Podcasts by Wholystically


✨ The holistic hub to nourish your mind, body, and soul. New episode every Tuesday ❤️🎉

Welcome to Wholystically podcast (previously: Love Health Wealth). Meet our host, Zia, a holistic health practitioner, Vedic astrologer, and yoga therapist.

Together with inspiring guest speakers, we'll explore a holistic approach to love, health, and wealth, helping you uncover your life's purpose and achieve optimal well-being.

Join us on this transformative journey, learning to cherish the body and life you have while creating the body and life you love.

Further podcasts by Zia Kusumawardini

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Life Purpose: Keseimbangan Materi & Spiritual - Marshanda & Zia | Ep. 33 from 2023-10-10T12:00

Di episode terakhir season ini, kita pengen sharing topik yang enggak kalah penting dari semua hal yang udah kita bahas. Bahkan mungkin, ini adalah hal utama yang perlu jadi jangkar atau fondasi...

3 Langkah untuk Meraih Tujuan & Mimpi dalam Hidup | Ep. 32 from 2023-10-03T12:00

Kalau aku harus pilih satu wejangan terbaik yang pernah aku dapet dalem hidup, ini adalah satu yang terpenting: 3 langkah buat ngeraih mimpi dan goal apapun dalam hidup.

Dan ternyata kunc...

Human Design: Memahami Potensi & Jati Diri - Tsamara Fahrana | Ep. 31 from 2023-09-26T12:00

Aku selalu amazed sama ilmu-ilmu yang bisa ngebantu manusia buat lebih kenal sama dirinya sendiri dan ajeg sama tujuan hidupnya. Dan salah satu dari ilmu itu adalah Human Design. Di episode kali in...

Sisi Gelap Dunia Healing Dari Pengalaman Marshanda & Zia | Ep. 30 from 2023-09-19T12:00

Niatnya bukan mau gossip. Tapi buat ningkatin awareness soal sisi gelap dunia healing. Kenapa penting? Well... the wrong teacher/therapist bisa memanipulasi korbannya untuk kepentingan pribadiny...

5 Love Languages Berdasarkan Tipe Badanmu | Ep. 29 from 2023-09-12T12:00

Pasti udah familiar sama konsep 5 Love Languages, kan? Tapi udah tau belum, kalau ternyata ada tipe badan yang bakal dapet lebih banyak manfaat dari bahasa cinta tertentu?

Whether it'...

Cara Keluar Dari Toxic Relationship - Anas Satriyo | Ep. 28 from 2023-09-05T12:00

Di episode ini aku ngundang Anas Satriyo⁠, seorang psikolog anak & remaja, dan ngobrol-ngobrol dengan topik utama soal pertumbuhan anak dan hubungannya dengan kemampuan menjalin relasi denga...

Cerita Relationship Healing & Trauma Masa Kecilnya Marshanda & Zia | Ep. 27 from 2023-08-29T12:00

Possibly the juiciest, dan juga episode di season ini yang paling bikin emosional! Disini kita ngebahas soal relationship secara lebih holistik, and here's the highlight:

(00:00) Epis...

5 Lapisan Tubuh - Efek Kesehatan Emosi & Mental pada Badan Fisik | Ep. 26 from 2023-08-22T12:00

Di episode ini, aku ngebahas soal 5 lapisan tubuh dari kacamata Yoga. A principle called "Pancha Maya Kosha". Dengan ngerti lima lapisan tubuh ini, hopefully, kita jadi lebih paham gim...

5 Emosi yang Bisa Menyakiti Organ Tubuh - Diwien Hartono | Ep. 25 from 2023-08-15T12:00

Di episode ini aku ngundang mbak Diwien Hartono, seorang praktisi kesahatan holistik, dan ngobrol-ngobrol soal:

(00:00) Welcome to episode # 25 (00:45) Cerita perjalanan healing mba Diwie...

Healing Journey-nya Marshanda & Zia: Bipolar Disorder, Scoliosis, Healing ke Bali. | Ep. 24 from 2023-08-08T12:00

Di episode kedua, season kedua ini, aku ditemenin by none other than our new co-host, Marshanda! Disini kami cerita tentang:

- Awal mula healing journey kami - Hightlight dari yang kami p...

