Podcasts by Love, Growth, and Freedom

Love, Growth, and Freedom

A podcast that talks about the twists and turns of life and how all things are intertwined by love, growth and freedom!

Further podcasts by Adrian Lim Duarte /Guerrilla Podcast Syndicate - Philippines

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Lessons from moving away from home: Navigating your big emotions from 2023-11-15T23:13

In this episode, we dive deep into the rollercoaster of emotions that come with moving to a new place. From the thrilling anticipation of something new to the tough emotional hurdles during the ...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Lessons from moving away from home: Why do people move away? from 2023-11-05T21:46

In the spirit of acknowledging a new phase in my life, I have decided to discuss the struggles of being away from home. Dealing with the pressures of adult life, and the realities of being far a...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
I wish I could do more from 2023-08-12T18:37

Living life as an adult has been exhausting. Going through the motions, making sure everything is in line. Paying the bills, managing your social life and finding time to take care of yourself, ...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Sometimes it’s okay to be afraid of being unhappy from 2023-07-12T20:31

Sometimes we forget that negative emotions are part of the human experience, regardless of your circumstances. You can feel sad even when things are going great. And sometimes It’s hard to admit...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
How we can appreciate our slow days from 2023-05-29T18:30

As life gets hectic and as we have to fulfill our responsibilities to ourselves and the people around us. We struggle to live up to people's expectations and even our own. We strive to live life...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
When everything is not what it seems from 2023-01-14T23:25

It's clichè but life happens and life gets in the way. There are multiple instances in our lives that occur when we least expect it and it's just not what we're expecting and hoping for. And tho...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Why people watching is helpful from 2022-12-11T16:56

In a fast paced world and social media connecting all of us through the screens on our phone, it's easy for us to forget about the reality we're in. The life we live through our own lenses and h...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
How to not fear love from 2022-10-30T22:17

This episode talks about how you can learn to acknowledge all aspects of yourself in order for you to understand that you have so much love within you that you become courageous enough to allow ...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Aligning with the universe from 2022-08-22T21:59

In this episode we talk about how unique our timelines are and how we can fully grasp the intricate details of our lives and align what's within to the things around us. We tackle about dancing ...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Meeting the Universe halfway from 2022-07-05T22:00

We were taught and really influenced that working hard is the only thing important in this world, to work hard against all odds and abandon the inner voices. We were told not to listen to our in...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Dealing with Fear, Doubt and Shame from 2022-05-18T09:32

Somehow when life hits hard and things start to become blurry it gets harder to face the music and deal with the things that haunt us. Fear is a part of life that keeps us alive but it also is t...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Allowing yourself to feel good with Guil Sencio from 2022-04-04T22:54:20

Sometimes we have to allow good things to happen despite the fear we have of it. I think it's natural for us to look into the worst case scenario as a way to protect ourselves when the things we wa...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Learning, Unlearning and Relearning from 2022-03-01T13:39:21

Things always change and that when it does we have to be ready to change with it as well. We learn and adapt to survive, to be better and to do better. Working to understand and make sense of the w...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Who do you blame? With Karina Dayrit from 2022-01-17T10:10:11

An episode with Karina Dayrit that tackles about how we could deal with the idea of bad things that happen to us and into learning how to understand that blaming other people and circumstance rarel...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
How to be brave? from 2021-12-28T05:36:55

In this special episode, we'll be talking about how we could use the fear of the uncertain to our advantage. How to deal with the fears that we have of the future, and how to be brave enough to han...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
What loneliness looks like with She Viray from 2021-11-27T06:00

I called in a friend of mine to talk with me about loneliness because I was interested in how it looks and feels like for other people. We tackled on how loneliness is and what makes us lonely and ...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
I feel lonely even when I'm not alone from 2021-11-26T13:18:18

A raw and vulnerable discussion on what loneliness could be like for one person. Taking in different perspectives of what loneliness feels like and how to deal with this feeling. So sit back and gr...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Taking it a day at a time from 2021-11-15T09:19:04

Take it a day at a time.   This episode stands as a reminder for each one of us to ground ourselves back into our now and allow things to flow. That instead of looking too far ahead and worrying ab...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
It's okay to not have it all figured out from 2021-11-05T11:06:01

It's okay to not have it all figured out Life is very erratic, unexpected and unpredictable we can't hold on to something forever and things won't always go exactly the way we planned it. Growing u...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
How to cope up with Ghosting? from 2021-10-28T01:00

