Podcasts by Lin Eleoff

Lin Eleoff

Further podcasts by Lin Eleoff

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Lin Eleoff
Ep #80: BREAKING THROUGH FEAR w/ NAOMI ESTMENT from 2019-09-29T18:30:07

If you’re like so many coaches, you approach marketing and selling as necessary evils when it comes to running a coaching business. Just a thought but… What if you’re totally wrong?  I know I wa...

Lin Eleoff

Anxiety is a Bitch. With a capital B. Actually, let’s make that ALL CAPITALS (with an exclamation mark and italics): Anxiety is a BITCH! It keeps you small, it makes you hide, it makes you think...

Lin Eleoff

Yeah yeah yeah. You want to be a better person. You want to live your best life and all that stuff that Oprah talks about. But do you really? After all, just about anyone will tell you they wish...

Lin Eleoff

A woman said to me the other day, “I’m not interested in being powerful.” The statement made me curious about what having power meant to her. It made me protective of my own power. Shonda Rhimes...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #76: BE DO BE DO BE (Changing Your Emotional DNA) from 2019-09-03T00:50:43

Have you noticed that whenever we want to change anything about our lives we tend to focus on getting something, or having something, or doing something? We put our attention on taking action. I...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #75: How Pam Slim Made Me A Better Coach from 2019-08-26T12:12:05

Coaching can change your life in an instant. It can also make you a better coach.  In Episode 66 I told you all about my so-called Pam Slim Smackdown nearly a decade ago when I was in training t...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #74: How To FEEL So Much Better from 2019-08-18T23:43:42

Did you hear the one about the woman who wanted to start her own business but she was so afraid to do it because, in her own mind, she’d already failed?   She said she couldn’t stop the repetiti...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #73: There’s No Upside To That Dangerous Story You’re Telling from 2019-08-12T13:32:36

Do you know someone who appears to be grouchy most of the time? It’s because they’re telling themselves a grouchy story day in and day out. People like that are kinda dangerous… they can mess up...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #72: Your Lousy No Good Rotten STINKIN’(HORROR) STORY from 2019-08-05T13:31:16

I love a good story, don’t you? So why do we tell such horror-able stories about ourselves? In Episode 72 of MESS MAGIC MONEY we’re going to take a closer look at the lousy no good rotten stinki...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #71: BELIEVING You Can have EVERYTHING You Want from 2019-08-01T12:07:30

WHAT IF everything you say you want, all your plans, all your dreams… what if all of it is being contradicted by your subconscious mind? You can see the havoc that would cause with your life, ri...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #70: HOW To Get Exactly You Want from 2019-07-22T02:50:54

Once you know what you want, how will you make sure you get it? In episode 69 of MESS MAGIC MONEY I gave you an assignment: articulate with clarity what it is you want. People will often lament ...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #69: Everything Worth Having Starts With“I Want” from 2019-07-15T13:15:20

You can’t have what you want if you don’t even know what you want. Sounds obvious, I know, but if I asked you right now what it is you really really REALLY want, how would you answer? Sometimes ...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #68: What Should I Name My Business And My Website? from 2019-07-08T09:09:05

Is naming your coaching business making you crazier than a politician telling the truth on opposite day? (That’s pret-ty darn crazy!) I’ve seen so many coaches spin themselves in circles trying ...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #67: Who Do You Think You Are? from 2019-07-03T00:31:42

If you saw yourself across the room at a party, would you want to meet you? It’s one of my favorite questions to ask clients: “WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?”  How do you see yourself? Why are you th...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #66: My Pam Slim Smackdown (It hurt so good!) from 2019-06-24T10:05:16

Why, Pam, whyyyy? If you’re a parent, you know how it can make you oh-so-crazy when a child asks you WHY over and over and over again. But when it’s an adult who’s doing the asking, and “I don’t...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #65: My GUTSY Launch (Fear, You’re FIRED!) from 2019-06-17T09:38:59

Someone’s gotta say it so it may as well be me: “FEAR, you’re FIRED. Take your unwelcome puny ass on a hike because you have no idea how to run a business!” Take that, you lousy, no good stinkin...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #64: How This Coach Ditched Networking And Started SELLING from 2019-06-04T01:14:22

Priya Sonty admits she knew how to network. But getting paying clients was another story. Like so many coaches, Priya found herself doing “all the things” as she worked to build her coaching bus...