We're back! Dengan nama baru: Wholystically! | Ep. 23 from 2023-08-01T12:00

Welcome to Wholystically! Previously known as Love Health Wealth, our podcast is back with Season 2, and we can't wait to embark on this heartwarming journey with you.

Join our host, ...

Helga on Embracing Your Strength and Owning Your Power - S01E22 from 2020-06-02T01:00

Power is a lot like fire. It can be used for a good reason (like cooking), or for a bad cause (like burning plastic!). Makanya, tiap kali aku ketemu orang yang bisa menggunakan power-nya untuk k...

S01E22 - Helga on Embracing Your Strength and Owning Your Power from 2020-06-02T01:00

Power is a lot like fire. It can be used for a good reason (like cooking), or for a bad cause (like burning plastic!). Makanya, tiap kali aku ketemu orang yang bisa menggunakan power-nya untuk k...

S01E24 - Helga on Embracing Your Strength and Owning Your Power from 2020-06-02T01:00

Power is a lot like fire. It can be used for a good reason (like cooking), or for a bad cause (like burning plastic!). Makanya, tiap kali aku ketemu orang yang bisa menggunakan power-nya untuk k...

Helga on Embracing Your Strength and Owning Your Power - S01E22 (Part 2) from 2020-06-02T00:00

Power is a lot like fire. It can be used for a good reason (like cooking), or for a bad cause (like burning plastic!). Makanya, tiap kali aku ketemu orang yang bisa menggunakan power-nya untuk k...

S01E22 (Part 2) - Helga on Embracing Your Strength and Owning Your Power from 2020-06-02T00:00

Power is a lot like fire. It can be used for a good reason (like cooking), or for a bad cause (like burning plastic!). Makanya, tiap kali aku ketemu orang yang bisa menggunakan power-nya untuk k...

S01E24 (Part 2) - Helga on Embracing Your Strength and Owning Your Power from 2020-06-02T00:00

Power is a lot like fire. It can be used for a good reason (like cooking), or for a bad cause (like burning plastic!). Makanya, tiap kali aku ketemu orang yang bisa menggunakan power-nya untuk k...

Gadis on Turning Life's Challenges Into Success - S01E21 from 2020-05-26T23:46:09

Ga banyak wanita di dunia ini yang bisa bikin aku "fan-girling", atau bikin muncul pikiran, "Aku pengen kaya gitu." Dan dari secuil wanita-wanita yang aku idolakan Listen

S01E21 - Gadis on Turning Life's Challenges Into Success from 2020-05-26T23:46:09

Ga banyak wanita di dunia ini yang bisa bikin aku "fan-girling", atau bikin muncul pikiran, "Aku pengen kaya gitu." Dan dari secuil wanita-wanita yang aku idolakan Listen

S01E22 - Gadis on Turning Life's Challenges Into Success from 2020-05-26T23:46:09

Ga banyak wanita di dunia ini yang bisa bikin aku "fan-girling", atau bikin muncul pikiran, "Aku pengen kaya gitu." Dan dari secuil wanita-wanita yang aku idolakan @gadis.prameswari adalah salah...

Gadis on Turning Life's Challenges Into Success - S01E21 (Part 2) from 2020-05-26T23:41:23

Ga banyak wanita di dunia ini yang bisa bikin aku "fan-girling", atau bikin muncul pikiran, "Aku pengen kaya gitu." Dan dari secuil wanita-wanita yang aku idolakan Listen

S01E21 (Part 2) - Gadis on Turning Life's Challenges Into Success from 2020-05-26T23:41:23

Ga banyak wanita di dunia ini yang bisa bikin aku "fan-girling", atau bikin muncul pikiran, "Aku pengen kaya gitu." Dan dari secuil wanita-wanita yang aku idolakan Listen

S01E22 (Part 2) - Gadis on Turning Life's Challenges Into Success from 2020-05-26T23:41:23

Ga banyak wanita di dunia ini yang bisa bikin aku "fan-girling", atau bikin muncul pikiran, "Aku pengen kaya gitu." Dan dari secuil wanita-wanita yang aku idolakan @gadis.prameswari adalah salah...

Olah Raga yang Ideal Sesuai dengan Tipe Badan Ayurveda - S01E20 from 2020-05-23T02:42

I didn't grow up in a family/environment that valued a healthy lifestyle, including instilling the importance of exercise. The only exercise that I saw my Mum do was aerobics in front of the TV eve...