How to cope with ghosting?  Objective: A lot of the struggles about ghosting is now to cope and deal with it. How to feel the necessary emotions and regroup after this devastating phenomenon.  Here...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Why do people ghost? from 2021-10-22T05:30:24

Why do people ghost?  Objective It's so obvious that ghosting has been prevalent in modern times and has caused a lot of hearts to silently ache with no resolutions in sight. This episode seeks to ...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
How to build your habits and make them stick? from 2021-10-14T04:00

  Building my habits and my dream life.    Objective:   Life will always be unpredictable and a lot of the time we’ll be faced with different situations that would require us to adjust and recenter...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
How do we manifest our dream life? from 2021-10-08T01:59:13

Living my life as if I’m already living the dream  Objective:   As we prepare and get ourselves ready how should you live up to your life? What are the things you could do to embody and visualize t...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
What to do on your off season, and while you wait. from 2021-09-30T07:07:46

off-sea·son noun1.     a time of year when a particular activity, typically a sport, is not engaged in."during baseball's winter off-season"     Objective:   The wait is the most frustrating moment...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
How to deal with life's detours from 2021-09-23T06:53:40

  de·tour/ˈdēto͝or/ Verb  detour;  a deviation from a direct course or the usual procedure especially : a roundabout way temporarily replacing part of a route. detour. verb.   Objective:   One th...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
A message for those who need saving from 2021-09-15T09:51:42

After going through so many struggles, from thoughts of giving up, feeling lost and afraid, self-doubt and reaching the tipping point of things. It all takes a toll and sometimes we’re left with a ...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
When enough is enough from 2021-09-09T11:00

When enough is enough.     Objective:   In life we would be faced with the question when is enough, enough? There would be people and circumstances in our lives that would force us to be more patie...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
What's wrong with me? from 2021-09-03T07:13:47

What's wrong with me?     Objective:   As we go through the journey of life we’d encounter people and situations that would make us doubt who we are and what we’re worth. These will lead us to ques...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
All the things I fear. from 2021-08-26T02:07:59

fear /ˈfir/  nounan unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat."he is prey to irrational fears"     Objective:   This episode ...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Help me, I'm lost! from 2021-08-20T04:00

lost /lôst,läst/  adjective1.   1.  unable to find one's way; not knowing one's whereabouts.     Objective:   We all feel lost sometimes and how do we get back on track when we feel like we don’t e...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
The times I thought of giving up. from 2021-08-13T06:49:53

suc·cess /səkˈses/  noun1.                  1.  the accomplishment of an aim or purpose."there is a thin line between success and failure"   Objective:   This episode aims to break myths on success...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Why do things end? from 2021-08-03T14:48:23

This is the end. I would be talking about endings and why it's important for us to understand what it all means for us. Listen through this episode to grasp how we could look at endings in a new li...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
How to deal with people who hurt us? from 2021-07-23T04:00

mis·take  /məˈstāk/ https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&sxsrf=ALeKk006WzE_6Rdx_Cw0N_P4bEHNFXsR0g:1622689699959&q=how+to+pronounce+mistake&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOMIfcRo...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
How to deal with future mistakes from 2021-07-16T04:00

mis·take  /məˈstāk/ https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&sxsrf=ALeKk006WzE_6Rdx_Cw0N_P4bEHNFXsR0g:1622689699959&q=how+to+pronounce+mistake&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOMIfcRo...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
The best lessons that can come from mistakes from 2021-07-09T04:00

mis·take  /məˈstāk/  noun an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong."coming here was a mistake"   Objective:   After having a mindset of looking for the ways we went wrong and doing better! ...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
YOU must learn from your mistakes from 2021-07-02T04:00

mis·take  /məˈstāk/  noun an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong."coming here was a mistake"   Objective:   Knowing fully well that mistakes are a part of our lives we must learn from...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
What it's like being in the closet? | With Karl Bautista from 2021-06-27T04:00

We’d like to dive deeper into the lives of people in the community and what it means for us to have our voices heard in this society! The hardships we had growing up and all the things we had to le...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Why we celebrate PRIDE? | With Chal Maling from 2021-06-26T04:00

