Single mom money manifesto - a podcast by Emma Johnson

from 2016-06-28T16:31:46

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This is my mission statement for this platform, myself, and for single moms everywhere:



I will set big, giant scary goals for myself and family, regardless of what my family looks like, or what other people think I am capable of.

I appreciate every single day that I live in a time of unprecedented wealth and opportunity for women, and it is my duty to achieve both to honor the people who fought for me to have these opportunities, as well as for those who come after me.

I accept responsibility for my own financial well being.

I might not have it all figured out right now, but I am taking steps to be debt free, financially independent, and with a financial plan for the future.

I will never chose to under-earn in order to maximize receipt of child support, alimony or public benefits.

I will never under-earn to minimize paying child support or alimony.

I will take steps to minimize working mom guilt, instead deferring to extensive research that finds that after age 3, the number of hours moms spend with their kids does not impact their development, and actively thwart peer pressure that assumes that the stay-at-home mom is the better mom, because all science finds to the contrary.

I will take big and calculated (and some not-so-calculated) risk. Because that is the only way to grow and change — financially, professionally and personally.

I will seek without guilt or shame work that is exciting, creative and fulfilling.

I will never minimize my professional success — in actuality or perception — in order to appear attractive to men.

I relish that I am role model of earning and professional success for my children. Also, for other women and moms.

I give back. Even — especially — when I feel like I don’t have any more to give, I remember that I can give to others, and that gives me strength.

I accept help. I’m just one woman, I am vulnerable, and I can’t do everything on my own (that would be insane).

I will stumble, fail, eff stuff up in the worst way. Then get back up and go for it again.

I’m never, ever, ever, ever, ever entitled. Ever!

I am capable of so, so much more than I limit myself to. I open myself up to the amazing and impossible.


Further episodes of Like a Mother

Further podcasts by Emma Johnson

Website of Emma Johnson