S01E20 - The Ideal Exercise for Your Ayurvedic Type from 2020-05-23T02:42

I didn't grow up in a family/environment that value a healthy lifestyle, including instilling the importance of exercise. The only exercise that I saw my Mum did was aerobic in front of the TV e...

S01E21 - The Ideal Exercise for Your Ayurvedic Type from 2020-05-23T02:42

I didn't grow up in a family/environment that value a healthy lifestyle, including instilling the importance of exercise. The only exercise that I saw my Mum did was aerobic in front of the TV e...

Ghia on Divorce & Creating Thriving Businesses With Heart - S01E19 from 2020-05-19T01:00

Sebagai orang yang nomaden dan pernah tinggal di banyak negara, ada sesuatu yang aku dapet dari pengalaman itu yang somehow bikin aku cukup sulit ngerasa 'belong' dan nyambung sama orang.⁣⁣


S01E19 - Ghia on Divorce & Creating Thriving Businesses With Heart from 2020-05-19T01:00

Sebagai orang yang nomaden dan pernah tinggal di banyak negara, ada sesuatu yang aku dapet dari pengalaman itu yang somehow bikin aku cukup sulit ngerasa 'belong' dan nyambung sama orang.⁣⁣


S01E20 - Ghia on Divorce & Creating Thriving Businesses With Heart from 2020-05-19T01:00

Sebagai orang yang nomaden dan pernah tinggal di banyak negara, ada sesuatu yang aku dapet dari pengalaman itu yang somehow bikin aku cukup sulit ngerasa 'belong' dan nyambung sama orang.??


Ghia on Divorce & Creating Thriving Businesses With Heart - S01E19 (Part 2) from 2020-05-19T00:00

Sebagai orang yang nomaden dan pernah tinggal di banyak negara, ada sesuatu yang aku dapet dari pengalaman itu yang somehow bikin aku cukup sulit ngerasa 'belong' dan nyambung sama orang.⁣⁣


S01E19 (Part 2) - Ghia on Divorce & Creating Thriving Businesses With Heart from 2020-05-19T00:00

Sebagai orang yang nomaden dan pernah tinggal di banyak negara, ada sesuatu yang aku dapet dari pengalaman itu yang somehow bikin aku cukup sulit ngerasa 'belong' dan nyambung sama orang.⁣⁣


S01E20 (Part 2) - Ghia on Divorce & Creating Thriving Businesses With Heart from 2020-05-19T00:00

Sebagai orang yang nomaden dan pernah tinggal di banyak negara, ada sesuatu yang aku dapet dari pengalaman itu yang somehow bikin aku cukup sulit ngerasa 'belong' dan nyambung sama orang.??


Pola Makan yang Ideal Sesuai dengan Tipe Badan Ayurveda - S01E18 from 2020-05-15T09:16:34

Food is one of my sources of happiness! Therefore, the idea of diet never appealed to me, as it felt like I'd lose the ability to eat all the yummy food! In the end, life is about enjoying it to th...

S01E18 - The Ideal Diet for Your Ayurvedic Type from 2020-05-15T09:16:34

Food is one of my sources of happiness! Therefore, the idea of diet never appealing to me, as it felt like I'd lose the ability to eat all the yummy food! In the end, life is about enjoying it t...

S01E19 - The Ideal Diet for Your Ayurvedic Type from 2020-05-15T09:16:34

Food is one of my sources of happiness! Therefore, the idea of diet never appealing to me, as it felt like I'd lose the ability to eat all the yummy food! In the end, life is about enjoying it t...

Ashtra on Being a New Mother & Healing Mother Issue - S01E17 from 2020-05-12T01:00

Walaupun di sosial media saya keliatannya easy going dan terbuka, saya sebenernya lebih suka ngabisin waktu di rumah, dan juga picky banget when it comes to making friends. Khususnya temen terde...

S01E17 - Ashtra on Being a New Mother & Healing Mother Issue from 2020-05-12T01:00

Walaupun di sosial media saya keliatannya easy going dan terbuka, saya sebenernya lebih suka ngabisin waktu di rumah, dan juga picky banget when it comes to making friends. Khususnya temen terde...