This episode aims to educate and help people be aware of the reasons and need for pride month and that it’s not all just rainbow flags and parades. Pride is a movement that seeks to uplift voices f...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Make mistakes when you can from 2021-06-25T04:00

This episode aims to have a mindset that allows ourselves to make mistakes. To leave a space for us to be vulnerable and take advantage of the resources you have to make mistakes. At a certain poin...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
I am human and I am allowed to make mistakes from 2021-06-18T04:00

mis·take  /məˈstāk/ nounan action or judgment that is misguided or wrong."coming here was a mistake"   Objective:   Understanding that as humans we are allowed to make mistakes and it is inevitab...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
It's okay to feel bad sometimes. from 2021-06-04T01:29:56

Just another bonus episode of a raw and vulnerable me explaining that loving yourself is a never ending process. That feeling bad about certain situations are a part of life and its okay to have yo...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Don't be a passenger in your own life. from 2021-05-31T10:59

This is a bonus episode I did with my tiktok followers on a live stream! I had this silly thought in the car and I wanted to share it. How sometimes in our lives we are given multiple chances to bl...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
How to stay ready? from 2021-05-21T04:00

How to be ready?   Objective:   Now we all know how we could look at setbacks and how we could use it as the platform of our comeback it’s time for us to prepare. Let’s get ready for the long haul....

Love, Growth, and Freedom
How to take responsibility? from 2021-05-14T04:00

Accountability    Noun1. 1.  the fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility.   Objective:   This episode has the goal to let us know how we could take responsibility for our actions and...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Mother's know best!| With Celine Duarte from 2021-05-09T01:00

This episode is about showing us what mothers go through as they face the challenges of motherhood. What changes within them from the time the found out they were bringing a hooman into this world ...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Realign your priorities! from 2021-05-07T04:00

Realign    Verb1. 1.  change one's position or attitude with regard to (a person, organization, or cause).    Objective:   When you already know what needs to be improved on and you’re wired to tak...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Be patient with yourself! from 2021-04-30T04:00

Patience     noun1. 1.  The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.   Objective:   To have a patient heart and mind through the process we’re goi...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
How to identify what to improve on? from 2021-04-23T04:00

Identifying the problem!     Analyze  verb1.                  examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure of (something, especially information), typically for purposes of expl...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
How to overcome and understand setbacks from 2021-04-16T04:00

Setback   /ˈsetˌbak/  noun 1. 1. a reversal or check in progress."a serious setback for the peace process"   Objective:   Understanding what each setback means for us. How do we position ourselve...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
The importance of Reproductive Health with Dr. Dirna Mayasari of Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) from 2021-02-19T04:00

Check Us Out on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/guerrillasweare (https://www.facebook.com/guerrillasweare) Twitter: https://twitter.com/guerrillasweare (https://twitter.com/guerrillasweare)Inst...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Why is celebrating your wins important |With Alec Cuenca from 2021-01-29T03:00

Love Growth and Freedom: Season 4 Finale  Why is celebrating your wins important?     What does it mean to celebrate?  To acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering o...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
How do we trust and be grateful for the process? |With Bridge Lee from 2021-01-22T03:00

Love Growth and Freedom  How do we trust and be grateful for the process?     What is trusting the process?  The slogan Trust the process has been widely used by people all over the world. What doe...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Why do we have to thank the strangers we meet? |With Roma Miclat from 2021-01-15T06:28:20

Love Growth and Freedom  Why do we have to thank the strangers we meet?   What are some lessons that you got from strangers?  I know that growing up we were warned not to walk to strangers. But as ...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Thank you, Friends With Trisha Bustamante from 2021-01-08T04:00

Love Growth and Freedom: Season 4   How do you thank your friends?  To all the friends that we have!  We all go through our lives moving from one stage to other and more often than not we spend the...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
The lessons we learned in 2020|With Rubina Bernabe from 2020-12-30T04:00

What are the things that 2020 has taught you?   This year was the definition of chaos!  We were reminded that we have little to no control of the things that happened around the world. Even if we a...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Being thankful for our family| With Samantha Duarte from 2020-12-25T04:00

How can you show appreciation to your family?    Every family is different?  The family is the basic unit of society. Family is your first social ecological system, the one the rears you and prepar...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
How Gratitude changes people from 2020-12-18T04:00

How gratitude changes people     1.   Goal of the episode ·      To understand how gratefulness can change us·      Know the benefits and lasting effects of practicing gratitude and what we could e...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
How to practice Gratitude: A guide on being grateful from 2020-12-11T04:00

