Enzyme Catalysis from 2020-06-09T19:52:02

Details active and allosteric site binding and distinguishes between reaction and regulation.

MCAT Modules - Review
2:3. Enzymes and Activation Energy from 2020-06-09T01:11:30

Details how catalysts affect a reaction.

MCAT Modules - Review
2:2. Intro to Enzymes and Catalysts from 2020-06-08T20:01:25

It’s in the title.

MCAT Modules - Review
2:1. Enzyme Structure and Function from 2020-06-08T18:17:37

Discusses catalytic conditions and collision theory.

MCAT Modules - Review
1:10. The Structure and Function of Globular Proteins from 2020-06-08T18:13:37

Notes on the final module from this chapter (Amino Acids and Proteins).

MCAT Modules - Review
1:9. Conformational Stability: Protein Folding and Denaturation from 2020-06-08T17:58:42

Distinguish between activated and deactivated proteins and how each form is reached.

MCAT Modules - Review
1:8. 4 Levels of Protein Structure from 2020-06-07T01:20:34

Discusses the four levels of protein structure and what factors allow for distinction between them.

MCAT Modules - Review
1:7. Classification of Amino Acids from 2020-06-04T22:53:19


MCAT Modules - Review
1:6. Isoelectric Point (pI) and Zwitterions from 2020-06-04T21:01:06

Discuss pI in relation to pH and Zwitterions.

MCAT Modules - Review
1:5. Amino Acid Structure from 2020-06-04T20:39:33

Structure of Amino Acids

MCAT Modules - Review
1:4. Special Cases: His, pro, gly, cys from 2020-06-04T20:33:03

I elaborate on special cases in Amino Acids.

MCAT Modules - Review
1:3. Peptide Bond - Formation and Cleavage from 2020-06-02T23:57:32

I detail how peptide bonds are formed (NYC-add-slim) and cleaved (specific and nonspecific methods).

MCAT Modules - Review
1:2. Central Dogma - Revisited from 2020-06-02T23:38:07

Should really be titled “Exception to the Dogma”. I detail 4 processes that violate the Central Dogma.

MCAT Modules - Review
1:1. Central Dogma of Molecular Biology from 2020-06-02T20:30:26

Details what the dogma states and what it specifies.

MCAT Modules - Review
MCAT Modules - Review (Trailer) from 2020-06-02T20:13:12