S01E18 - Ashtra on Being a New Mother & Healing Mother Issue from 2020-05-12T01:00

Walaupun di sosial media saya keliatannya easy going dan terbuka, saya sebenernya lebih suka ngabisin waktu di rumah, dan juga picky banget when it comes to making friends. Khususnya temen terde...

Ashtra on Being a New Mother & Healing Mother Issue - S01E17 (Part 2) from 2020-05-12T00:00

Walaupun di sosial media saya keliatannya easy going dan terbuka, saya sebenernya lebih suka ngabisin waktu di rumah, dan juga picky banget when it comes to making friends. Khususnya temen terde...

S01E17 (Part 2) - Ashtra on Being a New Mother & Healing Mother Issue from 2020-05-12T00:00

Walaupun di sosial media saya keliatannya easy going dan terbuka, saya sebenernya lebih suka ngabisin waktu di rumah, dan juga picky banget when it comes to making friends. Khususnya temen terde...

S01E18 (Part 2) - Ashtra on Being a New Mother & Healing Mother Issue from 2020-05-12T00:00

Walaupun di sosial media saya keliatannya easy going dan terbuka, saya sebenernya lebih suka ngabisin waktu di rumah, dan juga picky banget when it comes to making friends. Khususnya temen terde...

Rutinitas Sehat Pagi Hari A La Ayurveda - S01E16 from 2020-05-08T01:34:02

I used to dread waking up early in the morning. Or if I even managed to wake up in the morning, I'd feel tired, lethargic, and just didn't feel enthusiastic about the day.⁣ But after I learned that...

S01E16 - The Ultimate Morning Routine for Success from 2020-05-08T01:34:02

I used to be dreadful about waking up early in the morning. Or even if I managed to wake up in the morning, I'd feel tired, lethargic, and just didn't feel enthusiastic about the day.⁣


S01E17 - The Ultimate Morning Routine for Success from 2020-05-08T01:34:02

I used to be dreadful about waking up early in the morning. Or even if I managed to wake up in the morning, I'd feel tired, lethargic, and just didn't feel enthusiastic about the day.?


Fayza on Courage, Perseverance, and Healing - S01E15 from 2020-05-05T01:00

Satu hal yang suka bikin aku fan-girling sama orang adalah kemampuan mereka buat bangun lagi setelah jatuh. Atau gimana saat orang lain ragu dan ga percaya, mereka tetep setia dengan mimpinya.⁣<...

S01E15 - Fayza on Courage, Perseverance, and Healing from 2020-05-05T01:00

Satu hal yang suka bikin aku fan-girling sama orang adalah kemampuan mereka buat bangun lagi setelah jatuh. Atau gimana saat orang lain ragu dan ga percaya, mereka tetep setia dengan mimpinya.⁣<...

S01E16 - Fayza on Courage, Perseverance, and Healing from 2020-05-05T01:00

Satu hal yang suka bikin aku fan-girling sama orang adalah kemampuan mereka buat bangun lagi setelah jatuh. Atau gimana saat orang lain ragu dan ga percaya, mereka tetep setia dengan mimpinya.?<...

Fayza on Courage, Perseverance, and Healing - S01E15 (Part 2) from 2020-05-05T00:00

Satu hal yang suka bikin aku fan-girling sama orang adalah kemampuan mereka buat bangun lagi setelah jatuh. Atau gimana saat orang lain ragu dan ga percaya, mereka tetep setia dengan mimpinya.⁣<...

S01E15 (Part 2) - Fayza on Courage, Perseverance, and Healing from 2020-05-05T00:00

Satu hal yang suka bikin aku fan-girling sama orang adalah kemampuan mereka buat bangun lagi setelah jatuh. Atau gimana saat orang lain ragu dan ga percaya, mereka tetep setia dengan mimpinya.⁣<...

S01E16 (Part 2) - Fayza on Courage, Perseverance, and Healing from 2020-05-05T00:00

Satu hal yang suka bikin aku fan-girling sama orang adalah kemampuan mereka buat bangun lagi setelah jatuh. Atau gimana saat orang lain ragu dan ga percaya, mereka tetep setia dengan mimpinya.?<...

Pola Hidup Sehat Sesuai dengan Tipe Badan Ayurveda - S01E14 from 2020-05-03T07:48:18

It's not surprising that our habits and lifestyle have greater importance than our diet when it comes to health. Imagine this:⁣ Let's say you eat a supposedly "healthy" food, but afterwards, you ru...