So what now? You've started to learn to be grateful for the things you have? What are your best practices? and what are the biggest challenge for you in learning to be more grateful with life itsel...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
The benefits of Gratitude and why is it important? from 2020-12-04T04:00

This episode will be talking about the benefits of gratitude and the things that it could teach us. Helping us to reflect on the things that has changed us greatly. Finding the light and the head s...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
The power of opening up to someone from 2020-11-20T10:30

Opening up to someone has always been challenging. The idea of being vulnerable about our emotions and thoughts to someone could be daunting, because of all the preconceived notions and judgements ...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
How do we move forward? from 2020-10-30T02:50

How do we move forward? Life is a rollercoaster ride Riding it the first time around will get you shocked every time you hit the highs and lows The truth about lifeWe're all going to have to pre...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Am I on the right path? from 2020-10-23T02:50

On wondering if you’re on the right path?    Episode Intro: ·     Do you ever feel so lost that you don’t even know where to go next?  ·     In this episode we’ll dive deep into our thoughts as we ...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
On Cancel Culture: Are we all just that? from 2020-10-16T02:50

 What is Cancel Culture?  1. It is removing or withdrawing of support for public figures in response to problematic behaviors ·     Now cancelling has been so rampant and people have been unforgivi...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
When is it okay to be selfish? from 2020-10-09T02:50

Sometimes its okay to be selfish Am I selfish to choose myself?  1. Sometimes we forget ourselves because we’re afraid of being selfish ·     Selfish is defined (of a person, action, or motive) l...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
On chasing the idea of love from 2020-10-02T03:00

On chasing the idea of love      What is love?  1. Dictionary Definition is ·     a quality or feeling of strong or constant affection for and dedication to another ·     attraction based on sexual...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Maybe you're not meant to fit in from 2020-09-25T03:00

Maybe you’re not meant to fit in     Will anyone ever truly understand us?  1. No, I guess not. ·     We are all complex beings with different thought processes. Maybe at some point, no one will ev...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
On developing a healthy sense of self from 2020-09-18T04:06:55

On developing a healthy sense of self     What is the sense of self?  1. It is the way a person views their traits, values, beliefs, and purpose in the world ·     Knowing your goals, values, and i...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Am I ever enough? from 2020-09-11T03:00

We are often our own harshest critics, having our minds wired to only view success as the only place we could be and aim for. This episode goes in-depth and trying to understand how our self-worth ...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
On comparing yourself to others from 2020-09-04T03:58:59

This episode is dedicated to the times I asked the question"why can't I be like them?". Oftentimes falling in the pit of comparison and self-pity, thinking that my worth is anchored on external thi...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
On making sense of things from 2020-08-28T04:00

On making sense of things is an episode discussing the long road map of how I frame my thoughts and perspectives. This episode highlights all the other questions and topics that we'd be discussing ...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
The new and better you from 2020-08-07T10:16:55

  There is rebirth, that’s one thing I’d like to let you know. Going through such tough circumstances emotionally, mentally, and physically takes its toll and may seem like there is no light at the...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
The thing about healing from 2020-07-24T03:04:43

One thing that a lot of people miss out on the idea of healing is the thought of where to start?  Maybe it's not where but how? In this episode join me in a more relaxed conversation sharing my per...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Will we ever heal? from 2020-07-17T02:00

The process of healing from past traumas and hurt could be such a terrifying thing to go through. For some, it may even seem impossible. We have to note that in many levels and aspects our lives ar...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
How can we forgive? from 2020-07-10T06:38:46

Forgiveness is something that we all struggle to do, not because we don't want to forgive, but because it's sometimes so difficult to process the pain and hurt from experiences like this. Join my g...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Illuminating the Spectra from 2020-06-30T07:56:45

The world needs to have more compassion for each and every individual fostering a more cooperative state rather than a competitive one. For us to constantly grow and see new perspectives, we have t...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
That Gay Dude from 2020-06-29T03:24:22

To be gay at a time like this still isn’t easy, even though a lot of people that went before us fought tooth and nail for this kind of freedom we have, there’s still a long way. Here with me today ...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Lady Queer from 2020-06-28T09:46:17

