Relationships Stir Things Up So We Can See Ourselves More Clearly - 037 - a podcast by Dr B - Barbara A. Cohen, Ph.D., MFT, innovative educator, coach and psychot

from 2017-08-28T08:00

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Welcome to the thirty-seventh episode of Harness Your ADHD Power.

I’m so glad you could join me today. Whether it’s the relationship with you, someone else or both, relationships are definitely wonderful vehicles for helping us to see ourselves more clearly and presenting us with opportunities for transformation.

I’m not just talking about the communication or lifestyle challenges or differences of opinion that you have with others or even within yourself. No. I’m talking about the deeper issues of your history or baggage, the meanings you’ve given it that have shaped your personal stories, and often slammed your self-confidence and self-esteem into the ground; and your beliefs and values that have taken a hit too.

And what about your intentionality in your relationships? Do you choose your relationships with negotiable and non-negotiable criteria that are well thought out, and honor your commitment to yourself, rather than impulsively jumping into relationships that don’t match your criteria, because you are “impulsively reacting” rather than responding according to your criteria?

How about your self-awareness and clarity? Do you know yourself so well that you are crystal clear on exactly what you need your relationship with yourself to be; how you need to speak to yourself, treat yourself, be with yourself, motivate yourself, celebrate yourself, and organize your life so you are set up for successful outcomes? And what about your relationships with others? Are you equally clear about the people you will and won’t be in a relationship with, personally and professionally? And do you keep your word or commitment to yourself, on this sacred non-negotiable? I suspect that most of you don't.

In this episode, I’m going explore the many ways that cultivating a healthy and loving relationship with your SELF isn’t a selfish act; in fact, it’s critical as an essential building block on the road to your success in academia, the workplace and your coupleship/family life or other relationships.

Developing your Executive Function Skills and shifting your limiting beliefs is the fastest and most effective way to overcome ADHD limitations, find focus, gain confidence, and newfound freedom in your life!

My mission is to put an end to the worldwide needless suffering of adults with ADHD and those with under-developed Executive Function Skills - whether from ADHD, chronic depression or anxiety, trauma, addictions, or chronic illnesses.  And, you don't need a formal diagnosis to know you need help developing these executive function skills in order to greatly reduce your suffering.

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Let's put an end to the worldwide needless suffering together! We can do this!

Further episodes of Living Beyond ADHD

Further podcasts by Dr B - Barbara A. Cohen, Ph.D., MFT, innovative educator, coach and psychot

Website of Dr B - Barbara A. Cohen, Ph.D., MFT, innovative educator, coach and psychot