S01E14 - The Ideal Lifestyle for Your Ayurvedic Type from 2020-05-03T07:48:18

It's not surprising that our habit/lifestyle has higher importance than our diet when it comes to health. Imagine this:⁣

Let's say you eat a supposed to be "healthy" food, but af...

S01E15 - The Ideal Lifestyle for Your Ayurvedic Type from 2020-05-03T07:48:18

It's not surprising that our habit/lifestyle has higher importance than our diet when it comes to health. Imagine this:?


Let's say you eat a supposed to b...

Ichyl on Fame, Depression, and Being a Musician - S01E13 from 2020-04-28T06:10:42

Salah satu pepatah yang ngena buat aku (dan jadi salah satu fondasi banyak keputusan/cara berpikirku yang lain) adalah: "There's always two sides to the coin." Selalu ada, at least, dua sisi dar...

S01E13 - Ichyl on Fame, Depression, and Being a Musician from 2020-04-28T06:10:42

Salah satu pepatah yang ngena buat aku (dan jadi salah satu fondasi banyak keputusan/cara berpikirku yang lain) adalah: "There's always two sides to the coin." Selalu ada, at least, dua sisi dar...

S01E14 - Ichyl on Fame, Depression, and Being a Musician from 2020-04-28T06:10:42

Salah satu pepatah yang ngena buat aku (dan jadi salah satu fondasi banyak keputusan/cara berpikirku yang lain) adalah: "There's always two sides to the coin." Selalu ada, at least, dua sisi dar...

Ichyl on Fame, Depression, and Being a Musician - S01E13 (Part 2) from 2020-04-28T05:59:44

Salah satu pepatah yang ngena buat aku (dan jadi salah satu fondasi banyak keputusan/cara berpikirku yang lain) adalah: "There's always two sides to the coin." Selalu ada, at least, dua sisi dar...

S01E13 (Part 2) - Ichyl on Fame, Depression, and Being a Musician from 2020-04-28T05:59:44

Salah satu pepatah yang ngena buat aku (dan jadi salah satu fondasi banyak keputusan/cara berpikirku yang lain) adalah: "There's always two sides to the coin." Selalu ada, at least, dua sisi dar...

S01E14 (Part 2) - Ichyl on Fame, Depression, and Being a Musician from 2020-04-28T05:59:44

Salah satu pepatah yang ngena buat aku (dan jadi salah satu fondasi banyak keputusan/cara berpikirku yang lain) adalah: "There's always two sides to the coin." Selalu ada, at least, dua sisi dar...

Hubungan yang Ideal Sesuai dengan Tipe Badan Ayurveda - S01E12 from 2020-04-25T05:36:50

RELATIONSHIPS! I need to put that in caps to emphasize how important this aspect is in influencing our life. This is why it often bugs us when things are not working well in our relationships. I'm ...

S01E12 - The Ideal Relationship for Your Ayurvedic Type from 2020-04-25T05:36:50

RELATIONSHIP! I need to put that on capslock to emphasise how important this aspect is in influencing our life. This is why it often bugs us when things are not working well in our relationship....

S01E13 - The Ideal Relationship for Your Ayurvedic Type from 2020-04-25T05:36:50

RELATIONSHIP! I need to put that on capslock to emphasise how important this aspect in influencing our life. Which is why it often bugs us when things are not working well in our relationship. Listen

Kiran on Traveling the World & Fighting for the Planet - S01E11 from 2020-04-21T01:21:23

Aku udah kenal @kira_nagustina lebih dari 10 taun yang lalu. Dan meskipun udah banyak banget yang berubah di kehidupan kita berdua ...

S01E11 - Kiran on Traveling the World & Fighting for the Planet from 2020-04-21T01:21:23

Aku udah kenal @kira_nagustina lebih dari 10 taun yang lalu. Dan meskipun udah banyak banget yang berubah di kehidupan kita berdua ...

S01E12 - Kiran on Traveling the World & Fighting for the Planet from 2020-04-21T01:21:23

Aku udah kenal @kira_nagustina lebih dari 10 taun yang lalu. Dan meskipun udah banyak banget yang berubah di kehidupan kita berdua (dari yang dulu pernah tinggal sekosan bareng di Ubud, terus se...