To be loved and accepted is a wonderful thing, but the journey we go through as part of the LGBTQIA community for this kind of acceptance is a harsh road. As a community most of us are conditioned ...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Woman Empowered from 2020-06-27T04:00

What does it mean to be a woman? Are we just limited to the conventional notion of what a woman is? Join me and my Social Media Influencer friend Kylie Celebre in this episode to discuss the twists...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
The one with the Ally and Bisexual from 2020-06-26T07:00

On this pride episode we have Carl Cervantes an ally of the community who is currently taking up his MA in Psychology in Ateneo. Join us in this episode to understand what it means to be an ally an...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
All things bright and gay from 2020-06-25T06:28:38

Struggles are a normal part of our lives and living it as a member of the LGBTQIA community doesn’t make things easier but there’s nothing I would regret. In all my life I never felt so free, so lo...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
How to heal from a broken heart from 2020-06-19T04:00

When hearts break it takes a while for us to put it back into pieces. The pain that we go through changes us forever and sadly somehow makes us fearful of what love can bring. In this episode, I di...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Acceptance, Forgiveness and Healing from 2020-06-12T04:00

The struggle to accept what was, is, and will be is something we all face. In this episode, we tackle the hurdles we have to work through when we talk about acceptance, forgiveness, and healing. Fr...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Why you can't be NEUTRAL from 2020-06-05T04:00

Let's face it 2020 is a series of unfortunate events. It has shown the darker side of humans as we speak. From a pandemic to racial discrimination and to the possible curtailing of our freedom of s...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Are cheaters always gonna be cheaters? from 2020-05-29T04:00

Cheating is a tragic phenomenon to happen to two people who have committed themselves to each other. It is a deed that brings darkness and pain to both parties. This episode will tackle a raw and v...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
How we should see PAIN from 2020-05-22T07:00

Pain is something that we all avoid to feel because we know that pain brings suffering, hurt, and sometimes even death. In this episode join me as we let the pain flow and process it together. We h...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
A Love-Hate relationship with Social Media from 2020-05-07T15:54:09

Social Media can be a double-edged sword. It may get you to achieve a certain level of satisfaction while causing you more harm. In this day and age, we are bombarded with so many things about how ...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
How to deal with Toxicity from 2020-05-01T02:00

tox·ic·i·ty /täkˈsisədē/noun 1. the quality of being toxic or poisonous.This episode will tackle what we should know about toxic situations, traits, and people. We should always remember that tox...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Chronicles and misadventures from 2020-04-24T03:09:55

Digging deeper and looking back at our experiences is important for us to understand our growth. This episode will take you on a rawer and vulnerable me, showing you by example how reflecting on ou...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Digging Deeper from 2020-04-17T02:50

Let's take a look at the experiences and memories of our past. These are what makeup who we are and how we define ourselves. Getting down to the nitty-gritty of these hard conversations and experie...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Living Freely from 2020-04-10T02:35:14

This episode focuses on living our authentic self! Free from pretensions and secrets! Fully allowing ourselves to be raw and real to the people around us. It may not be black and white but there ar...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Embracing growth from 2020-04-02T14:57:40

Growth /ɡrōTH/noun 1. the process of increasing in physical size.2. the process of developing or maturing physically, mentally, or spiritually. In our lives we go through cycles of growth and...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
It all begins with love from 2020-03-26T17:34:07

self-love /ˈˌself ˈləv/noun regard for one's own well-being and happiness (chiefly considered as a desirable rather than narcissistic characteristic). In this episode we dive into the re...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
#SelfAwareness from 2020-03-21T02:51:59

self-a·ware·ness /ˈˌself əˈwernəs/noun conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings, motives, and desires."The process can be painful but it leads to greater self-awareness"Join me and ...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
COVID19 is real! from 2020-03-16T15:31:03

Just a brief episode reminding all of us to do our part in this crisis! We may have our own thoughts and beliefs but I urge you guys to do your duties as responsible Filipino Citizens and follow th...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
Identifying"YOU" from 2020-03-13T01:00

Finding yourself in this crazy world has never been more imperative! Join me in this episode as I talk about ways how you could define yourself devoid of everybody else's opinions and views. You ar...

Love, Growth, and Freedom
It's all about love, growth and freedom from 2020-03-05T21:20:15

A pilot to what I call my passion project! This will be the outpouring of my thoughts and emotions.  This podcast will be about self development of not just me but plenty of other people going abou...