Lin Eleoff
BONUS: 100k DNA Enrollment is about to OPEN! from 2019-05-30T13:02:58

The doors are about to open. Listen to this…  The doors are about to open. Listen to this… 

The postB...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #63: How This Coach Kicked Fear In The Ass (Over and Over and Over Again!) from 2019-05-27T09:01:41

Fran Spillane sure knows how to deliver a swift kick in the ass. Fear and Self Doubt once  threatened to derail Fran’s dream to build a coaching business, until she put her big girl boots on and...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #62: How This Coach Turned Her Love Story Into A Business from 2019-05-20T12:42:30

Kathy Lindert walks her talk. Ya gotta love that in a woman! Kathy is one of my favorite private clients; she’s also a member of my $100k DNA Mastermind and I wanted to have her on the MESS MAGI...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #61: Are You Afraid To“Do”Business? from 2019-05-14T11:48:55

Are you secretly afraid to do business? And by “secretly” I mean unconsciously? Because if you’re not making money as a coach that’s a pretty good sign something’s afoot. You see, you can’t know...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #60: Get EVERYTHING You Want (Featuring Bruno Mars) from 2019-05-06T12:15:56

Don’t roll your eyes. Don’t shake your head. You absolutely can get EVERYTHING you want. Don’t believe me? Just listen to this podcast. Because Bruno Mars is in it. (Sort of. Not really. But lis...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #59: Integrity Is Self Care On Steroids from 2019-04-28T19:30:50

Without Integrity There’s Not Much Left of a Woman Without Integrity you’re just dabbling in Self Care. Sorry. Integrity is actually the Art of Extreme Self Love. It’s a 24/7 inside job and it n...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #58: Self Sabotage from 2019-04-22T02:19:14

Self Sabotage Is Bad For Business Starting your own business is so exciting, so empowering, so freeing. One of the biggest lessons I learned when I first started on my entrepreneurial journey (a...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #57: The Art of the Anti-Hustle from 2019-04-15T09:00:34

THE ART OF THE ANTI-HUSTLE Life coaches love love love it when I tell them they don’t have to network. It’s as if I had just given them a new car, à la Oprah. Networking is the used-car-salesman...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #56: What Should You Charge? from 2019-04-07T12:59:16

WHAT SHOULD YOU CHARGE FOR COACHING? Should you “raise your prices”? I just celebrated a birthday and my husband got me something that made me think about this very question. Now, I’m not one of...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #55: Your Inner Glass Ceiling from 2019-03-26T02:04:44

BREAKING THROUGH YOUR INNER GLASS CEILING Just like a fish doesn’t know it’s swimming in water, you have no idea what’s going on when you keep bumping your head against the inner glass ceiling t...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #54: F.U. Mindset from 2019-03-17T23:40:32

WHY YOU NEED AN F.U. MINDSET Newsflash: Your inner 6-year-old (we’ll call her Shirley) is mad at you. Don’t believe me? Then just watch all the times it feels like you’re sabotaging yourself. Th...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #53: IT’S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY from 2019-03-11T02:14:02

IT’S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY Money can buy you happiness. If you don’t agree, let me know how you’d feel if you lost power because you didn’t pay your electric bill. (Sad?) Money sure gets a bad rap...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #52: IT’S NOT ABOUT THE MONEY from 2019-03-07T18:14:58

IT’S NOT ABOUT THE MONEY WOW… All this money talk sure gets people talking! I’ve heard from so many coaches who say they can’t wrap their head around the “money part” of running a business. And ...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #51: LOUSY STORY = NO MONEY from 2019-02-19T16:12:04

LOUSY STORY = NO MONEY Cold hard truth: The lousy horrible dirty rotten money story that runs in the back of your mind every day, all day, is the reason you’re not able to break through your inn...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #50: DO I NEED TECH SKILLS? from 2019-02-14T18:32:41

Do I Have To Have Tech Skills? I remember when I first started my own online business I assumed I had to learn “all the tech” because that’s what I saw so many others doing. And the tech can bri...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #49: $100k DNA from 2019-02-11T13:24:13

Do You Have A $100k DNA™ Mindset? Everyone talks about hitting that magic number: $100k. Everyone is capable of hitting that magic number UNLESS they have been de-programmed to hit that magic nu...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #48: REBELLION IS NOT THE ANSWER from 2019-02-03T21:18:33

Rebellion is not the answer to getting what you want. Instead you have to be beautifully assertive. I used to be a bit of a rebel, wanting to go one way when everyone was telling me to go the ot...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #47: LET’S MAKE A MESS from 2019-01-28T04:27