Kiran on Traveling the World & Fighting for the Planet - S01E11 (Part 2) from 2020-04-21T00:59:51

Aku udah kenal @kira_nagustina lebih dari 10 taun yang lalu. Dan meskipun udah banyak banget yang berubah di kehidupan kita berdua ...

S01E11 (Part 2) - Kiran on Traveling the World & Fighting for the Planet from 2020-04-21T00:59:51

Aku udah kenal @kira_nagustina lebih dari 10 taun yang lalu. Dan meskipun udah banyak banget yang berubah di kehidupan kita berdua ...

S01E12 (Part 2) - Kiran on Traveling the World & Fighting for the Planet from 2020-04-21T00:59:51

Aku udah kenal @kira_nagustina lebih dari 10 taun yang lalu. Dan meskipun udah banyak banget yang berubah di kehidupan kita berdua (dari yang dulu pernah tinggal sekosan bareng di Ubud, terus se...

Jalan Menjadi Financially Rich Sesuai dengan Tipe Badan Ayurveda - S01E10 from 2020-04-17T01:00

Fear is one of the emotions that many of us experience during this pandemic. And one of those fears is about finances and money, considering how many businesses closed down and the number of people...

S01E10 - How to Grow Rich According to Your Ayurvedic Type from 2020-04-17T01:00

Fear is one of the emotions that many of us experience during this COVID-19. And one of them is fear about finance and money, considering how many businesses closed down and the number of people...

S01E11 - How to Grow Rich According to Your Ayurvedic Type from 2020-04-17T01:00

Fear is one of the emotions that many of us experience during this COVID-19. And one of them is fear about finance and money, considering how many businesses closed down and the number of people...

Ayi on Pursuing Your Passion Career as a Mother - S01E9 from 2020-04-14T01:00

Salah satu hal yang bikin aku tetep "waras" selama jauh dari rumahku di Bali dan tinggal/kerja di Jakarta adalah dengan dikelilingi orang-orang yang "sejalan" dan selalu menginspirasiku. Dan sal...

S01E9 - Ayi on Pursuing Your Passion Career as a Mother from 2020-04-14T01:00

Salah satu hal yang bikin aku tetep "waras" selama jauh dari rumahku di Bali dan tinggal/kerja di Jakarta adalah dengan dikelilingi orang-orang yang "sejalan" dan selalu menginspirasiku. Dan sal...

S01E10 - Ayi on Pursuing Your Passion Career as a Mother from 2020-04-14T01:00

One of the reasons that keep me sane to be away from my Bali home and be in Jakarta is the be surrounded by inspiring, and like-minded people. And of those people is Ayi @kelincitertidur.?

Ayi on Pursuing Your Passion Career as a Mother - S01E9 (Part 2) from 2020-04-14T00:00

Salah satu hal yang bikin aku tetep "waras" selama jauh dari rumahku di Bali dan tinggal/kerja di Jakarta adalah dengan dikelilingi orang-orang yang "sejalan" dan selalu menginspirasiku. Dan sal...

S01E9 (Part 2) - Ayi on Pursuing Your Passion Career as a Mother from 2020-04-14T00:00

Salah satu hal yang bikin aku tetep "waras" selama jauh dari rumahku di Bali dan tinggal/kerja di Jakarta adalah dengan dikelilingi orang-orang yang "sejalan" dan selalu menginspirasiku. Dan sal...

S01E10 (Part 2) - Ayi on Pursuing Your Passion Career as a Mother from 2020-04-14T00:00

One of the reasons that keep me sane to be away from my Bali home and be in Jakarta is the be surrounded by inspiring, and like-minded people. And of those people is Ayi @kelincitertidur.?

How to Create a Life You Love (Part 2) - S01E08 from 2020-04-11T07:05:06

Once I understand Ayurveda, the journey to health became very easy. Easy because I am no longer easily "swayed" by marketing hearsay or what others say is good (so I’m no longer overwh...

S01E08 - How to Create a Life You Love (Part 2) from 2020-04-11T07:05:06

Once I understand Ayurveda, the journey to health becomes very easy. Easy because I am no longer easily "swayed" by marketing hearsay or what others said is good (and get overwhelmed by the endl...

S01E09 - How to Create a Life You Love (Part 2) from 2020-04-11T07:05:06

Once I understand Ayurveda, the journey to health becomes very easy. Easy because I no longer easily "swayed" by marketing hearsay or what others said is good (and get overwhelmed by the endless...

How to Create a Life You Love (Part 1) - S01E07 from 2020-04-03T14:52:35

I really wish that I knew this information sooner in my life. Because by knowing this piece of wisdom, I could’ve felt more content and happy with my life and stopped comparing myself with other...

S01E07 - How to Create a Life You Love (Part 1) from 2020-04-03T14:52:35

I really wished that I knew this information sooner in my life. Because by knowing this piece of wisdom, I could feel more content and happy with my life and stop comparing myself with other's l...

Rara Sekar on How to Inspire Others & Change Their Life - S01E06 from 2020-03-31T00:34:08

Udah lebih dari 10 taun yang lalu waktu aku pertama kali denger tentang @rarasekar. Banyak dari temenku yang cerita banyak hal baik dan ...

S01E06 - Rara Sekar on How to Inspire Others & Change Their Life from 2020-03-31T00:34:08

Udah lebih dari 10 taun yang lalu waktu aku pertama kali denger tentang @rarasekar. Banyak dari temenku yang cerita banyak hal baik dan ...

Rara Sekar on How to Inspire Others & Change Their Life - S01E06 (Part 2) from 2020-03-31T00:09:12

Udah lebih dari 10 taun yang lalu waktu aku pertama kali denger tentang @rarasekar. Banyak dari temenku yang cerita banyak hal baik dan ...

S01E06 (Part 2) - Rara Sekar on How to Inspire Others & Change Their Life from 2020-03-31T00:09:12

Udah lebih dari 10 taun yang lalu waktu aku pertama kali denger tentang @rarasekar. Banyak dari temenku yang cerita banyak hal baik dan ...

Apa Tipe Badan Ayurvedamu? Vata, Pitta atau Kapha? - S01E05 from 2020-03-27T01:00

For many years, I struggled to feel confident and content with my own body. I really wished that I was born with a different physical body (especially when I got sick easily!). But it changed after...

S01E05 - Ayurvedic Body Types: How to Discover Your Type? from 2020-03-27T01:00

For many years, I struggled to feel confident and content with my own body. I really wished that I was born with a different physical body (especially if you got sick easily!).


S01E04 - Carissa on Embracing the Beauty & Confidence Within from 2020-03-24T01:00

December last year, I sat down with my dear friend @cpfreewrites talking about being a woman, beauty standard, sex appeal, pursuing o...

Hidup Sehat A La Ayurveda - S01E03 from 2020-03-20T01:00

I'd never been someone who cared/was concerned about my health, even with the many health imbalances that I had (chronic bronchitis, allergy, food intolerance, weight issue, acne, scoliosis, and so...

S01E03 - How to Live a Healthy Life With Ayurveda from 2020-03-20T01:00

I've never been someone who cares/concern about my health, even with the many health imbalances that I had (chronic bronchitis, allergy, food intolerance, weight issue, acne, scoliosis, and so m...

Atit on Practical Conscious Living From Home - S01E02 from 2020-03-17T01:00

Kalau ngomongin soal tetep jadi otentik di dunia sosmed, I'm head over heels with @atiit .⁣

Enggak cuma Atit ini bisa tetep ...

S01E02 - Atit on Practical Conscious Living From Home from 2020-03-17T01:00

Kalau ngomongin soal tetep jadi otentik di dunia sosmed, I'm head over heels with @atiit .⁣

Enggak cuma Atit ini bisa tetep ...

How to Have the Body You Love (And Love the Body You Have) - S01E01 from 2020-03-13T01:00

People talk about self-love, self-care, but how to actually do it? Is there any wisdom/system/modality that can help that?

In this very first episode of Love Health Wealth - Season 1, I&#...

S01E01 - How to Have the Body You Love (And Love the Body You Have) from 2020-03-13T01:00

People talk about self-love, self-care, but how to actually do it? Is there any wisdom/system/modality that can help that?

In this very first episode of Love Health Wealth - S...

Love Health Wealth (Trailer) - Coming March 13th from 2020-03-12T00:21:08

After months of brewing and prepping, we'll launch the podcast tomorrow!

We can't wait for you to be absorbed in our conversation for this 1st season.

A new...