Let’s Play In The Dirt. Let’s Make A Mess! Remember when you were a kid and your parents would yell at you to “CLEAN UP THAT MESS”? Am I the only would who would argue, “That’s not a mess!” For ...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #46: MASSIVE MOMENTUM&“THE BIG O” from 2019-01-21T19:39:13

Massive Momentum And “The Big O” Headlines extolling the virtues of taking massive action can sometimes make you want to throw in the towel and scream, “I can’t keep up.”  Taking massive action ...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #45: IT TAKES GUTS TO MAKE A MESS from 2019-01-07T04:03:31

It takes guts to make a mess. Especially when “everyone” is watching. We want to avoid embarrassment at all costs. And that’s the mistake… avoiding embarrassment at all costs. Because there is u...

Lin Eleoff
Ep #44: MESS MAGIC MONEY from 2018-12-30T13:34:29

Welcome to Season 3 of Gutsy Glorious Radio – MESS MAGIC MONEY! Building a coaching business that makes you money AND makes you happy begins with letting go of everything you thought you had to ...

Lin Eleoff
43. MARKETING, SELLING AND SEMANTICS from 2017-03-15T21:48:14

Do you “HATE” selling? Now, that’s no way to think about your business. After all, what is a business if it isn’t selling? In Episode 42 we talked about the importance of a marketing funnel. Thi...

Lin Eleoff
42. SET UP YOUR MARKETING FUNNEL from 2017-02-23T22:01:41

How’s your marketing funnel, Coach? If just hearing the words marketing funnel makes you break out in hives, all the more reason to pay attention (or close up shop, which would be so sad… so pay...

Lin Eleoff

Every single page on your website has a purpose: to work for you. Your website pages can make or break your coaching business. Why? Because the content on your site’s pages will either convert v...

Lin Eleoff
39. CREATING A BASIC BUSINESS PLAN from 2016-12-26T11:05:56

Introducing the “Absolute Bare-Bones Basic Business Plan.” If you have no other plan for your business, Coach, you need this one… It’s the very least that a “Responsible Business Owner” would do...

Lin Eleoff

In order to grow, you’ve got to let go. Easier said than done, right? If you’re a life coach who’s just starting out, or you’ve been at it for a while but don’t seem to be getting any traction, ...

Lin Eleoff
37. HOW TO WORK“ON”NOT“IN”YOUR BUSINESS from 2016-12-08T21:41:15

Do you know the difference between working ON versus IN your business? Working on your business feels like freedom. Working in your business feels like drudgery. That’s what we’re talking about ...

Lin Eleoff
35. INTRODUCING: The Gutsy Glorious Life Coach Book from 2016-09-06T04:00:32

Life Coaches, this one’s for you! I’ve just written the book I wish I’d had when I first started out in business on the Internet. What a nightmare that was! There was information everywhere and ...

Lin Eleoff
29. Anne Samoilov On Fearless Launching from 2016-06-23T10:05:29

“Find out what people want when they don’t think you’re listening.” ~ Anne Samoilov Are you ready to launch? Check that. Are you ready to launch without FEAR? So… that may not possible; fear is ...

Lin Eleoff
15. Jen Louden on Self Care and Self Trust from 2016-05-03T10:15:45

  “The secret to owning our power and our wisdom is through the body, not the mind.” ~ Jen Louden If anyone could call themselves a teacher you’d think it would be Jen Louden. Jen’s pretty much ...

Lin Eleoff
13. Tonya Leigh On How to French Kiss Life from 2016-04-26T10:05:42

“The journey to the dream should be as beautiful as the dream itself.” ~ Tonya Leigh Looking for some “joie de vivre”? Come meet my new BFF… Best Francophile Friend, Tonya Leigh. She is bursting...

Lin Eleoff
10. Susan Hyatt on Risking Her Ego from 2016-04-14T10:05:43

“Just because you’re really good at something doesn’t mean you should do it.”  ~ Susan Hyatt Susan Hyatt, life coach, author, and creator of the Life is Delicious group coaching program, says sh...

Lin Eleoff
9. Andrea Owen’s Kickass Life from 2016-04-12T10:05:48

Ready to lead a “kick ass life”? In this episode I talk to Andrea Owen about how she battled alcohol addiction, an eating disorder, and an abusive ex-husband, only to come out on top. On the bri...

Lin Eleoff
7. Brooke Castillo of The Life Coach School from 2016-04-05T10:05:15

Do you know Brooke Castillo? She heads up The Life Coach School. In this episode, Brooke talks about starting the school and working with her husband and the inevitable trials and tribulations t...
